By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #271 ~

We are living in the end-times and, therefore, are end-times’ workers for God. What a privilege, what an opportunity to work for God at this time in history, “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). The Bible is filled with examples of people doing God’s work. Noah built an ark; Abraham was the father of the Jews; Moses led the Jewish people out of Egypt; Ruth was the great-grandmother of David; David was a king; Nehemiah built a wall; Esther helped save the Jews; Mary was Jesus’ mother; Anna prayed; most importantly, Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead; Paul wrote epistles; Paul’s nephew warned Paul about being killed, etc. What about you? What is the work God wants you to do?
“We are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared beforehand that we would walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). It can’t get any clearer – God has work for you to do. It’s good work. It’s work God wants you to do. It’s work He planned out in eternity past. It’s work you can do – God is enabling you to do the work He wants you to do. “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Phil. 2:12-13). Be glad and excited that you can do God’s work, that which has spiritual significance, that which eternally affects people’s lives, that which is part of God’s plan to bring about Christ’s coming, and that which will be greatly rewarded.
How do you know what this work is? What are some of the principles and keys to knowing and fulfilling God’s purposes, the work He has planned out for you?
1. Seek the Lord. Ask Him to show you exactly what He wants you to do. “Teach me the way in which I should walk… Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God.” Psalm 143:8, 10
2. Be holy. To do God’s work, you must be a holy vessel. “If anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.” 2 Timothy 2:20-21
3. Be humble. Be willing to do whatever God wants you to do. “Here am I, send me!” Isaiah 6:8
4. Give yourself to God, body, mind, soul, and spirit. “Present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness to God.” Romans 6:13, 12:1
5. Be in a good church and do your part. “… grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part…” Ephesians 4:15-16
6. Use your spiritual gifts. The Spirit gives you gifts, spiritual abilities, so you can do God’s work. “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God”. 1 Peter 4:10-11
7. Obey God’s commands, for they specifically tell you the work you are to do. For example – “Abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor,… contributing to the needs of saints, practicing hospitality…” Romans 12:9-21
8. Be sensitive to God’s leading, to the leading of the Holy Spirit. “All who are being led by the Spirit, these are sons of God.” Romans 8:14
9. Work hard. Be diligent. Don’t be lazy. Have a mind to work. “The hard-working farmer ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops.” 2 Tim. 2:6; Neh. 4:6; Prov. 6:6-11, 10:4
10. Persevere, do not grow weary or give up, for then you will accomplish God’s work. “As for you, be strong, and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chron. 15:7, Galatians 6:9
11. Learn from godly examples, from Jesus, Noah, Jacob, Moses, Hezekiah, Paul, John, etc. “In everything that he (Hezekiah) undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.” 2 Chronicles 31:21
12. Work with others. Don’t be a loner. Be a team player. “Two are better than one, for they have a good return for their labor.” Eccl. 4:9, Colossians 4:7-17
13. Do not love the world, and do not worry about the little things of life. Be praying – “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). Be seeking – “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
14. Never retire from God’s work. At the right time, retire from your job, your place of employment, but keep working for God until the day He takes you home. “David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep.” Acts 13:36
15. Always work for the glory of God. It’s not about you but about God and His glory. “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
16. Your work is “whatever you do.” Your work is spiritual, not secular or spiritual. It may be shopping, washing dishes, working at a job, reading the Bible, praying, sharing the gospel, having lunch with a friend, etc. “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord, rather than for men…” Colossians 3:23
17. God rewards your work, everything you do for Him. “I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done” (Rev. 22:12). “Each one will receive his own reward for his own labor.” 1 Corinthians 3:8
What a blessing that we can work for God! And God has special work for you to do at this time in history, work that is part of His grand and global plan leading to Christ’s return to rapture the church, judge the world, save a remnant of Jews, and establish His kingdom on earth. Let me conclude with my favorite verses on this subject: “Do business with this until I come” (Luke 19:13). “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the course. I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7). “I have brought You glory on earth by completing the work You gave me to do” (John 17:4). Might you “finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus” has given you. Acts 20:24
P.S. Here at the end of this church age we are running the last leg of this marathon relay, and might we be running for God. Jesus is cheering you on, waiting for you at the finish line. Might He say to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matt. 25:21). Here are two more posts on working for God: “Do Business Until I Come Back”, and “Working for God While Waiting for Christ.”