
Hope for This Life

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #322 ~

You must have hope! You must have hope for both this life and the ages to come! We’ve talked extensively about having hope for the coming ages, specifically that we’ll be in heaven with Jesus Christ and all the believers and in a new body. To live rightly for God in this life, you must have hope for the next life, you must know the infinite and eternal value of living all out for God, you must realize “that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Cor. 15:58b, 1 Cor. 3:8

You also need hope for this time on earth. If you don’t have hope during this life, then why would you want to keep living? You must have a godly hope for your present life if you are to be motivated to keep going serving Him until the end of your stay on earth. What does it mean to have hope? What are some principles that will enable you to be “steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord?” 1 Cor. 15:58a

* Having hope means you have faith in God, you are trusting Him and not trusting yourself. If you have hope, then you have faith, and if you have faith, then you will have hope; they are closely connected. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for.” Heb. 11:1
* Having hope means believing that God has a good and clear purpose for your life, good things stored up for you, good works for you to do. “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” Eph. 2:10, Ps. 31:19

* Having hope does not mean having a fleshly purpose, a worldly goal, or personal ambition. We are talking about God’s will for your life, about moving ahead, not in a worldly way but in a godly way. “Understand what the will of the Lord is.” Eph. 1:17-18
* Having hope means trusting God for the future no matter how you feel, whether your circumstances are good or bad. “We had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead.” 2 Cor. 1:8-10

* Having hope means you are putting your hope in God’s word, you are believing the truths of God’s word. “I have put my hope in Your word.” Ps. 119:114, 43, 74, 81; Ps. 119:1-8
* Having hope means you are a forward-looking person, and you are looking forward to tomorrow, to next week, to all the days of this year, and all the years of your life. “…forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead.” Phil. 3:12-14

* Having hope means you understand that “to live is Christ.” You know that living in, for, and through Christ is why you are now on earth and not in heaven, that living in this way is “fruitful labor… is more necessary” for others. Soon enough, God will take you home to heaven, and then you will understand that “to die is gain.” Phil. 1:21-24
* Having hope means you are living by God’s commands – and it’s this that puts you on a holy highway. Obeying God’s commands is an essential key to having a godly future, for they keep you going in the right way, on the straight and narrow, in the direction God has planned out for you. “I shall run the way of Your commandments.” Ps. 119:32

* Having hope means knowing that God will lead you in the plans He has for you, that by His word, Spirit, and wise counsel, you will know and be able to do what He wants you to do. “Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” Ps. 143:10; Ps. 32:8; Prov. 12:15b, 24:14; Phil. 4:13
* Having hope means having promises, for they tell you that it’s worth it to trust and obey God, and encourage you to keep living for God in this life. “Trust also in Him and He will do it. He will bring forth your righteousness as the light.” Ps. 37:3-6

* Having hope means believing that God is with you, that you are not alone, and that He will never leave or forsake you. “My presence will go with you.” Ex. 33:14, Heb. 13:5b
* Having hope means knowing God’s name, His character, that He is good, powerful, wise, holy, righteous, truthful, loving, merciful, forgiving, compassionate, patient, faithful, and sovereign. “Those who know Your name will put their trust in You.” Ps. 9:10
* Having hope means knowing that God is forgiving. You know you will sin but you know God is merciful, and if you confess and forget your sins then you can get up and keep moving ahead. “A righteous man falls seven times and rises again.” Prov. 24:16

* Having hope means knowing that God is sovereign. No matter what has happened in the past or will happen in the future, you believe God will work it out for your good and His glory. “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” Gen. 50:20, Rom. 8:28-29
* Having hope means you are excited about the life God has for you. You are not blasé about the days ahead, and you are not dreading the future, but you are looking forward to all the days that God has for you on this earth. “She smiles at the future.” Prov. 31:25 

* Having hope means knowing the great love of God. Being satisfied, strengthened, and motivated by God’s love is essential to joyfully going on for Him during your time on earth. “Satisfy us in the morning with Your love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Ps. 90:14
* Having hope means knowing what it means to be weak in yourself, but strong in Christ. You understand being sick, tired, weary, in pain, persecuted, or in distress, but continuing on by God’s grace. “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness… for when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Cor. 12:9-10

* Having hope means knowing that you will have all the strength you need as you live out your days for God, even as you get close to that time when He takes you home. “Your strength will equal your days.” Deut. 33:25b
* Having hope results in working, fighting, and winning for God. It means laboring on in spite of sin, trials, fear, loneliness, physical tiredness, emotional weariness, gossip, slander, discouragement, and devilish attacks. “… tribulation, distress, persecution… in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us…” Rom. 8:35-39

* Having hope means knowing the Holy Spirit is in you, and will lead you, empower you, teach you, help you be holy, and be with you forever. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you?” 1 Cor. 6:19; John 14:16-18, 25-2
* Having hope means knowing that God sees your future, and that He goes ahead of you, and clears the way for you. “The Lord is the One who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deut. 31:8

* Having hope means having no fear, for you are trusting God and His word, and are confident and courageous, not dismayed or discouraged by anyone or anything. “… This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night… be strong and courageous… the Lord is with you wherever you go.”Joshua 1:7-9
* Having hope means knowing that God will deliver you from evil and will take you to heaven. “The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever.” 2 Tim. 4:18, Ps. 18, Ps. 121:7

Life isn’t easy – it has many dangers, toils, and snares. Some of you might be here during the great tribulation, when the Antichrist is ruling the earth and greatly persecuting Christians and Jews. But no matter what happens in this life, you have a future and a hope. What God told Jeremiah is true for you – “‘I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not calamity to give you a future and a hope.’” Jer. 29:11

This godly hope enables you to live in the present and look to the future. If you don’t have hope, you will get stuck, stagnate, and won’t be very useful to God. You need this kind of hope as long as you are living on this earth. It is motivating, encouraging, and empowering. It gives you a reason to keep loving and serving God, to go strong to the end of your life. “Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.” Prov. 23:18, 24:14

I have spoken of the hope that God wants you to have in this life. As I said earlier, there is a hope that speaks of the ages to come, and this hope must also be in your heart. This hope talks of being in heaven, being with Jesus, being glorified, being with believers, and being rewarded for your work. And you should be looking forward to all these hopes being fulfilled. Heb. 12:22-24; 1 Thess. 4:18; 1 Cor. 15:42-44; 1 Thess. 2:19-20; Rev. 22:12

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Rom. 15:13

P.S. What a blessing that God has given us hope for this life and the next. Here are more posts about the hope that God has given us for the next life, the ages to come: “You Need Hope to Get Through Life”, “Your Great Hope and Most Glorious Future”, “The Best is Yet to Come.”

My First Real Christmas!

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #321 ~

Rome – The painting Adoration of Magi in the church Chiesa id san Giuseppe alla Lungara by Mariano Rossi (1768).

It was 30 years ago, Dec. 2-4, 1994, that my wife and I went to a prophecy conference on the book of Revelation given by Marvin Rosenthal. Talk about changing our lives! That weekend of Bible study and interacting with Marv set in motion 30 years of learning, hope, and excitement about Christ’s coming and the 1000-year kingdom age!

After going home, I could not stop thinking about Christmas and Christ’s 1st coming in conjunction with His 2nd coming. And I was wondering why many churches were just focused on Jesus’ birth. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not dismissing the necessity of His birth, the Incarnation, for it’s vital to the gospel and God’s purposes. But I was learning that there was so much more, that Jesus’ birth was part of a much larger picture.

Hearing Marv’s excellent end-times’ Bible teaching, being immersed in God’s prophetic word for three days, was helping me to fully see God’s plan for Christians, Christianity, and the world. That weekend started me on a journey of understanding the connection between Christ’s 1st advent and His 2nd advent, of seeing the big picture, of knowing the entirety of God’s purpose for His people and planet earth.

