By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #193 ~

1) Who is the Antichrist? The Antichrist is described as the little horn, the man of lawlessness, the man of destruction, and the beast – and he will be the devil’s man on earth. That we are now in the end-times means it won’t be long before this most wicked man will be ruling this world and carrying out the work of the devil. Dan. 7:8; 2 Thess. 2:3; Rev. 13:3-8
2) What will the Antichrist be like? He will be arrogant, the proudest man on earth. He will be very intelligent. He will be a smooth talker, a charismatic man, a great deceiver, making people think he is God when, in fact, he is doing the work of the devil. He will be more influential than any other person on earth. He will have the utmost hatred for God and His people. He will be wholly opposed to God’s word, and all that is good, right, and true. He will be the most lawless and evil man this world has ever seen. Dan. 8:23-25, Dan. 9:32, 36, Rev. 13:5-8
3) Where is the Antichrist from? Many believe the Antichrist will be from either Syria or Iraq. Let me explain why people say this. From Dan. 8:8-26 and Dan. 11:29-45 we learn about Antiochus Epiphanes, a devilish leader who ruled the Seleucid Empire from 175-164 BC. His most evil act took place when he defiled the temple in Jerusalem, which is just what the coming Antichrist will do (Dan. 9:27, Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2:4). Therefore, we consider Antiochus to be a type or figure of the coming Antichrist. The reason we believe the Antichrist will be from present-day Syria or Iraq is because that was the territory Antiochus ruled.
4) When will the Antichrist be revealed? When will Christians clearly know who he is? Some may suspect he is the Antichrist at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week when he makes a treaty with Israel, but for sure we will know he is Satan’s man when he desecrates the temple at the midpoint, the 3½ year mark of that week. “In the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate.” Dan. 9:27, Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2:1-4
5) Are there other antichrists? There have been many antichrists throughout the church age, people who openly deny God and Jesus Christ, and their work on earth. John tells us, “even now many antichrists have appeared”, but he also says, “you have heard that antichrist is coming.” (1 John 2:18, 22-25; 1 John 4:3). The Antichrist to come will be the most powerful and evil antichrist in history. He may be alive on earth at this time, and if he is, he is not yet openly opposing God and Christ, but he will be soon. Dan. 8:23-25, 2 Thess. 2:3-10, Rev. 13:4-7
6) Where does the Antichrist get his authority? The Antichrist gets his authority and power from the devil himself. “They worshiped the dragon (devil) because he gave his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast” (Rev. 13:4). Yet it is God who sovereignly permits the devil and, therefore, the Antichrist to carry out their evil deeds. Dan. 2:21, Rev. 17:17
7) What is the purpose of the Antichrist? The Antichrist’s purpose is understood by knowing that the prefix “anti” means “against” or “in place of”. The Antichrist is against God, hates Him with a passion, and desires to take His place and become ruler of the world. Most of all, he wants to be worshiped as God, which will happen, but only for a short time. “… the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” 2 Thess. 2:3-4
8) What will the Antichrist do in the end-times? The Antichrist will be the key player in getting Israel to sign a covenant (treaty) with other nations (Dan. 9:27). He will lead a coalition of ten nations, which is the power base by which he will rule the world (Dan. 7:20). He will desecrate the temple in Jerusalem, setting himself up to be God (Matt. 24:15, 2 Thess. 2:3-4). He will be boasting about himself and blaspheming God (Rev. 13:5-6). He will persecute both Jews and Christians. He will fight against God by fighting against His people who live on earth. “He persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male child… It was also given to him to make war with the saints.” (Rev. 12:13-17, Rev. 13:7). The Antichrist, working with the other beast, will cause unbelievers to take his mark and worship his image. Rev. 13:11-17
9) Is God sovereign over the Antichrist? Yes, God is sovereign over the Antichrist and his ungodly work on earth. This vile and devilish man is like a dog on a leash, and can only do what God wants and allows him to do. God’s sovereignty over the Antichrist and his activities will result in God’s plans being fulfilled, and great glory being given to Him. Prov. 21:1, Rom. 8:28-29, Eph. 1:9-11, Rev 17:17
10) Will Christians be on earth when the Antichrist is revealed? Yes, Christians will be on the earth at that time. At the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, the Antichrist will be revealed and begin persecuting the church. This persecution, part of great tribulation, will be cut short, and then the church will be raptured and gathered to Christ. Matt. 24:21-31, 2 Thess. 1:5-10
