
Category: End-times (Page 3 of 9)

Blog posts about the end times.

The Day of the LORD – God’s Righteous Wrath

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #254 ~

The whole world will be judged! That’s what God tells us, that’s what she deserves, and that’s what’s going to happen! Isaiah and Paul call it the “Day of the Lord” (Isaiah 13:6, 1 Thess. 5:2). John the Baptist says it’s the “wrath to come” (Luke 3:7). And this wrath won’t be a super volcano, global flooding, a nuclear war, EMP’s, or any combination of these things, but rather a series of disastrous, God-planned events specifically described in Revelation 8-9, 16.

Most people don’t know about this, don’t have even a clue of the catastrophic events that will soon devastate this earth. Or if they have heard about it, they don’t believe it’s going to happen – they are judgment deniers. (2 Peter 3:3-7). They don’t believe life on earth will be radically different, that this world, as we know it, will soon come to an end. Thinking that everything is going to stay the same, they will be eating, drinking, marrying, buying, selling, planting, and building. (Luke 17:24-28). Will they ever be shocked when God’s righteous hand suddenly strikes this earth.

Why is God going to punish this world? Because He’s perfectly holy. Rev. 4:8 sets the stage for this end-of-the-age wrath when it says, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come.” The Judge is sitting on His throne, and He has already told us His verdict, that this world is guilty of grave sins and a great many sins, and there must be justice, there must be divine retribution. “You have sat on the throne judging righteously, You have rebuked the nations, You have destroyed the wicked; You have blotted out their name forever and ever. The enemy has come to an end in perpetual ruins.” Psalm 9:4-8

The vast majority of people don’t understand God’s holiness, that He demands perfection from every single person. Even in our own courts, a person shown to be guilty for one crime is pronounced guilty by the judge for that crime and must be punished (James 2:10). But that’s on a human level – here is God, the divine Judge, and He examines an individual’s entire life, and He knows all their evil thoughts, words, and actions, each one being utterly offensive to Him. (Hab. 1:13). Those who have not repented of their sins, not trusted in Christ, not believed He died to pay the penalty for their sins, will be guilty forever, and therefore perish, be punished forever. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16; Mark 1:15; Matt. 25:46

God cannot ignore sin, He cannot say it’s no big deal, He cannot forget it! God cannot excuse sin, not even one! Because God is altogether righteous, He has no choice but to pour out His wrath upon sinful people, and upon this entire world. The Bible gives us story after story about God judging individuals, families, cities, nations, and the world. Sinful Cain was a vagrant and a wanderer upon the earth (Gen. 4:12). The great, global flood destroyed an extremely wicked world in the time of Noah (Gen. 7). Fire and brimstone rained down upon those two evil cities, Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:24-25). There were 10 punishing plagues poured out upon rebellious Egypt (Exodus 7-11). There was all Israel stoning and burning Achan’s family (Josh. 7:25). And look at the hundreds of warnings by the prophets! God’s word continually, clearly, and conclusively testifies to the holiness of God in history past. Might we learn from them, and be holy. Romans 15:4

It’s quite obvious to spiritually minded Christians that sin is rapidly increasing in the United States and all over the world. Grievous sin is running rampant, corrupting countries and polluting the entire planet (Lev. 18:24-25). This was predicted in Matt. 24, the most important end-times’ chapter – “lawlessness is increased” (Matt. 24:12, 2 Thess. 2:7-12, 2 Tim. 3:1-4). God must and will punish the whole world, and very soon. “Near is the great day of the Lord, near and coming very quickly… a day of wrath is that day, a day of trouble and distress, a day of destruction and desolation, a day of darkness and gloom.” Zephaniah 1:14-15

The day of the Lord was prophesied in many places – Isaiah 13:6-13; Joel 2:30-32; Amos 5:18-22; Obadiah 1:15; Zeph. 1:1-3, 14-18; Acts 2:19-21; 1 Thess. 5:1-4. These predictions, plus many other references to this final cataclysmic judgment are to warn the unbelieving world about what will be taking place. God is alerting believers as well, for we should be living holy lives, especially in these few and final years leading up to the coming of Christ. 1 Thess. 5:5-8, 1 Peter 1:13-16

