
Category: Antichrist (Page 2 of 3)

Blog posts about the Antichrist.

Step by Step Till We See Jesus

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #159 ~

At this time in history, what the Bible calls the end-times, we need watchmen, people who know what God has prophesied about the present and the future (e.g. the Coronavirus) and are then looking for these things to take place. A watchman for the church needs to know three things:
# 1, that Jesus Christ is coming back to rapture the church,  
# 2, that God has prophesied specific events and general conditions that need to take place in the world before Christ returns to rapture the church, and
# 3, that regardless of whether it’s specific events or general conditions, there are usually steps leading to their fulfillment, what I call pre-conditions. As watchmen, God wants us to be seeing these pre-conditions (#3), knowing they are leading to the fulfillment of these prophecies about the end-times (#2), prophecies that are pointing to the soon return of Jesus Christ (#1). Let me share some examples that will help you understand this.  

First, there are prophesies regarding specific events:
The peace treaty. This prophecy is that there will be the signing or confirming of a treaty between Israel and other nations at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week, made possible by the coming Antichrist. (Dan. 9:27). Ever since Israel became a nation, we have been hearing about peace treaties, but so far, no treaty has really worked. Someday, and I believe soon, this Dan. 9:27 treaty will be passed, fulfilling God’s prophecy. Once it is signed and we know it’s signed, then we will realize that Daniel’s 70th week has begun, and that it won’t be long before the church is raptured, and we see Jesus.

The Antichrist. This prophecy is that the Antichrist will be revealed at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week (Dan. 9:27). Before we see this prophecy fulfilled, people will be rejecting nationalism and be open to the idea of globalism. That’s because they will be looking for a “savior” who they hope can solve the world’s problems and bring peace. Then we will see a person (probably from the Mideast) growing in power and forming a 10-nation kingdom, and he will be the Antichrist. Once the Antichrist is revealed, discerning Christians will know that the rapture of the church is less than a few years away. Dan. 7:7-8, Rev. 17:17

The temple. This prophecy is that the Jewish temple will be desecrated by the Antichrist (Dan. 9:27, 2 Thess. 2:3-4). Obviously, the pre-condition necessary for the fulfillment of this prophecy is that the temple needs to be built. When you see that this temple has been built in Jerusalem and that sacrifices are being offered by Jewish priests, then you know it won’t be long before this desolation occurs, before the Antichrist sets himself up as “God” in this temple.

The mark of the beast. This prophecy is that people, to openly buy and sell, must take the mark of the beast, the Antichrist (Rev. 13:16-17). Before this prophecy is fulfilled, people will be wanting their identity and personal information to be more protected, so much so that they are willing to take this mark. There will also need to be a massive, super-secure system that can hold all this information and make all these transactions. As you know, sophisticated technological advances are being made in this area, like the implantation of chips in animals and people. For the first time in history, we are realizing that it is feasible for this prophecy to be fulfilled.

Second, there are prophecies regarding general conditions: 
Increasing lawlessness. This prophecy is that lawlessness will increase in the end-times. (Matt. 24:12). It’s obvious to me and everyone I talk to that lawlessness is getting worse, that there’s more corruption, crime, lying, disrespect, and immorality than 50-60 years ago. It’s true that there’s always been evil in the world, but now that we live in the end-times, we know this prophecy will be fulfilled. Wickedness will get worse and worse, and then the “man of lawlessness,” the Antichrist, will take over the world. 2 Tim. 3:1-5

Apostasy. This prophecy says there will be a great apostasy before Christ’s coming (Matt. 24:10, 2 Thess. 2:3). Most people my age (66) are aware that there are far less churchgoers than there were 60 years ago. It’s quite clear that churches are getting weaker, that God and the gospel are not popular, false teaching is spreading, and the religion of secularism is growing. When we get closer to Christ’s coming, God will send a delusion resulting in most unbelievers being deceived and rapidly falling away from their religions and so-called churches. This apostasy, this falling away of people from fake churches and false religions, will pave the way for the Antichrist to be worshiped all over the world. Rev. 13:3-4

Great persecution. This prophecy says great tribulation and persecution will be directed against Christians in the end-times (Matthew 24:9, 21). Ever since the church started, for close to 2000 years now, she has been persecuted. At this time, our society, academia, media, culture and the government are increasingly anti-God and anti-gospel. It won’t be long before laws will be passed with the sole purpose of silencing gospel-preaching Christians. Then, when the apostasy takes place and the Antichrist is in charge, hate for Christians will suddenly and dramatically increase, and there will be great persecution, and many Christians will be martyred, but many will live to be raptured. Rev. 12:17, 13:7

Realignment of countries. God prophesied that there will be a ten-nation, Antichrist-led kingdom in the end-times. This means we will see the decline of the United States resulting in her no longer being a world super-power. Coinciding with that, there’ll be the realigning and reforming of countries in Europe and the Mideast, fulfilling God’s geographical plan for the end-times, leading to the Antichrist’s takeover of the world. Daniel 2, 7; Ezekiel 38:1-6

Preaching the gospel. This prophecy is that the gospel will be preached to all the nations, and then the end (of the age) will come (Matt 24:14, 28:19-20). At this time, we are all aware that the gospel is being preached and that disciples are being made in nations all over the world, “even to the remotest part of the earth” (Acts 1:8). Indeed, Jesus Christ is building His church, and once His work is fully completed, then this age is over, and He will immediately return to earth to take God’s children home to heaven. (A positive and related note is that people from 117 different countries and territories have viewed posts on this blog site in the last year.)

There are three important things watchmen need to know about the future: #1, Christ is coming back to rapture the church. #2, God prophesied that many specific and non-specific things would happen before Christ’s return. #3, Observant Christians will see the pre-conditions, the step by step working of God, leading to the fulfillment of these prophesies.

