
Month: January 2017

Where Are We Headed? Here’s a Prophecy Preview!

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #2 ~

Right in the middle of a prophecy passage, Jesus says, “Behold, I have told you everything ahead of time.” Mark 13:23. This verse really motivates me to want to know what God wants me to know about these days leading up to Christ’s return. Today, I want to give you a “table of contents”, a preview and an overview of our future. Might God excite your heart with the truth about His plans for you and the church, and for this earth.

1. Prophecy is not man’s word, it is God’s Word; and it is going to take place just like He promised. Matthew 24:35, Revelation 1:1-3
2. JESUS CHRIST, the CREATOR of the world, the LORD of lords, the SAVIOR of souls, the JUDGE of the earth, and the KING of kings, is actually returning to this earth, and nothing will stop HIM. Luke 21:27, Psalm 98:9
3. The church age started after Christ’s 1st coming and will end before His 2nd coming. We are now living at the end of this age, and the next age will soon begin. Romans 13:10-11, Acts 2:17-21
4. We know we are living at the end of this age, in the end times, because according to God’s promise, the Jews have been regathering to their land. Ezekiel 36-37; Daniel 12:4, 9
5. God’s work with the Jews in the end times is in conjunction with God’s work with the church in the end times. Since this is true, then we know that Christ is coming soon, first to rapture the church, and then to save a remnant of Jews. Matthew 24:4-27; Revelation 7, 14:1-3
6. Calamitous events (“birth pains”) will take place around the world, but don’t be surprised, for God told us this would happen. Trust Him, and He will give you peace. Psalm 46, Matthew 24:4-8
7. Daniel’s 70th week is a future 7 year time frame during which many prophesied events, affecting both Jews and Christians, will be taking place. Daniel 9:24-27, Revelation 6-14
8. The next major prophesied event to take place is the signing / confirming of a peace treaty between the Jews and the Antichrist at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week. Daniel 9:27
9. The Antichrist is revealed to the world at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week. Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15
10. Christians will go through great tribulation brought on by the Antichrist but they will not go through the wrath of God. Acts 14:22, 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, Revelation 7:14
11. Christians are to be preaching the gospel and making disciples until the end of this age, and then Jesus Christ will return to rapture the believers from this earth. Matthew 24:13-14, 28:19-20
12. No one knows the exact time of the rapture except God, but we can know the general time, for prophesied events are and will be taking place, signaling that Christ’s return is getting closer. Matthew 24:32-36, Hebrews 10:25
13. Major prophetic events that will take place at Christ’s return: rapture of the church, wrath of God on earth, redemption of the Jews, and reign of Christ on earth. Revelation 7-20
14. God will fulfill His promises to the Jews at the end of Daniel’s 70th week – the Abrahamic (land), Davidic (King) and New (salvation) Covenants. Psalms 110-111, Ezekiel 37:21-23, Daniel 9:24
15. Everything always has, and always will ultimately be about the Kingdom of God. In this church age, the Kingdom of God is in us, but the next age will soon begin and Christ will set up His Kingdom on this earth. Psalms 47, 67, 72, 145; Ephesians 1:20-21
16. As a Christian you need hope, and hope means looking forward to being with Christ! being in heaven! being with believers! being in a new body! and being rewarded! Romans 5:1-5!

I know there is a lot here, but again this is just a preview of upcoming posts. Stick with it, and in the weeks and months ahead we will be going over these things in much greater depth and detail, and so keep reading and learning. Please check out the charts linked to these points, for they are designed to give you greater understanding, and to help you see the big picture. For all of us, by God’s grace and for God’s glory, let’s keep making disciples “to the very end of the age.”

PS – I want to let you know that I’ll be regularly adding more charts and articles. Feel free to use or copy them for yourself, your family or your church. Contact me at stevehogan@ChristsKingdom.org if you have any thoughts or questions. May God bless you, and use you for His purposes and glory.

Christ is Coming Again and He’s Coming Soon

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #1 ~

“They will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory” (Luke 21:27). Jesus Christ is coming again! We know this is true because God has told us in the Bible, and He has told us over and over again. And God doesn’t lie. I am telling you, this is the truth, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Creator of the world, the Lord of all, the Savior of souls, the Judge of sinners, and the King of the world, will soon be returning to this planet.

About 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ came to this earth for the first time. He lived a perfect life and died a perfect death, to pay for all the sins of all the people who would ever repent of their sins and believe in Him. Not believing in Christ for salvation means you will forever be apart from God and His glory, and be rightly punished for your sins. But by believing in Christ, you are immediately forgiven of all your sins and immediately receive eternal life – this is very good news and, without a doubt, the best news in all of life, and in all the world. John 5:24, Revelation 20:11-15

At this time in history, we are nearing the end of this present church age, which means Jesus Christ will be returning soon. When He comes back, He will first take the Christians who are on earth up to heaven. Second, He will judge the unbelieving world. Third, He will save a great number of Jewish people. Fourth, He will begin His reign on earth. This is, without question, definitely going to happen. And everything, and I mean everything, is going to change – in your life, in your family, in your church, in this country, and in this world. Jesus Christ will be completely in charge and, ruling perfectly, He will finally bring true justice and peace to this world. Psalm 67, Habakkuk 2:14

You might wonder how we know Christ is coming back soon? Because we live in what the Bible calls the end-times (Daniel 12:4, 9). The Jews have been gathering back to Palestine, to Israel, since the late 1800’s, and this is God’s sign to us that we are in the end-times. God’s plans for the end of this age are now being carried out, and He Himself is directing the people and events of the world, leading up to that time when His Son will return to this earth to fulfill His glorious purposes. Ephesians 1:9-11

But I need to tell you something else – life on earth is going to get extremely difficult before Christ returns, for we will be experiencing “birth pains” – wars, famines, plagues and earthquakes (Matthew 24:3-8). These things are taking place now, but like the labor pains of an expectant mother, they will get harder and harder. God wants you to know ahead of time what will be taking place so you can be ready, so you can know how to live during the last years of this age, and so you can tell others. “Be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.” Mark 13:23

For close to 27 years now I have been studying the subject of Christ’s return. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that God has been teaching me these important and timely truths, and I pray that He will touch your heart and teach you these things. The Lord has a lot to say on this subject and, Lord willing, week by week, I will be sharing His prophetic truth, connecting the truth of His Word with events taking place in the world. My prayer is that you will be learning from the Lord, loving the Lord, living for Him, and be looking for His soon return. Never forget Jesus’ last words to us: “Behold, I am coming soon.” Revelation 22:7, 12, 22

P.S. Check out the tabs – the glossary with all its terms, the articles that expand on this subject, and the many charts that will help you see the big picture, how it all fits together, and where it’s all going.

Christ’s Kingdom and the End Times

Greetings and God’s blessings to you!

I am grateful you are here and interested in reading about and studying what God says in His Word, the Bible, about the future return of His Son and our Lord, Savior and King Jesus Christ!  My first weekly post is schedule to be available on January 21, 2017 so I hope you come back to read it then.  Until then please enjoy looking at and reading some of the information that is already here.

For our Lord Jesus Christ,

Steven J. Hogan

Pastor of Hope Bible Church of Tampa