
Month: January 2019

Your Entire Christian Life ~ Colossians 3:3-4

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #104 ~

Do you see the entirety of your Christian life? Do you see where you have come from, where you are now, and where you are going? Do you see the big picture perspective of your Christian existence? Two key Bible verses that help answer these questions are Colossians 3:3-4, for they succinctly state God’s plans for your life. What do they tell you?

“For you have died …” (justified).This is the past, for it speaks of that point in time when God saved your soul, when you were justified and forgiven of all your sins. It goes with Colossians 3:1: “You have been raised up with Christ.” Romans 6:3-4 also speaks of this, for it tells us, “All of us have been baptized into His death… so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” Galatians 2:20 says it this way, “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” This is life-changing truth, for your old self was put to death, and you were given the Holy Spirit and a new heart. When you were born again, you died with Christ and were raised with Christ, so you can now live for Him. This leads to the next phrase:

“… and your life is hidden with Christ in God …” (sanctified). This is the present, for it describes your Christian life on this earth. God has graciously given you a holy and divine life, and an inner power that no one can see. You may look the same on the outside, but you are brand new on the inside. You are spiritually and intimately united with Christ, and can experience His unconditional and heart-motivating love. You are able to live for Christ. You can say “no” to sin, and “yes” to righteousness. You can love, serve, rejoice and worship like never before. You are able to carry out God’s special plans for your life, doing what builds and blesses others, and brings Him eternal glory. Then what?

“… When Christ, who is our life, shall appear …” (glorified). This is the future, for it speaks of when Christ appears in the clouds, and raptures Christians from the earth. Paul encourages you to be “looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus” (Titus 2:13). He says this because he wants you to be excited about that future time when you will literally be with Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior. Then your salvation will be complete, for you will be given a brand new body. There will be no more sin and sadness, fears and worries, and aches and pains, just a perfect, powerful, immortal and glorified body. (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). There is more –

“… then you also will appear with Him in glory.” This too is the future, for it describes what will take place after the appearing of Christ and the rapture of the church. It says you will actually appear with Christ. You will spend time in fellowship with Him. You will no longer be hidden, for you will be seen with Christ, and the whole world will know you are His beautiful bride and beloved servant. In the age to come, you will be reigning with Jesus, and have authority over the nations (Revelation 3:26, 5:10). Can you imagine this? This is extremely encouraging news, and this is your future. Finally, it says, “in glory,” for you will be glorified, but more than that, “the whole earth is full of His glory,” and you will be saying, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts.” Isaiah 6:3

This is your life, simply summed up in two verses. As they describe your past, present and future, think about what they mean for your life. Might you know that God is completely in charge, and that He is moving you along, in life and in this world, from this day to the next day, from this age to the next age, and for all eternity. Might this hope you have of the future motivate you to serve the Lord today. Might you see that you are a vital part of God’s eternal plans, a key player in His grand and glorious purposes, and that He is perfectly working with you and all the Christians in the world, “with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth.” Ephesians 1:10

God gives you Colossians 3:3-4 and similar verses so you have hope. (Psalm 23:6, Romans 8:30, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Philippians 1:6). Without hope, you will be discouraged by difficulties, and get bogged down in the day-to-day details of life. You need to be confident that God is continuing to work in and through your life, for your present and future good, and for His eternal glory. “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27

What does God want you to know from Colossians 3:1-4? He wants you to know that:
* As a Christian, you are with Jesus Christ, now and forever.
* He has planned out your entire Christian life, from being born again through all eternity.
* Jesus Christ is your life, joy, peace, strength, purpose and hope.
* You are to keep seeking Christ and the things above; you are not to be worldly, but are to be holy and heavenly minded.
* Jesus Christ, now seated at the right hand of God, will soon appear above the earth, rapturing the Christians from this earth, and taking them to be with Him and with all the believers.

P.S. This particular subject is one of my favorites, and I believe, a very important one. It’s imperative to have God’s eternal perspective of our lives if we are to live rightly and wholeheartedly for Him. I encourage you to read two other posts that relate directly to this one: God’s Time Frame for Your Life and An Overview of Your Christian Life.

