
Category: Christ’s Coming (Page 1 of 10)

Blog posts about Christ’s coming.

Present Suffering and Future Glory

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #326 ~

Suffering – this is not what the world or your flesh wants, but it is definitely part of God’s plan for Christians. Suffering is for God’s eternal purposes and glory and results in a believer’s eternal glory. I share this with you because it’s true and it’s personal, and because you need to know that we are living in the end-times, and that the persecution of Christians will increase as we get closer to Christ’s coming.

Today, I want to look at some key passages that speak about suffering and glory:
Psalm 22 is about Jesus Christ, that He suffered and died for us and then will be glorified, and the whole world will see His glory. He suffered at His 1st coming – “A band of evildoers has encompassed Me; they pierced My hands and My feet. I can count all My bones…”, but He will be glorified at His 2nd coming – “You who fear the Lord, praise Him, all you descendants of Jacob glorify Him, and stand in awe of Him.” Vss. 16-17, 23

Philippians 2:7-11 tells us that Jesus Christ humbled Himself, that He “became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Then “God highly exalted and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name… so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow… and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” Christ is our #1 example – and He suffered extremely so, and will be supremely glorified. Hebrews 12:2-3

1 Peter 1:10-12 speaks of the “sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow.” 1 Pet. 5:1 tells us that Peter was a “witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glories to follow.” Christ will be greatly glorified and all believers will share in that glory. Col. 3:4 elaborates on this – “When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.” This is so encouraging, for we will soon be with Christ, and will join Him in experiencing the wonderful glory of God.

Matthew 5:10-12 wants us to know that all believers who suffer, who are insulted, maligned, and “persecuted for the sake of righteousness”, will inherit the kingdom of heaven and be greatly rewarded. So it’s suffering first and then receiving and experiencing God’s amazing grace and glory.

Romans 5:2-3 instructs us to rejoice in two things – we are to “exult in hope of the glory of God” and we are to “exult in our tribulations”. Tribulation and suffering come first, occurring during our life on earth. And in heaven and in the ages to come, we will share in God’s incredible glory. All of us should have this hope, this expectation of glory, “because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit.” Rom. 5:5

Romans 8:18-39 – The first verse sums up the main message: “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Life may be extremely difficult, but our temporary sufferings are nothing compared to the eternal glory we will experience after our life on this earth. Vss. 19-39 give more details about God’s sovereign working with regards to our suffering, and that we can “overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us”, and that nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God.” Vss. 37, 39

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 “Momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.” This theme is repeated, that our suffering, our problems, troubles, and trials result in receiving God’s glory. But our suffering is momentary, lasting only a short time compared to an eternity of glory. And our suffering isn’t that difficult compared to the weight, the greatness of the glory God gives us. Without question, it’s really worth it to suffer for God, for Jesus Christ.

2 Thessalonians 1:4-10. As Christians, we suffer, we go through afflictions, even great afflictions, for God’s glory and our glory. Not long from now, “He (Christ) comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed.” This happens at Christ’s return, and is when our salvation is complete, for Christ is “glorified in His saints,” meaning that we receive new bodies, ones like Christ’s, ones that are powerful, immortal, glorious, and spiritual (1 Cor. 15:42-44). Suffering for Christ results in being spiritually and physically glorified, which is what God planned for us in eternity past. Romans 8:28-30

1 Peter 1:3-9 is one of the best big picture passages in the Bible. It says that a necessary part of life is suffering, is going through various and distressing trials, is being “tested by fire” – but it’s only for a little while. And we have hope, for we know we will get through it and receive an unbelievable inheritance. Indeed, suffering for Christ will “result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:7). Two keys to having hope and receiving this glory are loving God, and faith, believing God and His promises. 1 Peter 1:8

1 Peter 5:10 again communicates this truth of suffering and glory. “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” Yes, you will suffer, but you will also witness and experience God’s eternal glory. In the meantime, God is sanctifying you, strengthening, perfecting, and molding you into Christ’s image. All of this is by God’s grace, and by His promises and power working in your life. 2 Peter 1:2-4

The Christian life is knowing God and His truth, power, love, goodness, and much more. It’s also being humble, seen by serving, sacrificing, and suffering for Him. Living for God like this results in God being greatly glorified, you being glorified, and you receiving His never-ending glory. 

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.” 1 Peter 4:12-13

As you truly live for Christ, you will suffer for Him. And that’s a good thing, good for God and His glory, and good for you and receiving His glory. Here are two previous posts about suffering and glory – “The Glory of Suffering for Jesus” and “Suffering for Jesus in the End-Times”.

Romans – Christ’s Coming and God’s Glory

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #325 ~

In the epistles, we find all this spiritual gold relating to our present life on earth. But we also discover spiritual gems describing our hope. The book of Romans, for example, has much to say about justification, but it also speaks about Christ’s return and the future glory of God. Today I will look at eight glorious gems that are found in this book – Rom. 5:2, Rom. 8:18-25, Rom. 8:28-31, Rom. 11, Rom. 13:11-14, Rom. 14:10-12, Rom. 15:8-13, and Rom. 16:25-27.

Romans 5:2“We exult in hope of the glory of God.” I get tired of this evil, people-exalting, devil-controlled world. Don’t you? But God gave us this important example instructing us to be excited about His coming glory – His truth, power, holiness, justice, wisdom, love, mercy, goodness, majesty, etc. It won’t be long before God’s glory is on display all over the world, in the creation, in the lives of Jews, Gentiles, and glorified saints, and most importantly, in the life and work of Jesus Christ the King. Is. 6:3, Hab. 2:14, Ps. 72:18-19

Romans 8:18-25 – “The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Vs. 18). Life can be hard – we hurt, we suffer, we get sick, we are persecuted. We live in a world that is groaning and in a body that is groaning. But our hope is that this physical world will be set free from sin – be restored, and that our physical body will be set free from sin – be glorified. “The creation will be set free from its slavery to corruption… we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.” Rom. 8:21, 23; Phil. 3:20-21

Romans 8:28-30 – “These whom He predestined, He also called, and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified” (vs. 30). This is an excellent summary of God’s overall plan of salvation, climaxing in God’s ultimate goal for us, that we be glorified. It’s at Christ’s coming that our salvation will be complete, for that’s when we will be glorified, “be conformed to the image of God’s Son”, and when we will be able to love and live for God like He purposed and planned in eternity past.

Romans 11 – “For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen” (vs. 36). One of the biggest ways God receives glory is through His plan of salvation with regards to Jews and Gentiles. In His wisdom, God first focused on the Jews, but during this church age, their hearts being partially hardened, God has focused on the Gentiles. After the end of this age, when “the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” (25), a remnant of Jews will be redeemed. God’s saving work with both Jews and Gentiles will result in Him being greatly and eternally glorified. 

Romans 13:11-13“Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed.” Do you know what time it is? Do you know that we are very close to the end of this age? That’s when Christ returns to rapture the church, judge the world, save a remnant of Jews, and begin reigning over the world? So don’t be asleep! Wake up! And be holy and lively for the Lord Jesus Christ, for this is how you glorify God!