There was Christ’s birth, and His life, death, resurrection, ascension, the church, and His return to rapture the church, punish the sinners, and reign over this world. And for the first time ever, I had a panoramic view of my own life, that I was chosen, foreknown, predestined, called, that I was justified because of what Christ did at His 1st coming, that I am now being sanctified, and that I will be glorified at His 2nd coming. Rom. 8:28-30

Let’s now look at Matt. 1-2 and Luke 1-2 for it helps us see the big picture – it speaks of Christ’s 1st coming and 2nd coming, of Christ being both a Savior and a King.
– Matt. 2:1-12. The magi were searching for the King, for they wanted to worship Him and give Him gifts. They ask, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we… have come to worship Him” (vs. 2). Vs. 5 is based on the Mic. 5:2-5 prophecy predicting that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem and be a ruler. “Bethlehem, land of Judah…out of you shall come forth a ruler.” Rev. 12:5 confirms this truth about Jesus – “She gave birth to a Son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations.”

Luke 1:26-35. The angel Gabriel, on a surprise visit to Mary, told her that she would miraculously give birth to a baby, the son of man, and that He would be the Son of God. Not only that, but He would be a King, the fulfillment of God’s promise to David – “The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end” (Lk. 1:32-33, 2 Sam. 7:12-13). That Jesus is a King and will be the King of this earth is a major theme of the Christmas story.

Luke 1:54-55. “He (God) has given help to Israel His servant… as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants forever.” Mary knew the Davidic Covenant, God’s promise to David, and the Abrahamic Covenant, God’s promise to Abraham. (Gen. 12:1-3). She believed this promise, that Abraham would be greatly blessed, that his descendants (Jewish people) would become a great nation, inherit a special piece of land (Israel), and that they and all the people of the earth (Gentiles) would be greatly blessed.

Luke 1:67-75. Zacharias also spoke about the Abrahamic Covenant, “… His holy covenant, the oath which He swore to Abraham our father” (Lk. 1:72-73). And he understood redemption and salvation, the New Covenant, that God would forgive people their sins. “I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel… I will forgive their iniquity and their sin I will remember no more.” Jer. 31:31, 34; Lk. 2:68-69, 77-79

Luke 2:25-35. Simeon, knowing God’s promises to the Jewish people, was expecting the Messiah to fulfill them, knowing this would result in Israel being comforted (Is. 40:1, 61:1-2). Simeon was convinced that the Messiah would deliver the Jews from their sins, bless them with land, and be a great and glorious King who would rule over them and the entire world. “I will be their God, and they will be My people.” Ezek. 37:21-28

Simeon then saw Jesus, the Messiah, and actually held Him. Praising God, he said, “Mine eyes have seen Your salvation” (Lk. 2:30). Simeon knew that the Messiah, a descendant of Jews, didn’t just come for Jews but also for Gentiles. He then prophesied, “this Child is appointed for the fall and rise of many in Israel” (Lk. 2:34). The “fall” tells us that many Jews would reject Christ as their Savior, and since His 1st coming this has been true. The “rise” is saying that a few Jews will be saved during this church age, but moreso at Christ’s 2nd coming and in the kingdom ages. Ps. 96, Is. 45:17, Rom. 11:25-27

Luke 2:36-38. Anna, believing God’s promises to the Jews, was expecting, was waiting for the Messiah, was “looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.” Anna knew that God had promised spiritual and physical blessings to the Jewish people – salvation, land, and a King who would rule over Jerusalem, Israel, and the whole world.

Do you see what God is saying? God is telling us that the key players in the 1st coming of Christ knew ahead of time about His birth, and that He would fulfill His promises to the Jews, the Abrahamic, Davidic, and New Covenants. They understood the overall plan that God had for His people. But they did not know the timing, that Christ would go back to heaven, and much later come back as a King and then begin His rule on earth. Psalm 2, 47

During this Advent season, might you see the big picture. Might you understand what Matt. 1-2 and Luke 1-2, in conjunction with God’s prophetic word, is saying. Let me summarize some key thoughts and takeaways from these passages:
* God’s promise of salvation is already being realized all over this world by a great many Jews and Gentiles.

* God’s promises to the Jews about land and a King were not fulfilled at Christ’s 1st coming but will be fulfilled at His 2nd coming. These promises also relate to Christians, for we too will inherit the earth, and reign with Christ as King. Matt. 5:5, 24:30; Rev. 5:10
* We’re much closer to Christ’s 2nd coming than His 1st coming. Since we live in the end-times, we know Christ’s return is not a matter of millennia or centuries but decades, not hundreds of years away, but years away. “Behold, I am coming soon.” Rev. 22:7, 12

* Be like Zacharias, Elizabeth, Mary, Joseph, Simeon, Anna, etc. They were excited about the coming Christ and were expecting Him to live on earth and fulfill His promises to them. They were praying (Matt. 6:9-10 – “Your kingdom come”). And like them, might we also tell others about Jesus Christ, our Lord, Savior, and King.
* Being glorified, being fully saved, is the first thing to happen at Christ’s 2nd coming, and is in conjunction with God’s renewed work with the Jews and the fulfillment of His promises to them. Matt. 24:9-31, 1 Cor. 15:20-23, 2 Thess. 2:1-9

I am so grateful that God opened my eyes to these important and relevant truths about God’s plans for the end-times, Christ’s coming, and the millennial kingdom. It’s imperative that Christians, and now at this Christmas time, clearly understand that Christ came to be a Savior, and that He is coming again, and soon, to be a Judge and a King. “Even a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us (1st coming); and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace… (2nd coming).” Isaiah 9:6-7

Here are some previous posts about the real meaning of Christmas: “First Coming to Church Age to Second Coming”, “The Christmas Story and Christ’s Second Coming”, “Christmas is More than Baby Jesus”, and “The True Meaning of Christmas.”

Loving Jesus Now, in the Future, and Forever

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Satuday Morning Post #320 ~

About 50 years ago I met an older and godly man named Abe. He was my Sunday School teacher in a small Baptist church in a small NE Iowa town. Never have I met anyone so filled love with love for God, who just beamed with joy, and who spoke so excitedly about being in heaven with Jesus. His example has truly encouraged and motivated me through the years.

There is a clear connection between loving Jesus Christ now and loving Him in the future. As a Christian, you should be looking forward to seeing Jesus in person, and loving the One who loves you far more than anyone else. If you don’t have a close relationship with Jesus, if you are not actively loving Him now, then you are probably not excited about seeing Him and being with Him in heaven. 

So how is your relationship with Jesus? Is He #1 in your life? Is He your best friend? Are you getting good alone-time with Him? Are you telling Him how much you love Him? Do you praise Him and sing to Him with all your heart? Are you like Mary, “seated at the Lord’s feet, listening to His word?” Remember, “only one thing is necessary” (Lk. 10:39, 42), and that’s being with Jesus, and loving Him and learning from Him.

If Jesus is first in your life, then you will know His love for you; you will be filled with joy; you will be at peace; you will be perfectly satisfied; you will be loving others; you will be helping Jesus make disciples “to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:19-20); and you will be wanting Him and waiting for Him to take you to Himself and home to heaven.

If you don’t have a strong love for Jesus, if you aren’t doing what He wants you to do, if you aren’t excited that He’s coming again to be with you, then consider these questions:
* Are there sins that have captured your heart, that have taken hold in your life, sins you need to confess to God and Christ? Ps. 32:1-5, 1 John 1:5-9
* Are you fleshly, are you loving the things of the world? 1 Cor. 3:1-4, 1 Jn. 2:15-17
* Are you remembering what Christ did for you at His 1st coming? Do you know what He did for you on the cross, that He died to pay for all your sins? Are you regularly taking communion? Do you realize how much God has forgiven you? Do you think often about Christ’s love for you? Ps. 86:12-13; 1 Cor. 11:23-26; 1 Jn. 4:10,19

* Do you understand the truths about God redeeming you, justifying you, forgiving you, reconciling you, adopting you, and sealing you with the Spirit? Eph. 1:3-14
* Are you in a solid church, in a good, Christ-is-coming, Bible-preaching church? 2 Tim. 4:1-2 – “In view of His appearing and His kingdom… preach the word.” 1-2 Thess.
* Are you having good fellowship with other Christians? Heb. 10:24-25
* Do you have good Christian friends that you are accountable to and that are an encouragement to you? Prov. 18:24b, Rom. 16:3-16, Col. 4:7-15
* Do you know what Christ will do for you at His 2nd coming? Are you filled with hope? Do you understand the glorious future God has planned out for you? Do you realize that “to live is Christ” but “to die is gain,” that being with Jesus in heaven is better than being with Jesus on earth? Rom. 8:18-25, Rom. 15:13