The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #103 ~

Jesus Christ is coming to judge the world (Psalm 98:9), and you don’t want to be here when it happens, for it will be a fierce and fiery world-wide devastation. This is the great and holy wrath of God, often called the day of the Lord, and it will be directed at unbelievers who are on earth at the return of Christ. But Christians living on earth at that time will be supernaturally rescued from this wrath to come.

Now that we are in end-times, we can see this day of the Lord drawing near (Hebrews 10:25). It won’t be long before “there will be signs on the earth below, blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day of the Lord” (Acts 2:19-20). These dramatic signs will get everyone’s attention! With a huge exclamation point, they mark the end of this age, letting us know that God’s wrath will soon be poured out upon this sin-infected planet.

But the good news of salvation means Jesus will rescue all Christians from this coming world-wide wrath. “To wait for His Son from heaven, …, Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come” (1 Thessalonians 1:10). The means of this miraculous rescue is the rapture, for Jesus will return in the clouds, and Christians will suddenly and safely be taken from this earth to be with Him (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This rapture is also the means of relief, of being delivered from great tribulation. Some of you may not believe what I am saying, or want to hear what I am saying, but it’s true. Christians alive in the end-times, specifically during the rule of the Antichrist, will go through great tribulation for awhile, and then it will be cut short by the signs on earth and in the heavens. Matthew 24:21-22, 29-30

This teaching that Christians won’t be here when the Antichrist is dictator of the world, and are therefore exempt from great tribulation, is wrong, is error, and actually very harmful. You see, many Christians have heard that great tribulation is God’s wrath, but that’s not true. You see, tribulation can’t be God’s wrath, for tribulation is defined as pressure, distress, suffering or persecution, and is what the Bible says all Christians go through. Jesus said, “In the world you have tribulation” (John 16:33), and Paul said, “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). Now great tribulation just means great pressure, great distress, great suffering, great persecution, and will affect Christians still on earth in that last couple of years or so before Christ’s coming.

This great tribulation is great because of its severity, for Christians will be killed for their faith, and because of its scope, for it will occur all over the world. “They will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name” (Matthew 24:9). But who of us should not be willing to suffer and die for Jesus in view of the fact that He suffered and died for us? This great tribulation is nothing compared to the eternal life and love that God has given us, and which we will forever experience and enjoy with Jesus and other believers. “Momentary, light tribulation is producing for us an eternal weight of glory, far beyond all comparison.” 2 Corinthians 4:17

What does Revelation 6-9 say about all this? Revelation 6 talks about great tribulation (verse 9), and signs on earth and in the heavens telling us that it’s the end of the age (verses 12-14). Unbelievers are scared to death, for they know God’s wrath is coming, that they are damned and doomed, and that there’s no escape (verses 15-17). Revelation 7 then tells us about a great multitude suddenly appearing in heaven, and worshiping God and Christ (verses 9-10). The angel says these believers “are the ones who come out of great tribulation” (verse 14), that is, were just raptured from the earth. Finally, Revelation 8-9 describes God’s punishing wrath on earth. This is the sequence of coming events: great tribulation, end of the age, rapture, and wrath. It’s can’t be any clearer.

This means the rapture of the church is after the great tribulation, persecution brought on by the Antichrist, but before the wrath, punishment brought on by Jesus Christ. Again we see that believers will be rescued from this cataclysmic, torturing and deadly wrath. But woe to those who reject Christ and the gospel, who don’t get saved, who are left behind on earth, and who are justly tormented by this, the righteous wrath of God.

Judgment is coming for unbelievers, except for those Jews and some others who are protected by God. But the rapture, the greatest rescue operation this world has ever seen, is coming for believers. God only knows, but you might be alive on earth when Christ returns to rapture the church. Be thankful that you will be rescued, not only from this earthly wrath, but also from the eternal wrath, that very painful, everlasting lake of fire. “God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:9). As a Christian, be glad that Jesus Christ, through His death and resurrection, saved your soul and, at the rapture, will give you a new body. Now is your time to live for Him, share His gospel with the lost, and use your gifts for the good of the church and the glory of God.

P.S. Here are three other posts that go along with this post, giving you more understanding about the tribulation Christians experience, and the wrath of God that unbelievers will go through. The Day of the Lord: The Wrath of God on Earth, Christians Will Go Through Great Tribulation, The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Teaching is False.