Romans 14:10-12 – “Every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.” A person’s primary purpose is to serve God and give Him glory. Knowing that we are in the end-times and that it won’t be long before we see Christ and give an account of how we have lived our life (our “work will become evident” – 1 Cor. 3:13-15), should motivate us to be holy and wholly loving God and living for Him.

Romans 15:8-13“Christ has become a servant… to confirm the promises given to the fathers, and for the Gentiles to glorify God for His mercy.” God’s prophetic word promises a coming age when Christ is ruling over both Jews and Gentiles who are unitedly glorifying Him. This passage concludes with an encouraging, forward-looking prayer, that all believers would be looking forward to God’s glory – “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans 16:25-27 – “To Him who is able to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ… to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be the glory forever. Amen.” God Himself will keep us going to the end of our life or the end of this age, and for all eternity. The gospel and the truths of Christ are the basis by which we are established and become strong and give glory to God during this life and forever.

“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever.” Jude 24-25

P.S. God has much to say about our future, about Christ’s coming, and God’s glory, and so much more than we realize. The most well read article is about Matthew 24, what I consider to be the single most important prophecy chapter for Christians.

Troubling Times Are Leading to Christ’s Coming and Great Glory

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #315 ~

Many conflicts, tragedies, and calamities are presently afflicting this earth. In times like these many people become unsettled and afraid, wondering what’s happening, or even if the world is coming to an end. I understand why non-Christians may think like this, but confusion, fear, error, and hopelessness should never be true of Christians. That’s because God has told you all you need to know about the future. Jesus said, “Be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time” (Mk. 13:23). “He made know to us the mystery of His will” (Eph. 1:9). God has told you exactly what He wants you to know – He has told you what you need to know – He has told you the key players and parts of His end-times’ plan for you, the church, Israel, and the world.

God also wants you to know that He is in complete control of all that is and will be happening on this earth. In churches, in the lives of both saved and lost, in states and countries, in governors and presidents, in Israel and Iran, and in you and your family, God is sovereignly, powerfully, righteously, and lovingly working. And He’s not just overseeing the affairs of this world, He is intimately involved in everything that happens. Every single second, God is precisely and wisely carrying out His plans for planet earth and for every person on this earth.

God is continually leading, moving, and bringing you and this entire world closer to the end of this age and the coming of Christ. From God’s perspective, what’s occurring from now to Christ’s coming is like a trillion-piece puzzle, and God is putting all the pieces together. He “works out everything in conformity with the purpose of His will” (Eph. 1:11). And this global puzzle, God’s plan for this world, for this present age, will be completed at Christ’s coming.

At this time in history, Rom. 8:28 and Rom. 8:29 is truer than ever before. Rom. 8:28 says, “We know that God causes all thing to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” And what is God’s purpose for you? Rom. 8:29 tells us, “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son?” His purpose for you is to be like Jesus, to be perfect, to be powerful, to be immortal, to be glorious. 1 Cor. 15:42-44, Phil. 3:20-21, 1 John 3:2

We often look at Rom. 8:28 microscopically, thinking about the small events of our daily life. But you must see the big picture, you must know where your life is headed, that you will see Jesus, and be like Jesus, that you will be glorified. You must understand Rom. 8:28 in its context, you must connect it to Rom. 8:29 and Rom. 8:30 – “These whom He predestined, He also called. And these whom He called, He also justified, and these whom He justified, He also glorified.” Do you realize the everlasting , life-changing truth of this last verse? It’s one of the best, big-picture verses in the Bible. In eternity past, God planned out the entirety of your life, your eternal life, from justification to glorification to eternity future. Rom. 11:33-36

Next to knowing and growing in Christ, next to understanding the truth and eternal value of His first coming, you need to understand the truth and eternal value of His 2nd coming, and what’s leading up to Christ’s return to earth. No Christian should be naïve, ignorant, speculating, or worrying about the end-times and the truth of Christ’s 2nd coming. God has told you everything He wants you to know about the future, for He’s convinced it will increase your hope, and your faith, love, and peace (Col. 1:3-5). I pray that you want to know these truths, and then tell others, encouraging the saved and warning the lost. 2 Tim. 4:1-8 

So read, pray, study, and learn what God has planned out for you, the church, Israel, and the world. “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it, for the time is near” (Rev. 1:3). I encourage you to take all the time you need to read and understand the book of Revelation, as well as Matt. 24, and Mark 13, and Luke 17:22-37, and Luke 21:5-36, and Rom. 8:18-25, and Rom. 11, and Rom. 13:11-14, and Rom. 15:8-13, and 1 Cor. 15:20-28, and 1 Cor. 15:50-58, and 1 Thess. 4:13-18, and 1 Thess. 5:1-11, and 2 Thess 1:3-12, and 2 Thess. 2:1-12, and Heb. 10:25-31, and Heb. 12:22-29, and James 5:3-11, and 1 Peter 1:3-16, and 2 Peter 3:3-13, and 1 John 2:28-3:3.

In the next post, I will talk about eschatological prophecy, I will describe the key players and parts of God’s plan from now until the millennial kingdom. I will briefly talk about the Jewish people, the nations, the end-times, the birth pains, increasing evil, technology, the peace treaty, the Jewish temple, the Antichrist, great tribulation, the rapture, the day of the Lord, the salvation of the Jews, and the millennial kingdom. Each of these are key parts of God’s perfect plan as it relates to Christ’s coming and to you, the church, Israel, and the world.

“And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over, the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light” (Rom. 13:11-12). “Behold, I am coming soon. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.” Revelation 22:7

P.S. It’s vitally important that you know what will be taking place before Christ’s coming – and I have talked about it at great length on this blog site. Here are a few other posts on this subject: “Matthew 24 – A Road Map of the End-Times”, “When Is Christ Coming Back?”, and “What Needs to Happen Before Christ’s Return?”


By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #306 ~

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away” (Matt. 24:35). This is an extremely significant verse about God’s Word and prophecy. That it’s in the middle of an important prophecy chapter is God’s way of emphatically stating that this entire passage is true. That Matt. 24 is true means it must be believed and understood, especially now that we live in the end-times. (When I use “God’s prophetic word” in this post, I am referring to the end-times, to eschatological prophecy.)