* Do you realize how much Jesus wants to be with you, how much He wants to show you His love in the future and for all eternity? Jesus told you, “If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also” (Jn. 14:3). Jesus prayed, “Father, I desire that they also, whom You have given Me, be with Me where I am, so that they may see My glory which You have given Me, for You loved Me before the foundation of the world” (Jn. 17:24). Jesus “died for us, so that whether we are awake or asleep, we will live together with Him.” 1 Thess. 5:11

The most important thing in life is knowing God’s love and loving Him! That’s it! And Jesus does not hesitate to correct Christians – “I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” (Rev. 2:4). O, may this not be true of you! “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Mk. 12:30, 1 Cor. 16:22

Looking forward to loving Jesus in the future is an important sign that you love Him in the present. So are you wholeheartedly loving Jesus now and excited about loving Him in the future? If you are not sure, then go over the questions I listed, and get some answers; ask God to search you, cleanse you, and instruct you (Ps. 139:23-24); and He will surely revive you. “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore, be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” Rev. 3:19-20

Finally, remember what Job said, “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see Him with my own eyes – I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me” (Job 19:25-27). And say, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Rev. 22:20

P.S. During this Christmas season are we emphasizing the importance of our relationship with Jesus? As you know, this is what is most important. Here are three posts that speak of your love for Jesus and your relationship with Him: “The Rapture, a Love Story”, “Loving the Lord and Longing to See Him”, “Loving God Today, Tomorrow, and Forever.”

I Am Thankful That Christ is Coming Again!

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #319 ~

I am thankful that close to 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ came to earth and died to pay for all my sins and then rose again, this resulting in me being forgiven, being a child of God, being greatly loved by Him, and receiving eternal life. And I will keep being thankful until Christ comes again, and then forever and ever. “Do this in remembrance of Me… As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.” 1 Cor. 11:25-26

I am also thankful for the wonderful future God has planned out for me and all His people: 
– I am thankful that Jesus Christ is coming again. Matt. 24:30
– I am thankful that Jesus Christ is coming again, and soon. Rev. 22:7, Heb. 10:37
– I am thankful that God told me what will be taking place in the end-times. Matt. 24:3-31, Luke 21:7-31, 1 Thess. 4:13-18, 2 Thess. 2:1-11
– I am thankful that God told me all we need to know before Christ’s return. Mark 13:23
– I am thankful that God’s word tells me how to live and what to do in the final years of this age. Rom. 13:11-14,1 Thess. 5:4-11, Rev. 12:11, Rev. 13:9-10
– I am thankful that by observing world events and knowing God’s word, I can see that Christ’s coming is drawing closer. 1 Chron. 12:32, Luke 12:54-56, Heb. 10:25

I am thankful that God powerfully, purposefully, and precisely “works all things after the counsel of His will” so as to bring about the return of His Son, and “so that we who were the first to hope in Christ would be to the praise of His glory.” Eph. 1:9-11
– I am thankful that God is sovereign, that He is working all things together for good during the final years of this dark, difficult, and evil age. Rom. 8:28-30
– I am thankful that God wanted me to be alive “for such a time as this“, to be living for Him in the last years leading up to Christ’s return. Esth. 4:14, Ps. 31:15a
– I am thankful that God carefully planned out my life, that He knows exactly what He wants me to do in these last days of the church age. Ps. 23:3b, Eph. 2:10
– I am thankful that Christ will keep growing the church during these end-times, and will help me do my part in seeking Him, proclaiming the gospel, and making disciples. Matt. 6:33, 24:14, 28:19

I am thankful that my earthly work results in God being glorified. 1 Cor. 10:31
– I am thankful that my earthly work has eternal value in believer’s lives, in this age and in the ages to come. Eph. 1:21, 2:6; Phil. 1:21-25
– I am thankful that my earthly work results in being eternally rewarded and in having eternal friendships. Luke 16:9, 1 Cor. 3:8, Rev. 22:12
– I am thankful that during my life on this earth, God will never leave me, is with me to the end of my physical life or to the end of this age. Matt. 28:20, John 14:16-17
– I am thankful that it won’t be long before God takes me home to heaven, whether by death or by rapture. 1 Cor. 15:51, James 4:14, Heb. 10:37

I am thankful for God’s love, power, wisdom, holiness, forgiveness, mercy, and compassion, for I need these to successfully live for God. Ps. 9:10, Eph. 1:3
– I am thankful for God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, and the church, for I need these to live for Him in the end-times and when that devilish Antichrist is ruling this world Acts 2:24; Rev. 12:7-17, 13:3-18
– I am thankful that God will protect and deliver me from evil and the evil one and bring me safely and triumphantly to heaven. Ps. 121:7, Matt. 6:13, 2 Tim. 4:18
– I am thankful that if God’s plan is for me to be raptured, then He will enable me to endure to the end of this age and Christ’s coming. Matt. 24:13, 1 Cor. 1:8-9
– I am thankful to be in a church with believing and loyal friends who also understand the future God has planned out for us. 1 Cor. 12:18, 2 Thess. 2:1-12
– I am thankful that it won’t be long before I see Jesus face to face. Job 19:25-27
– I am thankful that I will see my loved ones in heaven. 1 Thess. 2:19-20, 4:13-14

I am thankful that this evil age, this age when Satan is ruling the world, will soon come to a just and glorious end. Ps. 37, Matt. 24:29-31, 1 John 5:19, Rev. 11:15
– I am thankful that the Antichrist and the false prophet will be defeated and cast into the lake of fire. 2 Thess. 2:8-9, Rev. 19:20
– I am thankful that Satan will be locked up during the 1000-year kingdom age, and then cast into the lake of fire. Rev. 20:1-3, 7-10

I am thankful that God continues to show His love and faithfulness to the Jewish people, and that His prophecies about them and promises to them are being fulfilled in the end-times and the age to come. Gen. 12:1-3, Is. 60-61, Luke 21:24
– I am thankful that Christ is returning to rapture the church. 1 Thess. 4:17
– I am thankful that Christ will return to judge an evil world. Rev. 6:12-17, Rev. 8-9
– I am thankful that Christ is returning to save a Jewish remnant. Is. 45:17, Rom. 11:26
– I am thankful that Christ is returning to reign over this world. Ps. 47, Zech. 14:9
– I am thankful that God has my eternal life all planned out, now and forever. Jer. 29:11, Luke 19:16-19, John 3:16, Eph. 2:10
– I am thankful that God will be giving me a brand-new body – a powerful, immortal, spiritual, and glorious body, one perfectly fit for God and for all eternity. 1 Cor. 15:42-44, Phil. 3:20-21

I am thankful that in the kingdom age, the world will be filled with the knowledge and glory of God. Ps. 72:18-19, Is. 6:3, Hab. 2:14, Rev. 5:13, Rev. 7:12
– I am thankful that in the kingdom age Christ will be exalted among the nations and in the earth. Ps. 46:10
– I am thankful that the kingdom age is a good age, a time when we will say, “Your will be done, on earth as it is heaven.” Matt. 6:10- I am thankful that in the kingdom age, God’s holiness, truth, power, love, mercy, wisdom, and justice will be on display in the world like never before. Ps. 67, Is. 12
– I am thankful that in the kingdom age I will see Christ showing mercy to those who are afflicted and hurting. Ps. 72:12-14
– I am thankful that in the kingdom age, Christ will be carying out perfect justice. Ps. 72:4
– I am thankful that in the kingdom age, I will be reigning with Christ. Rev. 20:6
– I am thankful that in the kingdom age, I will be perfectly loving, serving, and glorifying God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. Ps. 145:1-2, Mark 12:30

I am thankful that at the end of the kingdom age, “death and hades” will be “thrown into the lake of fire.” Rev. 20:14
– I am thankful that after the 1000-year kingdom age, “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes… there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain.” Rev. 21:4
– I am thankful that after the 1000-year kingdom age, “then comes the end, when He (Christ) hands over the kingdom to God the Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and all power.” 1 Cor. 15:24

I am thankful God has given me hope, that I have many things to look forward to. Rom. 5:2, 8:18-25, 8:29-30, 8:38-39, 11:25-27, 13:11-14, 15:8-13, 16:27
– I am thankful that the best is yet to come, being with Jesus, being in a new body, being with believers, being rewarded, and being in my heavenly home on a perfect earth. John 14:1-3; Col. 3:23-24; 1 Thess. 5:9-11; Heb. 12:22-24; 1 John 3:2; Rev. 21:1, 10-23

Believers should be thankful for the past, present, and future. And my focus today is on your glorious future. Being thankful will help you understand the immense and eternal love God has for you. It will help you be more excited about the hope God has given you. And it will be a glory to God and a blessing to your soul.

