By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #145 ~

The entire book of Revelation is important for Christians to understand, but chapters 2-3 are essential, and that’s because Jesus Christ is giving instructions to the churches. Much of Revelation describes events and details God wants us to know, but these two chapters tell the churches how they are to live for Him, what they need to believe and do. Revelation 2-3 are seven letters written to seven churches existing in the 1st century, but they have been instructive to churches throughout the years, and now that we live in the end-times, they are especially relevant to us, “for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3). What do we learn from these end-times’ chapters?
There is a striking, powerful and glorious description of Jesus, our Savior, Lord and King, and the coming Judge, given in Revelation 1:12-17. We see that He is walking (spiritually speaking) among the lampstands, which are the churches. That He is walking means He actively loves us, cares for us, and is building each church, which is what He promised to Peter (Matthew 16:18). Jesus knows our deeds, He knows how we are doing, both the good and the bad. He commends the churches when they are doing what is right, but corrects them when they are doing what is wrong. Jesus also promises the overcomers, the victorious Christians, that He will greatly and eternally bless them.
There are seven churches, similar to those that have existed throughout history, and to ones in our own cities and towns today. There are small churches and big churches, holy churches and unholy churches, strong churches and weak churches, live churches and dead churches, victorious churches and struggling churches, persecuted churches and worldly churches, and truth-full churches and error-filled churches.
There are the angels, super-strong helpers of Jesus who carry out His work in the churches (Revelation 1:20, 2:1, 2:8, 2:12, 2:18, 3:1, 3:7, 3:14). These angels are “ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14, Psalm 103:20). This should greatly encourage us, knowing that Jesus is working with the angels, His secret-service agents whose faithful obedience to Him is seen in their divine assistance for us, and their protection of us.
There is the Holy Spirit, working with Jesus in every church and in every way, filling us, teaching us, reminding us, sanctifying us, leading us, empowering us, and blessing us. How wonderful it is to have Jesus’ Supreme Helper indwell us and be with us, ensuring that we will make it off this earth, arrive safely in heaven, and live forever and ever. Notice the final instruction to each church, that we are to listen to the Spirit, to hear what He has to say to us, for what He tells us is extremely important. Revelation 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:29, 3:6, 3:13, 3:22
There are many lessons Jesus wants us to learn and apply to our lives:
* to persevere and endure (Rev. 2:3, 2:19, 2:26),
* to love Jesus (Rev. 2:4),
* to repent of any sin (Rev. 2:5, 2:16, 2:21, 3:3, 3:19),
* to hate evil, and not tolerate evil people who are in the church (Rev. 2:2, 2:6),
* to not be afraid of persecution, imprisonment, and suffering (Rev. 2:10),
* to be faithful unto death (Rev. 2:10, 2:13),
* to not deny the faith, and not deny Jesus (Rev. 2:13, 3:8),
* to correct error and false teaching (Rev. 2:14-15, 2:20, 2:24),
* to love, to have faith, and to serve (Rev. 2:19),
* to be growing, to be making progress (Rev. 2:19),
* to not be impure or immoral (Rev. 2:14, 2:20-21),
* to know and fight against Satan’s schemes (Rev. 2:9, 2:13, 2:24, 3:9),
* to complete the work God gives you to do (Rev. 3:2, 3:8),
* to remember what you have learned from Jesus (Rev. 3:3),
* to keep and obey God’s word (Rev. 3:3, 3:8),
* to be holy (Rev. 3:4, 3:15-19),
* to know God’s love (Rev. 3:9),
* to believe that Jesus is coming, and coming soon (Rev. 2:25, 3:11),
* to not be lukewarm, to not be worldly (Rev. 3:15-16),
* to not trust in your riches and be deceived (Rev. 3:17),
* to be an overcomer, to be victorious, and to believe all the promises (Rev. 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:26, 3:5, 3:12, 3:21)
* to have fellowship, to have a close relationship with Jesus (Rev. 3:20).
* These are the truths Jesus wants you to know and apply to your life today, and all the way to the end of your life on earth, whether that happens by death or by rapture.
What Christ cares for most on this earth is His church, His bride, the children of God. I pray that you are in a good church, a truth-teaching, God-loving, Christ-following, Spirit-led, disciple-making, Christ-is-coming church. How exciting it is, and how privileged to be living in the end times, knowing that we are part of Christ’s church, and that it won’t be long before He returns to rapture the church and set up His kingdom on earth. Remember Jesus’ last words, repeated three times in Revelation 22, “Behold, I am coming soon.” Might we heartily and lovingly say to Him, “Come, Lord Jesus.”
P.S. Here are two other past posts that directly relate to this one – “How Then Should We Live in the End-Times?” and “Kingdom Instructions for the Church.” One more thing – have a blessed Thanksgiving. Psalm 136