Might you be seeing these pre-conditions as they are happening, realizing that they are part of God’s purposeful and providential working in the world, leading to the fulfillment of His end-time’s prophesies. I have no doubt that God wants you to see this divine process, and the continual progress He is making in bringing about Christ’s return to rapture the church. Mark 13:23, Hebrews 10:25

P.S. My continued desire and prayer is that you have a good understanding of what needs to take place before Christ comes back. Here are two other posts that will help you learn what needs to happen before the return of Christ – “Bible Prophecy Enables Us To See the Future” and “What the Bible Says About the Future.”

Suffering for Jesus in the End Times

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #139 ~

When you study the major prophecy passages, one thing that stands out is that God talks about suffering in every single one of them. Why is that? Because God wants us to know about this suffering, this end-time’s persecution of the saints. Because Christians will be going through a lot more suffering the closer we get to Christ’s return and the rapture of the church. Because God wants us to be ready, and not be caught off guard. In this post I will summarize what these passages have to say about suffering:

Matthew 24:3-41 (Suffering – Matthew 24:9-11, 15-22, 28, 29) 
* The suffering spoken of here begins at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week (when the Antichrist is revealed), and continues until the end of the age. Matthew 24:15-29
* This suffering starts with the Jewish people in Jerusalem, and then spreads out and affects Christians all over the world. Matthew 24:9-22, Revelation 12:13-17
* This suffering is related to great tribulation. It is great in scope in that it is worldwide, and in severity, for a great number of believers will be martyred. Matthew 24:9, 21, 29
* Our primary purpose during this time is to be preaching the gospel. Matthew 24:14
* Christians enduring to the end will be saved (raptured and glorified). Matthew 24:13, 31, 40-41

Luke 21:5-36 (Suffering – Luke 21:12-19, 20-24)
* The suffering that affects Christians starts at the beginning of the church age, and continues on until the redemption (rapture) of the church. Luke 21:12, 27-28
* The Jewish people will be greatly persecuted, starting around 70 AD and continuing on until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled at the end of the age. Luke 21:20-24, 19:43-44, 23:28-31
* The enemies of the Christians are religious and governmental in nature. Luke 21:12
* One of the most difficult aspects of this persecution is that Christians will be betrayed by their own parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends. Luke 21:16
* This persecution will lead to opportunities for Christians to share their testimony and proclaim the gospel. God will “give you utterance and wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to resist or refute.” Luke 21:13-15
* Remember, it’s all about Jesus, and it’s for His name’s sake that you suffer. Luke 21:12

Mark 13:1-37 (Suffering – Mark 13:9-13, 14-20)
* This prophecy passage is very similar to what we read in Matthew 24, but also contains elements from the Luke 21 passage.
* The suffering focuses on the end-times, particularly that which starts at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, and which affects both Jews and Christians. Mark 13:9-20
* A whole world of unbelievers will hate the Christians, wanting to put them to death (Mark 13:13). We learn, like in Luke 21, that believers will be betrayed by their own family members – brother against brother, parents against children, and children against parents. Mark 13:12
* “Take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance” (Mark 13:23). God tells us this ahead of time, for He doesn’t want us to be surprised that we will suffer greatly in the end-times, and that many will be martyred.

2 Thessalonians 1:3-10 (Suffering – 2 Thessalonians 1:4-7)
* This persecution, this affliction (tribulation), is what the early churches experienced and what all Christians will go through – and it will continue right up until the end of the age, when Christ is revealed and the church is raptured and glorified. 2 Thessalonians 1:7, 10; Acts 14:22
* This end-time’s persecution and suffering will last only a short time, for Jesus, your Savior and King, will return and give you relief, and eternal rest. 2 Thessalonians 1:7, Revelation 14:13
* These verses keep things in perspective, for you realize that you may suffer a little while on earth, but the unsaved will suffer forever in hell, paying “the penalty of eternal destruction.” Because of the love of God and the sacrifice of Christ, you will not receive the punishment you deserve, but instead, you will be blessed forever. Revelation 21-22

Revelation 6:1-17 (Suffering – Revelation 6:8-11)
* The fifth seal speaks about martyrdom, the climax and conclusion of suffering for some, for their suffering is over, and then they go to heaven to be with Jesus.
* End-times’ martyrs will be wondering how long it will be before those who murdered them will get justice. The sixth seal signals that this suffering is all over, and that it’s time for God’s wrath to be poured out upon the unbelievers still on earth. Revelation 6:12-17
* God is sovereign over suffering. He already knows who will be killed, who will die for Him. You need not worry, for your heavenly Father is in charge, and He knows what He is doing, for your eternal good, and for His eternal purposes and glory. Revelation 6:11

Revelation 13 (Suffering – Revelation 13:7, 10, 17)
* The beast, the Antichrist, will “make war with the saints,” and overcome many of them. This may sound sad and tragic, but it is God’s will, and in the end, God will crush the Antichrist, getting a complete and decisive victory over him. Revelation 13:7, 19:19-21
* Christians need to persevere, and trust in God, knowing that He is good and holy, and that Christ will return to rescue them, and then be greatly glorified. Revelation 13:10, 7:9-14, 19:1-7

What God tells you about this end-time’s suffering is the truth, what He wants you to know, and what you need to know. Remember Jesus’ words: “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and falsely say all kinds evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great.” Matthew 5:10-12

P.S. As Christians, we must not sugar coat the truth. Here is what God tells us, “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps.” Here are two more must reads on suffering: “Christians Go Through Tribulation” and “Christians Will Go Through Great Tribulation.”

Antichrist Revealed, and Then the Rapture – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #121 ~   

The apostle Paul had written one letter to the Thessalonian church, and much of that focused on the future, on details about the coming of Christ. But it wasn’t long before Paul became very concerned about them, for he heard that many in this young church were alarmed and troubled. They received a letter, heard some message, or somehow got the impression that the day of the Lord had already started, which worried them, and made them wonder if they were even saved, and therefore, had missed the rapture.