“I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart” (Ps. 9:1). “I will praise the name of God with song and magnify Him with thanksgiving” (Ps. 69:30). “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good, His love is everlasting, and His faithfulness to all generations” (Ps. 100:4-5). “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God” (Col. 3:17). “In everything give thanks for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess. 5:17

P.S. What a glorious future that God has given to all His children. Might we be ever thankful to God and for all that He has done and will do for us. To Him be all the glory!!! Here are three good articles to read – Being Thankful, the Character of a Christian”, and Thinking of Jesus Christ”, and “Over 100 New Testament Verses on Christ’s Second Coming.”

The King and His Kingdom

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #318 ~

We live in a world divided into all these different countries, and each one has its own leader. But it won’t be long before we see Jesus Christ, the King of kings, return to earth, and He will be its sole leader, and be visibly and powerfully ruling over the entire world. God repeatedly promised that His Son Jesus would be a great King with a glorious Kingdom. Here are some Old Testament verses that are predictive and descriptive of Christ and His kingdom.

2 Sam. 7:12-13 – “I will raise up your descendant… He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of His kingdom forever.” God told us that the coming King would be a descendant of David, and Matt. 1 proves this to be true. We also learn that Jesus’ kingdom will forever display God’s name – His character, purposes, and glory.

Psalm 47:2-3“The Lord Most High is to be feared, a great King over all the earth…” The coming King is God, the Lord Most High, and He will be more loving and powerful than any other being in history. He will be the most glorious King ever, and be greatly respected and praised. And He will subdue and rule over every nation on earth.

Isaiah 9:6-7“A child will be born to us… The government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace…” The coming King is both God and man. And He’s wise, powerful, holy, just, eternal, and fatherly. And He will bring real peace to the whole world.

Psalm 2“… As for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain…” The leaders of this world are strongly opposed to God and Jesus Christ, and are being warned by Christ that they need to worship Him, or else. But they won’t, and so at the end of this age, Christ will defeat and judge these evil kings and their kingdoms, and then establish His glorious kingdom on this earth.

Many other Old Testament passages speak of the coming King and His Kingdom: Psalm 10:16; Psalm 22:27-28; Psalm 24:7-10; Psalm 29:10-11; Psalm 45:6; Psalm 48:1-3; Psalm 65:8-13; Psalm 67; Psalm 72; Psalm 89:27-29; Psalm 98; Psalm 102:12-22; Psalm 132:10-18; Psalm 145:1-2, 10-13; Isaiah 2:1-4; Jeremiah 10:10; Ezekiel 37:21-28; Daniel 2:44-45; Daniel 7:13-14, 23-27; Micah 5:2-5a; Zeph. 3:14-17; Zech. 14:1-9

The New Testament also tells us about Christ the King and His Kingdom.
* Matthew 1-2 speaks about the ancestry of the King, the birth of the King, the birthplace of the King, the mother of the King, the name of the King, the purpose of the King, the worship of the King, the enemies of the King, and the escape of the King. 
* Luke 1-2 talks about Jewish believers who were excitedly looking forward to seeing the King and His blessing upon Israel. There were Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, Simeon, and Anna.

* Luke 19:32-38 – Many Jews were saying this as Christ entered Jerusalem – “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord.” They hoped He would set up His earthly kingdom but they were mistaken, for His primary purpose at His 1st coming was to die to save people from their sins. At His 2nd coming, Christ will rapture the church, judge the world, save a remnant of Jews, and establish Himself as King over this earth. 
* John 19:37 – Jesus told Pilate, “You say correctly that I am a King.” Jesus admitted to Pilate that He was a King, but His goal at that time was not to rule as a King but to be a Savior, to die on a cross and be raised again to save people from sin and from death. 

* Matthew 24:3-31 describes in detail what has to happen before the coming of the King. He tells His disciples that there will be wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues, increasing lawlessness, false teaching, betrayal, the desecration of the Jewish temple, the revealing and rule of the Antichrist, great persecution of Jews and Christians, preaching the gospel to the nations, and signs in the heavens. Lk. 21:7-24; 1 Th. 4:13-18; Rev. 6:1-17, 13:3-18
* Matthew 19:27-28 tells us that in the “regeneration”, the rebirth of the earth in the coming age, Jesus’ disciples will reign with Him over the nation of Israel.

So what do you need to know and do before Christ returns?
1. Learn from God’s word what needs to happen before Christ returns. Mark 13:23
2. Pray for the coming of Christ and His kingdom. Matt. 6:9-10 – “Our Father, who are in heaven, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
3. Be diligently doing the work God wants you to do. Eph. 2:10
4. Be alert for you don’t know when Christ is coming. And be ready for Christ, watching for Christ, and looking forward to being with Christ. Matt. 24:42-51

Here is a summary of the millennial kingdom age:
1. Jesus Christ will reign over the entire earth, over all the nations. Ps. 72:8
2. Christ will reign from the city of Jerusalem. Ps. 48:1-2, Zech. 14:9
3. The earth will be restored, be renewed, be remodeled. Acts 3:21, Rom. 8:20-21
4. The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord. Isaiah 11:9
5. The earth will be filled with the glory of God. Ps. 72:19
6. This part of Christ’s kingdom will exist for exactly 1,000 years. Rev. 20:1-7

7. The heavens will be glad and the earth will rejoice during this kingdom age. Ps. 96:11
8. The gospel will be preached to all nations, and many will be saved. Ps. 96:2, 98:2-3
9. Israel will be greatly blessed as a nation, and God’s blessing on them will result in the entire world being blessed. Is. 12, Is. 60
10. Every knee will bow to Christ, and every tongue confess that He is Lord. Phil. 2:9-11
11. The kings and the nations of the world will serve Christ. Ps. 72:11
12. The millennial kingdom will not be an evil age, but a good age. Hab. 2:14

13. Agriculturally, the earth will be extremely fruitful and productive. Ps. 65:9-13
14. The apostles will rule with Christ over the nation of Israel. Matt. 19:27-29
15. Believers will reign with Christ. 1 Cor. 6:2-3; Rev. 5:12, 20:6
16. Believers will be gifted and empowered to carry out Christ’s work. Luke 19:16-19
17. Jerusalem will be a holy city, and no one will be weeping or crying. Is. 65:19
18. Christ will have mercy on the poor and needy, and help them. Ps. 72:13

19. People on earth during the kingdom age will live a very long time. “The one who does not reach the age of 100 will be thought accursed.” Is. 65:20
20. Animals will get along, for the “wolf will dwell with the lamb.” Is. 11:6-9
21. Even children and snakes will get along, for “the weaned child will put his hand in the viper’s den.” Is. 11:8
22. Satan will be released at the end of this age, gather sinners to himself, lead a rebellion against Christ, be quickly defeated, and then be cast into the lake of fire. Rev. 20:7-10
23. Christ will abolish all rule, authority, and power; all things will be subject to Him; and He will cast death and Hades into the lake of fire. 1 Cor. 15:24-28, Rev. 20:11-15
24. The millennial kingdom will be followed by the eternal kingdom. Rev. 21:1

Do you see where we are now at and where we are going? We are living in the end-times and God wants you to be fully informed about these last years before Christ’s coming and His 1000-year kingdom. He wants you to be encouraged, to have hope, to be looking forward to seeing and being with Christ and worshiping and serving Him in the coming kingdom age.

“Grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood – and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father – to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him.” Revelation 1:4-7a

P.S. One of my favorite subjects is the coming kingdom age. I like it and I need it because it gives me hope, and you need hope too. Here are two other posts on this important subject of the millennial kingdom age: “The Coming Kingdom Age – 1000 Years of Glory”, “The KING of Kings is Coming.”