What can be said about the nature and character of God’s prophetic word?
* God’s prophetic word is true, just like the rest of His word is true. Matt. 4:4, 5:17-18
* God’s prophetic word is entirely accurate and inerrant. There are no errors, there is nothing false, nothing wrong with what God has said. 2 Tim. 3:16-17
* God’s prophetic word is absolute, final, and cannot be deleted, altered, or added to. What Christ has prophesied is completely true, and unlike man’s opinions, needs to be accepted and applied. Jeremiah 23:9-40

* God’s prophetic truth is authoritative, powerful, reliable, and commanding, and will be carried out. What God declares to us must and will take place. “Truly I have spoken, truly I will bring it to pass. I have planned it – surely, I will do it.” Isaiah 46:9-11
* God’s prophetic word is sufficient. God has not told us everything about the end-times, but He has told us everything we need to know. Might we be motivated to learn what God has told us about the future. Mark 13:23

* God’s prophetic word is clear. By this, I mean major truths about the future. For example, Christ is returning to rapture the church, judge the world, save a remnant of Jews, and reign over the earth. And yes, there are minor points about the future that are debatable and not clearly understood at this time.
* God’s prophetic word is relevant. More than any other time in history, it’s imperative that we know what God has written in Matt. 24 and other prophecy passages. The “day is near”, and God is alerting us about what will be happening in the future, and instructing us how we are to live. Rom. 13:11-14

* God’s prophetic word is essential. Without it, we will be surprised, unprepared, and afraid. God doesn’t want us to be sleeping when Christ comes back – He wants us to be awake, waiting, and working in these last years before Christ’s return. 1 Thess. 1:9-10
* God’s powerful and prophetic word must be our focus and guide, and not this sinful and temporary world, or our flesh. God’s word is future-telling, life-changing, soul satisfying, and God glorifying.

We have talked about the 2nd part of Matt. 24:35, “My words will not pass away”, but what about the 1st part – “Heaven and earth will pass away”? There are several things I believe God wants us to know about this:
* Heaven and earth will pass away. This is a major event and hard to imagine, but it will take place, and that’s because God’s clear-speaking word tells us so. The physical heaven we see and the physical earth we live on will disappear, will no longer exist in the future. “I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth passed away.” Rev. 21:1

* That the physical heaven and earth will pass away but that God’s word will not is proof of its primacy, that it is infinitely more important than anything physical, and especially a world which is cursed by sin. Gen. 3:17-19, Rom. 8:21-22
* Most people think this earth will generally stay the same and will not pass away. They mistakenly believe, but for some cataclysmic event like a nuclear holocaust, that this earth will exist for thousands if not millions of years. 2 Peter 3:3-7

* Sinners living on earth at the time of Christ’s coming will be greatly shocked and saddened when they begin to see its destruction. Rev. 18:9, 19
* Most unbelievers do not believe that it’s by God’s word that this world was created and will be destroyed. Gen. 1 – “Then God said”; Ps. 33:6-9; 2 Pet. 3:5-7, 10-13

* One reason Jesus talks about heaven and earth passing away is to make us realize that this evil world will exist only a little while longer, and then there will be a new heaven and earth, and that in two phases, the millennial and eternal kingdoms. Rev. 20-21
* This present earth will be restored at Christ’s coming. It is on this renovated earth that Christ will reign for 1,000 glorious years. Ps. 102:25-26, Is. 65:17-25, Matt. 19:28, Acts 3:20-21
* The brand new earth will replace this restored earth at the end of the millennial kingdom, at the end of Christ’s 1000-year reign. 1 Cor. 15:20-28, Rev 20 – Rev. 21:1

* What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, a world that will pass away, but lose his soul to the devil, and then be sent to the “lake of fire”. Rev. 20:14-15, Matt. 16:36, 2 Thess. 2:9
* Many people are more concerned for this planet that’s passing away than they are for their soul which will live forever, either in heaven or hell. They don’t understand the deadly ramifications of rejecting Christ and the gospel. “These will go away into eternal punishment (‘into the eternal fire’ – Matt. 24:41), but the righteous into eternal life.” Matt. 24:46

Aren’t you glad that God gave us His prophetic word? Aren’t you thankful that He told us all we need to know about the future, what will be happening on this planet, specifically as it relates to Christ’s return to rapture us and take us to heaven. Acts 13:23

What I have a hard time understanding is why so many Christians, including pastors, do not truly know what the Bible teaches about Christ’s 2nd coming and the age to come. Is it that they are worldly? Is it that they are too lazy to study God’s prophetic word? Is it that they don’t believe the clear teaching of His prophetic word? Is it that they are believing some ill-founded error? Is it that they think it is confusing or controversial, and just ignore it? Is it that they don’t think it’s important or relevant?

Most pastors teach extensively on Christ’s 1st coming, about the secret birth of Jesus and how He grows up to be our Savior, but scarcely at all about His visible and glorious 2nd coming, when He returns to be Judge and King of the entire world. Lets pray that Christians have an increased interest in God’s prophetic word in these coming years. And might they be awakened, educated, and excited about the incredible and spectacular future that God has in store for us.

I strongly encourage you to take time to read, study, and learn God’s prophetic truth. Here are several New Testament passages that describe our glorious and God-glorifying future: Matt. 24; Mark 13; Luke 21:3-36; John 13:1-3; Rom. 8:18-25; Rom. 11; Rom. 15:8-13; 1 Cor. 15:20-28, 42-44, 50-58; 2 Cor. 5:1-10; Eph. 1:9-14; Phil. 3:20-21; 1 Thess. 4:13-18, 5:1-11; 2 Thess. 1:6-10; 2 Thess. 2:1-12; 2 Tim. 4:1-2; Heb. 11:8-16, 39-40; James 5:7-9; 1 Peter 1:3-5, 10-16; 2 Peter 3:3-13; 1 John 2:28 – 3:3; Jude 21-25; and Revelation. “‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen, Come, Lord Jesus.” Rev. 22:20

P.S. We are so blessed to have God’s word, which includes His prophetic word. I cannot stress enough the importance of knowing what God wants us to know about the future at this time in history. Here are some related posts – “Prophecy is Predicting the Future”, “What the Bible Says About the Future”, “For Pastors and Preachers in the End-Times.”

Christ’s Coming – Climactic, Miraculous, and Life-Changing

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #305

When we talk about the end-times, the number one subject is Christ’s coming, His climactic intervention in human history that will dramatically affect everyone and everything on earth. If you are a Christian, you should be eagerly awaiting His return, for then you will be with Jesus Christ, be glorified, be in heaven, and be with all believers.

In this post, I am commenting on several 2nd coming verses. God wants you to learn about the coming of His Son so you can be encouraged, expectant, and know what to share with family, friends, and fellow believers. Matt. 24:29-31

Matthew 24:13“The one who endures to the end, he will be saved.” Christians alive at the end of this age will be physically saved, will be raptured and glorified. To be saved, they are to endure, to persevere, to keep going despite great persecution. This can only happen by the wonderful and powerful grace of God. 2 Cor. 9:8, 12:9-10

Matthew 24:30 – “The sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.” The disciple’s question, “What will be the sign of Your coming?” (Matt. 24:3), is answered. The sign is the brilliant, lightning-like glory of Christ that precedes His coming (Matt. 24:27). Everyone in the world, “all the tribes of the earth” (Rev. 1:7), will see His glory, and immediately see Christ coming on the clouds.

