By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #293 ~

The world has all kinds of ideas about what Christmas means, but what God does say, what does God’s word tell us, what is the whole message? Matt. 1:23 – “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel.” A foundational truth about Christmas is that there was a woman named Mary who miraculously became pregnant and gave birth to a baby named Jesus. This Son of Man was the Son of God – and He was both God and man so He could be Immanuel, so He could live with man.
There are a number of reasons why God wanted Jesus to be both God and man – let me share with you seven of them:
1. Jesus had to be God and man to fulfill Bible prophecy. Many prophecies in God’s word had to be fulfilled by Jesus, for only a person who was both God and man could fulfill them.
– Isaiah 9:6-7 – This child, this son, is the Mighty God, and He will rule over the world forever – and this can only be speaking of Jesus, one who is God and man.
– Micah 5:2-5 – This person is born in Bethlehem, and He’s eternal and He’s a King, a ruler who brings peace to the ends of the earth. This describes one who would have to be both God and man, and we know His name is Jesus.
– Many prophecies speak of the Messiah, one who would be a Savior, King, Judge, and Redeemer. To fulfill these roles, He would have to be both God and man, and indeed, this is referring to Jesus Christ. Isaiah 40-66
2. Jesus is both God and man so He could reveal God to mankind. God revealed Himself to mankind through creation (Rom. 3:20-21), but most importantly He revealed Himself through Jesus. Heb. 1:3 says, “Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature.” The word radiance means to send forth light, and Jesus is sending forth the light and glory of God. Think about the sun – you don’t actually see the sun, but you see the light, the rays of the sun. And just as the sunlight reflects the sun, so Jesus reflects God. When you see Jesus, you see the exact representation of God’s nature. You see His power, love, supremacy, authority, holiness, goodness, mercy, and His purpose. John 1:29
“Jesus is the image of the invisible God”(Col. 1:15). God is invisible but Jesus is visible, and therefore, He can show us who God is and what He is like. Jesus represented God perfectly when He was on earth. By His words and teaching, by His actions and miracles, by what He said and did, Jesus was manifesting God, was making God visible, was revealing God to us. The way we know God the Father is by knowing God the Son. John the Baptist said, “No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten of God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him”(John 1:18). And Jesus said, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.” John 14:9
3. Jesus is both God and man so He could take our sins upon Himself. He would pay the penalty for our sins, that is, be punished for our sins with the result that God the Father would be satisfied by the justice that Jesus carried out for us, and then declare us righteous and give us eternal life (2 Cor. 5:21). Jesus became a man so He could be our Savior, so He could save us from the consequences of our sin, from Satan, death, and hell. Rom. 5:8, 6:23; 1 Pet. 3:18
4. Jesus is both God and man so He could be with us forever. One of Jesus’ names is “Immanuel,” which means “God with us.” This is a powerful and wonderful truth, that God actually came down to earth to love us, to live like us, to live with us, and to be with us forever. This is unbelievable, this is amazing that Jesus, that God Himself wants to live with us.
To think that God would come down to our level so we can live with Him, so we can see Him and His smile and His love for us, so we can hear Him speak to us, so we can talk to Him, and so we can have fellowship with Him is so encouraging. John 14:16-18, 14:1-3. During this church age, Jesus is with us through the Holy Spirit, but soon enough Jesus will come back and we will be glorified, and physically and forever be with Him in heaven and on earth. Rev. 21:1-3, 10-21
5. Jesus is both God and man so He can be an example to us. Matt. 5:48 says that we are to be perfect like our heavenly Father is perfect, and Eph. 5:2 says we are to imitate God. Since Jesus is God, then we can be like God by looking to Jesus, by seeing His life and hearing His words. We need human examples and Jesus is the best one we have, a perfect one.