My Journey Learning About Christ’s Second Coming

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #102 ~

When I became a Christian back in 1972, Christ’s second coming was a hot subject, and on the hearts of many in the church. Hal Lindsey’s popular book on Bible prophecy, “The Late Great Planet Earth”, was being read by many believers. Larry Norman, referring to the rapture of the church, was singing, “I Wish We’d All Been Ready.” Since the Jewish people were back in their land, the thinking was that the rapture would take place very soon, sometime in the next 10 to 20 years. But we were mistaken.

Fast forward to 1993. At that time, someone gave me Marv Rosenthal’s book, the “Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church.” Reading it with great interest, I quickly realized that Marv’s position on the timing of the rapture was different than what I had been taught. His arguments made sense, and most importantly, were Biblical. My wife and I then attended two of his prophecy conferences, in 1994 and again in 1995. We were both very excited about learning as much as we could about end-times prophecy, and I remember going up to Marv and asking him lots of questions. Not long after that, I read “The Sign,” by Robert Van Kampen, another very instructive book on prophecy.

It was good to learn from others, but I knew I needed to go to God’s word and get my own convictions. I can’t tell you how motivated I was, and still am, to study Bible prophecy, and that’s because God has put that desire in my heart. At first, I wanted to find out when, in general, the rapture was going to take place. Was it really at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week? Was it before the great tribulation, or after it? After many hours of poring over prophecy passages, I became convinced that Christians will go through great tribulation, then be raptured and rescued before God’s wrath, the Day of the Lord. I concluded that the rapture of the church was a pre-wrath rapture.

My interest in Bible prophecy kept growing, and I continued to read and re-read, and study and re-study passages that spoke about Christ’s return, examining them carefully to find out what God wanted me to learn about His Son’s second coming. There was Daniel, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4-5, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, and the book of Revelation. I talked to a few church friends about what I was learning, and then began to teach it. There was a lot of interest, many questions, and some opposition.

About ten years later, I began to see how Israel fit into the prophecy picture. In my experience, there had always been a focus on the future of the church, but not much was said about the future of the Jewish people. But God kept showing me all these Old Testament verses describing His purposes and plans for His chosen people. What I also discovered was that God’s work with the Jewish people was in conjunction and coinciding with His work with the church. My heart was so excited, for God kept revealing to me more truth about His future plans, resulting in a greater understanding of end-times prophecy.

Then I started a monthly, Wednesday night Bible study on the end-times, Christ’s second coming, and the future kingdom ages. Continually teaching about a Christian’s future and hope has proven to be a tremendous blessing for me and my church. The preparation needed for these prophecy studies helped me to put all the pieces together, enabling me to see the big picture. First, there was the perfect age with Adam and Eve (Genesis 1-2). This was followed by the present evil age, starting with Adam’s sin, continuing through God’s work with Israel and the church, and ending with the rapture, the wrath of God, and the redemption of a Jewish remnant (Genesis 3 – Revelation 19). Then comes the millennial kingdom, a time when Jesus Christ, with believing Jews and Christians, will reign over the world for 1000 years (Revelation 20). At the end of that time, sin will be gone, death will be defeated, and Satan and all unbelievers will be cast into the lake of fire. Finally, there will be the eternal kingdom, with the new heavens and new earth, and everything will be, absolutely and forever, perfect and glorious. Revelation 21-22

But what strikes me, what wakes me up at night, what really motivates me, is that this is our time to live. We are now living in the last years of this present evil age, and are so very close to the return of Christ and the rapture of the church. I can’t tell you how excited I am to be alive, and to be able to live for God at this time in history! What a great honor, privilege and opportunity He has given each one of us!

For over 25 years, I’ve been pastoring a local church, first in Maryland and now in Florida. My primary purpose is to feed and care for the church, which I love to do. But since we live in the end-times, I also see it as my responsibility to prepare my church for the return of Christ, and to help them see the incredible hope we have from God. I want them, and you too (which is why I started this blog), to know Him, but to also know all about the future, to be excited about seeing Him, and to be telling others what will surely and soon take place, the coming of Jesus Christ. My strong desire is that we all do business until He comes, be praying, “Thy kingdom come,” be preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and be looking for our Savior to return to earth and take us home to heaven. Luke 19:13; Matthew 6:9, 24:14; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17     

P.S. Another short history of my journey in learning about end-times Bible prophecy is at our About tab.  I would also encourage you to check out Zion’s Hope’s website – there’s lots and lots of excellent teaching and information found on that site.