Matthew 24:31“He will send forth His angels – they will gather together the elect.” This verse is about the gathering of all the believers. At the sound of a great trumpet, the angels will gather from the earth (“the four winds”) believers who had survived the great tribulation (Matt. 24:9, 22, 29), and gather from the heavens (“one end of the sky to another”) believers who had already died. They will instantly be taken “to meet the Lord in the air.” Mark 13:27, 1 Thess. 4:17, 2 Thess. 2:1

Matthew 24:37-41 – “The coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah… There will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left.” In the days of Noah, the righteous “entered the ark”, were taken to a safe place, and the unrighteous were left on earth to die in the flood, to suffer God’s wrath. In the days of the Son of Man, the righteous will be raptured and taken to Christ, and the unrighteous left on earth will suffer God’s wrath during the day of the Lord. 2 Thess. 1:9-10

Luke 21:25-28 – “When these things begin to take place… your redemption is drawing near.” There will be “signs in the sun and moon and stars”, signals to us that this age has come to an end (Matt. 24:3, 29). The unbelievers will be “fainting from fear (scared to death) for they know “the wrath of the Lamb… has come” (Rev. 6:12-17). Believers will see these signs and then see Christ come “in a cloud with power and great glory”, and immediately be glorified and redeemed, rescued from God’s wrath, and then be taken to Christ the Savior. Matt. 24:32-34, Eph. 1:14

John 14:1-3“Believe in God, believe also in Me… I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.” Jesus knows we get stressed out by the troubles of life. He also knows there will be great troubles, great tribulation in the end-times. So what does Jesus tell us to do? To have faith, to believe that He and His Father will take care of us (Matt. 11:28-29, John 16:33). Jesus also tells us to have hope, to believe that He is preparing an eternal home for us in heaven. Then He says He will return to take us to our most beautiful and glorious home. And we will live forever with Jesus, One who loves us more than anyone else! What a miracle! Rev. 21:1-21

1 Corinthians 15:50-57“The trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” This prophecy passage about Christ’s 2nd coming tells us what will happen, why it will happen, and when it will happen. First, we learn what happens – that all believers, those in heaven and those on earth will become like Christ Himself (1 John 3:2), be changed, be altogether perfect. Then we learn why it happens, that we must receive an imperishable and immortal body to live in heaven. “O death, where is your victory?” Finally, we learn when it happens, that it takes place at the last trumpet, and that it occurs “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.”

Philippians 3:20-21 – “We eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory.” At the end of this age, Jesus Christ is coming back to transform our weak, sin-prone body so that it will be like His immortal body. We should be eagerly waiting, be looking forward to being glorified, and being forever with Jesus.

1 Thessalonians. 4:16-17“The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout… and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air…” At Christ’s coming, those who have already died will be raised, be glorified. Then those still alive on earth will be glorified, and raptured, caught up with those who were just raised. Then we will meet Christ, and together “we shall always be with the Lord.” What an exciting, exhilarating time this will be, when our salvation is complete, and we are all together with Christ!

2 Thessalonians 1:9-10 – “… when He (Christ) comes to be glorified in His saints, and to be marveled at among all who have believed.” Jesus Christ is coming back to be glorified in His holy ones, in the lives of all those who trusted in Him for their salvation. That Christ will be glorified in us is another way to say that we will be glorified, that we will become like Him. Just after this, God will begin judging all those on earth who don’t know God, who weren’t chosen, who didn’t believe in Jesus Christ. 

2 Thessalonians 2:1 – “… with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together with Him…” This verse clearly states that it is at Christ’s coming that we will be gathered to Him. Matt. 24:31 also speaks of being gathered to Christ – “the angels… will gather together His elect…” And we are glorified, we receive our brand new bodies just before we “meet the Lord in the air.” 1 Thess. 4:17

1 John 3:2-3 – “We know that when He (Christ) appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is.” Can you imagine having a body like Christ’s, one that is powerful, immortal, glorious, and spiritual (1 Cor. 15:42-44)? It is “at His coming” (1 Jn. 2:28), when Christ appears, that we will be made like Him, that we will be glorified. And for the first time, we will see Him and be with Him. “In my flesh I shall see God; I will see Him with my own eyes… How my heart yearns within me.” Job 19:25-27

I want to conclude with more verses that talk about Christ’s coming. Mark 13:27 – “Then He will send forth the angels, and will gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest end of the earth to the farthest end of heaven.” Luke 12:40“Be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.” Rom. 8:23“We groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.” Col. 3:4“When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.” 1 Thess. 5:23 “May the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit, soul, and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Titus 2:13“… looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Heb. 10:37“For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay.” James 5:8“Be patient, for the coming of the Lord is near.” 1 Pet. 1:13“Fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Christ.” Rev. 1:7“Behold, He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see Him.” Rev. 22:12“Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.”

P.S, I have written many posts on Christ’s coming and the rapture of the church, and that’s because it is so important for Christians to understand. Here are some more: “The Rapture of the Christians at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ”, “The Coming of Christ and the Triumph of the Church”, “The Timing of the Rapture”, A Sin-Wrecked World and the Coming of Christ”, and “The Rapture Won’t Happen Until…”

Loving the Lost – Evangelizing in the End-Times

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #303 ~

The most important message in the whole world is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news that through Christ’s death and resurrection, we can be forgiven of our sins, children of God, and forever in heaven with Christ and fellow believers. To receive this new life, this eternal life, we need to repent, and believe that Christ died to pay for our sins. “For Christ died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, to bring you to God” (1 Pet. 3:18). “God demonstrates His own love toward us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom. 5:8

“Therefore, in anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, and the new has come. All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:18-21). So what does God want us to do while we live on this earth? He made us ministers of reconciliation, and wants us to tell unbelievers how they can be forgiven of their sins, how they can be children of God, how they can be eternally right with God. Eph. 1:4-7

But we are now living in the end-times which means we are fast approaching the end of this age. This church age will soon be over. It won’t be long before Jesus Christ returns to rapture the church and judge the world. Should we not be even more motivated to tell the good news of Christ to the lost? Should we not be even more energized in the work of evangelism? YES! YES! YES! Many verses emphasize this very point. Let’s look at them:

Matthew 24:14. In this important prophecy chapter, there’s a key verse on evangelism: “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” After the gospel is preached to all the nations this evil age will come to an end, and Christ will come back to earth. Christians are to make the most of the time and be testifying for Christ.

Matthew 28:19-20. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… baptizing… teaching… I am with you always, even to the very end of the age.” In the very last two verses of Matthew’s gospel, we are told by Jesus to focus on making disciples, which includes evangelizing to the lost. Then this age will be over, and Christ will return to rapture the church, and begin His reign on earth. Rev. 11:15

Mark 13:9-13. This prophecy portion of Mark’s gospel tells us to preach the good news until the end of the age. “The gospel must first be preached to all the nations… you will be hated by all… the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.” This passage also warns us about end-times’ persecution, that governments, churches, and even family members will oppose us and the gospel. By the power of the Spirit, we must keep loving the lost by witnessing to them, and persevere to the end.