Paul dearly loved these Christians and knew he needed to write another letter to clear up any confusion, to answer any questions they had. In 2 Thessalonians 1, he tells them that the rapture, and the relief that comes with it, would occur before God’s retribution, before the day of the Lord, before God’s punishment of unrepentant sinners. In 2 Thessalonians 2:1, Paul reminds them that at the coming of the Lord, all believers would be gathered to Him. Then in verse two, Paul referred to the day of the Lord.

But before we go any further, you need to see how the coming of the Lord and the day of the Lord relate to each other. First, let me define this word coming. It is a noun and means arrival and continuing presence, and in this case, the arrival and presence of the Lord. It is not referring to a simple, instantaneous event, but to a comprehensive whole, which includes many events directed by Christ. The 1st event to occur at His coming will be the rapture of the church, immediately followed by the 2nd event, the day of the Lord. I say immediately because of what Luke 17:29-30 says: “On the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone and destroyed them all. It will be just the same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed.” What this tells us is that the day of the Lord starts on the same day as the rapture of the church. At the coming of Christ, the church is raptured, and after that, on that same day, the day of the Lord begins.

Now let’s go back to 2 Thessalonians 2. In verse one Paul speaks of the coming of the Lord. In verse 2 he mentions the Day of the Lord. In verse 3 he tells us about two identifiable events that will occur before the day of the Lord, and also before the coming of the Lord. He says there’s the apostasy, and that the man of lawlessness needs to be revealed. This word apostasy means rebellion, defiance or defection; and I believe part of this apostasy relates to the revealing of this lawless man, the Antichrist, which occurs at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, a seven-year time-frame. Daniel 9:27

Let me explain the connection between the apostasy and the revealing of the Antichrist. Sometime in the first half of Daniel’s 70th week, the Jews will be permitted to build a temple and offer sacrifices to God, for which they will be very happy. Then along comes the most arrogant and evil man ever, the Antichrist, and in total defiance of God, he desecrates their temple. Verse 4 tells us that he “opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15

This shocking display of pride and power, along with other signs, will cause many Jews, and many so-called religious people around the world to be deceived, to defect, and to turn away from God (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12). The result will be that most of them will begin to worship this lawless man, this beast, this Antichrist. (Revelation 13:3-17). What Paul is saying is that the apostasy and the revealing of the Antichrist will occur before the day of the Lord. These two events did not take place back then, and still have not taken place today, close to 2000 years later. In particular, we have not seen the Antichrist on earth, at least not yet. Therefore, we know that the day of the Lord has not yet started, and we know that the Lord has not yet come in the clouds and raptured the church, but He will, and it will not be long from now.

In the near future, the Antichrist will be revealed at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, and after that, at some unknown time to us, the coming of the Lord and the day of the Lord will begin. Since the rapture of the church is the first event to occur at the coming of the Lord, we know the rapture will take place sometime after the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, after the Antichrist is revealed, sometime during the last half of that 7-year period. This means Christians will be living on earth when the Antichrist is revealed, and is ruling over the world.

Let me go back to the first word in this passage. It is the word request and is translated as beg, plead or beseech. In verse 3, Paul says, “Let no one in any way deceive you.” Paul, a concerned pastor, was strongly pleading with these young Christians, warning them not to be tricked, lied to, nor led astray by anyone, in any way. I have the same concern, that you know the truth about the end-times and the coming of Christ, and are not at all deceived, confused, or in error. God wants you to know about these events that will be taking place before the coming of the Lord, and also have a clear grasp as to where they fit in, that is, understand the sequence of these end-time events. When you understand these things, you will realize that you may go through some short-lived tribulation brought on by the Antichrist, but you will not go through the eternal wrath brought on by God. This is very good news, for “God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ… we will live together with Him.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11

P.S. What I am talking about in this post relates to the sequence, the chronology of end-time events, something all good students and teachers of Bible prophecy need to understand. The best chapter that covers this subject is Matthew 24. I encourage you to read my article, entitled, Matthew 24 – The Most Important Prophecy Chapter in the Bible.

Revelation 12: The Jews, The Devil and Our Victorious God

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #84 ~

There is a God-promised, God-glorifying future for the Jews. Revelation 12 is a key passage confirming this, for it summarizes God’s work with the Jews throughout their history. This chapter takes us from the birth of the Jews to the birth of Jesus, skips the church age, and then focuses on the last half of Daniel’s 70th week. In spite of Satan’s continual attacks against the Jews for over 4,000 years, God has consistently enabled them to get the victory. When we see the big picture of God’s working with the Jews, we must conclude that they are not losers, but winners, for God has, and will, fulfill His wonderful plans for them. Psalm 33:10-12

Revelation 12 starts with signs, the first being that of a woman, and she is not Mary, nor the church, but rather, is representing Israel and her twelve tribes (Genesis 37:1-11). The woman’s primary purpose was to give birth to Jesus, to bring Him into the world, but it was hard labor, a long 2000-year battle with the forces of darkness.

These evil forces are described in the next sign, that of a dragon (Revelation 12:3-4), and this is the Jew-hating devil who, with the help of 1/3 of the spirits, does all he can to devour the woman’s child, to thwart the Jews and abort the birth of Jesus. We see that Satan works through eight beast empires, the crowns on 7 heads referring to 7 devilish kingdoms who, in the past, have been opposing and oppressing the Jews: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and I believe, Hitler’s third Reich. All this is leading to the future and final ten-horned 8th kingdom, one ruled by the Antichrist.