It’s now relatively calm in this world compared to the catastrophic judgments to come, the deserved and dreadful wrath of God that will be poured out upon this earth – hail, fire, blood, demonic locusts, malignant sores, extreme torment, scorching heat, darkness, and death (Rev. 8-9, 16). It’s calm because God is being patient with the lost (2 Pet. 3:9), wanting Christians to lovingly and urgently share the gospel with them before it’s too late, warning them of the destruction and death to come, begging them to be reconciled to God, to turn from their sin and turn to Christ, to receive His eternal life and love. 2 Cor. 5:21, James 5:7-11

If sinners remain unrepentant and are still alive on earth when Christ returns, not only will they go through the fiery day of the Lord, but they will also go to hell, first to Hades for 1000 years, and then to the lake of fire for all eternity. “Depart from me accursed ones into the eternal fire” (Matt. 25:41, Rev. 20:11-14). I hope you are seeing the big picture, the powerful, painful, and punishing wrath that evil unbelievers will experience forever and ever, and rightfully so. “Upon the wicked He will rain snares; fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup. The Lord is righteous. He loves righteousness. The upright will behold His face.” Psalm 11:6-7  

Jesus Christ is returning to this earth to reign as King, but first, He must be a Judge and eradicate sin by punishing this evil world and casting out sinners. God is perfectly holy, and He has to clean house, He must purify this place – then Christ can begin reigning and ruling over this world. “He will judge the world in righteousness; He will execute judgment for the peoples with equity” (Ps. 9:8). Then we will all declare, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah 6:3

Jesus Christ is also returning to rapture all Christians living on earth at that time (Hallelujah!), and this occurs just before God pours out His wrath. “You turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God, and to wait for His Son from heaven… who rescues us from the wrath to come” (1 Thess. 1:9-10, 4:15-17). “God has not destined us for wrath” (1 Thess. 5:9). I cannot wait for this to happen! “‘Behold, I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.” Revelation 22:20

P.S. This is a most sobering subject, and you need to learn from it and be holy. And be thankful for God’s mercy on your soul, that He saved you from the wrath to come, and from an eternal hell. I encourage you to read these three other posts – “The Day of the LORD, the Wrath of God on Earth”, “What About the Unrepentant Unbeliever in the End-Times?”, and “Rescued from the Punishing Day of the Lord.”

Singing – A Key to Sound Christian Living

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #250 ~

“Sing praises to Him” (Ps. 33:2). “Come before Him with joyful songs” (Ps. 100:1). “I will sing of Your love and justice” (Ps. 101:1). Christians are to sing to the Lord – and it’s for His glory. Singing is also good for your life, for it positively affects you, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, instructing your mind and refreshing your soul. Without question, singing is a necessary and amazing attitude-adjuster – it is heart-tuning, soul-humbling, spirit-lifting, faith-restoring, joy-giving, and peace-producing. 

Many examples of singing are found in the Bible. Judah’s army was marching to war and leading the way was the choir, and they were singing, “Give thanks to the Lord, for His lovingkindness is everlasting” And their singing, their worship, was the key to God’s resounding victory – “When they began singing and praising, the Lord set ambushes against the sons of Ammon, Moab… so they were routed” (2 Chron. 20:21-22). Just before He was arrested, Jesus was singing with His disciples (Matt. 26:30). When Paul and Silas were in jail, they were “singing hymns of praise to God” (Acts 16:25-26). Then there are the Psalms, the biggest book in the Bible, and the best songbook ever written. I strongly encourage you to regularly read and sing the Psalms, for they address and will impact all aspects of your Christian life. 

As a Christian, you don’t want to be distracted, defiled, and controlled by fleshly and worldly songs. That’s why you need to be daily transforming your mind by heartily singing godly songs. “My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises… I will awaken the dawn… I will sing praises to You among the nations” (Ps. 57:7-11). “Be filled (controlled) with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5:18-19). Being in a godly-singing church is also instrumental in being a godly singer.