Luke 3:4-18. This passage talks about John the Baptist preparing the way of Christ before His 1st coming, and passionately so. It is also instructing church-age believers to prepare the way of Christ. How does it say we are to do this? By preaching the gospel – “he preached the gospel to the people” (vs. 18), by exhorting people to repent of their sins (vss. 3, 8), by warning people of the coming wrath (vs. 9), and by telling people about the coming kingdom – “all flesh will see the salvation of God” (vss. 5-6). Since this passage also refers to Christ’s 2nd coming, it’s particulaly relevant for those living in the end-times.

Luke 21:12-19. “They will lay their hands on you… it will lead to an opportunity for your testimony.” Mark 13:9-13 is similar to this prophecy passage, but here we learn that opposition from our enemies will lead to open doors for the good news, to opportunities to share our testimony with the unsaved. Phil. 1:12-14

Acts 2:17-21. This summarizes the last days, which is the church age. It starts with the pouring out of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost and stops with the end-of-the-age signs that appear in the skies just before the day of the Lord. During this church age people are being saved from their sins. “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

2 Timothy 4:1-2. “In view of His appearing and His kingdom…Preach the word.” Our purpose is clear: Christians are to preach God’s word in light of Christ’s coming, and in view of Christ’s kingdom, His reign on earth. Since we are in the end-times, we know His coming and kingdom will be happening soon. Now more than ever, we should excitedly be proclaiming the good news, the life and love of Jesus Christ, and especially as we see and hear so much bad news, so much sin, sadness, hate, heartache, disease, and death.

James 5:7-11. The end-times is the last time in this age to harvest souls for God. And what do we learn from James? That we are to “be patient… until the coming of the Lord.” And why? Because souls need to be readied, the crop needs to get ripe, and only then can we reap a harvest. So might we be praying for the lost and preaching the gospel – and patiently waiting.

Revelation 12:10-12. The Antichrist will soon be on earth and, along with multitudes of demons, be fiercely fighting against us. We will need to be in battle mode as we struggle against this devilish enemy – and how? “They overcame him… because of the word of their testimony.” Christians can only be victorious by speaking forth the gospel, God’s word, and by sharing their testimony, God’s work in their life.

Be thankful that you are alive at this time in history, in these end-times! But don’t be polluted by the flesh, be led astray by the devil, or live according to the world. “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things” (Col. 3:2-3). What people need and what this world needs is Jesus Christ, Lord, Savior, and King! Remember God’s marching orders: be “the salt of the earth… the light of the world” (Matt. 5:13-14); “prepare the way of the Lord” (Luke 3:4); be an “ambassador for Christ” (5:20); “conduct ourselves with wisdom toward outsiders making the most of the opportunity” (Col. 4:5), and “seek first the kingdom of God”. Matthew 6:33

P.S. Are you being a witness to the lost by your words and deeds? Are you sharing the gospel with the unsaved? Might God help you do His kingdom work in these last years of the end-times. Here are two other posts about evangelizing the lost – “The Gospel Will be Preached to All the Nations – Then Christ Will Return”, “Make Ready the Way of the Lord.”

Pray for the Coming of Christ’s Kingdom

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #286 ~

“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread…” Matt. 6:9-10

One of the most well-known prayers in church history is the Lord’s prayer, also called the disciple’s prayer. As you know, we live in an extremely sinful world, one controlled by the kingdoms of evil men, and the only way these kingdoms can be truly dealt with is for Christ to return and set up His own kingdom. And God promised this would happen, and He told you to pray for it to happen. So be fervently praying for the coming of Christ’s kingdom, for the “summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth.” Eph. 1:9-10

Here are several truths about this kingdom prayer and the coming kingdom:
* This prayer is directed to our heavenly Father, One who is holy in every way, perfectly righteous, loving, wise, powerful, and sovereign. And His plan is to establish His glorious kingdom on earth – and only He has the power and authority to do this. 1 Chron. 29:10-13
* This kingdom will be a 1000-year kingdom, a millennial kingdom. Rev. 20:1-10
* That God has not yet answered this coming-kingdom prayer means He has more work to do in building the church, His spiritual kingdom on earth. And we are to help Christ complete His work by seeking His kingdom (Matt. 6:33), by assisting Him in building the church (Matt. 16:18), by preaching the gospel (Matt. 24:14), and by making disciples. Matt. 28:19-20

* The whole world lies in the power of the devil (1 Jn. 5:19). But the devil has not stopped Christ from doing His work in building the church. In fact, God is actually using the devil to help fulfill His plans. And in the kingdom age to come, we will see God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, perfectly carry out His plans for this earth, just as it is in heaven. Acts 2:22-24, Eph. 2:19-22, Zech. 14:9
* When this church work is finished, this age will come to an end, and Christ will return to rapture the church, judge the world, save a remnant of Jews, and begin building His kingdom on earth, one that is both physical and spiritual in nature. Psalm 72, Matt. 24:29-31, Luke 21:20-31, Rev. 7-9

* The unholy kingdoms of men won’t be here in the age to come, for they can’t coexist with the holy kingdom of Christ. There will be no kingdoms like the United States, Russia, China, Iran, Sauda Arabia, the UN, BRICS, etc., and no Antichrist’s kingdom. All evil, earthly kingdoms will slowly die or be suddenly destroyed. Ps. 2, Dan. 2:44, Rev. 18
* In the coming kingdom age, sinners will be living on earth, and Christ will be executing justice and enforcing obedience to God. With the devil in chains and Christ in charge, life on earth will be dramatically and wonderfully different, and you will be here to see it. The coming age will be a good age, totally unlike this present evil age. Ps. 67, Phil. 2:9-11|

* The word “come” conveys the idea of being instantaneous. The coming of Christ and His kingdom will not happen gradually like some people think but will take place suddenly, and powerfully and gloriously. Matt. 24:27-31
* In the millennial kingdom age, the earth will be restored and renovated, fit for Christ the King. Matt. 19:28 – “… in the regeneration when the Son of Man will sit on His glorious throne.” Acts 3:21 – “… the period of restoration of all things.” Rom. 8:21 – “… the creation itself will be set free from its slavery to corruption.”
* The coming kingdom will be the fulfillment of many promises God made to the Jews. All believers, both Jew and Gentile, will assist Christ in reigning over the world during this millennial age. Isaiah 2, 4, 12, 60-62, 65; Heb. 11:39-40; Rev. 5:10

Now what were Jesus’ disciples thinking? They believed Jesus was the Messiah, the Christ, but wrongly thought He’d set up His kingdom on earth at that time. In fact, just before Jesus ascended into heaven they asked, “Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6-7). But they didn’t understand the timing of God’s plan, for Jesus goes on to tell them, “It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority.”

Ten days later, after being filled with the Holy Spirit, these disciples begin preaching the gospel and building the church, God’s spiritual kingdom on earth. And here we are, close to 2,000 years later, and we are still preaching the gospel and building the church. Obviously, Christ has not yet restored the physical kingdom to Israel, for the church age is still continuing.