The 6th kingdom, the Roman empire, led by Herod and Satan, was not able to stop Israel from giving birth to Jesus, and also failed in her devilish scheme to kill Him by murdering little baby boys. The first 2000 years of Jewish history were extremely difficult, but by God’s grace, the woman persevered through the labor pains, and finally, Jesus was born. But nothing is said in Revelation 12:5 about Jesus being a Savior, about His sacrificial death and resurrection, and nothing is said about the church, just the fact that He will be the King ruling all the nations, and that, as we know, is at His 2nd coming. The church age is skipped over because the focus is on the Jews and on Jesus, and that He was taken to heaven, and that at the end of His 1st coming.

Revelation 12:6 summarizes God’s dealings with the Jews during the last half of Daniel’s 70th week, with verses 7-16 expanding on verse 6, giving more details about the last 3½ years of that most important week. There will be a great heavenly battle (Revelation 12:7-9), with Michael and his angels soundly defeating the devil and his demons, who will forever be cast out of heaven. This divine drama is far bigger than you can imagine, for the outworking of Christ’s crushing defeat of Satan at the cross is seen in that this deceiver, this accuser, will be thrown down to earth. Heaven will be so happy, for she will finally be done with the devil. But “woe to the earth,” for the devil will literally be on this earth, and he will be mad, full of wrath, his utter hate for God now focused now focused on both Jews and Christians.

But you must know that Satan’s time on earth will be very short. You need not fear, for God’s promise is that you will defeat the devil. By the blood of Jesus, you are saved, and forever safe in the hands of God. By the truth of God, by Jesus’ love for you and your love for Jesus, you will overwhelmingly conquer in all these things. Revelation 12:10-12

Once on earth, the devil empowers his man, and he becomes a beast, a superman, this Antichrist who pursues a remnant of Jews. But again we see God’s victory, for somehow, they miraculously get away from the Antichrist and his forces of evil, and are then nourished, taken care of for 3½ years (Revelation 12:13-16). Then that evil devil, who couldn’t get to the Jews, goes after the church (Revelation 12:17). As we know, Christians will also be victorious, for whether by death or by rapture, they will be taken up to be with Jesus. “Who will separate us from the love of Christ?” Romans 8:35

Over four thousand years ago, God’s plan for the Jews began, and they have been persecuted, murdered, and scattered throughout the earth. By the grace of God, they were successful in phase one, for 2000 years ago, they brought Jesus into the world. God’s plan for the Jews was then suspended, but has now been revived, for the Jews are back in their own land, and phase two is beginning, for now we live in the end-times.

It won’t be long before Daniel’s 70th week begins, and the Antichrist, that weakling, will again put up a fight. But at the end of that 7-year week, God will again get the victory for His people, the spiritual salvation of a Jewish remnant (Romans 11:25-27). That devilish Antichrist will finally be defeated, and cast forever into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20). Then begins the millennial kingdom, when Jesus Christ will gloriously reign over the whole world with all the believing Jews and Gentiles. Hallelujah!!! Revelation 20, Psalm 47, Psalm 67, Psalm 72

P.S. Understanding God’s working with the Jews is critically important when it comes to understanding prophecy. If you haven’t read these already, I would encourage you to read A Jewish Reading Lesson  and Charting God’s Miraculous Work With the Jews .

What About the Unrepentant Unbeliever in the End Times?

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #82 ~

You have seen the movies and read the books where the bad guys appear to be winning. They have locked up the good guys, taken control of the city, or hijacked the airplane, and things aren’t looking good. But these are just stories. When the Antichrist appears and takes over the world, it won’t be just a story, it will really happen. Truly, this will be a dark time in history, for the devil and his people will seem to be winning. Let me tell you what you need to know about unrepentant unbelievers in the end-times. They will be:

Unloving. Matthew 24:12 – “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.” In the end times, unbelievers will be increasingly lawless. They will be unloving, unholy, arrogant, lovers of self, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:1-4). We live in an evil age, and it’s going to get a lot, lot worse in the last few years before the return of Christ. But as Christians, we will be the light of the world.

Worshiping Satan. Revelation 13:4 – “They worshiped the dragon (Satan), and they worshiped the beast (Antichrist).” Unbelievers will hear about this man rising from the dead; they will see this 2nd beast perform great signs; and they will be amazed, in awe, and worship this man, this 1st beast, and also worship the devil himself. But believers will be loving God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. Mark 12:30

Taking the mark. Revelation 13:16 – “He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead.” Most unbelievers will take this mark of the beast, with the result that they will be able to openly buy or sell, do business, go shopping, or go out to eat.

Deceived and deluded. 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 – “God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.” Sinners will hate the truth, but will love their evil and wicked ways. Therefore, God will cause them to be deceived all the more, resulting in a rapid and dramatic increase in the depravity of the world.

Mocking Christians. 2 Peter 3:3-6 – “In the last days, mockers will come with their mocking, following after their lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming?’… But by His word, the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.” During the Antichrist’s rule, unbelievers will be mocking, taunting, ridiculing, and making fun of the Christians.

Hating and killing. Matthew 24:9 – “They will deliver you to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.” After the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, most unbelievers will see the Christians as a terrible menace, a harmful blight to the world. Non-Christians will be emboldened and impassioned in their hate for Christians, so much so that they will want to kill them, to rid the earth of them. “An hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think he is offering service to God.” John 16:2

Betraying family members. Luke 21:16 – “You will be betrayed by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death.” Many unbelievers will turn against their own family members, those who are Christians, and turn them in to the authorities, and some of these will be killed. Without a doubt, this will be one of the saddest and hardest things for Christians to go through in the end-times. “In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37

Eating and drinking. Luke 17:28 – “It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: They were eating and drinking, they were buying and selling, they were planting and building; but on the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.” There will be a pseudo-peace on earth during the Antichrist’s rule, and unbelievers will be happy, living like everything is just fine. But they will be so deceived, and will be shocked and scared when they see the sudden return of Christ.

