By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #252 ~

We are living in the end-times, and it won’t be long before Christ returns to rapture the church! It’s amazing how much information is in God’s word about the end-times, yet most Christians are confused, in error, and even ignorant about what’s going to happen. The purpose of this blog site is to help you understand and be encouraged by the future God has for you and for all His people.
I’ve tried to do this through blog posts and prophecy charts. In the charts, I’ve drawn out and displayed key prophetic truths on a Biblical timeline. I want to make it easy for you to see and understand the chronology of key prophetic events, and most importantly, Christ’s coming, the rapture, and the ages to come. You need perspective, you need to see your life in view of the end-times, or otherwise, you can get discouraged and stuck in your own little world. God wants to encourage you, to keep you looking ahead, to give you hope, and these charts are a way to do that. In these end-times, you need to be educated and excited about the future God has for you, the church, and the Jewish people.
It’s imperative that you see the big picture, where we’ve been, where we’re at now (the man in the charts), and where we’re going. And everything is going according to God’s plan, His promises and prophecies (Isaiah 46:8-11). I strongly encourage you to study these charts, for I’m convinced they will help you understand the big picture, and how you are an integral part of what God is presently doing in this world.
There are 280 charts on this blog site, and each one is instructive and forward looking. But that 280 number can be overwhelming – that’s why I have listed out 30 key charts, and I suggest that you examine each of them. I’m convinced they will help build and cement the truth of God’s prophetic word in your heart and mind. And remember to download them, print them, and pass them on to friends.
* “The Kingdom of God” (#4) – God’s word tells us that we are living in the second of four ages, and it won’t be long before the start of the third age, when Christ reigns over the whole world.
* “A Biblical Prophetic Overview” (#6) – When we think about prophecy, it’s important to go back to the past, and see how that leads up to the present and future plans God has for us.
* “Daniel’s 70th Week” (#11) – End-times’ prophecy can only be properly understood when you learn about Daniel’s 70th week, a 7-year time frame that will begin in the near future.
* “Luke 21” (#20) – See how God is concurrently working with both Jews and Christians in these end-times.
* “Matthew 24” (#21) – This detailed chart helps to illustrate the most important end-time’s prophecy passage in the Bible.
* “The Antichrist is Coming” (#23) – Christ is coming to rapture the church, but the Antichrist must come first. God’s plan and timing for the Antichrist is seen in this chart.
* “God’s Plan for the Jews in the End-Times” (#25) – God wants you to have a clear picture of how He will be working with the Jewish people in the coming years.
* “1 Thessalonians” (#29) – This chart focuses on the rapture and the day of the Lord.
* “2 Thessalonians” (#30) – This chart describes the coming of Christ and the Antichrist.
* “The Conflict of the Ages” (#54) – This chart pictures the past, present, and future spiritual battle between Satan and God – and God always, always wins.
* “Decline of the United States” (#62) – The United States is going down because of her sin. And this is all part of God’s plan, and soon enough, Antichrist’s kingdom will take over the world.
* “Harmonizing God’s word concerning end-time events” (#63) – God keeps telling us about the same coming events on earth – He wants you to be convinced about what will be taking place.
* “How Then Shall We Live?” (#64) – You need to know, not just what will be happening in these end-times, but how God wants you to live your life during this time.
* “The Rapture is…” (#65) – It’s amazing how many things must occur before the church is raptured. You must know them or otherwise, you will be caught off guard when Christ returns.
* “Tribulation for the Believer, Wrath for the Unbeliever” (#66) – It’s true that Christians will suffer in the end-times, but nothing compared to the deserved, hell-fire experience of unrepentant unbelievers.
* “Our Christian Hope” (#69) – This picture of your hope, of how God will greatly bless you in the future, is very encouraging! It’s eternally worth it to live this very short life on earth for the Lord!
* “Woe! Woe! Woe!” (#79) – This is a sobering view of the eternal pain and punishment for those non-Christians who reject God’s mercy, and don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ.
* “Why is Jesus Christ Coming Back?” (#91) – There are many good reasons why Christ must come back to earth, and knowing them helps you understand God’s purposes.
* “What Will Take Place at the Coming of Christ?” (94) – It’s unbelievable all that God is going to do when Christ returns – and He predicted it and planned it all out.
* “Living the Christian Life in the End-Times” (#108) – If you really want to know how to live for Christ in these end-time years, then look at all these second-coming verses.
* “Error or Truth” (#113) – There’s a lot of error when it comes to end-time’s prophecy, and you don’t want to be fooled, confused, or led astray. And so find out the truth.
* “God’s Promises to the Jews” (#115) – God makes three wonderful, world-changing promises to the Jews, all relating to you as a Christian, and they will surely come to pass in the near future.
* “The King of kings” (#131) – The prophesies in Daniel 2 and 7 regarding prominent kingdoms in our world all point to the return and reign of Jesus Christ.
* “The Regathering of the Jews to Israel” (#148) – Over the past 140+ years, God has been bringing the Jewish people back to their land, the clearest, strongest proof that we are in the end-times.
* “The Past, Present, and Future – Acts 3” (#177) – Just a few verses in Acts 3 give you the big picture of God’s past, present, and future working with the church.
* “The Remarkable Results of the Rapture of the Church” (#198) – You will truly be encouraged when you see all the immediate, life-changing results of being raptured.
* “Our Father Who is in Heaven…” (#215) – Visualize what the Lord’s prayer says about prophecy, for it helps you understand what you are praying, and it enables you to see the future.
* “What Needs to Take Place?” (#226) – This one chart spells out 15 different things that must happen before Christ returns to rapture the church.
* “World Peace is Coming” (#249) – Find out when world peace is coming, and it’s sure not happening in this evil age. Only Christ can bring world peace, and He will, in the next age, the kingdom age.
* “Jesus Christ, the Lord, is Coming” (#258) – Jesus Christ is coming very soon, and then you will see Him as a most glorious Savior, Judge, Redeemer, and King. Hallelujah!
Day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year, God is leading, moving, working, and His goal is to bring about the return of His Son to earth. He has told us this sequence of prophesied events that need to come about, specific plans that will be precisely and perfectly carried out. “Take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance” (Mark 13:23). God told us ahead of time everything we need to know about these end-times, these last years leading up to the coming of Christ. Might these charts help you to know what’s coming, so that you will be excited and encouraged, “and all the more, as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25