In these last years leading up to the rapture of the church, there will be tribulation and great tribulation, and singing to the Lord will be essential for your spiritual stability and success. I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing good Christian songs or, at least, having them on your playlist. And don’t just play them, sing them, and not just with others on Sunday morning, but by yourself during the week.

On this blog site, chart #’s 130, 133, 138, 143, 147, 149, 153, 160 contain lyrics about the end-times and Christ’s second coming. And singing songs that speak about your future and hope will undoubtedly help you be a more encouraged, forward looking, God-glorifying Christian. Listed below are some of them:

* Christ the Lord is Risen Today“Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia. Foll’wing our exalted head, Alleluia. Made like Him, like Him we rise, Alleluia. Our the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia.
* There is a Redeemer – “When I stand in glory, I will see His face. There I’ll serve my King forever in that holy place. Thank You, O my Father, for giving us Your Son, and leaving Your Spirit till the work on earth is done.”
* Be Still My Soul“Be still, my soul, the hour is hastening on, when we shall be forever with the Lord, when disappointment, grief and fear are gone, sorrow forgot, love’s purest joy restored. Be still my soul, when change and tears are past, all safe and blest we shall meet at last.”
* When the Roll is Called Up Yonder “Let us labor for the Master from the dawn till setting sun, let us talk of all His wondrous love and care; then when all of life is over and our work on earth is done, and the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. When the roll is called up yonder…”

* That Where I Am, There You May Be“If I go prepare a place for you I will come back again. If I go prepare a place for you I will come back again. You know I am the way, the truth, the life – keep My commands, that where I am there you may also be.”
* Jesus Loves Me“Jesus loves me, He will stay close beside me all the way; He’s prepared a home for me, and some day His face I’ll see. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.”
* On Jordan’s Stormy Banks“When shall I reach that happy place and be forever blest? When shall I see my Father’s face, and in His bosom rest? I am bound for the promised land, I am bound for the promised land; O, who shall come and go with me? I am bound for the promised land.”
* It Is Well With My Soul “And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, the clouds be rolled back as a scroll, the trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend, even so, it is well with my soul. It is well with my soul. It is well, it is well with my soul.”

* All Hail the Power “O that with yonder sacred throng we at His feet may fall, we’ll join the everlasting song and crown Him Lord of all; we’ll join the everlasting song and crown Him Lord of all.”
* Come Thou Almighty King “To Thee, great One in three, eternal praises be, hence evermore, Thy sovereign majesty, may we in glory see, and to eternity love and adore.” —-
* When We All Get to Heaven“Onward to the prize before us, soon His beauty we’ll behold; soon the pearly gates will be open, we shall tread the streets of gold. When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, when we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory.”
* Joy to the World “Joy to the earth, the Savior reigns; let men their songs employ – while fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains, repeat the sounding joy, repeat the sounding joy, repeat, repeat the sounding joy.”

As you know, this blog post is all about the end-times, the return of Christ, and His reign upon this earth. My purpose is not just to tell you what the Bible says will be happening in the future, but to help you live successfully for the Lord in the last years of this evil age. And there’s no doubt that singing to the Lord is a major key to your life as you journey on to the end. “I will praise God’s name in song.” Psalm 69:30

P.S. In a world saturated by secular and fleshly songs, it’s imperative that you daily sing to the Lord. It’s a way to worship God, a way to combat the flesh, and a means to working for God and living a victorious Christian life. As Christians, we are to worship and to work (Matt. 4:10). And I encourage you to read this article (#49) about work – “The Excellent End-Time’s Worker”.

How Can We Live In This Sinful World?

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #249 ~

You may wonder why I keep talking about sin. Because it’s accelerating, it’s hyperactive, it’s on overdrive in our country. And it’s not just growing, it’s becoming much more wicked and perverted. We see all this evil in our schools, government, families, media, music, movies, and yes, even in our churches. Depravity is on full display, and is being celebrated and applauded. (Rom. 1:18-32). As a Christian, you need to understand this subject of sin and sinners so that you spiritually survive, and so that you live a godly, fruitful, victorious life. Don’t stop reading this post just because it’s not one of those feel good subjects. You must hear these truths so you can know how to live in this wicked world.

