By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #297 ~

If you are a child of God, if God is your heavenly Father, then you are greatly, personally, and forever loved by Him. God wants you to know and experience His love every day of the week and every year of your life. “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life” (Ps. 23:6). “Satisfy me in the morning with Your unfailing love that I may sing for joy and be glad all my days.” Psalm 90:14
If you are not satisfied by God’s love, then you will look to people or things in the world. That will not be good for you and will not bring glory to God. So go after God, seek Him, and make it your goal for your soul to know and be satisfied by His love. Then you will love God and love others and be able to joyfully carry out His plans for your life. Then you can make it through the tough times and these end-times. And then you will greatly glorify your God and Father.
I have written up a long list of Bible verses on God’s love. They are in my most recent article on this blog site. I cannot stress enough the importance of knowing these truths about love, thinking about them, and seeing them impact your life on earth. Listed below are several thoughts about love from these verses.
1. The greatest demonstration of God’s love for you is seen in Christ’s death on the cross, in that He was punished to pay the penalty for all your sins, and that God the Father was perfectly and forever satisfied by what His Son did for you.
2. The love of God is based on the truth of God.
3. God’s word gives you a great amount of information about God’s love.
4. God’s love for you began in eternity past and will continue into eternity future.
5. There is never a gap, a break in God’s love – it is constant and continual.
6. Ask God to show you His love so you can know His love.
7. Never expect or depend on a person to love you, but do expect and depend on God to love you.
8. God’s love is seen in many ways: it is good, kind, gentle, forgiving, patient, and compassionate.
9. Keep thanking God for His amazing and incredible love for you.
10. God’s love is shown in that He thinks about you, speaks to you, and works for you.
11. Knowing God’s love is one of the most important keys to loving people.
12. Singing about God’s love is good for your soul.
13. Being filled with God’s love is necessary to be fruitful and blessed.
14. You need to rely on and be satisfied by God’s love every day of your life. You may start the day with a cup of coffee but you must start the day with God’s love.
15. You see God’s love dimly during this life, but you will see it much more clearly and fully after your life on earth, when you are with Him in heaven.
16. God expresses His love to you in many ways. He loves you by giving you His Spirit, by being with you, by never leaving you, by providing for you, by leading you, by protecting you, by spiritually blessing you, by physically blessing you, by speaking to you through His word, by using you for His purposes, by giving you Christian fellowship, and by giving you hope.
17. Its vitally important to keep yourself in God’s love (Jude 21). You do this by: spending time with God, and for more than just a few minutes a day; meditating on verses about love; remembering what Christ did for you on the cross; loving God; obeying God; being filled with the Spirit; believing the truth of God’s love; having communion with Christians; confessing your sins to God; being thankful; sharing God’s love with others; and having fellowship with Christians.
18. Remember how God loved you in the past; focus on His love for you today; and think about how He will love you in the future, especially when you are in heaven.
19. A key to perseverance, to not giving up, is thinking about the personal and never-stopping, never-ending love of God.
20. God loves you even when you do not feel like He loves you. Never gauge His love for you by how you feel, by your emotional state, or by the kind of day you are having.
21. That God made you and then made you His child is a good and powerful sign of His love for you.
22. God’s love is true, unfathomable, incomprehensible, infinite, and eternal.
23. You cannot love God and love the world – they do not mix. If you love God, you are not loving the world, and if you love the world, you are not loving God.
24. Disobeying God means you are not being led by and filled up with His love.
25. One way to know God’s love is seeing how He is sovereign over your life.
26. God’s caring and compassionate love is really needed when you are going through troublesome and trying times.
27. The more you know God loves you, the more you will work and fight for Him.
28. Great tribulation, great persecution, is coming upon this earth. But during this time, nothing will keep you from God’s encouraging and comforting love.
29. Many of the verses I have listed in Article 52 are about David. I believe he is our best human example in the Bible of one who knew the love of God. Learn about God’s love by reading the Psalms and learning from David’s life.
30. The more you know and walk in God’s love, the more you will glorify God.
P.S. This is Valentine’s Day, a day that focuses on human love. But as Christians, we must focus on God’s love. I strongly encourage you to read and print out the verses on God’s love that are in my recent article, “The Love of God”, and then take the time to think about them. And pass them on to family and friends.