Doomed. Revelation 6:12-17 – “There was a great earthquake… the stars of the sky fell to the earth… the sky was split apart like a scroll… and the kings… and the great men… and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves… for the great day of God’s wrath has come.” Great signs in the heavens and on the earth will signal the end of this age and the return of Christ. Just after the rapture, the day of the Lord will come, and unbelievers will be doomed, eternally damned by God.

Punished in hell. Revelation 14:9-10 – “He will be tormented with fire and brimstone… and the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever.” Those who receive the mark of the beast will go to hell, and later be cast into the lake of fire, where they will be punished forever (Revelation 20:15). This will be the sad, but righteous, reality for the unrepentant, Christ-hating, Christian-hating unbeliever.

You need to know the truth about unrepentant unbelievers in the end-times, especially if you are alive during the rule of the Antichrist. These last few years before the coming of Christ will prove to be a great opportunity to serve the Lord, love your enemies, and share the gospel with them, with the result that some unbelievers will repent of their sins, and be saved. Don’t forget, God will give you all the grace and peace you need. And remember, God is completely in charge, for He is the sovereign Ruler. “To live is Christ and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). “Behold, I am coming soon.” Revelation 2:20

P.S. Clearly, Christians will go through some very difficult trials in the end-times, and therefore, it is essential that we understand what God’s word tells us about them. A very comprehensive summary of God’s purposes for our trials is given in the article, A Biblical Perspective on the Trials of Life.  I’ll mention one more article that is very encouraging: Keep Yourself in the Love of God.

The Mark of the Beast

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #80 ~

In this day and age, the mark of the beast is a popular subject. It’s talked about in movies and YouTube videos, and written about in prophecy publications. Sad to say, there’s a lot of confusion and error on this topic, but the Bible tells us the truth. The Antichrist will soon rule over the entire earth, his goal being a one-world order, a one-world religion, a one-world government, a one-world military, a one-world economy, and this “mark” will be one of the primary means by which he will control the world. Revelation 13:16-17 tells us, “He (the Antichrist) causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.” Here are a number of things you need to know about the mark of the beast:

1. Having the mark of the beast is the only way a person will be able to openly and publicly buy, sell and do business when the Antichrist is ruling this earth. Revelation 13:16-17
2. This mark could be a stamp, a seal, an image, a microchip or a transponder. It will be specifically related to the name or number (666) of the beast, the Antichrist. Revelation 13:18
3. People will be receiving this mark of the beast after the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, when this beast, the Antichrist, and a second beast, are in power. Revelation 13:5, 11
4. A Christian cannot and will not take the mark of the beast, for he or she is a child of God, and the Holy Spirit will not let any believer take this mark of the devil. Ephesians 1:13-14
5. Only unbelievers will take the mark of this beast. Revelation 14:9-11
6. Not all unbelievers will receive the mark of the beast, for some of them will be saved during what is called the great tribulation. There will also be a remnant of Jews who will be saved at the end of Daniel’s 70th week. Matthew 24:9-27, Revelation 12:13-17
7. People taking the mark of the beast won’t be making some naïve, unintended or careless decision. Though deceived, these unbelievers will know what they are doing, and will be agreeing with the Antichrist, his beliefs, his rule, and his purpose for this mark. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11
8. Taking the mark of the beast is not just a financial decision, but is also a spiritual one. The person receiving the mark is pledging allegiance to the Antichrist, and is putting his faith in this evil, despicable and devilish man. “They worshiped the beast.” Revelation 13:4
9. Unbelievers taking the mark of the beast cannot reverse their decision. Once marked, their future is set, for they will forever be punished in the lake of fire. “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wrath of God… and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.” Revelation 14:9-11

We now live in the end-times, and when you look at the state of the world, you realize that we are rapidly moving towards that time when this mark of the beast will be a reality. For 100 years we have heard that leaders and countries are pushing for a one-world order and this global economy. You see it with the United Nations, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, and the International Money Fund. This desire for globalism, that the desires of the world supersede the desires of the nations, is only going to increase in the years ahead. There will be more open borders, less autonomy, and more interdependence with regards to the countries of the world. And on a personal level, people want their bank accounts to be more secure, and their financial transactions to be simpler and safer.

What in the world is going to happen? A sophisticated system will soon be in place for the Antichrist and his partner to manage this global economy, utilizing the mark of the beast. Governing the whole world, having a universal monetary system, and overseeing billions of financial transactions, will require an ingenious and complex technology. We now live in an electronic information age, with smart phones, supercomputers, massive servers, microchips, the internet, and the ability to store, process and transfer mega amounts of data. We are beginning to see how this mark of the beast will be a key component in tomorrow’s world. In fact, it is routine for pets to get implanted microchips, and now it’s beginning to happen with people. In Sweden, many individuals receive surgically inserted microchips for their business dealings and other activities (Washington Post – 4/4/2017). In the near future we will be a cashless and checkless society, our credit and debit cards will be gone, and the technology to implement the mark of the beast will be fully developed and operational.

Now is the time to tell unbelievers the truth about the mark of the beast, and more importantly, about salvation and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. As for you and your family, know that the Lord will take care of you. Be seeking His kingdom, and be praying, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:10-11). “This calls for perseverance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Him.” Revelation 14:12

P.S. There is no doubt that living during the time when the Antichrist is ruling the world will be extremely difficult. I encourage you to read this article, The Father’s Love For His Children, for this is what you will need to know and remember more than anything else.

P.P.S. Just a reminder ~ if you would like to be notified, via email, of the latest blog post, just go to the top of the home page and put your email address in the “subscribe” area and click on the subscribe button!

