By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #206 ~

It is obvious to all of us that we are living in very difficult times, and in a very troubled country. We can speculate all day long as to why things are happening, but we always need to come back to what God tells us in His word. And He makes it clear that sin is our number one problem, and that it affects and relates to everything going on in our world today. Because of this, I felt compelled to write a blog post on the subject of sinners, but it kept getting longer and longer, and finally, it became an article: Evil Doers in the End-Times. I strongly encourage you to take the time to read this, and then pass it on to others. Listed below are the main points in this article. All these truths about sin, sinners, and the solution, must be properly understood by Christians, and especially now that we live in the end-times, in a country and world that is increasingly growing more sinful and wicked, for only then can we live for God in a godly and fruitful way.
1) Do you notice all the wickedness in the world, and that it’s getting worse?
2) Why sinners are sinners.
3) Sinners are not thinking right.
4) Some sinners are worse than other sinners.
5) Stay away from those who are evil and wicked.
6) Some sinners may not appear to be sinners.
7) God will protect you from those who are wicked.
8) The devil and his army of demons work through sinners.
9) Part of God’s plan is to work through evildoers.
10) God is sovereign over all evildoers and uses them for His purposes.
11) How are we to live in this world of wrongdoers?
12) Evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
13) God will judge the wicked in His time.
14) What should we say to sinners?
15) Saintly living in a sinful world
16) The devilish end-times’ deception of sinners
17) What needs to be understood is that we live in a sinful world, and it’s going to get worse.
18) This subject of sinners and God’s dealings with them needs to be understood.
19) What Christians need to know is the hope we have.
20) What are you to do now?