Here are several things you need to know about sin and sinners.
1. Sin is our biggest problem, for it results in spiritual death, and ultimately results in physical death, and if not righteously dealt with, eternal death, forever and infernally being separated from the living God. (Ezek. 18:4, Rom. 3:23, Matt. 25:46). Our root sin, our central sin, is not loving and worshiping God, our Creator, but instead, loving and worshiping the creation. Jer. 2:5, 13; Rom. 1:19-25

2. If you don’t see that sin is the #1 problem in a person’s life and the world at large, then you will wonder why evil and devilish things are happening. You may feel sick to your stomach. You may be extremely sad. You may be disgusted. You may get discouraged as you see our country growing more sinful. You may get scared by what’s taking place. You may get angry at the evildoers. Or you may feel hopeless, and want to just give up. But what does God say? “The men of Issachar understood the times, and knew what they should do.” 1 Chronicles 12:32, Isaiah 1
3. If you don’t realize that sin is our fundamental problem, then you may think that other bad things in our society are the real problems when, in fact, they are the result of sin. Rom. 3:23, 6:23

4. If you don’t know that sin is our real problem, then you won’t see the need for Jesus Christ, that He’s the only answer to sin. Christ came to earth to die on the cross to defeat sin and death. Only He can solve our sin problem, along with every other problem. Only He can set a person free from their sin. John 8:31-32, Rom. 5:8, 2 Cor. 5:21, 1 Pet. 3:18, Titus 3:3-8
5. If you forget that sin is the core problem, then you will forget the fact that Christ is the only answer, and get off track, and focus on fleshly and worldly solutions, things that may relate to education, racism, equity, inflation, the border, climate change, etc. But these are superficial answers, only band-aids, and they don’t get to the root, they don’t really solve our problem of sin. Psalm 146:3-5

6. Knowing that sin is our main problem should motivate you to fulfill a key aspect of God’s will for your life, which is being a witness for Jesus Christ, telling people how they can be delivered from sin, death, hell, and the devil, telling people how they can know God and Christ. Acts 1:8, 26:15-18
7. We live in the end-times which means this sin problem will get dramatically worse before the coming of Christ. “… lawlessness is increased…” (Matt. 24:12-13). Keep this in mind as you think about the future, as you carry out God’s purpose for your life, and as you persevere to the end of this evil age. 2 Thess. 2:3, Rev. 13

In this world of sin and sinful people, how should you think, how should you live?
1. Love God by living a holy life, by living like a child of God. Resist temptation, confess sin, walk in the light, and be a godly and righteous Christian. Rom. 6-7, Eph. 4, Col. 3, 1 Thess. 4, 1 John 1
2. Know that God is sovereign over sin and sinful people, over evil and evildoers. God allows and uses sin for His divine purposes and glory, and also for your good. Acts 2:23, 4:27-28; Rom. 8:28
3. As you live in this evil age, and in an increasingly sinful world, keep trusting God and keep looking to His word. Ps. 37, Ps. 119:81-88, Heb. 11

4. Be a light to the lost, be the salt of the earth, be Christlike in your words and actions. Show unbelievers what a believer looks like by being kind, gentle, patient, and forgiving. Matt 5:13-16
5. Love your enemies. Like Christ, be compassionate and patient towards sinners, for they are truly hurting – they’re lost, blind, empty, sad, deceived, and caught in their sin. Matt. 5:44, 9:36; 2 Cor. 4:4
6. Pray for sinners to be saved. Ask God to open their hearts so they see and are convicted of their sin and their need for Christ. Ask God to have mercy on their souls. Matt. 5:44, Rom. 10:1

