By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #71 ~

As a Christian, you are journeying to the end of your physical life, when you will leave this earth and take off for heaven, or to the end of this age, when you will be raptured, and escorted to heaven by Jesus Christ. That the Jews are once again established in their land, tells us that we live in the end-times which means, that whether you die or are raptured, it won’t be long before you are glorified, and in heaven with Jesus.

I am motivated to write these posts because we live in the end-times, and because God has told us many things about these prophecy-filled years. If I lived 500 years ago, or even 150 years ago, I wouldn’t be that interested in studying prophecy and writing about it, like I do now. Why try to educate and encourage Christians, if Jews are still scattered all over the world? But 6.5 million Jews are presently living in Israel. Not only that, but over a thousand verses have been written about what will be taking place in the years leading up the rapture of the church, the wrath of God, the salvation of the Jews, and Christ’s reign on earth. And since these prophecy passages are no longer sealed and concealed, we can study and understand what God wants us to know. Daniel 12:4

Here you are, at this time in history, a follower of Jesus, a child of God, and a key part of His present and future plans; you should be excited and encouraged, working and waiting, loving God and looking for His Son’s soon return. But notice Proverbs 16:9, “Man plans his way, and the Lord directs his steps.” God wants you to plan your way, and work, carrying out your role in this end-times’ drama. But in a way that is mysterious to us, He is personally and purposely directing all the steps and details of your life. He loves you, and is wisely and strategically using you and every Christian in this world. Your life is not standing still. You are on a journey, and each day is important. You and everyone else are divinely destined, a part of God’s precise and perfect plans to help finish His work in this age, leading to that time when all believers will be in heaven with Jesus.

Do you see where you are, and where you are going? Do you see your life in light of the big picture? Do you see the birth pains taking place, that the U.S. is in decline, nations are being realigned, and that we are moving towards globalism? Can you see the anti-Semitism, the escalating sin, and that Christians are increasingly being hated? Can you see the incredible changes in technology, which make it easier to proclaim the gospel to people all over this planet, but will also make it possible for the Antichrist to force people to take his mark and worship him, and thereby, rule the world?

It’s 2018, and we are in the stage called the “beginning of birth pains” (Matthew 24:8), and therefore, still many years away from the rapture. But as we journey on for Jesus, we will run right into Daniel’s 70th week, which is the most important and intense seven-year period in all of human history. At the beginning of this time, the desperate and deceived Jews will sign a peace treaty with the soon-to-be Antichrist, but this will be a deal with the devil. It will soon, and soberly so, be obvious that the 70th week has begun. That’s because, along with this treaty, a Jewish temple will be built, there will be more wars, earthquakes and famines, as well as a need and a growing desire for a strong leader to rise up and solve the world’s increasingly complex problems. Revelation 13

Then comes one of the main events, when this Jewish temple is desolated, disgustingly laid waste by the Antichrist, and this devilish man will be revealed for who he really is. He will force people to worship his image, or else he will have them hunted down and killed. Believers will be betrayed, persecuted, and many will bravely die for Christ. “They will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name” (Matthew 24:9). But the Christians who aren’t martyred will know this is their time to serve the Lord Jesus. They will also have hope, for they know Christ’s return and the rapture is but one, two, or at the most, three years away. They will be looking and waiting for Him to appear in the sky, and rescue them from a most wicked world.

But back to the present, to 2018. God is laying the groundwork, setting the stage for Christ’s coming, and you and I need to get ready. I think of soldiers training for war, preparing for that time when they will be deployed, when they will be sent out to face the enemy. Yes, we are fighting the enemy now, but this end-times’ conflict with the devil’s forces will be the biggest battle we will ever encounter. “Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.” (Ephesians 6:13). We need to know what’s coming. “Let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:6). We are to be watchmen, and we must instruct and warn others as we see God’s plan unfold before our eyes (Ezekiel 3:17, Daniel 11:33, Matthew 24:33). But for now, we journey on, knowing that our earthly pilgrimage will soon and gloriously come to an end, when we will finally and forever be with Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Hallelujah!

P.S. As you know, I am a pastor who teaches every Sunday morning. But this year, unlike the past 18, I am not teaching through a book of the Bible. I have been led by the Lord to teach on what I believe are single topics that are critically important and strategic for Christians. If you have time, I would encourage you to go to our Sermon Audio page, and ask the Lord to lead you as to what might be most needful and helpful for your life. Some of my recent messages have been on perseverance, fear, discouragement, walking with God, and good communication.