By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #317 ~

The King is coming back! And for 1,000 years, Christ the King will perfectly reign over this earth, bringing justice, peace, and love. Now you live in an evil world that is increasingly becoming more sinful and corrupt (Matt. 24:14). And you need hope – you must know that Christ is returning soon to clean up this world and begin reigning over it.

But now you live on earth, and there’s an important election in this country. As a Christian, vote for that person who most aligns with God’s truth and values, who promotes freedoms that enable you to share the gospel, and to “lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (1 Tim. 2:1-6 ). May God have mercy on us!

But don’t ever put your hope in a human king or leader. God commands you, “Do not trust in princes, in mortal man, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit departs, he returns to earth” (Ps. 146:3-4). It is true that God ordains governing authorities at this time (Rom. 13:1-7), but you must never put your trust in them.

Psalm 146:5 goes on to say, “How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God.” You must trust in God, for He is the only One who can really help you. Only He can spiritually bless you, can save your soul, forgive your sins, and take you to Jesus. If there’s any physical blessing from human leaders, it’s God who wanted it, ordained it, and caused it to happen. Truly, both spiritual and physical blessings are from God. Ps. 103, Ps. 146:6-10

So don’t be overly focused on elections – don’t ever think that what some leader may do for you is most important, for it’s not. What’s most important is your relationship with God, loving Him, knowing Him, and experiencing His love, joy, and peace in your heart. What’s important is setting your mind on the things above, on the kingdom of God, not on the things below, on the kingdoms of men. Ps. 73:25-26, Ps. 91:14-16

It’s being preoccupied with doing God’s will, knowing that He will physically bless you, will meet all your needs. So what is God’s will, what does He want you to do?
– Jesus says, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” Matt. 6:33
– Jesus says, “I will build the church” (Matt. 16:18). Work with Jesus in building the church.
– Jesus says, “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world… and then the end will come” (Matt. 24:14). Join with the church in preaching the gospel.
– Jesus says, “Go make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them… and teaching them to observe all that I commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:19-20). Do your part in making disciples.

(Notice the word “end” in the last two verses? God wants you to do His will in view of the fact that Christ will come back at the end of this age. You can only carry out God’s plans as you see the big picture, as you have hope, as you are looking for Christ to return to take you to heaven, and then set up His kingdom on earth.)

So God tells you what to do but He also instructs you to pray: “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:9-10). What can you learn from this and related verses?
1. That God will establish His kingdom on earth, and it will be a 1000-year kingdom, immediately followed by an eternal one. 1 Cor. 15:24-28, Rev. 20-21
2. That God’s kingdom is heavenly and godly kingdom in nature. And God’s will, His holy and heavenly purpose for earth, will be carried out during this time.
3. That God wants you to be regularly praying for Him to set up His kingdom on earth.

4. That this kingdom will be led by Jesus Christ. He is holy and will reign on this earth, fulfilling all God’s purposes, enacting justice and giving mercy. Ps. 72
5. That we need hope. We live on an evil earth, in a corrupt, unjust, unloving world. And you must know that things will get supremely better, and you should be looking forward to the coming of Christ to set up His kingdom on earth. But be patient and persevere, wait on God and trust His timing. Jms. 5:7-11

6. That we live in the end-times – that’s because the Jews came back to their land, to Israel. Therefore, it won’t be long before the church is raptured, the world is judged, Jews are saved, and Christ sets up His kingdom on earth.
7. That you are to do the work God assigned to you. Your work, in conjunction with the work of all the believers on earth at this time in history, is part of God’s overall plan in sending His Son back to this world. Mk. 13:33-34, 1 Thess. 1:9-10
8. That Christ will be building both a spiritual kingdom and a physical kingdom during this 1000-year age. But now, during this church age, we are to be focusing on the church, the spiritual kingdom. Matt. 6:33, 16:18, 24:14, 18:19-20

Let me conclude with a number of verses about Christ the King, and His kingdom:
* Zech. 14:3, 4, 9“The Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle… In that day, His feet will stand on the mount of Olives… And the Lord will be King over all the earth.”
* Daniel 2:44 – “In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms but will itself endure forever.”

* Luke 1:32-33“He (Jesus) will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His Father David; and He will reign over the house of David forever; and His kingdom will have no end.”
* Isaiah 9:6-7“A child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”

* Rev. 11:15“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.”
* Rev. 19:15-16“He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. On His robe and on His thigh, He has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.”
* Psalm 2:6“But as for Me, I have installed My King upon Zion, My holy mountain.”

* Psalm 47:2“The Lord Most High is to be feared, a great King over all the earth.”
* 1 Cor. 15:24 “Then comes the end, when He (Christ) hands over the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and authority and power. He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.”
* Psalm 10:16“The Lord is the King forever and ever.”
* Psalm 145:1, 13 – “I will extol You, my God, O King, and I will bless Your name forever and ever… Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom.”

P.S. For me, thinking about the coming kingdom age is extremely motivating. Here are two other posts on this most important subject: “God’s Kingdom Work”, and “The Present Church Age and the Future Kingdom Age.”

The Road to the Rapture

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #316 ~

If you are going someplace in a car, if you have a certain destination, there are signs you look for that guide you, that help you get where you want to go. Or you may use the GPS system that maps out the roads you need to be on or even speaks to you. But we are talking about the coming of Christ and the rapture of the church. And God has given you His own GPS, and its God’s Prophecy Signs.

We are talking about prophecy and how God has given us signs that must take place before Christ’s coming, signs we will see on this rapture road. And God has told us many signs that we will see on this Son-lit road. He doesn’t want there to be any doubt about the fact that we live in the end-times and that Christ is returning to earth. And as time goes on, He wants us to know that His coming is getting closer and closer – He wants you to “see the Day approaching.” Heb. 10:25

So God has told you exactly what you need to know before the coming of Christ. He greatly loves you and does not want you to be in the dark during what will be a most difficult and challenging time. God wants the road to be well lit with the truth. So what are the signs you need to see before Christ’s coming? Let me summarize what God says will be occurring in the coming years, before the end of this age and Christ’s return to rapture the church and reign over this world.

* The End-times: We are living in the end-times, the last years leading up to Christ’s coming, the rapture, the Day of the Lord, and Christ’s 1000-year reign. That a large number of Jewish people have come back to their land is proof, is clear evidence, that these are the end-times. Dan. 12:4, Ez. 37:21, Matt. 24:3-31

* The Birth Pains: God told us there will be birth pains before Christ’s coming (Lk. 21:7-11, Rev. 6:1-8). These calamitous events – wars, earthquakes, plagues, famines, and economic distress – happen in various parts of the world during the end-times. They will increase in intensity and frequency resulting in unbelievers looking for someone to save them from these problems and bring them peace – and this “someone” will be the Antichrist. Referring to the birth pains, Lk. 21:7 tells us, “these things must take place first, but the end does not follow immediately.” These birth pains are occurring over a long period of time, and then Christ our hope will return.

