By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #100 ~

When we talk about the rapture, we need to think of it as a love story. You see, the truth about the end-times and Christ’s return is not some cold truth devoid of feeling, but a truth filled with warmth, love and affection. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). This is the gospel. The heart of the gospel is the fact that Jesus loved us and wanted to die for us so we could be His eternal bride. And the heart of the rapture is the fact that Jesus wants to complete our salvation by taking us off this earth, glorifying us, and bringing us to heaven so we can forever be with Him. Then He will love us like never before (John 17:24). Now this is the perspective of Christ, that He dearly, deeply and eternally, loves us.
What is our perspective? It too, is about love. We see our sin and our need for Jesus to save us. By God’s grace, we respond to His love and believe the gospel, by which we are miraculously saved. With this salvation comes eternal life, this most wondrous relationship with God, our Father, and Jesus, our Savior. Christianity is this relationship, this eternal life, that has at its center, at its core, this love for God and Jesus. And our service for God is founded and grounded in our love for Him. If not, there is no relationship, just heartless rituals and useless routines that are empty and worthless. Our Christian life is defined by love, by knowing the love of God, and by loving Him. And this divine love relationship, showing forth God’s love for us, and our love for Him, is both present and future.
It is the prophetic portion of Scripture that explains God’s plans for the future of this present evil age, that which started with the sin of Adam and ends with the coming of Christ. It says that Christ will return at the end of this age, rapture the church and then reign over the world. But now that we are in the end-times, it won’t be long before all these things take place. It’s vital that we understand the facts of Christ’s return, and the rapture, that time when Christians are suddenly, gently and quickly taken up from this earth, brought to Jesus, and taken to heaven.
This is where you need to see that you are the bride, and that Jesus, your bridegroom, is coming to rescue you, as well as all believers still alive on this world at the end of the age. This is where you need to see that Jesus is coming back because He greatly loves you, and wants to show you His love by saving you from this evil earth, by glorifying you, and by bringing you to heaven to be with Himself. Aren’t you glad Jesus loves you, and wants to show you His love like this? Might this truth of Jesus’ coming thrill your heart, and fill you with a deep and genuine love for Him.
Should you not be so in love with Jesus that you can’t wait to see Him, that you can’t wait to be with Him, that you can’t wait to personally tell Him that you love Him? Should you not be overflowing with love for Jesus, and with heart-throbbing anticipation, be eagerly looking forward to that first time when you will see His face and His smile, and hear His words of love for you? Jesus is your wonderful Savior and glorious King, the One who loves you more than anyone else in the world. Because of His love for you, you ought to be filled up with love for Him. Because of your love for Him, you ought to be looking forward to that time when He will leave His Father’s side, speed down to earth, and snatch you up to heaven.
Our Savior, Lord, Shepherd, King, Friend and Bridegroom is coming to get you so you can be with Him, so you can experience His love and see His glory like never before. If you are not excited and longing for that time when you will first see Jesus, then what’s wrong? What is going on in your heart if you are not wanting to see Jesus, if you are not watching and waiting for Him? Have you lost your first love? Are you loving the world or some person more than you love Jesus? That would be terrible. That would be sad. I fear that many Christians have forgotten their first love for Jesus. If there’s a sin that keeps you from loving Jesus, and from longing to see Him, then it must be confessed. You must repent, and show Jesus that you love Him, and tell Him that you love Him and can’t wait to see Him, whether that be by death or by rapture. “To live is Christ, and to die (or be raptured) is gain.” Philippians 1:21
We are most blessed to be alive at this time in history, in the last years of this present age. I cannot help but think that many of you reading this will not physically die and go to heaven, but will be raptured and go to heaven. In either case, might you, with great passion and excitement, be loving Jesus and looking forward to seeing Him, and being with Him. “Behold, I am coming soon…. Come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20
P.S. The Rapture, A Love Story is another encouraging post that conveys a similar message as does this one. Also, as we look forward to the new year, I would suggest that you read this article, The Time of My Life.