6. Jesus is both God and man so He can defeat death and perfectly reign over this earth. Adam, the 1st man, was created by God to rule this earth, but he sinned and failed in his mission. The result of Adam’s sin was that he spiritually and physically died – and his sin was passed on to his descendants resulting in spiritual and physical death to all of mankind. Not only that, but the entire creation was corrupted by his sin. Rom. 5:12-21, Rom. 8:19-22
So God sent Jesus Christ, His only Son, the 2nd Adam, a perfect man, to earth. He was the only One who could save both us and this world from sin and death. If we believe that Christ died and rose again for us, we will be saved from sin and death and spiritually be made alive. And at Christ’s coming, when the church is raptured, we will physically be made alive, we will receive brand-new, glorified bodies. 1 Cor. 15:20-23
But what about this earth? Who can redeem this world from sin, Satan, and hell? Who is worthy and able to rule this world? Who can break the seals that initiate the whole end-time process that leads to Christ’s return? Only Jesus Christ, who died on the cross and rose from the dead, can defeat the devil, and renew and restore this earth. Rev. 5:1-5, Col. 2:14-15
After Christ returns, the restoration process of the earth begins. He will take back the earth from Satan and all the evil authorities and powers. (1 Cor. 15:24-28, 1 Jn. 5:19, Acts 3:20-21). We don’t know exactly how this restoration process will happen, but it will occur when Christ is ruling over this earth during the 1000-year millennial kingdom. At the end of that time, the earth will be restored to God’s original design. Ps. 98:4-8, Is. 65:17-23
Christ’s final act, the culmination of His reign, of all His work, is to turn this world back over to the Father. Then, as 1 Cor. 15:28 says, “The Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all.” John MacArthur summed up Christ’s work on earth this way: “When He took the assignment of salvation from His Father, Christ came to earth as a baby, and lived and grew up as a man among men. He taught, preached, healed, and did miraculous works. He died, was buried, was raised, and ascended to His Father, where He now intercedes for those who are His. When He returns, He will fight, conquer, rule, judge, and then, as His last work on the Father’s behalf, forever subdue and finally judge all the enemies of God, recreate the earth and heavens, and finally deliver the kingdom to the God and the Father.”
Jesus had to be both God and man to carry out this salvation process, the saving of souls from sin and death, and the restoring of this earth. MacArthur goes on to say, “From the time of the Incarnation until the time when He presents the kingdom to the Father, Christ is in the role of a Servant.” That is, Jesus is serving as God and man from the Incarnation, from the birth of Jesus, until the end of the millennial kingdom. And Jesus will keep being God and man forever and ever – and continue His close and affectionate relationship with His Father and with us.
Why am I taking so much time on this 6th point? So you can better understand the meaning of Christmas. We celebrate Christmas not just to celebrate Jesus’ birth, but to uunderstand the totality of Christ’s purpose, His whole reason for coming to this earth. We are not focused on the baby Jesus but we are looking at the big picture, that Jesus was commissioned by His Father to save man and this world from sin, death, and corruption. During this church age, Christ has been doing just that, and as Christians, we are to be worshiping Christ and working with Him, sharing the saving message of the gospel. Indeed, it’s a wonderful life, a fruitful, exciting, eternal, and God-glorifying life that we have.
But we also have hope, we have a future, a most glorious future. This is what Mary tells us. She knew it wasn’t just about baby Jesus, but that her son was God’s Son, the Messiah, and that He would grow up to be the Savior, and the King who would forever rule over the world. (Luke 1:30-33). And as Christians we are so blessed, for we will be living with Christ, reigning with Christ, and loving Christ forever and ever. Rev. 5:10, Rev. 21
We are now very close to the end of this age, to that time when Christ returns to rapture the church, judge this world, begin His reign over the earth, and begin this restoration process. I love what 1 Chron. 12:32 says – “The men of Issachar understood the times and knew what they should do.” As Christians, we need to understand these times that we are living in, and know what we are to do, that we are to love God and live for Him, and that we are to use our gifts and do our part in building up His kingdom. Mark 12:30, 1 Peter 4:10-11
7. Jesus is both God and man so that He and the Father will be greatly glorified. God knew that much more glory would be brought to Him and His Son if His Son would become a man, and be the Savior of sinners, the Shepherd of believers, the Judge of the world, the King of this earth, and reign with Him over the eternal kingdom. “Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone works wonders. And blessed be His glorious name forever; and may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen.” (Ps. 72:18-19). “I glorified You on the earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do. Now Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.” John 17:4-5
P.S. The Christmas message is so important, so instructive, and so encouraging. Here are my six previous Christmas messages: #49 – First Coming to Church Age to Kingdom Age; #99 – The Christmas Story and Christ’s Second Coming; #149 -Christmas is More Than Baby Jesus; #201 – The True Meaning of Christmas; #233 – It’s Not Just About the Baby Jesus; #264 – When I Think of Christmas….