* Daniel’s 70th week: This dramatic 7-year period is filled with end-times’ events (Dan. 9:24, 27). It’s marked by the signing of a treaty at the beginning of the week, the revealing of the Antichrist at its midpoint, and the salvation of Jews at its endpoint. During these climactic 7 years, the Jews will offer sacrifices, the Antichrist will rule over the world, there will be great tribulation, the church will be raptured, and the unsaved will be punished. At the end of this week, we will know and say, “The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ.” Rev. 11:15

* The Covenant: Because of increasing opposition, the Jews, in their desparate desire for peace, will sign or confirm a covenant, a treaty. But it wiil be a deal with the devil, that is, with the coming Antichrist. This marks the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week. “He will confirm a covenant with many for one week.” Dan. 9:27

* The Jewish Temple: A key part of this covenant is that the Jewish people will be permitted to build a temple so as to offer their prescribed sacrifices. This will happen during the first half of Daniel’s 70th week. “Get up and measure the temple of God.” Rev. 11:1, Dan. 9:27, Matt. 24:15

* Increasing Evil: Sin is increasing in this world and will continue to do so the closer we get to the rapture. “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold” (Matt. 24:12; 2 Tim. 3:1-5, 13). It will get even worse when the Antichrist, the man of lawlessness, is in power – and when “God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.” 2 Thess. 2:8-11

* Technology: To rule the world, the Antichrist will need a super-sophisticated surveillance, information, intelligence, and financial system. The rapid advance of computers and artificial intelligence will lead to a global-controlling digital technology that will enable the Antichrist to carry out his wicked agenda and persecute Christians and Jews. “… the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many as do not worship the image of the beast to be killed… no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark…” Rev. 13:14-17

* The Antichrist is revealed: In the middle of Daniel’s 70th week, the Antichrist will be revealed. At this time, Christians and discerning Jews will know for certain that this evil man they see desecrating the temple is the Antichrist, the devil’s man, the most evil man on earth. “The man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god… he takes his seat in the temple of God.” 2 Th. 2:3-10, Dan. 9:27, Rev. 13:3-9

* Great tribulation: The Antichrist’s devilish persecution of Christians and Jews is great tribulation. This global and deadly persecution begins at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week but God cuts it short, evidenced by signs in the heavens and on earth. Immediately after these earth-darkening and earthshaking signs, Christ will come on the clouds and light up the earth and immediately rapture the church. “There will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now.” Matt. 24:9, 21-22; Rev. 6:9, 12-14

* The rapture of the church: At His coming, Christ will mercifully and suddenly snatch all Christians from the earth. They will join with believers from all time, be given an immortal, powerful, and glorious body, and be gathered to Christ. The rapture takes place at an unknown time during the last half of the 70th week.“We who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds and meet the Lord in the air.” 1 Thess. 4:17, Matt. 24:31-36, 1 Cor. 15:50-54, Phil. 3:20-21

* The Day of the Lord: Right after the rapture of the church, God will pour out His wrath on the unsaved, on this wicked world. This fierce and fiery judgment occurs in two parts, Trumpet judgments (Rev. 8-9), and Bowl judgments (Rev. 16). “… the great day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” Rev. 6:16-17, Is. 13:9-13

* The Salvation of the Jews: God will save a large remnant of Jews at the end of Daniel’s 70th week. These repentant and righteous Jews will join with Jesus in reigning over Israel and the entire world. “I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.” Jer. 31:34, Is. 45:17, Is. 61-62, Dan. 9:24, Rom. 11:25-27

* The Kingdom of Christ: Jesus Christ, ruling from Jerusalem, will reign over Israel and all the nations for 1,000 years. It will be a perfect, just, merciful, and glorious reign. “God is the King of all the earth… God reigns over the nations” (Ps. 47:7-8). “The whole earth is full of His glory.” Is. 6:3, Ps. 67, Ps. 72, Ps. 96, Rev. 11:15, Rev. 20

“Be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time”(Mk. 12:23). It’s good to know that God told us the truth, all we need to know about the end-times, about this road leading to Christ’s return to rapture the church. I really encourage you to follow the Bible’s GPS system as you travel on this rapture road.

You also need faith, you must trust God, you need to believe that He will continue to give you all the grace and peace you need. You must have promises for they give you hope, they help you persevere to the end. Most importantly, you must love God and love others. You need obedience, you need to be doing the work, the “assigned task” God has given you to do (Mk. 13:34). You need fellowship, you need other believers. And you need to be watching, to be waiting and looking for the return of Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior.

Truth, faith, hope, love, obedience, fellowship, and watching – you need these to endure to the end, to keep going until you see Christ coming to take you home. “They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with power and great glory… He will send His angels with a loud trmpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heaven to the other.” Matthew 24:27, 31

P.S. The charts on this site are extremely helpful in understanding the future that God has in store for you. Here are some charts that are related to this blogpost: “The Kingdom of God”, “Daniel’s 70th Week”, “Matthew 24”, “How Then Shall We Live?”, “The Rapture”, “Before Christ’s Coming.”

Troubling Times Are Leading to Christ’s Coming and Great Glory

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #315 ~

Many conflicts, tragedies, and calamities are presently afflicting this earth. In times like these many people become unsettled and afraid, wondering what’s happening, or even if the world is coming to an end. I understand why non-Christians may think like this, but confusion, fear, error, and hopelessness should never be true of Christians. That’s because God has told you all you need to know about the future. Jesus said, “Be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time” (Mk. 13:23). “He made know to us the mystery of His will” (Eph. 1:9). God has told you exactly what He wants you to know – He has told you what you need to know – He has told you the key players and parts of His end-times’ plan for you, the church, Israel, and the world.

God also wants you to know that He is in complete control of all that is and will be happening on this earth. In churches, in the lives of both saved and lost, in states and countries, in governors and presidents, in Israel and Iran, and in you and your family, God is sovereignly, powerfully, righteously, and lovingly working. And He’s not just overseeing the affairs of this world, He is intimately involved in everything that happens. Every single second, God is precisely and wisely carrying out His plans for planet earth and for every person on this earth.

God is continually leading, moving, and bringing you and this entire world closer to the end of this age and the coming of Christ. From God’s perspective, what’s occurring from now to Christ’s coming is like a trillion-piece puzzle, and God is putting all the pieces together. He “works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will” (Eph. 1:11). And this global puzzle, God’s plan for this world, for this present age, will be completed at Christ’s coming.

At this time in history, Rom. 8:28 and Rom. 8:29 is truer than ever before. Rom. 8:28 says, “We know that God causes all thing to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” And what is God’s purpose for you? Rom. 8:29 tells us, “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son?” His purpose for you is to be like Jesus, to be perfect, to be powerful, to be immortal, to be glorious. 1 Cor. 15:42-44, Phil. 3:20-21, 1 John 3:2

We often look at Rom. 8:28 microscopically, thinking about the small events of our daily life. But you must see the big picture, you must know where your life is headed, that you will see Jesus, and be like Jesus, that you will be glorified. You must understand Rom. 8:28 in its context, you must connect it to Rom. 8:29 and Rom. 8:30 – “These whom He predestined, He also called. And these whom He called, He also justified, and these whom He justified, He also glorified.” Do you realize the everlasting , life-changing truth of this last verse? It’s one of the best, big-picture verses in the Bible. In eternity past, God planned out the entirety of your life, your eternal life, from justification to glorification to eternity future. Rom. 11:33-36

Next to knowing and growing in Christ, next to understanding the truth and eternal value of His first coming, you need to understand the truth and eternal value of His 2nd coming, and what’s leading up to Christ’s return to earth. No Christian should be naïve, ignorant, speculating, or worrying about the end-times and the truth of Christ’s 2nd coming. God has told you everything He wants you to know about the future, for He’s convinced it will increase your hope, and your faith, love, and peace (Col. 1:3-5). I pray that you want to know these truths, and then tell others, encouraging the saved and warning the lost. 2 Tim. 4:1-8 

So read, pray, study, and learn what God has planned out for you, the church, Israel, and the world. “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it, for the time is near” (Rev. 1:3). I encourage you to take all the time you need to read and understand the book of Revelation, as well as Matt. 24, and Mark 13, and Luke 17:22-37, and Luke 21:5-36, and Rom. 8:18-25, and Rom. 11, and Rom. 13:11-14, and Rom. 15:8-13, and 1 Cor. 15:20-28, and 1 Cor. 15:50-58, and 1 Thess. 4:13-18, and 1 Thess. 5:1-11, and 2 Thess 1:3-12, and 2 Thess. 2:1-12, and Heb. 10:25-31, and Heb. 12:22-29, and James 5:3-11, and 1 Peter 1:3-16, and 2 Peter 3:3-13, and 1 John 2:28-3:3.

In the next post, I will talk about eschatological prophecy, I will describe the key players and parts of God’s plan from now until the millennial kingdom. I will briefly talk about the Jewish people, the nations, the end-times, the birth pains, increasing evil, technology, the peace treaty, the Jewish temple, the Antichrist, great tribulation, the rapture, the day of the Lord, the salvation of the Jews, and the millennial kingdom. Each of these are key parts of God’s perfect plan as it relates to Christ’s coming and to you, the church, Israel, and the world.

