By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #126 ~

“O my God! O my God! O my God! O my God! O my God! O my God! This is bad!” That was the initial and terrified reaction of a person who had just experienced that recent 7.1 earthquake in southern California. She was scared to death, and understandably so. When I first heard about this earthquake, I immediately thought about the end-times and Matthew 24. In verse 3, we see that the disciples asked Jesus for a sign about His coming and the end of the age. He then gives them the perfect answer, telling them about many signs and events that will take place before His coming, including earthquakes.
Matthew 24:6-8 are the verses that speak about these earthquakes, wars and famines. For those of us living in the end-times, it’s imperative that we understand these verses, or we’ll be in error. What then do we learn about earthquakes and the end-times?
* Jesus says earthquakes will be taking place in the years leading up to His 2nd coming. Earthquakes, along with wars and famines, are events that are part of His alarm system to awaken and alert us to the fact that His return is getting closer. 1 Thessalonians 5:4-6
* These earthquakes will be great earthquakes (Luke 21:11). As Christ’s return draws near, there won’t be just baby earthquakes, these little quakes and tremors – there will be the big ones, the 7’s, 8’s, and 9’s on the Richter scale.
* These earthquakes, wars and famines are called birth pains. Those of you familiar with babies being born know that a mother has birth pains which increase in intensity and frequency the closer she gets to her child’s birth. As these birth pains continue, the mother knows she will soon see her baby. As these earthquakes get stronger and closer together, you will be able to sense in your spirit that Jesus Christ is coming soon.
* The earthquakes and famines occur in “various places” (verse 7). The vast majority of people in the world won’t be affected by these earthquakes, for they aren’t occurring in every city and country, but only in some places, in “various places.” We also read, “you will be hearing of wars,” which means most people won’t be experiencing the wars (verse 6).
* These earthquakes, wars and famines are the beginning of birth pains (verse 8). Mothers know that beginning birth pains are just the beginning. “Those things must take place, but that is not yet the end” (verse 6). That is, there are later, ending birth pains which are much more painful. And so too, Christians will experience increasingly difficult birth pains as Christ’s return gets closer. The next verse (verse 9) tells you about this: “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated…”
* Both Christians and non-Christians will experience these birth pains, as shown by the context and order of end-time events. Christians are referred to in verses 9-14, and therefore, must be on the earth for these beginning birth pains spoken of in verse 8.
* These earthquakes, wars and famines are not part of the “day of the Lord”, that part of God’s wrath that begins after the rapture of the church. That’s because we know God’s wrath is not poured out upon the Christians. We also know this because earthquakes, famines and wars are spoken of in verses 6-8, and God’s wrath does not begin until after the heavenly signs, which are described in verse 29. The same order of events is described in Revelation 6. Seals 1-4 describe these birth pains, and they occur before seal 6, the heavenly signs that signal God’s wrath is imminent (Revelation 6:1-8, 12-17). The rapture is described in Revelation 7:9-14, which makes it evident that it takes place between the seals (birth pains) of Revelation 6, and the trumpets (wrath) of Revelation 8-9.
* These birth pains start before the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week, that 7-year time-frame. Some people believe these birth pains start at the beginning of this 70th week, but that means you would have to cram these wars and famines, all these elongated events, along with these quick-strike earthquakes, into one 3½ year time period. I don’t believe it’s possible for all these beginning birth pains to fit into those few years. I also think these earthquakes, wars and famines, have already started, and will continue to increase in intensity and frequency the closer we get to the coming of Christ.
* We live in that stage of the end-times called the beginning of birth pains (Matthew 24:8). Matthew 24:9-14 goes on to describe the role and experience of Christians before the end of the age and the rapture of the church. Matthew 24:15-27 tells us about the experience of the Jews before the coming of the Lord. Matthew 24:28 talks about corpses, which means many people will die during this time. Then Matthew 24:29-31 gives us more information about the end of the age, Christ’s return, and the rapture.
* I believe there are still many years to go before Christ’s coming and the rapture of the church, which takes place sometime during the last half of Daniel’s 70th week. There will be many more wars, famines, earthquakes, along with plagues (Luke 21:11), and financial problems (Revelation 6:5-6). And yes, there will be one last great earthquake before the end of the age (Revelation 6:12). It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better, before Christ comes back. But God is sovereign and good, and you can trust Him.
On this subject of earthquakes and the end-times, it’s very instructive and encouraging to read Psalm 46. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea…though the mountains quake at its swelling pride… Come, behold the works of the Lord… He makes wars cease to the end of the earth… Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth. The Lord of hosts is with us…” Don’t ever be afraid. Just remember that God is with you and will take care of you, and that ultimately, it’s about His purposes and glory.
P.S. Here are two instructive posts related to this subject about the end-times and Christ’s return: When Is Christ Coming Back? and When Does the Rapture Take Place?