By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #143 ~

When I talk to Christians, I often ask them whether the subject of the end-times and Christ’s 2nd coming is taught in their church, and most of the time they say it’s not. And when they say it’s not, it’s either that they don’t teach it all, or they don’t teach it accurately. But why is that? Why don’t churches teach on prophecy, or if they do, not in the way God would want them to? Let me list some of the reasons:
1. They say, “Christ’s 2nd coming is not going to happen for a long time, and therefore, we don’t need to teach it.” They look out at the world, and it seems everything is going along as it always has been. Their thinking is similar to the mockers of 2 Peter 3:4 who say, “Where is the promise of His coming?” They fail to see that the Jews are back in their land, the number one sign that we are in the end-times. But Jesus and the apostles taught about prophecy way back in the 1st century, and here we are, about 2,000 years later, and “the night is nearly over; the day is almost here” (Romans 13:12). It’s time to teach on prophecy because it won’t be long before Christ returns to rapture the church.
2. They say, “Prophecy is confusing, hard to understand.” It is true that there is some complexity when it comes to comparing prophecy passages, seeing how the Jews fit in, learning what will be happening, and understanding the sequence of end-time events. That’s why Christians need to ask God for wisdom, and take the time to study this relevant subject. 2 Timothy 2:15 tells pastors, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” When you diligently study the word, God will show you vital truths regarding His Son’s return. In fact, Daniel 12:9 says that God’s prophetic word will be unsealed in the end-times, meaning God will supernaturally be opening our minds and revealing His truth about Christ’s return. I am convinced God will give us insight and clarity when it comes to learning what will be taking place in the years leading up to Christ’s coming.
3. They say, “In the church there are many views on prophecy, and to teach on one position will cause problems and it’s not worth it.” A pastor may fear that if he teaches one particular position, then some who have a differing opinion will be critical, unhappy, and may even leave the church. Some Christian leaders have told me, “It’s not a hill worth dying on.” But teaching the truth before God and before man is the right thing, the only thing to do. My experience over the years is that when you prayerfully and humbly study God’s word, you will discover the singular and primary prophetic truths you need to know. The truth must be taught, and as we carefully study the subject of prophecy, we will gain convictions, and be able to properly teach our families and churches.
4. They say, “Prophecy is not that important of a subject. The truths about the gospel, salvation, the church and spiritual growth are much more important.” Many suggest that truths about Christ’s return are not essential or relevant, but are electives, just 2nd tier topics. Yes, I agree that the gospel is the primary subject, but now that we live in the end-times, prophecy is also a primary subject, for Christ’s coming, which is right around the corner, will affect every Christian in the world. The many truths about Christ’s return must be required learning for every Christian. What are you going do to do when you are experiencing birth pains, and are going through great tribulation? We are living in the calm before the storm, and now is the time to study God’s word so we can be ready for the rough road ahead. For you pastors, it is your duty to teach the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). Do you remember that Paul taught young Thessalonian church about Christ’s 2nd coming, and even wrote two follow-up letters to them? Bible prophecy is an incredibly important subject, and God wants to teach it to you, and you don’t want to fail, for you are to teach it to others.
5. They say, “Christ already came the 2nd time, around 70 AD, and that most prophetic truth has already been fulfilled, and therefore, it doesn’t need to be taught.” People and pastors who think this way are not properly interpreting God’s prophetic word, but instead are allegorizing, spiritualizing, and saying words mean something when they don’t. I won’t take time here to refute their false claims (read my Replacement Theology articles). Take God at His word, and study Matthew 24, Luke 21, 1 Thessalonians 4, Revelation 6-22, and then you will know that Christ has not yet come. There are 100’s of verses about Christ’s 2nd coming that will be literally fulfilled, some stating how He will actually appear in the skies above us, and then take us home to heaven. Jesus Christ has not yet come, but He will, and very soon.
It greatly concerns me that this important subject of end-times prophecy is rarely taught in our churches. This should not be, for more than any other time in history, this is when we need to understand it. A world of Christians need to know what God says about it, and be looking forward to seeing Him and being with Him forever. I am praying for pastors all over the world to wake up, and be motivated to study and teach the subject of Christ’s coming (Ezra 7:10). Here are some instructive verses, and notice how they directly relate to our future, to prophecy: “I solemnly charge you before God and Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His kingdom, preach the word; be ready in season and out of season.” 2 Timothy 4:1-2
P.S. This post is about the present-day importance of learning about prophecy. Two men who have greatly helped me understand God’s word as it speaks about prophecy are Marv Rosenthal and Alan Kurschner. I encourage you to check out their websites.