“And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over, the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Rom. 13:11-12). “Behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.” Revelation 22:7

P.S. It’s vitally important that you know what will be taking place before Christ’s coming – and I have talked about it at great length on this blog site. Here are a few other posts on this subject: “Matthew 24 – A Road Map of the End-Times”, “When Is Christ Coming Back?”, and “What Needs to Happen Before Christ’s Return?”

Hurricane Helene: GOD Is Telling US to Wake Up!

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #314 ~

Hurricane Helene over the Gulf of Mexico. September 26, 2024 Credit: NOAA

NOTE: I am extremely concerned about our country’s spiritual condition, and the fact that most people are asleep and aren’t aware of the great danger we are in. Today’s post, adapted from my sermon this past Sunday, conveys this message.

Imagine a well-known person knocking at your door and walking into your house. And you don’t even acknowledge him. Then he starts talking to you and you don’t listen to Him – you act like he’s not there. You completely ignore this person who is trying to tell you some vitally important information.

This is what, to a large degree, happened from Sept. 26-28. Hurricane Helene, this fast and furious storm, came to millions of people, and it was God who sent her. And all these people saw and felt and were impacted by Helene, but most of them didn’t know that God caused this super-powerful, super-destructive storm, and that He was talking to wake them up.

The vast majority of people in the path of this storm didn’t know God was talking to them. Many thought it was mother nature or climate change – they did not believe that God Himself was speaking to them. But it’s spiritually dangerous and arrogant to ignore God, to not listen to Him, whether it was during the storm, after the storm, or anytime. Ps. 119:70 explains why people didn’t hear God – “Their hearts are callous and unfeeling.” Jer. 2:5, 11-13; Rom. 1:18-25

Let me tell you more about this storm. It was about 420 miles in diameter, about the distance from Tampa to Atlanta. It was a strong Category 4 storm with 140 mph winds when the center of it went by to the west of Tampa.  Even though the storm’s eyewall was far from the Florida coast, we still felt it’s strong winds and waves. This caused an enormous storm surge, immense walls of water that pounded the shores of St. Petersburg and Tampa. This resulted in extensive damage to downtown areas, the homes of both rich and poor being flooded, trees and power lines being knocked down, and thousands losing electricity.

This massive storm continued north, greatly damaging Florida’s west side, until it finally made landfall between Tallahassee and Perry. And it was still a Cat 4 storm when it slammed into this same coastal area that had been recently hit with other hurricanes (Idalia – Aug. ’23, Debby – Aug. ’24). God was once-again speaking to them and, as we now know, to millions of others.

Then it went to Georgia as a Cat 2 storm, which meant big blasts of winds racing around at 100 mph. It rapidly tore though that state, striking Atlanta with some of the worst rain and flooding they had ever seen. Then it continued its destructive work as it traveled north through western S. Carolina, western N. Carolina, eastern Tennessee, and eastern Kentucky.

Along Helene’s God-planned path there was booming-loud thunder, thousands of lightning strikes, 41 trillion tons of rain by one estimate (enough to cover the entire state of N. Carolina with 3.5 feet of water), record high flooding, over 100 tornadoes, road-wrecking landslides, tens of thousands of destroyed cars and homes and businesses, and millions of people shocked, saddened, and devastated by the effects of what many considered to be unprecedented, the “perfect” storm.

The worst hit areas were east of the storm’s path, in Georgia, S. Carolina, N. Carolina, and east Tennessee. People hit by Helene called it apocalyptic, catastrophic, cataclysmic, the biggest and baddest storm ever. Some towns were actually washed away. Other communities are, at this time, completely cut off from the world. The stories I have read or seen on the news are unbelievable, are truly tragic, horrific, and heartbreaking. It is said to be a 100-year storm with close to $100 billion in damages and over 220 people losing their lives.

This last point, that a large number of people died, is most serious and sobering. Matt. 7:13-14 suggests that the majority were non-Christians, which means they are apart from God forever. The rest were Christians, people who know Jesus Christ and went straight to heaven, and who literally saw and talked to Him.

But back on earth: it’s obvious that God stopped us in our tracks and was trying to get our attention. People had plans, things they wanted to do, but God kept them from carrying them out. God stopped us because He wanted our full and undivided attention. The best weather chapter, Job 37, tells us, “So all men that He has made may know His work, He stops every man from his labor.” Vs. 5

God’s purpose is to wake up millions of both Christians and non-Christians all across this country, those who felt the direct effects of the storm, and those not even in its path, those who live in Texas, Oregon, Vermont, Iowa, and all the other states. “The Mighty One, God, the Lord, speaks and summons the earth” (Ps. 50:1). What is God saying, why does He want to wake us up?

God wants the unsaved to realize their biggest problem, their sin and the spiritual and physical death that results. And God wants them to know that He can save them from sin and death. But what does He want an unsaved person to do? About a “natural” disaster, Jesus said, “Those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them, do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no. But unless you repent, you too will perish.” Luke 13:4-5

God wants unbelievers to know that they are guilty and deserve to be eternally punished. He wants them to know that they need to repent, to confess to God that they have sinned, and believe that Jesus died to pay for their sins, and then rose from the dead. God wants sinners to look to Him for mercy, to know that only He can remove their guilt and eternal pain and punishment. And all who do will be forgiven, receive eternal life, be fully loved, and soon be in heaven with God, Jesus Christ, and all the angels and saints. 1 Pet. 3:18, Heb. 12:22-24, Rev. 21

But what about the Christians? What does God want us to learn from Hurricane Helene or any other trial that comes our way? He wants us to look to Him and learn about Himself, His character, work, and purpose. Let me share a few things:

First, God is sovereign, He is in charge, He does whatever He wants. He is sovereign over storms, people, the church, the government, and the future. “He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back His hand or say to Him: ‘What have You done?'” (Dan. 4:35). “Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?” Lam. 3:38

Second, God is supremely strong, infinitely powerful. “Men shall speak of the power of Your awesome acts”(Ps. 145:6). “He fills His hands with lightning and commands it to hit its mark.” Job 36:32 , Isaiah 40:12-26

Third, God is perfectly holy, and punishes sinners for their sin, their rejection of Him. “He loads the clouds with moisture… they swirl around over the face of the whole earth to do whatever He commands them. He brings the clouds to punish men” (Job 37:11-13a). “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men.” Rom. 1:18

Fourth, God is loving. In the midst and the aftermath of Helene, God has been showing people His mercy, goodness, and compassion. God displays His love through nature, individuals, the church, your community, organizations, and even the government. “He brings the clouds… to water His earth and show His love” (Job 37:13). “God causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good.” Matt. 5:45

Fifth, God is purposeful, and had very good reasons for every single thing He did. He had a plan for all the rain, wind, thunder, and lightning, for floods and storm surges, for the problems people had and will go through, and for those who died, some who are saved forever and others who are lost forever. “The plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.” Psalm 33:12

So how does God want us, His children, to respond to Him, to the fact that He is sovereign, powerful, holy, loving, and purposeful? What does He want us to do?

1. God wants us to be humble, to see who we are in relationship to Him, to see that He is God and we are but humans, and that He can do whatever He wants and we can’t do whatever we want. “Humble yourself in the presence of the Lord” (Jms. 4:10). “My purpose will stand and I will do all that I please.” Isaiah 46:10

2. God wants us to fear Him, to respect Him, to revere Him, to worship Him as the one, true, and almighty God. This is how that great weather chapter concludes – “Therefore men, fear Him; He does not regard any who are wise of heart.” Job 37:24

3. God wants us to be holy, to say no to sin, to do what is good, right, and true. “The hour has come for you to wake up from your sleep, because salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” Rom. 13:11-14

4. God wants us to know His love. He also wants us to know that He restrains Himself from showing us the full weight of His righteousness. “God does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities” (Ps. 103:10). “The Lord has compassion on those who fear Him, for He knows how we are formed.” Ps. 103:14

5. God wants us to trust Him, to believe who He is, that He is our Lord, Savior, and King, and that He is sovereign, powerful, holy, loving, and purposeful. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” (Prov. 3:5). “Have faith in God” (Mk. 11:22) when there is no food or water or power, when help is slow, when the government is incompetent, or when you have lost your home or car or job or even a loved one. James 1:2-3, 1 Peter 1:6-7

6. God wants us to have hope, to know that the future will be infinitely better, that we will be with Jesus Christ, be in heaven, be with believers, be perfected, be rewarded, and have no more problems or sin or sadness or sickness or sorrow. “Set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed” (1 Pet. 1:13). “Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal weight of glory.” 2 Cor. 4:17

7. With regards to this terrible and trying storm, what should you do? 1. Pray for the Christians, that God would give them grace and peace. 2. Encourage hurting Christians with God’s word. 3. Pray that God would save unbelievers. 4. Serve those who are suffering, if you can. 5. Give financially to good organizations, like Samaritan’s Purse, those who are directly helping those in need.

