By Steven J. Hogan
About 50 years ago, in the early 1970’s, I was born again, saved by the amazing grace of God. At that time, I was in a church that was talking a lot about Christ’s 2nd coming and the rapture. There was a fervency for the Lord and His work and a looking ahead to Christ’s return, with many thinking that He would come back before the end of the decade. But the time came and went, and there was no return of Christ and no rapture of the church.
Fast forward to the early 1990s. God was giving me a renewed interest in His Son’s 2nd coming. I read books on eschatology, went to prophecy conferences, discussed this subject with other Christians, and studied and studied what the Bible said about the future. As a result, I grew in my understanding and convictions about Christ’s 2nd coming. Not only that, but I also had the opportunity to teach on prophecy in my church. I was convinced that we are in the end times, and that now is the time for people to learn what God says on this subject. It was about 13 years ago that I started a monthly prophecy Bible study at my church that has continued since that time.
My understanding of prophecy took a great leap forward about 11 years ago when I began to truly understand the Jews and their place in prophecy. Studying the Old Testament and the Jews, and seeing how God’s promises to them are fulfilled at the coming of Christ, enabled me to see the big picture and how everything fits together. Prophecy and the kingdom of God finally made sense to me. I understood God’s past working with the Jews, His present working with the church, and how Christ is going to soon come back. There will be the rapture of the church, and the salvation of a remnant of Jews. Then His work with the Jews and the church will converge and come together during the millennial kingdom age, 1000 years of peace on earth, when Christ will reign over this world. Immediately following that will be the eternal kingdom age, an eternity of perfection, joy, and love, in heaven and on earth.
For the past 23 years as a pastor, I have had the immense joy and privilege of caring for and teaching a small Bible church. I thank the Lord that they know all about Christ’s coming. But I care for all the churches in this world, and am concerned that many have become worldly, unholy, lazy, or are asleep, unaware of the fact that Christ is coming soon. This is not right, and should not be. Now, more than ever, is the time that people need to know what is to come, and Who is coming. It is sad, but way too many churches lack good, sound teaching in this area of prophecy, or worse yet, are wrongly taught. It’s time to wake up, to learn and be encouraged about Christ’s return, and to tell others the truth about His 1st and 2nd comings.
I am 100% convinced that we are in the end times, that time period right before Christ’s coming. Of course no one knows the exact date, but I do sense, as a lot of Christians do, that Christ’s return is getting closer and closer. My desire is to share with you what God has taught me. My desire is to tell you about the events that will lead to Christ’s coming, the details of His coming, and His reign over the world during the millennial kingdom. My desire is to help people know how they should live in the time leading up to Christ’s return. My desire is to help people get excited about the part, the role that they have to play at this time. My desire is to help people be like John the Baptist and make ready the way of the Lord. My desire is to teach the truth so as to counter the many errors with regards to Biblical prophecy. My desire is to help you see the big picture, and how you fit in with God’s end time and eternal plans. My desire is to help you see that we are very close to the end of this church age, and then begins the next age, the millennial kingdom age, and then we will reign with Christ for a thousand years.
My plan is to week after week, step by step, teach Biblical prophecy. I will be placing many posts, articles, and charts on the blog site that you can read, study, copy, and pass on to others. I strongly encourage you to invest the time to study the subject of prophecy. It will be well worth it, for you, your family, your friends, and your church, in this age and for all eternity. If you have any questions, suggestions, insights or other thoughts, please email me, or call me, and I will respond as soon as I can.
I love Jesus Christ, and I love the subject of prophecy, that Jesus Christ, our Savior, Lord and King is coming back soon, and that we will be with Him forever, and that everything is going to dramatically, wonderfully and gloriously change, and then Christ will reign over this world. O might we love Him, learn from Him, live for Him, and look forward to His Soon return. Luke 21:27, Hebrews 10:37, 1 Corinthians 1:8, Revelation 22:7 – “Behold, I am coming soon.”
May the Lord bless you, for your good and for His purposes and glory.
Steven J. Hogan,
Pastor of Hope Bible Church of Tampa
(813) 968-6699,