Reasons for the Rise and Rule of the Antichrist

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post  #79 ~

John was the only biblical author to use the term antichrist (the spirit of) he also referred to the Antichrist as the Beast. Description from regbos.wordpress.com. I searched for this on bing.com/images

As Christians, we need to study the subject of prophecy so we can learn what God is telling us about the future He has for us. Understanding what God’s word says about the end-times will enable us to more clearly see where things are going in the world, how everything is leading to the coming of the Antichrist, and to the coming of Christ. Know also that God’s work with the Jews in these days is in conjunction with His work with the church (Matthew 24:9-27). Let me explain.

Matthew 24:4-8 and Revelation 6:3-8 tell us that we will be hearing about these global “birth pains,” wars, earthquakes, famines and financial troubles, occurring in various parts of the world. As these “pains” get harder, people will be greatly distressed, wanting some relief, some peace, and yes, for some kind of a savior to help solve these problems.

What else will be happening? People will increasingly be rebelling against God and earthly authorities (parents, policemen, politicians and pastors). Sinners will be more depraved in their thinking, and therefore more evil, lawless and unloving. Their outright hate for truth, for righteousness and for Christians, will be obvious. The time will come when God will send a deluding influence upon these truth-rejecting sinners, and they will go from being bad to being wicked. (2 Thessalonians 2:10-13). There will be a marked polarization between Christians and non-Christians, and there will be persecution.

What about the Jews? For the past 140 years, God has been gathering them back to their land. Their present population is 6.5 million, and growing. But Antisemitism, this vehement hate for the Jews, is growing as well, and it won’t be long before they will be desperate for peace. Then at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week, this coming Antichrist will help broker a peace treaty with Israel and other nations (Daniel 9:27). But these Jews will be deceived, for they will be making a deal with the devil.

During the first half of Daniel’s 70 week, these birth pains will be growing in intensity and frequency. Unbelievers will be united in their hate for both Jews and Christians. A Jewish temple will be built in Jerusalem. People will be wanting a one-world order, and with that, a one-world leader to bring peace. Conditions will be ripe for someone sharp, smart, proven and strong, to rise up and become ruler of the world. This is all part of God’s predetermined plan, and He will make sure this coming leader, groomed by Satan himself, will be increasing in power and popularity. When he is seemingly raised from the dead, he will become more famous than ever. “The whole world was amazed and followed after the beast.” Revelation 13:3

At the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, the 3½ year mark, this coming world ruler will be clearly revealed, for he will desecrate the temple in Jerusalem, and set himself up as being God. (2 Thessalonians 2:3-9). Unbelievers will acclaim him as their new leader, and greatly love him. Believers, sobered, but not surprised by what has taken place, will know he is the Antichrist, and pray for the coming of Christ. The Jews will see this God-hating man as their worst enemy, and run for the hills. Matthew 24:15-20

This Antichrist is so proud, for his devilish dream has come true, and he can finally rule the world. What else happens? This beast of a man, being possessed by Satan, has great power and authority. Satan then raises up another beast, the false prophet, who as the Antichrist’s partner and promoter, performs great signs, further deceiving the people on earth. This second beast also causes unbelievers to worship the Antichrist by having them worship his image. He makes them take the mark of the beast, which is the means by which they can do business and live (Revelation 13:11-18). The fact that the Antichrist also has super-advanced, communication and surveillance systems in place, helps to make it all possible. The result is that the Antichrist will control the world – he will be in charge of the military, religion and the economy (Revelation 13:7, 15, 18). This Antichrist, this most evil beast, this wicked and lawless dictator, loves having power, loves being worshiped by the world, but hates the Christians and the Jews.

The Antichrist will chase after a remnant of Jews, but they will escape (Revelation 12:13-16), and later be saved (Romans 11:26-27). Then he will pursue Christians, persecuting and killing them. “They will deliver you to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name” (Matthew 24:9, 21). Some Christians will die or be martyred, but the rest will endure to the end of this age. Then Jesus Christ, our victorious Savior and King, will return in the clouds, and triumphantly rescue and rapture His bride. “Behold, a great multitude which no one could count… standing before the throne and before the Lamb… and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’” Revelation 7:9-10

Jesus Christ will then punish this wicked world, and cast that devilish Antichrist and his evil partner into the lake of fire. “That lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming.” 2 Thessalonians 2:8

P.S. This post relates directly to last week’s post on the Antichrist. If you haven’t read that one, then you need to, for it will help give you a much better picture of the Antichrist to come. One other thing that is important for you to know and understand are the Key Terms, a glossary of 50 prophecy terms and their meanings.

That Evil Antichrist, and His Short Rule on Earth

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #78 ~

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The most wicked and evil man ever, one called the Antichrist, will soon be ruling this world. There’s a whole lot in the Bible about this godless man, which means he’s an important subject, especially for the church, for she will still be on earth during his devilish rule. What does the Bible tell us about this end-times’ “antichrist” (1 John 2:18), this “Beast” (Revelation 13:3-8), this “man of lawlessness?” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10

It tells us about his purpose. The desire of the Antichrist is to carry out the work of that murdering devil. This beast of a man will rule the world, bring a pseudo-peace, blaspheme God and Christ, persecute Jews and Christians, and be worshiped by unbelievers. The world will, being greatly deceived, will love this most hateful man. Revelation 13:4, 8

It tells us about his power. Revelation 13:2 says, “the dragon gave him his power and throne and great authority.” The Antichrist will seemingly be raised from the dead, and be possessed by Satan, whose goal is for him to usurp the rightful rule of Christ. Be assured that our sovereign God is in control, and will use the Antichrist to “execute His purpose… until the words of God will be fulfilled.” Revelation 19:17

It tells us about his authority. “Authority over every tribe, people, tongue and nation was given to him” (Revelation 13:7). This evil impostor will be the head of a one-world religion, for “the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast” (Revelation 13:3). He will be commander of the military, for no one is able “to wage war with him” (Revelation 13:4). He will control the economy, for “no one will be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark… of the beast.” Revelation 13:17