I also must say that we are now living in the end-times. This means there will be more extreme and devastating events affecting this earth. In particular, there will be “birth pains” – wars, earthquakes, famines, and plagues now being felt around the world, and which will be increasing and growing stronger.

These too are wake-up calls from God, reminding Christians that Christ is returning soon to rapture the church, and that they need to live for Christ, to carry out their “assigned task” (Mk. 13:34). And these birth pains are warning sinners to repent and believe in Christ before its too late, before they physically die or before He pours out His wrath upon them and this sinful world.

Whatever happens, remember that God is doing His work, fulfilling His word, and carrying out His purposes for you, His church, this earth – and for His glory. Yes, life can and will be hard and, at times, extremely difficult – but keep loving the Lord – trust Him, obey Him, and look for Him to return to wrap up His work with the church, and begin His 1000-year reign over this earth. “Behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” Revelation 22:7

P. S. We live in the end-times, and it will be very dangerous and deadly in the future – and hurricanes are good illustrations of what will be taking place. Here are some previous posts on hurricanes and prophecy. “A Hurricane is Coming – Be Ready, Watching, and Working”, “The Alarm is Ringing – Wake Up America, the Storm is Coming”, and “When the Storms Come, Don’t Be Afraid”.

The Enemies of God in the End-Times

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #313 ~

The subject of God’s enemies, of people who hate God and therefore hate you must be understood (John 15:18-21). It’s imperative that you know what God says about sinners who are against Christians. You don’t want to be naïve with regards to this subject. In the end-times, the enemies’ opposition to Christians will increase, culminating in the great tribulation, the last years of this age when the Antichrist is ruling the world and persecuting Christians. Thankfully, those days of suffering will not last very long, and then Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, will gloriously return to rapture the church. Matt. 24:9, 21-22, 29-31

For this study of our enemies, I’m looking at the Psalms because it is so extensive in what it says about them. Over 80 Psalms speak of these evil sinners, of who they are, what they are doing, and how we are to get the victory over them. “O give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain. Through God we shall do valiantly, and it is He who will tread down our adversaries” (Ps. 60:11-12). In today’s post I am looking at several Psalms that describe our enemies and God’s judgment of them.

Psalm 2:1-3“Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed One, saying, ‘Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their deeds from us!’” Evil rulers are opposed to and are working together against God the Father and His Son – they do not want to be under His control. These truths from Ps. 2 are present day realities – devilish nations are now uniting as a globalist force, which will soon lead to the arrival and rule of the Antichrist. At the right time, Christ will come back and crush the Antichrist, and then begin His glorious 1000-year reign on earth. Speaking of this most certain future, God said, “I have installed my King on Zion.” Ps. 2:6

Psalm 10“The wicked boasts of his heart’s desire. And the greedy man curses and spurns the Lord. The wicked, in the haughtiness of his countenance, does not seek Him. All his thoughts are, ‘There is no God’” (3-4) … “His mouth is full of curses and deceit and oppression; under his tongue is mischief and wickedness” (7) … “He says to himself, ‘God has forgotten; He has hidden His face; He will never see it.” (11). Many of the wicked do not believe there is a God, and thus, have no knowledge of Him. Others believe there is a God but that He doesn’t see the evil they are doing. They are proud, greedy, cruel, hateful, and deceitful people. But “The Lord is King forever and ever; nations have perished from His land.” (16). In the end, “man who is of the earth will no longer cause terror.” (18)

Psalm 14:1-2“The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; there is no one who does good. The Lord has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God.” Many sinners do not believe there is a God. So they believe they can do whatever they want and get away with it. But they are dead wrong, for God sees all evildoers and all their evil, and He will justly judge them, and then eternally punish them.

Psalm 36:1-4“Transgression speaks to the ungodly within his heart; there is no fear of God before his eyes, for it flatters him in his own eyes concerning the discovery of his iniquity and the hatred of it. The words of his mouth are wickedness and deceit; he has ceased to be wise and to do good. He plans wickedness upon his bed; he sets himself on a path that is not good; he does not despise evil.” The sinner is a fool for he does not fear God and he has no love for God. The sinner is known by his proud thoughts, wicked words, and evil paths, a life of sin. But he does not even know his sin, and thus he does not despise or hate his sin. Here is the true and sobering future of sinners – “The doers of iniquity have fallen; they have been thrust down and cannot rise.” Ps. 36:12

Psalm 52:1-5“Why do you boast in evil, O mighty man? … Your tongue devises destruction, like a sharp razor, O worker of deceit. You love evil more than good, falsehood more than speaking what is right. You love all words that devour, O deceitful tongue.” The evil man is deceitful, he speaks lies – you cannot trust what he says. He is destructive and devouring, not wanting to help people but instead wanting to hurt them. So what happens to the proud person who trusts, not in God but in his money, who things he has all this power, who is determined to do evil (7)? “God will break you down forever; He will snatch you up and tear you away from your tent, and uproot you from the land of the living.” (5)

Psalm 59:12-13“On account of the sin of their mouth and the words of their lips, let them be caught in their pride, and on account of the curses and lies which they utter. Destroy them in wrath, destroy them that they may be no more, that men may know God rules in Jacob to the ends of the earth.” A sinner, a proud, cursing, lying person, is usually judged in two ways: 1st, he is caught in his sin and suffers while he is on this earth; and 2nd, he will suffer eternally in hell, where he will be rightfully and severely punished.

Psalm 73:6-9“Pride is their necklace; the garment of violence covers them. Their eye bulges from fatness; the imaginations of their heart run riot. They mock and wickedly speak of oppression; they speak from on high. They have set their mouths against the heavens, and their tongue parades throughout earth.” The wicked are proud, violent, and oppressive. Their thoughts run wild – they think they can do whatever they want. They speak against God and mock man. So what happens? “You set them in slippery places; You cast them down to destruction. How they are destroyed in a moment. They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors” (18-19). The wicked person will be utterly shocked when his earthly life suddenly ends, and he appears before his Maker and Judge. Without warning, he will go “into eternal punishment”, “into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil.” Matt. 25:46, 41

God has chosen you to be on this earth for such a time as this. Be a good soldier for God, one who is strong and courageous! (Josh. 1:7-9). If you have enemies, God wants you to love them, pray for them (Matt. 5:44), and tell them the good news about Christ. Now it may happen that “they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you to synagogues and prisons, and bring you before kings and governors for My name’s sake. It will lead to an opportunity for your testimony” (Luke 21:12-13). God wants you to tell your enemies that Christ is the only way they can be forgiven of their sins and have eternal life. May God have mercy on some of them, and save their souls from suffering His eternal wrath.

We learn so much about the enemy from the Psalms. Now that we’re in the end-times and are seeing the increasing activity of the enemy, we must know these things. I will say it again – we must know these things. Know also that God is sovereign, that the enemy can only do what God lets him do. (Daniel 4:34-35). And if he doesn’t repent while he’s on earth, then God will punish him forever in hell. Rev. 20:15

In a related article, I list out most all the Psalms that speak of God’s enemies, and ours too. Finally, here is God’s promise to you – “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great.” Matthew 6:11

P.S. We live in extremely dangerous times, spiritually difficult times. As Christians, we must not just be in “work” mode but in “war” mode (Nehemiah 4). The enemy is raging, but our Lord and Savior, our great and glorious God, is winning the war. My sermon this past Sunday was, “The United States and the Need for the Gospel.” In this message, I am very open and direct about the terribly sad condition of our country, and the need to vote, pray, and share the gospel. May God have mercy on our country. I would also encourage you to read my more extensive article on this same subject, our enemies.

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