11) What is the mark of the beast? It is a mark on the hand or forehead that the Antichrist causes unbelievers to take during the last half of Daniel’s 70th week. It is one of the primary ways by which the Antichrist will control them, for only those who take the mark will be able to do business, to openly buy or sell during this time. Those people who receive the mark will be eternally damned and punished, and deservedly so. Luke 21:28-31; Rev. 13:16-17, 14:9-11
12) Can a person take the mark of the beast and still get saved? Once a person takes the mark of the beast, he cannot be saved. That person who takes the mark is an unbeliever and has sealed his destiny, and will be damned, doomed, and forever be “tormented with fire and brimstone.” Rev. 14:9-11
13) Can a Christian take the mark of the beast? No. A Christian cannot receive the mark of the beast, and then be damned to hell. Once a person is saved, he is sealed by the Spirit, is eternally secure in Christ, cannot lose his salvation, and will forever be with Him. Eph. 1:14, 4:30
14) Will all non-Christians living during the Great Tribulation take the mark of the beast? No, some of them will not take the mark of the beast, and many of those who do not take the mark will get saved and then, at the coming of Christ, be raptured and glorified. Rev. 7:9-14
15) What is the image of the beast? This word image, from the Greek word “icon”, is a picture or symbol of the Antichrist that unbelievers are to worship in the end times. It is the primary means by which the devil, working through the false prophet, will force people to worship the Antichrist. Those people who do not bow to this image will be pursued by the armies of the Antichrist so as to be persecuted and killed. Luke 21:12-19, Rev. 13:14-15
16) What will happen in the world before the Antichrist is revealed and comes to power?
– The world will experience “birth pains” in various places. There will be wars, famines, earthquakes, plagues, and economic distress. Matt. 24:4-9, Luke 21:8-11, Rev. 6:1-8
– The United States will decline in power, and no longer be the world’s leading superpower.
– We will see a growing desire for globalism, economically, politically, societally, and militarily.
– There will be a growing desire among the unsaved for someone to solve the world’s problems and bring peace.
– Nations will be realigned, specifically those which become part of the Antichrist’s kingdom.
– It will be a time like the days of Noah, with ever increasing sin and evil. Matt. 24:12, 37-38
– The one becoming the Antichrist will make a firm covenant with Israel and other nations at the very beginning of Daniel’s 70th week. Dan. 9:27
– The Jews and the Christians will face growing hostility and persecution. Luke 21:12-24
– The sophisticated technology that the Antichrist needs to surveil people and carry out his devilish plans will be fully developed and ready to use. Rev. 13:14-17
17) How will the Antichrist control the world during the end times? Revelation 13
– Because of the Antichrist’s apparent resurrection, and the amazing miracles the other beast performs on his behalf, he will be famous and greatly loved, and be looked to as a world leader.
– He will have the authority and power of the devil, of Satan himself.
– He will be a skilled speaker, one who is very deceptive and persuasive.
– He will rule militarily over the world with great might and power.
– He will rule economically by requiring everyone to take the mark of the beast.
– He will rule spiritually by forcing people to worship his image, the “image of the beast”.
18) How long will the Antichrist be in power? Rev. 13:5 says that “authority to act for forty-two months was given to him.” This means the Antichrist will be in power from the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, when he is revealed, to the end of that week. During those forty-two months, on a day we do not know, Christ will return to rapture the Christians, and then pour out His wrath on the earth (the Trumpet judgments – Rev. 8-9). The Antichrist’s ability to rule will be diminished during this time when God’s wrath is being poured out.
19) When will the Antichrist be defeated? Shortly after Daniel’s 70th week is over, the Antichrist, along with the false prophet, will be defeated and captured during the battle of Armageddon. “That lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming” (2 Thess. 2:8). “These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire.” Rev. 19:19-20
20) How should you live when the Antichrist is ruling the world? You are not to be afraid of the Antichrist, for you are not to fear man but God (Luke 12:4-5). Persevere, knowing that Jesus is with you, and that the Antichrist will be here for only a short time. (Psalm 37, Matt. 28:20). Have faith and hope, knowing that God is working all things together for good, and has a great future in store for you (Rom. 8:28-29). Remember God’s promise, that “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Finally, don’t forget that “they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.” Rev. 12:11
P.S. Isn’t it amazing how much information God has given us about this most evil man who will soon be ruling over this world? You need to know these things, and know your God, display strength and take action (Dan. 11:32). I encourage you to read my article on the Antichrist – “The Coming of the Antichrist, the Devil’s Man on Earth.”