What makes the 1st century and the 21st century different is not just 2,000 years, but that now we live in the end-times, for millions of Jewish people have returned to Israel (Luke 20:21-24). That we are in the end-times means Christ will soon come back to earth to rapture the church, glorify the believers, and establish His kingdom on earth, a kingdom for both Jews and Gentiles. Rom. 15:8-12, Heb. 11:39-40

“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever” (Rev. 11:15). “The Lord will be King over all the earth; in that day the Lord will be the only one; and His name the only one” (Zech. 14:9). And all believers will say, “God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a skillful psalm. God reigns over the nations, God sits on His holy throne.” Psalm 47:7-8

P.S. As we help Christ build the church, keep praying for His coming and the coming of His kingdom on this earth. That Christ is coming and establishing His kingdom on earth is our hope. I encourage you to read these two related and encouraging posts – “Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done”, “Christ’s Kingdom is Coming.”

Now Is Not the Time for Justice, But for Mercy

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #282 ~

This world is full of criminals and crime – and as you know, God has tasked the governing authorities with the job of pursuing justice with lawbreakers (Rom. 13:1-7). A recent and continuing problem in this country is the government’s increasing lack of dealing with crime and carrying out true justice. Conservative newscasts and podcasts give numerous examples of an unrighteous justice system, of gross injustice, and of criminals running free.

Sinful / criminal behavior is ignored, excused, and even promoted by individuals, groups, and governments (Rom. 1:32). Many are calling evil good, and good evil (Is. 5:20). And many are targeting Christians and Christian nationalists, saying they are “the problem”. More than ever before, they are being mocked, cancelled, persecuted, and arrested. It’s insane, it’s crazy, it’s of the devil.

What is a Christian to do? We can hope for justice in the courts. We can ask politicians to carry out existing laws or pass new ones. We can spend time promoting a candidate for the next election, in hopes that he will bring about change. But the real answer isn’t found in the government, a politician, or a judge. “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men… How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord… who executes justice for the oppressed…” Ps. 146:3-7

I’m not saying we shouldn’t want justice to prevail, for the government to do their job, but that’s not our primary purpose. And it’s surely not pushing some political agenda or placing some person in office. It’s reaching out to the lost, it’s telling them the gospel, that they have sinned, but that Jesus Christ died to pay for their sins and then was raised from the dead, and that they can be forgiven of their sins if they repent and believe in Christ.

Isn’t this what Jesus said in John 3:16-17? He told us that His Father sent Him into the world, not to judge the world but “that the world might be saved through Him.” Jesus is offering salvation and eternal life to whoever believes in Him. Isn’t this your mission too, to tell people how they can be saved and become children of God? Yet we get caught up into thinking this country needs the justice of man when what this country really needs is the mercy of God.

Why spend so much time thinking about someone possibly being indicted for a few of his crimes against man? Again, the real and greatest problem is a person’s innumerable sins against the living and holy God, resulting in an eternal and painful punishment (Rom. 6:23, Eph. 2:1-2, Matt. 25:41, 46). Again, the only answer to this problem is Jesus Christ. So shouldn’t we focus our energy on telling people that God wants to grant them mercy for their many and terrible sins against Him? Yes, yes, yes, for this is the gospel message, the most important message in the world!!! Matt. 24:14, John 1:12-13, Acts 20:24, Eph. 2:8-9

Here are some key points on this subject of justice and mercy:
1. Remember Jesus’ purpose when He was on earth. He didn’t go around judging sinners, but He loved them and shared the gospel with them – He wanted them to experience His mercy, and not His wrath. Hear what Jesus said about unbelievers on this earth – “If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him, for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.” John 12:47, Mark 1:15, John 5:24, Luke 19:10
2. Be like Jesus, and don’t be judging people. Pray for them, with hopes that God will grant them repentance and faith (2 Tim. 2:24-26). Love those who are lost and look for open doors so you can share the gospel with them. Col. 4:2-6

3. Pray for those in authority to be saved, and that they would be “an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.” 1 Tim. 2:1-2, Rom. 13:4
4. Don’t be angry when there’s a lack of justice. Trust God and do good. Ps. 37:1, 8
5. During this church age, God delays justice for sinners in general because He wants to save sinners in particular. So be patient. James 5:7-9, 2 Pet. 3:9

6. Imperfect, man-made governments are to punish evildoers, but no matter what happens, God will, in due time, perfectly carry out true justice towards all unrepentant sinners. For example, there’s the Day of the Lord at the end of this age – Rev. 16:4-7, and the lake of fire at the end of the millennial kingdom age – Rev. 20:11-15
7. Aspects of God’s justice are recorded in the Bible to keep us sober and to remind us that God is holy and that He judges sin. Numbers 16:1-50, the Prophets, Acts 12:20-23, Rom. 1:18
8. God raises up evil people and rulers, often withholding justice for a period of time, so that His divine and eternal purposes are fulfilled. Pharaoh greatly persecuted God’s people, but finally he was killed. “For this very purpose I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.” Rom. 9:17-18

9. True justice is dealt out by God at different times, but the full measure of His justice does not take place on earth, but in Hades (Luke 16:23), and then in the lake of fire. “Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.” Rev. 20:13-15. Note Rev. 19:20 with respect to the Antichrist and the false prophet.
10. Don’t be like Jonah. He wanted justice, but God wanted mercy. Jonah was mad that the wicked Ninevites didn’t get the justice they deserved, but he should have been glad that God showed them undeserved mercy. Jonah 3-4

It’s vitally important that you understand this message. We are living in the end-times and from now until the coming of Christ, injustice will gradually and increasingly get worse for Christians. More and more we will be hated, arrested, persecuted, and even killed (Matt. 24:9, Rev. 6:9-11). But you must have hope, you must know that what you go through for Jesus Christ will be infinitely worth it, for “momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison.” 2 Cor. 5:17

P.S. You can’t live rightly for God if you don’t properly understand sin and how you are to think of it with regards to your life and the lives of others. Here are three more posts about sin and salvation: “In a Wicked World, You Have to Have Hope”, “A Sin-Wrecked World and the Coming of Christ”, “Living with Evil in the End-Times.”

When Christ Comes, Will He Find Faith on the Earth? Luke 18:8

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #279 ~

What a convicting, challenging, instructive verse! There will be birth pains in the end-times – wars, famines, earthquakes, plagues – and Christians need faith. This is especially true in those last few years before the coming of Christ, for that devilish Antichrist will be ruling the earth and Christians will be greatly persecuted. But no matter when we live, we need faith to walk with God, to be strong, and to carry out His work. The truths I am sharing with you about faith are for every Christian, now and in the future.