Bible Prophecy Enables Us to See the Future

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #101 ~

At this time of the year, people make predictions about what they think will happen in 2019. But you know how it goes? Nobody gets it all right, for no man or woman can accurately forecast the future. Only God can perfectly predict what will be taking place, and that’s because He makes the future. He knows exactly what He is going to do, He has it all planned out, and then at the right time, He brings it to pass. “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure.’” Isaiah 46:9-10

What amazes me is that such a large portion of the Bible is prophetic, precisely predicting events that occur in the future. Maybe you have read some of the Old Testament verses that tell us about Christ’s first coming (Psalm 22:1-21; Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; Micah 5:2; Zechariah 9:9, etc.) But this blog site focuses on the many verses from both the Old and New Testaments that predict and describe Christ’s second coming.

God didn’t have to tell us about the future, and about Christ’s return, but He did, for He wants us to know His plans for planet earth, and for the Jewish people and the church. He doesn’t want us to be surprised or afraid when calamitous events take place. He wants us to be anticipating Christ’s second coming, and to be excited about being with Him. God also knows we need hope, especially in this world of evil and increasing darkness. God’s prophetic word gives us hope, for it helps us see the future that God has planned and prepared for us. “We have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star arises in your heart.” 2 Peter 1:19

At this time in history, as we are getting closer to the end of this age, might we realize our vantage point, the incredible view we have of God’s end-time’s working. I am not talking about a physical vantage point, but a geo-prophetical one, a perspective informed by God’s word that helps us to rightly understand events taking place on our earth. By looking at God’s prophetic word and the world around us, we can clearly see that Christ’s return is drawing near. “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things written in it; for the time is near.” Revelation 1:3

What about this year? What is going to happen? I can’t say for sure, and no person can specifically know what will be happening, but God gives us a general idea of what will be taking place. There will be the preaching of the gospel (Matthew 24:14), the making of disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), and the growth of the church (Matthew 16:18). Wickedness will increase (Matthew 24:12). There will be a growing need for globalism and a world ruler (Revelation 13). There will be more wars, famines, economic problems and earthquakes. (Matthew 24:4-8). Countries will be reshaped and realigned, leading to that final, God-planned configuration of nations. Ezekiel 38:1-6, Daniel 2:36-45

But there are also very specific, identifiable, God-predicted prophecies that will be fulfilled in the years ahead. What are some of these?
1. A treaty between Israel and a number of other nations will be signed or confirmed. This event, whether actually observed by us or not, will occur at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week, a prophetically strategic seven-year time frame. Daniel 9:27
2. The Antichrist will be revealed at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week. Daniel 9:27
3. A great, global persecution of Jewish people and Christians will take place after the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, but will then be cut short. Matthew 24:9, 21-22
4. The rapture of the church will occur at the end of this age, during the second half of Daniel’s 70th week, at an unknown time to us. Matthew 24:31-36, Revelation 7:9-14
5. A remnant of Jewish people will be saved at the end of Daniel’s 70th week. Daniel 9:24
6. The kingdom of the world will be transferred from the control of Satan to the control of Jesus Christ at the end of this 70th week. Revelation 11:15
7. A new and glorious kingdom, with Jesus Christ ruling and believers reigning with Him, will begin, and continue on for 1000 years. 1 Corinthians 15:22-28, Revelation 20:1-6

All these things are guaranteed to take place, because God has told us so, and because He, Himself, will make sure they are carried out. The Lord God of heaven and earth is on the move, and nothing will stop, thwart or derail His purposes, prophecies, and plans. He is continually and faithfully working out all the steps, all the details, all the events that need to take place to bring this present age to a close.  

As for this year, there won’t be a wasted second, a wasted day, or a wasted week, for every single thing that will happen is part of God’s eternal, sovereign, and perfect plan to bring about the return of Christ, the rapture of the church, and the reign of Christ over the world. Be humble and holy, pray and work, and wait and see! “They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory. And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to another.” Matthew 24:30-31

P.S. We must understand Bible prophecy in general before we can understand it in specific. These two previous posts, together with this present one, will enable you to have a better grasp on Bible prophecy – Prophecy is Predicting the Future, and What You Need to Know About Prophecy.