7. Share the gospel with the lost. Tell them about sin, death, and hell. Tell them about Jesus, that He is the Lord, Savior, and coming King, that He is the bread of life and the light of the world. Tell them about His sacrificial and substitutionary death, and His resurrection. Tell them about heaven and hell. And share with them your testimony, what God has miraculously done in your life. Isaiah 53; John 1:12-13, 1:29, 3:16, 5:24; Rom. 3:23-26; Eph. 2:1-9; Col. 4:2-6, 1 Pet. 3:18
8. Don’t be angry with evildoers, with the wicked. Don’t be vengeful, don’t retaliate. God is closely watching each and every sinner and will deal with them in due time. He will either save them or judge them, show them mercy or show them wrath. Prov. 15:3; Rom 9:14-16, 12:19
9. Always stay close to Jesus. Be careful when you are with sinners, for you don’t want their sin to corrode your Christian life and result in you sinning against God. Psalm 63:8-10, 119:149-151; Jude 23  

10. It’s an honor and a blessing to be persecuted by sinners, for Jesus was persecuted. “Consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary…” Heb. 12:3, Matt. 5:10-12, John 15:18-25, 1 Pet. 2:21-23
11. A key to living in this devilish world is hope, is knowing Christ is returning to earth to rescue and glorify Christians, to put an end to sin and the evil doers who promote it, and to begin reigning as King over this earth. You must have hope, for it will help you live a holy life, and motivate you to keep going for God. Romans 8:18-25, Hebrews 11
12. God will justly punish sinners. Some of this may happen during this life. But for all who remain in their sin, who never repent of their sin during their time on earth, it will be a dreadful, deserved, eternal punishment in the lake of fire. Matt. 25:41, 46; 2 Thess. 1:7-9; Rev. 20:11-15

This last point, that God judges unrepentant sinners, is very important to understand. As I said, we should always love and pray for sinners, for those who don’t know God, for those who are opposed to Him and us (2 Cor. 2:14-17). But God won’t save every sinner, for many will stay in their sin, reject Christ, and forever be punished. What you must realize is that there are hundreds of verses about God’s righteous dealings with sinners, on earth and in hell. The whole Bible, book after book, talks about sin, sinners, justice, and wrath, especially the Psalms and Prophets, which are much more extensive in their discussion and detail of sin than other books.

Most of these Psalm verses are listed below. They talk about God’s present and future punishment of sinners. They educate you about God’s justice and wrath. They will help you be more holy and sober. They are an antidote to any wrong attitudes you may have about sin and sinners – like fear, worry, fretting, hopelessness, or unrighteous anger. And they remind you that sinners don’t win – they lose, and justly so. I strongly encourage you to read them, especially since we are living in a very sinful world, and are now in the end-times,

Psalm 1:6; Ps. 2:9-12; Ps. 3:7; Ps. 5:6-7; Ps. 6:10; Ps. 7:15-16; Ps. 9:3, 5-6, 15, 17; Ps. 10:15; Ps. 11:6-7; Ps. 17:13-14; Ps. 18:17-19, 48; Ps. 21:8-10; Ps. 25:19-20; Ps. 27:1-3; Ps. 28:3-4; Ps. 31:3-4, 8, 15, 17-18; Ps. 34:16; Ps. 35:1-8, 24-26; Ps. 36:11-12; Ps. 38:19-22; Ps. 40:14-16; Ps. 41:11-12; Ps. 44:4-8; Ps. 45:4-5; Ps. 52:1-7; Ps. 54:4-7; Ps. 55:15, 23; Ps. 56:4-7; Ps. 57:2-4; Ps. 58:1-9; Ps. 59:1-5, 12-16; Ps. 63:9-10; Ps. 64:6-8, Ps. 68:1-2, 21-23; Ps. 69:22-28; Ps. 70:1-3; Ps. 71:12-13; Ps. 73:16-20, 27; Ps. 75:7-10; Ps. 76:5-10; Ps. 78:42-52; Ps. 79:6-12, Ps. 81:13-15; Ps. 83; Ps. 91:5-10; Ps. 92:6-10; Ps. 94:1-11, 21-23; Ps. 97:1-3; Ps. 109:6-20, 29; Ps. 112:10; Ps. 119:21, 84, 118-119; Ps. 120:3-4; Ps. 125:5; Ps. 129:5-6; Ps. 135:8-11; Ps. 137:8-9; Ps. 139:19-20; Ps. 146:9; Ps. 149:5-9