It tells us about his character. This Antichrist will be the most vile, lawless, corrupt, perverted and God-hating man this world has ever seen. He will be super-proud, boastful, smooth-talking and mesmerizing, a devil of a man. “He will be insolent and skilled in intrigue… and he will destroy to an extraordinary degree.” Daniel 8:23-24

It tells us about his partner. There’s another beast, another extremely wicked man, a false prophet who is teamed up with the Antichrist. This second beast will “exercise all the authority of the first beast,” and will make those who “dwell on the earth to worship the first beast.” He will “perform great signs,” and will cause most of the unbelievers to take the mark of the beast, the mark of the Antichrist. Revelation 13:11-17

It tells us about his persecution of the church. The rapture of the church occurs at Christ’s coming, which takes place after the coming of the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:1, 8-9). Therefore, the church will be on earth during the rule of the Antichrist, and be greatly persecuted by this most powerful pawn of the devil. If you are alive at that time, you will know that he “makes war against the saints” (Revelation 13:7). The evil forces aligned with him “will deliver you (Christians) to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name” (Matthew 24:9). But don’t be afraid, for “greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). And remember, Jesus Christ will be “with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20

It tells us about his time on earth. At the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week (Daniel 9:27), this coming Antichrist will confirm a peace treaty with Israel. He will then take control of ten kingdoms, his power base by which he will rule the world. In Jerusalem, at the midpoint of this 70th week, he will be revealed to all as the Antichrist, the one “who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” This is the “abomination of desolation” (Matthew 24:15), for the Antichrist desecrates the very temple of God. There was given to him “authority to act for 42 months” (Revelation 13:5), the last 3½ years of Daniel’s 70th week. But during that 70th week, at a time unknown to us, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, will return. He will rapture the Christians, and then pour out His wrath upon the world, resulting in the Antichrist’s authority being greatly diminished. Shortly after the end of Daniel’s 70th week, at the battle of Armageddon (Revelation 19:20), the Antichrist and the other beast will be seized, and “thrown alive into the lake of fire.” They will get what they deserve, for they will forever be “tormented with fire and brimstone.” Revelation 14:10

I believe millions and millions of Christians will be alive on earth during this short reign of the Antichrist. If you are one of those chosen by God to be here at that time,  see it as a great privilege and opportunity to be part of His special forces. Pray for Christ’s kingdom to come. Share the gospel. Encourage the saints. Live for Him, and be willing to die for Him. “To live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). Yes, there will be this great struggle against the “world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness” but we have God’s promise: “They (Christians) overcame him (Satan) because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony” (Revelation 12:11). Finally, “be looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Titus 2:13

P.S. As you know, the subject of the Antichrist is a very important one for the Christian to understand. That’s why I have already written a shorter post, The Antichrist is Coming Soon, and It’s Before the Coming of Christ, and a longer and more comprehensive article, The Coming of the Antichrist, the Devil’s Man on Earth. When you get time, I encourage you to sit down and read them.

P.S.S That “blood moon” taking place today (7/27/2018) has nothing to do with the signs in the heavens, spoken of in Matthew 24:29. That’s because the cosmic disturbances described in that verse (also in Revelation 6:12-14), will be occurring after the Antichrist is revealed, which takes place at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week. Read What Needs to Happen Before Christ’s Return (Post 70).

The Persecution of the Church Before the Coming of Christ

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #48 ~

Image result for Antichrist and persecution of Christians

As you probably know, I don’t preach a prosperity gospel, where health, wealth and prosperity, are some of the primary objectives. There’s no doubt God physically blesses Christians, but more importantly, He spiritually blesses us, giving us eternal life, and love, joy, peace, purpose and hope. During our time on earth, God has called us to serve Him, and to sacrifice and suffer for Him. Now this is not a popular message, especially in this country, but it’s the truth, and I will not ignore it or skim over it. When you read the Bible, it’s obvious that suffering and persecution are very big subjects.

Remember what Jesus said, “A slave is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you” (John 15:20). Think of what Peter said, “For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example to follow in His steps… Since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose” (1 Peter 2:21, 4:1). Then Paul told us, “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.” Acts 14:22

As Christians we shouldn’t be surprised when we are persecuted and suffer. Loving the Lord by living a holy life and speaking the truth will result in suffering. “Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted” (2 Timothy 3:12). But isn’t it true that God has blessed the United States with the freedom of assembly, speech and religion, and therefore, Christians living in this country haven’t been persecuted as much? When I read mission magazines or go online, it is obvious that it’s a lot worse in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, where Christians are commonly mistreated, beaten, jailed and even killed. But you can see that persecution is getting worse in this country, and there will soon come a day when it will be just as bad here as these other places.

I say that because we now live in the end times, and the Bible clearly tells us that persecution will continue and then become great persecution the closer we get to the coming of Christ. In fact, this subject of persecution and suffering is part of every major Bible passage that speaks about events leading up to Christ’s return. Jesus repeatedly tells us about it because He wants us to know what will be taking place, and to be ready and alert, and able to be joyfully and fearlessly serving Him.

Jesus says, “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of Me” (Matthew 24:9). Jesus says, “Those days will be a time of tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of creation” (Mark 13:19. Jesus says, “You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death” (Luke 21:16). We all know Christians have been persecuted since the beginning days of the church, but these passages, along with Revelation 6:9-11, make it clear that it will escalate, will become severe, will climax, and go global, particularly in the years right before the return of Christ.