* What is faith? It means you are looking to God, you are seeking Him. (Ps. 105:4, Heb. 11:6). It means you are trusting God – you are believing Him, depending on Him, and you are not trusting yourself, others, or idols. The result is that you are spiritually connected to God, you have this relationship with Him. A person who has faith is humble, he knows that he needs God, that he can’t live without Him (Ps. 34:4-10). A person who has faith is trusting God’s word, for it’s the basis of faith, and a key for growing in faith. He’s believing God’s truth, obeying His commands, and believing His promises. “In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid.” Psalm 56:3-4

* Faith is essential. It’s not optional. In fact, God commands you to have faith: “Have faith in God.” (Mk. 11:23). Just as you need food to physically live, so too you need faith to spiritually live. Your entire Christian life is to be lived by faith. “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love” (Gal. 5:6). “Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Heb. 11:6). “… He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith…” (Eph. 3:16-19). Faith is the only way you can be saved, can please God, can be strong, can know Christ and His love, can do His work, and can be rewarded. “We walk by faith and not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

* Keys to faith: a) God’s word: “Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17). When God’s word is in your heart, then the Spirit enables you to believe, to have faith in God. b) God’s character: “Those who know Your name will put their trust in You” (Ps. 9:10). You must know who God is and what He is like if you are to trust Him, to rely on Him. c) Humility: “As for the proud one, his soul is not right within him, but the righteous will live by his faith.” A humble person is needy and knows that only God can meet his needs, and so he trusts Him. d) Examples of others: “In speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe” (1 Tim. 4:11). Learn about faith by observing the lives of godly people. e) Examples in God’s word: “By faith Abel… By faith Enoch… By faith Abraham… By faith Isaac… By faith Moses” (Heb. 11). You can also learn from the many Biblical examples of people who had faith. f) Prayer: “I do believe; help my unbelief” (Mk 9:24). As a believer, you have faith, but you need to ask God to take away your unbelief and give you more faith.

* Faith, little faith, and great faith. In the gospels, Jesus talks about these three kinds of faith. Little-faith people are usually spiritually young, fearful, worried, or self-centered (Matt. 6:30, 8:26, 14:31, 17:20). We all begin the Christian life with a little faith, but should we not become ones who have great faith? There is no doubt that God wants you to keep growing in faith so that you have great faith. Matthew 8:10, 15:28

* You are in the school of faith. The gospels give all these stories of Jesus teaching His disciples to have faith. Yes, they failed, but Jesus was patient with them, and they learned. (Matt. 6:30, 8:5-13, 8:23-27, 9:20-23, 9:26-33, 14:25-33, 15:21-28, 16:8, 17:14-17; Luke 5:17-20, 7:36-50, 8:49-56, 17:11-19; John 9:35-38, 11:25-26). This abundance of stories about faith is evidence of its immense importance. Without question, God is teaching you to have faith, and He’s the perfect teacher, using relationships, work, trials, weaknesses, sickness, persecution, etc. Learn from Him, for He’s daily teaching you to trust Him – “… fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith” (Heb. 12:2). Get your eyes off yourself and look to the Master and believe Him. 

* Trials are designed to build your faith. Though trials can be difficult and distressing, you must understand that they are necessary. (1 Pet. 1:6-7). Trials are one of the primary ways God teaches you about faith, and about persevering faith. “The testing of your faith develops perseverance” (James 1:2-12). He has designed trials to make you realize that you can’t get through life on your own strength. “Apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). You need God every single day. “Trust in God at all times” (Ps. 62:8). Instead of relying on yourself, rely on God, abide in Him, always be looking to Him for the strength you need.

* The result of faith is life, eternal life. By faith, Christ dwells in your heart and then lives through you. Like Enoch, you will walk with God and have a close relationship with Him. You will be filled with the Spirit and have all the power you need to live the Christian life. You will be filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc. You will have everything you need pertaining to life and godliness – you will be a partaker of the divine nature, sharing in the very life and purpose of Christ. The result of faith is a godly and supernatural life – there’s character, wisdom, endurance, and eternal blessings, and a most satisfying, God-glorifying life. James 1:2-12, 1 Pet. 1:5-7, Rom. 5:3-5, Gal. 2:20, Gal. 5:22

* The importance of persevering faith. Prophecy passages warn us about great evil and great tribulation in the end times – and none of us can imagine how extremely hard it will be. The key to living for God in these days is persevering faith. It’s continually trusting and relying on God, whether it’s for your daily bread, or because family members have turned against you, or because you are about to be martyred. It’s your faith in God that enables you to keep loving and living for Him no matter how you feel or how difficult it is. By faith, you won’t give up, you’ll keep rejoicing, you’ll keep sharing the gospel, you’ll keep loving the saints, you’ll persevere until you die or are raptured. And you’ll also be asking God for justice, for you know that the Lord Jesus will be coming soon to rapture the believers, pour out His wrath, and reign over this world. Remember these verses – “Do not fret because of evil men… for like the grass why will soon wither… Trust in the Lord and do good” (Ps. 37:1-3). No matter what happens, trust and do good!

* A key aspect of faith is hope, is believing God’s word about the future. Having hope means you’re expecting God to bless you after you leave earth and are in heaven. This hope, this conviction that God has an amazing future for you, is an essential component for being able to live successfully for the Lord in the end-times. Learn from the believers spoken of in Hebrews 11 – they persevered, they kept believing that God would fulfill His promises to them about the life to come. And for the Christian, what is this hope, what are some of His promises to you about the future? You will see Jesus, be with other believers, be in heaven, be glorified, be greatly rewarded, and reign with Christ over this earth. Job 19:25-27, 1 Cor. 15:42-44, Col. 3:23-24, Heb.12:22-24, Rev. 5:10

* The most important result of faith is that God will be glorified. Whatever you go through, it’s for God’s glory – and the key to seeing God’s glory is believing Him. Jesus told us, “Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God” (Luke 11:4, 40). Your ultimate purpose is not about you, but about God being exalted and glorified. Believe in God, and you’ll see His glory on earth and when you are in heaven. “Whatever you ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14:13

Whether you are alive at the coming of Christ or not, you must have faith. I cannot overemphasize the necessity and importance of faith. And let me say – now is the time to grow in faith, to be going from a little-faith person to a great-faith person. Be learning God’s word, be humble, grow in your knowledge of Christ, be passing the tests of faith, learn from others, and keep asking God for more faith. Indeed, it’s a great time to be alive! “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understand, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight” all the way to heaven. Proverbs 3:5-6

P.S. We do so many things to physically take care of ourselves, but might you be tending to your spiritual needs, and faith in God is one of your greatest needs. Here are two more posts I would encourage you to read: “You Need Hope to Get Through Life”, and “Don’t Get Mad at the Government – Trust God.”

God is Sovereign – He is in Charge and in Control

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #274 ~

God is sovereign, He is in control, even though it may not seem like it, even though sin and wickedness in our country is worse than ever before. And how does God say it? “Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?” Lamentations 3:37-38

We are witnessing an accelerated and devilish transformation of our country. When I think about what’s going on in our society, this is what comes to mind: human trafficking, liars, totalitarianism, two-tiered justice, socialism, artificial intelligence, hate, Satan clubs in schools, massive debt, political and societal division, free speech?, anger, parents not parenting, leaders promoting evil, fentanyl deaths, schools teaching error and evil, transgenderism, major border problems, drag shows, selfishness, increasing surveillance, pride, anti-Christian hostility, the Ukraine war, millions of abortions, DEI, CRT, ESG, Marxism, Chinese infiltration, lack of respect, communism, spy balloons, stealing, digital currency, ChatGPT, a chip in the hand, false teachers, sick churches, lawless D.A.s, criminals going free, greed, high inflation, racism, anti-racism, rampant immorality, nations uniting against US, people not fearing God, etc., etc. 

