By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #150 ~

What is the most important thing you are to do on earth, and in heaven, now and forever? You are to love God! Jesus tells us, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). With your entire being, with every bit of feeling, and every bit of strength, you are to love God! You are to love Him during the day, at night, and on the weekend. You are to love Him when you are at home, at work, at church, doing errands, or out seeing friends. You are to love God all the time, today, tomorrow, and forever!
Why should you love God? Because God created you and you are His, and you are to love the One who made you. But most importantly, because God loves you – and Oh, how He loves you! If Jesus Christ suffered and died for you, if He saved you from sin, death, Satan and hell, then you are truly and greatly loved by God, and nothing will ever change that. Romans 5:8
Let’s look more closely at how God has loved you, and will love you. God has placed His Holy Spirit in you and, therefore, He is with you forever! You have been forgiven of all your sins, and are perfectly holy in His sight! You have been redeemed, rescued from the devil’s dark domain! God has adopted you into His family which means you are forever His child. God has given you eternal life which results in you knowing Him, and having this special, soul-satisfying relationship with Him. God’s love for you is specific and personal, in that He is good to you, kind to you, merciful to you, patient with you, gentle with you, and compassionate towards you. Psalm 86:15
That’s not all! God has also given you His Word, His eternal truth which results in all the wisdom, security, direction, peace, and hope that you need! God has made you a brand new creature in Christ! God gives you an eternal purpose, a real reason to live! God gives you a spiritual family, the church, friends to be with forever. God gives you an incredible future, a heavenly inheritance, resulting in eternal blessings and pleasures. And nothing in this world, no person, no devil, no problem, no time or distance, will ever separate you from this continual and incredible love God has for you. Romans 8:31-39
There is no doubt that God has greatly loved you, but have you come to know and believe this amazing and wonderful love He has for you? Many Christians are weak and worldly because they don’t truly know God’s love. For if you really know it, you will be a holy and strong Christian, one who loves God and is living for Him. This God-awesome love is powerful and passionate, and when experienced, will control you, and compel you to love Him with all your heart. Without question, God’s love for you will fuel and fire your love for Him. “We love because He loved us.” 1 John 4:19
But what should this love for God look like? How are you to express your love to the One who has loved you so much? Your love will be seen in that you will think about God, and be excited about Him, and tell Him that you love Him. Your love will be personal and relational, for you will talk to Him, listen to Him, and enjoy spending time with Him. You will faithfully worship, praise and exalt Him. You will be thankful to God for who He is, and for what He does for you. You will love His word and desire to learn from Him. Psalm 119:97
That’s not all! You will pray to God, pour out your heart to Him, and ask Him for His help. You will love all the saints, those in your church, and others you know or meet. You will obey God, and carry out the work He wants you to do. You will hate sin, evil, and every false way. You will love your enemies, even those who persecute you. You will share the gospel with the lost, with those who don’t know God’s love. And you will be looking forward to being with Jesus, and seeing Him face to face. Job 19:25-27
In view of who God is, and all that He has done for you and will do for you, you ought to love God. It’s the right thing, the logical thing to do, and it’s foundational, practical, purposeful, prioritizing, and without question, the most important thing to do. And it gives glory to God, which is the most important thing of all. Loving God should be an overriding constant in your life, that which will affect what you do, where you go, who you see, and how you spend your time and money. Make it your goal to love God every day of this new year. As you go through life, through the coming weeks, months and years, whether in good times or bad, sickness or health, prosperity or poverty, joy or sorrow, remember to keep loving God, knowing that He keeps loving you. Psalm 136
As you know, we live in the end-times, the last years of this present age, and the closer we get to Christ’s return, the tougher it will get. Some of you may even be on earth when the Antichrist comes, which means you will likely experience extreme hate and great tribulation. But whatever happens, remember that God loves you, and you are to keep loving Him. Doing this will help you stay on track, and keep you going down that straight and narrow road until you meet up with Jesus. Psalm 84:1-7
Your life of loving God on earth is only the beginning – never forget that you will be loving Him forever, which means in the kingdom ages to come. Can you imagine what it will be like to be glorified and in heaven with Jesus, when your love for Him will always be perfect, heartfelt, and God-glorifying? While in these fleshly bodies, your love for God is inconsistent, up and down, daily punctuated by sin and worldliness. But someday and very soon, you will be in heaven, and you will literally see Jesus, and you will love Him like you have never loved Him before. “Come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20
P.S. Knowing God’s love is not an option for your life. If you are to be encouraged, obedient, and exciting about living for God, you must know His great and amazing love for you. Here are two past articles that will help you comprehend His wonderful love for you: “The Father’s Love for His Children” and “Keep Yourself in the Love of God.”