But how will this happen? At the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, the Antichrist is revealed and, having taken control of the world, he will unleash great persecution, first against the Jews and then against the Christians (Matthew 24:9-10, 15-26; Revelation 12:13-17). It won’t just be government officials persecuting Christians, but former fellow church-goers coming after them as well – “Many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another” (Matthew 24:10). But in my opinion, the worst will be when “brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child, and children will rise up against parents and have them put to death.” Mark 13:12

The devil will be stirring up this great hate for God’s people, and therefore deceived unbelievers will be going after innocent Christians, opposing them and trying to kill them. This will definitely be the most difficult time ever for Christians on this earth. Revelation 13:7 warns us, “It was also given to him (Antichrist) to make war with the saints and to overcome them.” I know this is not a feel good message, but I have to tell you the truth – the church will be greatly persecuted before the coming of Christ. And we shall overcome!

How then are we to think about persecution and suffering? 1st, know that God is sovereign and will protect you (Romans 8:28-39). 2nd, remember Peter’s instruction, “Those who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right” (1 Peter 4:19). 3rd, share the gospel. As Jesus said, “They will lay their hands on you and will persecute you… It will lead to an opportunity for your testimony” (Luke 21:13). 4th, “Consider Him who endured such suffering by sinners against Himself so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:3). 5th, Jesus told us, “Do not fear what you are about to suffer” (Revelation 2:10). 6th, Paul wrote, “God will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 7th,  as Paul said, “Know what is the hope of His calling (Ephesians 1:18). 8th, remember Jesus’ promise, “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness… rejoice and be glad for your reward in heaven is great!” Matthew 5:10-12

P.S. The day of the Lord is coming soon – a catastrophic and devastating judgment upon this world. Here are three more posts that will help you understand what will be happening in the future, and how should you live – “God Will Keep You Strong to the End”, “Truths You Need to Know About the End Times”, and “That Evil Antichrist and His Short Rule on Earth.”  

From Many Religions to the Antichrist and One World Religion

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #45 ~

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In the Bible, God has told us many things that will be occurring before the coming of Christ. One significant thing He wants us to know, is that the Antichrist will be ruling over this whole world, politically, militarily and economically, but also spiritually. It will be the Antichrist and a one world religion. “The whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast (Antichrist)… they worshiped the beast.” Revelation 13:3-4

How do we get to the point where there are no more religions, no more Catholics, Lutherans, Muslims or Buddhists, etc., where everyone is worshiping the Antichrist? That seems impossible! People now go to churches, mosques, temples and synagogues; and many don’t attend any place of worship, but rather stay at home and watch football or soccer, or go out to eat, or go shopping, or go to the movies, or whatever. Every person is a worshiper, and always worships someone or something.

Let me share how we will get to that time when the world is worshiping the Antichrist:
1. Globalism. Everything on this earth is moving towards globalism. You see it with an increasing desire for one world government. You see it with travel, that you can go anyplace in the world. You see it with the economy, with foreign-made goods being sold in every country. You see it with the English language being spoken all over the world. You see it with communication, with the internet and smart phones. You see it with globally shared music and movies. You see it with currency. You see it with open borders. When you put it all together, you can see how we are getting closer to global unity and a global dictator, to one devilish man ruling the whole world.

2. Birth pains. Problems in the world, specifically the birth pains, earthquakes, famines and wars, will necessitate global solutions (Matthew 24:4-8). Eventually, a smart, sharp, strong and charismatic leader will take charge, solve our problems and bring “peace” to the world.

3. False prophets. False prophets and antichrists will increasingly be teaching that God’s word isn’t true, Christ isn’t God, man isn’t sinful, salvation isn’t through Christ alone, and that there’s no heaven and hell. (Matthew 24:11, 1 John 3:18). False teachers will be emphasizing “peace” and “love”, but diminishing truth and holiness. Popes will be pushing for unity, but it’s a fake unity. Churches and religion, in general, will be getting less popular, and attendance at places of worship will be decreasing.

4. Apostasy. There will be an apostasy, a falling away, a turning away, a huge defection from the church. “Many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and mislead many” (Matthew 24:10-11, 21). But these defectors were never true Christians in the first place. They will turn from the Lord, turn against Christians, and turn them in to the authorities. It will be very evident that there are just Christians and non-Christians, believers and non-believers. “The apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness is revealed.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3

5. Deception. “God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false” (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12). Unbelievers in the world won’t be believing the truth, and so God will permit these unrighteous people to be deceived even more by all these Satan inspired signs and wonders. From the context of these verses, you can easily see how these sinners will be worshiping the Antichrist. Revelation 13:11-14

6. “Resurrection” of the beast. The Bible isn’t completely clear on the details, but some kind of seeming miracle takes place with regards to the beast, and people all over the world will be so amazed, and in awe, that they’ll worship this Antichrist. Revelation 13:3

7. Religions destroyed. Revelation 17:1-7 says that this harlot, this wicked woman symbolizing the false religions, will be destroyed, for the devil will have no more use for them. Revelation 17:16 says, “The ten horns you saw, and the beast (Antichrist), will hate the harlot and make her desolate and naked.” At this time, the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, the world will be so deceived that they will think this Antichrist is God, and will then worship him. “The man of lawlessness is revealed… who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

All this, the globalism, birth pains, false prophets, apostasy, deception, “resurrection”, and destruction of religions, will be the means and motivation by which unbelievers in the world will worship this beast, this Antichrist. Right before Christ’s return there will be either the false religion of the Antichrist or Christianity. People will be worshiping God or worshiping the devil. But don’t be afraid, for God is in charge. And don’t forget, Christ will build His church, and we’ll be working with Him, preaching the gospel and making disciples right up to the end of the age. By God’s grace we will overcome, and then Christ will return to rapture the church, pour out His wrath on the unbelievers, defeat the Antichrist, and then rule over the world. Revelation 1:4-8

P.S.  Please email me at: stevehogan@christskingdom.org if you would like a free copy of Marvin Rosenthal’s  instructive and encouraging pamphlet entitled: “As a Thief in the Night”.   If you haven’t read my Thanksgiving  article, which I recently posted, you can check it out here: Being Thankful – The Character of a Christian.

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