By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #168 ~

In one way or another, we have all been affected by this coronavirus. One thing that has struck me is how people have been so emotional during this time – there’s a whole lot of fear, panic, anger, loneliness, depression, etc. Thus, I felt the need to address this subject of emotions, of feelings. Now all of you had plenty of experience with emotions, whether that’s yours or others. During your life, I’m sure you’ve heard people say things like: “He is very upset.” “She is in a bad mood.” “He showed no emotion.” “He has mixed emotions.” “She’s passionate.” “He’s really sad.” “She cries all the time.” “He hides his feelings.” “She’s happy.” “She’s a basket case.” “She poured out her heart.” “He really cares for her.” “She loves him.” We get emotional. In fact, God is emotional, and He made us in His image. We sure aren’t robots, which is a good thing. Can you imagine what it would be like if there were no emotions, if people had no feelings? Emotions give color, energy, variety, and personality to our lives.
Here are some words that convey emotion: anger, anxiety, boredom, compassion, confidence, confusion, contempt, courage, depression, desperation, disdain, disgust, envy, excitement, fear, fulfillment, gladness, grief, guilt, happiness, hatred, helplessness, hope, intimacy, jealousy, joy, laughter, love, kindness, nostalgia, peace, pride, rage, sadness, shame, surprise, terror, victory, weeping.
The subject of emotions is a huge subject, one that is quite complex, and difficult to figure out. But we need to understand it, at least to some degree, or we can’t live rightly for God, we can’t be all that God wants. My prayer is for Christians living in the end-times to be spiritually solid, mature, “at the top of our game,” and this relates to our emotional state. As we get closer to Christ’s coming, times will get much tougher, and the Christian who controls his emotions, who is self-controlled, will be more effective for God. Jer. 12:5, Titus 2:1-6
This post, by no means, is comprehensive, but I do want to share some general thoughts about emotions, and then make some statements about how to be an emotionally strong Christian.
* God made you an emotional being. Look at Jesus – He was a man of sorrows, He was angry, He had compassion, He cried, He agonized, He loved. And God wants you to be like Jesus.
* Emotions are often on the surface, are what we see, hear and sense, but there’s an underlying reason for how you feel. That is, there’s a direct relationship between how you think and how you feel, between your thoughts and emotions. “As a man thinks so he is.” Prov. 23:7
* Emotions often come from thoughts that are affected and influenced by your personality, experiences, circumstances, relationships, memories, and even the music you listen to. Most importantly, your emotions should be affected by God’s word and your relationship with Him.
* Emotions, in and of themselves, aren’t bad, but they can reveal wrong and sinful thinking.
* Emotions are expressed through your speech, and are seen in your actions and body language.
* A person cannot always pinpoint how he feels, but it’s not always necessary to know how you feel, “to get in touch with your emotions.” You don’t want to be too introspective when it comes to your feelings. It’s much more important to focus on your thinking than your feelings.
* Our emotions are often connected to, and intertwined with, other emotions. You can be sad, jealous, lonely and depressed all at the same time. 1 Sam. 18:10-12, Matt. 28:8
* When it comes to your emotions, don’t say, “That’s the way I am.” You don’t want to say you feel a certain way just because of your age, sex, race, color, ethnicity, or personality. There’s a reason you may feel some way, and then there’s usually the real reason, the root of it all.
* Your emotions often affect the lives of people around you, in both good ways and bad.
* Selfishness, anger, or pride in your heart will result in unloving words, actions and emotions.
* Joy, peace, or gladness in your heart will result in loving words, actions and emotions.
* Some people have a hard time separating how they are feeling from what they are thinking. This can be a negative but can also be a positive, for your humanness needs to be understood as a composite of your spirit, mind, soul (emotions), and body. Mark 12:30
* Emotions can be like “dash-lights” that light up to warn you that something is internally wrong. If a negative emotion keeps popping up, then ask God to help you diagnose the root problem.
* Be more emotional, more passionate about the things in life that are most important (John 2:17). You don’t want to be like the person who gets “upset about the littlest things.”
We all have fleshly emotions, but shouldn’t we have godly emotions, shouldn’t we be Christ-like in how we think and feel? Of course, the answer is yes, but how does this happen, how can we grow in having godly emotions? Let me share some things that I believe will be helpful.
* Know that God feels for you, has compassion for you. He cares about what you are feeling and why you feel the way you do. Psalm 103:13-14, Matt. 9:36, Matt. 11:28-30, Heb. 2:17-18
* It’s important for you to tell God how you are feeling. Psalm 62:8, Psalm 88, Psalm 119:25-32, Lam. 3:1-18
* Meditate on God’s word, for this greatly affects your thoughts, words, actions, and emotions. Godly emotions come from the heart of a person who is thinking about God’s truth. Godly, truth-based thinking always results in godly and Christ-like emotions. Psalm 1:2, Psalm 119
* Walk by faith, not by sight, not according to your circumstances. Walking by faith, which means God’s word is indwelling you, helps you think and feel in a godly way. 2 Cor. 5:7, James 1:2
* Singing truth-based songs will have a good and positive effect on your mind and emotions. Godly music and godly singing will help you have godly emotions. Psalms, Col. 3:16
* Your emotions are affected by God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit can encourage and enable you, in body, mind and soul (emotions), to fully live for Jesus. Acts 1:8, 4:31, 9:31, 13:2-4
* Being with other Christians is essential to rightly and wholly live for God. We are a church, and we need each other, and being with one another is spiritually and emotionally uplifting. Acts 12:1-12
* Life, first and foremost, is about loving God and loving others. When you live like this, when you focus on God and others, then you will exhibit and express godly emotions. Mark 12:30-31
* The most important emotions relate to loving God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. You’re to exalt Him, extol Him, praise Him, thank Him and sing to Him. Psalm 145:1-2
God wants you to be an emotionally strong Christian from this day forward to the coming of Christ. This means you need to be filled with God’s word and Spirit, resulting in godly worship, godly character, and godly emotions. He wants all of us to be communicating and emoting love, joy, peace and hope to a lost world. “I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart… I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.” Psalm 9:2
P.S. The key to feeling rightly, to having godly emotions is always God’s word. “How Then Should We Live in the End Times?” is a post that will help you focus on truths that will, undoubtedly, help you live in the way that God wants. “Spiritual Survival Food for the Coming Tough Times” is an article that will also be helpful. Next week, I will continue to talk about living truthfully and emotionally for God.