After reading this, you might be quite discouraged, and want to throw in the towel and move to a quiet place in the country. What you need to do is believe this wonderful and powerful truth, that God is sovereign, even over evil (Acts 2:23-24, 4:27-28). He is reigning over all people and all things, and all that happens, even the evil, is part of His eternal and perfect plan – and it’s leading to Christ’s return to rapture the church and rule over the earth. “God changes times and seasons” (Dan. 2:21). “His dominion is an eternal dominion… He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back His hand or say to Him, ‘What have you done?’” (Dan. 4:34-35). “His (the Most High’s) kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.” Daniel 7:27b

What would it be like if God wasn’t in charge, if He wasn’t ordaining and orchestrating the events of this world? If you thought humans were in charge and could do whatever they want, you might go crazy. But in a way you cannot understand, God controls the lives of people and all that occurs in this world. “Man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps” (Prov. 16:9). “The steps of man are ordained by the Lord. How then can man understand his way?” (Prov. 20:24). “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord. He turns it wherever He wishes.” Proverbs 21:1

When I think of God’s providential and sovereign working in this world, I think of four major areas – Israel, the church, your personal life, and everything else. Let’s go over each of these:

First, there’s Israel. It’s obvious that God is directing the nation of Israel. Close to 4,000 years ago, God raised up Israel in the nation of Egypt. After about 400 years, God led her out of Egypt, through the desert, and into the promised land. Later on, God exiled Israel because of her great sin – but mercifully, after 70 years, He brought her back to her land. Through the Jews, God brought Jesus into the world, and He lived a perfect life, died for our sins, and was raised from the dead. But the Jews rejected Jesus and His gospel message and so in 70AD, God scattered them all over the world. Exodus, Ezekiel 36-37, Luke 21:20-24, Luke 23-24

This dispersion lasted until the 1880’s, at which time, God miraculously started bringing these homeless Jews back to their land. In 1948, and against all odds, God made her a nation. Now it’s 2023, and there are close to 6.8 million Jews living in Israel. That the Jews are again in their land is the main reason we know we are living in the end-times. So it won’t be long before God fulfills His promises to His chosen people (Gen. 12:1-3, Ezek. 37:21-23, Matt. 24:15-27, Rom. 11:25-26). “‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill My purpose. What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.” Isaiah 46:10-11, Psalm 33:10-12

Second, there’s the church. Jesus Christ greatly loves His church, and He will build His church (Matt. 16:18). The church will preach the gospel to the entire world (Matt. 24:14), and make disciples in all the nations (Matt. 28:19-20). Yes, she has her ups and downs, but God, through Christ and the Holy Spirit, is sovereignly and powerfully carrying out His purposes for her. At the end of this age, His plans for her will be fulfilled, and God will send Christ to earth to rescue the church, judge the world, and begin His kingdom. Matt. 24:29-31, Acts 3:20-21, Revelation 20

Third, there’s you, God’s beloved child, and you are extremely and eternally important to Him. God was sovereign over your salvation (Eph. 1:4-5). God is sovereign over your spiritual growth (Phil. 2:13), over the work you do (Eph. 2:10), over how long you live (Ps. 139:16), over your whole life (Rom. 8:28), and over your successful arrival in heaven. 2 Tim. 4:18, Jude 24-25

Romans 8:28-29, very encouraging Bible verses, tell us that God will fulfill His purpose for us. “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” When it says, “all things”, it means everything in your life from the time you were born to the moment you die or are raptured. It means your upbringing, family, salvation, church, job, trials, sin, health, friends, enemies, weaknesses, abilities, ministry, etc.

That God is sovereign means He’s lovingly, wisely, powerfully, and perfectly causing “all things” in your life to work out for your good. This good, one of His primary purposes for you, is stated in vs. 29 – “Those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son” (Rom. 8:29). You will be conformed, you will become like Christ (1 Jn. 3:2), you will be glorified (Rom. 8:30). “We eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory.” Philippians 3:20-21

Fourth, there’s everything else. In addition to what was said in par. 2, God is also sovereign over the angels, the devil, demons, stars, planets, rulers, countries, wars, earthquakes, famines, plagues, weather, atoms, cells, fish, birds, ants, animals, plant life, crime, religions, all nations, all rulers, every person on the planet, the economy, your family, your friends, sports, music, movies, technology, the Antichrist, etc., etc. It’s true and truly amazing that God is sovereign over all things, and if He was not sovereign, if He was not in control, then He would not be God.

What is now taking place in this world may be confusing to you, and seem like a huge puzzle, but not to God. He knows exactly what He is doing, and He doesn’t make any mistakes. Since the creation of the world, He’s been perfectly putting every single piece in the right place at the right time, and that’s trillions of pieces. God has been orchestrating and directing every bit of history and now we are living in the end-times. This means that this God-designed, global puzzle is close to being completed. Soon enough, Christ’s church-age work will be finished, and He will return to rapture the church, and the Day of the Lord will begin. After that Christ will come back to Jerusalem as the King and begin His reign on earth. Zech. 14:9, Revelation 11:15

Eph. 1:10-11 sums up God’s end-time plans for this world. It tells us that His work with all things (“who works all things after the counsel of His will”), is leading to the end of this age (“fullness of the times”), and then Christ will be reigning over the universe (“summing up of all things in Christ”), and you will be part of God’s glorious plans (“having been predestined according to His purpose”). “Hallelujah! The Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.” Rev. 19:6b, Rev. 6-20

So how does God want you to live, and what does He want you to do?
* Keep looking to the Lord, loving Him, trusting Him, and obeying Him. Psalms 33:18-22, 105:4
* Know that God’s sovereignty over your life does not negate your personal responsibility, your duty to obey all His commands. “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Phil. 2:12-13, Ps. 119:44
* Believing that God is sovereign results in God being exalted and you being humbled, and being filled up with real joy, peace, and hope. 
* Be a light to the people around you. Be praying and looking for opportunities to share the gospel, for it’s the only answer to the problems in a person’s soul. Matt. 5:14-16, Col. 4:2-6
* Study end-times’ prophecy, be a watchman, and prepare the way of the Lord. Tell others what you learn in God’s word and what you see happening in the world that relates to the end-times. 1 Chron. 12:32, Ezek. 3:17, Matt. 24:45-46
* Be thankful that God wants you to live at this time in history. Be excited about the future, and remember that it won’t be long before Christ takes you home to heaven. Heb. 12:22-24 – “You have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God… to myriads of angels… to the general assembly and church… to God… and to Jesus…”

You must know that God is sovereign over the world and your life if you are to live rightly for Him. I encourage you to read these two other posts that speak on this neglected but most important subject: “God is in Charge of Everything”, and “God is in Charge of Your Life.”

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