By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #125 ~

Bible prophecy tells us what will happen in the future, not every single detail, but what God wants us to know. This foretelling of coming events is an amazing and encouraging part of His word. You should be extremely excited by the fact that you can know what will be taking place in the years leading up to Christ’s return to earth. But God doesn’t just tell you what events will be taking place, He also tells you when they will take place. By saying “when”, I don’t mean the exact date when they will take place, but rather, the chronology of these upcoming events. To really understand Christ’s coming, and to fully live for Him in these end-times, you need to know the order of these future events.
But how can you know the order, the sequence of future events? How will you be able to see that Christ’s return is getting closer and closer? By understanding this timing tool, this time-frame called Daniel’s 70th week. Here’s what you need to know about this 70th week. It’s still future. It’s exactly seven years long. It bridges this present age with the next age. It’s a time period during which many major prophesied events will occur:
* At the beginning of this 70th week, this man, who will be known as the Antichrist, will make or confirm a covenant, a treaty, between Israel and other nations. Daniel 9:27
* At the 3½ year mark of this 7-year week, the Antichrist will be revealed and seen by Christians and Jews for who he really is, the most devilish man to ever live. Daniel 9:27
* Sometime during the second half of this 7-year period, Christ will come and rapture the church, and gather all believers to Himself. Matthew 24:31, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17
* During the last part of Daniel’s 70th week, just after the rapture of the church, God’s righteous wrath will be poured out upon this most sinful earth. Revelation 8-9, 16
* At the end of this 70th week, Jesus Christ will return, save a large remnant of Jews, establish Himself as King, and shortly thereafter, begin His 1000-year reign over the earth. Zechariah 14:9, Revelation 11:15
It’s 2019, and Daniel’s 70th week is still future. This coming “week” will be one very long “week,” a destructive and deadly seven years, a time when there will be spiritual warfare between God and Satan like never before. For many of you, this will be your time to live for the Lord, to serve, fight and suffer for your King. God wants you to be ready for this prophecy-packed 70th week, to know what events will be taking place and when they will be taking place. Now this 70th week, this 7-year divine calendar, doesn’t give you all the details, but it will help you know what and when future events will be happening.
There’s something else that will enable you to understand the order, the chronology of coming events, and that’s timing words and phrases. Here’s a list of them from Matthew 24:4-40: “beginning, then, at that time, end, when, then, then, then, immediately after, then, then, when, when, before, until, then.” The word “then” is a timing word which means, “soon after that, next in order of time” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). “When” means, “at or during which time” (M.W.D). “Until” means, “up to the time that” (M.W.D.) You have to see and understand these timing words if you are going to know when prophetic events take place, that is, the order they will occur in the time leading up to the return of Christ.
Most prophecy passages contain timing words and phrases. In 1 Corinthians 15:23-28, there’s “in his own order, after that, then, when, when, until, last, when, when, then.” In Luke 21:7-33, we find “when, when, when, take place first, follow immediately, before, when, then, then, in those days, until, then, when, drawing near, is now near, when, is near.” When you study prophecy, you need to be looking for these words and phrases. Recognizing these timing words, and knowing the timing tool, Daniel’s 70th week, are two important keys to understanding the order, the sequence of end-time events.
In these end-times, God wants you to be a watchman (Psalm 130:6, Ezekiel 3:17). This means knowing what His word says about prophetic events, and then waiting and looking for them to happen. To be a good watchman, you must know the chronology of end-time events. Then when you see these events taking place:
* you will have more faith in God because you can see that He is keeping His word;
* you will have more peace because you see that all is going according to God’s word;
* you will be all the more convinced and excited that Jesus Christ is coming back;
* you will have greater joy and hope, for you know you will soon see your Savior;
* you will be more motivated to share the gospel with the lost; and
* you will want to tell other Christians what God is doing, how He’s carrying out His plans for the return of His Son, and that it won’t be long.
I encourage you to study all the New Testament prophecy passages. Grow in your convictions about the end-times, the coming of Christ, the rapture of the church, and all of God’s plans for the ages to come. And be a watchman. Then you will be “encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25
P.S. Here are two more posts that will add to your understanding about the timing of future end-time events: Daniel’s 70th week, One of the Keys to Understanding the End Times and The Timing of the Rapture.