By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #183 ~

There’s no question that God has special plans for the Jewish people during this church age and in the ages to come. Now it’s true that God’s plans for the Jews were put on hold around 70 AD when, for rejecting Christ, they were punished, scattered all over the world, and since then, have been greatly persecuted (Luke 21:20-24). Last week we looked at five New Testament passages that prove God’s plans for the Jews are still valid and will be fulfilled in the near future. What is both striking and instructive is that these verses about the Jews are sitting next to verses about the church. As I stated last week, this means that God’s end-time plans for the Jews are somehow connected and related to His end-time plans for the church.
Here are several more passages which contain end-time verses about the Jews and the church.
1. Matthew 24:9-27. Verses 9-14 give an important summary of what the church needs to know in the end-times: 1) Christians will be going through great tribulation. 2) There will be false prophets, apostasy, and increasing lawlessness. 3) We are to persevere until the end of the age. 4) We are to keep preaching the gospel until Christ returns to rapture the church. Verses 15-27 are about the Jews, but notice what Jesus says, “let the reader understand.” It’s Christians who are reading this, and they need to know that the temple in Jerusalem will be desecrated by the Antichrist and that he will then chase after the Jews. Seeing what’s happening to the Jews will be a signal to the church that great persecution will soon begin, as also told us in Rev. 12:17, and then described in Matt. 24:9. “They deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.”
2. Mark 13:9-23. Verses 9-13 describe the persecution that Christians have been and will be experiencing during this church age. Again, we are instructed to preach the gospel and persevere to the end of this age, at which time we will see Christ and be raptured by Him (vss. 26-27). Verses 14-23 are about the Jews, and similar to what we read in Matt. 24:15-27, tell us about the Antichrist’s desolation of the temple and his pursuit of the Jews. But notice what Jesus says, “Behold, I have told you everything in advance.” Jesus is alerting Christians, for He wants us to know that He has told us everything we need to know about His end-time’s work with the Jews and the church. Might we be good students and learn all these things. Rev. 1:3
3. Luke 21:12-32. Verses 12-19, similar to Mark 13:9-13, describe the suffering the church has been going through since her beginning days. And again, she is instructed to share the gospel during this church age. Verses 20-24 summarize God’s plans for the Jews, and how she has been trampled upon since Jerusalem’s destruction (~ 70 AD), and which will continue until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled at the end of Daniel’s 70th week. Verse 28 gives us hope, for it says, “your redemption is drawing near” which refers to the rapture of the church. Verse 32 then says, “the kingdom of God is near,” which speaks of the physical and millennial kingdom Christ will establish on earth at the end of Daniel’s 70th week, and which will be a great blessing to believing Jews and the church! Psalm 37:11; Matt. 5:3, 6:10; Rev. 5:10, 11:15
4. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-9. This is a critically important end-time’s passage for the church. We learn that this man is revealed as the “man of lawlessness” (the Antichrist) when he arrogantly acts like he is God and takes his seat in the temple of the Jews (Matt. 24:15). This happens in Jerusalem at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week (Dan. 9:27), and before the Day of the Lord, during which time God pours out His wrath upon the world (vs 2). Since Christ’s coming is after the Antichrist’s coming (vs 9), and since Christians are gathered (raptured) to Christ at His coming (vs. 1), then we can conclude that the rapture occurs after the midpoint, sometime during the last half of Daniel’s 70th week, but before the Day of the Lord. From this passage Christians can see that the rapture is not at the beginning or end of Daniel’s 70th week, but sometime after the midpoint. Matt. 24:36, Rev. 13
5. Revelation 7:1-17. Two momentous events are described in this chapter. Verses 1-8 talk about the sealing, the setting apart and protecting of 144,000 Jews. Verses 9-17 tell us about the church on earth coming out of the great tribulation (being raptured), and then standing before and worshiping God (the Father) and the Lamb (the Son) in heaven. Both of these events occur after the 6th seal is broken, the signs in the heavens (Rev. 6:12-16), but before the 7th seal is broken (Rev. 8:1) which results in the blowing of seven trumpets and God’s wrath being poured out upon the earth (Rev. 8-9). These two dramatic, back to back, God-directed events, the sealing of the Jews and the rapture of the church, take place at the end of this age.
6. Revelation 12:6-17 – 13:1-17. Rev. 12:6-16 focuses on Satan and his attempts to capture a number of Jews, but God miraculously enables them to physically escape his devilish wrath (Matt. 24:15-26); and later, at the end of Daniel’s 70th week, He spiritually saves them. (Dan. 9:24). The dragon (Satan), seeing that he can’t catch the Jews, chases after the church (vs.17), which leads to Rev. 13. This dark chapter tells us, “It was also given to him (the beast – the Antichrist) to make war with the saints and to overcome them.” Christians will need to be wise and to persevere, and to remember that God is sovereign over everything that happens, even the death of fellow believers (Rev. 6:9-11, 17). Then there is another beast, the Antichrist’s evil partner, and he uses the technology of the time to deceive and control the unbelievers (vss. 11-17). Thankfully, the efforts of this 2nd beast will not harm the church.
What can we conclude?
1. In the New Testament, there are many side-by side, end-time’s passages about the Jews and the church – Matt. 24:9-27; Mark 13:9-23; Luke 21:12-33; Acts 1:6-11, 2:17-21, 3:18-21, 15:14-17; Rom. 11, 15:7-13; 2 Thess. 2:1-9; and Rev. 7:1-17, 12:6-17 – 13:1-17, 21:10-14.
2. These verses give us solid, super-strong evidence that God has not reneged on His Old Testament promises to the Jews, but that His plans for them will be completely fulfilled.
3. It’s important for Christians to see that God’s end-time’s work with the Jews is connected to and in conjunction with His end-time’s work with the church. We need to understand these passages and know how they relate to us. “Let the reader understand.” Matt. 24:15
4. Take the time to study these passages so you can be convinced about God’s plans for the Jews and the church in the end-times, and can then share this truth with others. 2 Tim. 2:15
5. Seeing God’s plans for the Jews being fulfilled will result in being filled with joy and peace, for it means realizing that we are getting closer to the end of this age. Rom. 15:13
6. “Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people.” Romans 15:10. (We will look at this next week).
P.S. I hope you are learning how how all these New Testament Jewish verses are relevant to the church. There are many excellent charts that will help you to more clearly see God’s plans for His chosen people. Here are three: “70 Weeks of Daniel,” “God’s Plan for the Jews in the End Times,” and “Promises for the Jewish Remnant.”