Oftentimes, we read or hear about sinners in our country, sinners who are doing some of the most evil and perverted things, and who are encouraging others to do the same . And we want there to be justice, we want them to be punished for their sins. I encourage you to be patient, to pray for them, to ask God to have mercy on their souls. (2 Pet. 3:9-10). And if they don’t repent, they will be punished, justly and eternally so (Ps. 73:18-19). Indeed, there are degrees of punishment in hell. Matt. 10:15, 11:21-22; Heb. 10:20

Psalm 1:6“The Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.” John 3:16“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” Psalm 11:6-7“Upon the wicked He will rain snares; fire and brimstone and burning wind will be the portion of their cup. For the Lord is righteous, He loves righteousness; the upright will behold His face.”

P.S. This subject of sin must be understood so you can deal with it in your own life, and so you can know how to relate and respond to the world around you. I cannot stress this enough. That’s why I encourage you to read and/or reread these other posts on sin and sinners – “Sinners and Saints in the End-Times”, “Living with Evil in the End-Times”, and “If the Foundations are Destroyed.”

Sinners and Saints in the End-Times

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #248 ~

Isn’t it true that you see, hear, and feel the sin most all the time? And you may be thinking it’s getting worse in this world, and it is. Then you may wonder why this country, along with other nations, are becoming so sinful, so evil, so wicked. What are the reasons for this?

Five things are currently contributing to and compounding the sin and the evil in our country:
* First, all people are sinners, and because they’re sinners, they sin. The following passages each give a list of specific sins – Mark 7:20-23, Rom. 1:28-32, Gal. 5:19-21, 2 Tim. 3:2-4, and Rev. 21:8.
* Second, we live in an evil age which is why we live in a sinful world. This age started with Adam’s sin and ends with cosmic disturbances suddenly darkening this entire planet. Matt. 24:29, Rev. 6:12-14
* Third, “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19). The devil wickedly and greatly affects every part of this world. And though not responsible for a person’s sin, he tempts and entices him to sin. “… the snare of the devil…” 2 Tim. 2:26, Gen. 3:1-5

* Fourth, from the 1960’s until now, there’s been a dramatic decline in our country’s character, and a corresponding increase in sin. People have been saying, “God is dead,” children have been told they can’t pray in school, evolution has been publicly taught, and there’s a steady decline in church attendance. Rom. 1:18-32 explains what’s happening, from rejecting God to immorality to homosexuality to depravity. God has given this country over to her sin and has also given the devil more freedom to fulfil his evil plans (Job 1:6-12). 2 Tim. 3:12 sums it up, “Evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse.”
* Fifth, we live in the end-times, and Christ told us that during this time, evil will increase. (Matt. 24:12). And don’t forget that the “man of lawlessness”, the Antichrist, is coming, and he will further fuel this sin, injecting evil into our world like never before. 2 Thess. 2:3, Rev. 13:7-8

As Christians, we should never be surprised by all the evil in this increasingly sin-sick world. What took place during the time of Judges aptly describes what’s now going on – “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). And we can’t deny that it’s difficult to live in a world that hates God and hates us. The Bible gives examples of this: Lot was “oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men… (Lot) felt his righteous soul tormented day after day by their lawless deeds” (2 Pet. 2:7-8). David was harassed by sinners – “Evils beyond number surround me” (Ps. 40:12). Paul was persecuted by evildoers – “Jews… stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead.” Acts 13:9

Then there’s Jesus Christ, a “Man of sorrows.” And why? The Son of God knew and felt the core problem of our spiritually dark and dirty world far more than anyone else. Can you imagine how troubling it was for this perfect Man to live on this unholy earth? But He knew He was the Light of the World, the Savior, the Answer to our problem, the Victor over all sin and all sinners. As a Christian, be extremely thankful that Christ loved you and saved your soul from sin, death, the devil and hell! “You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.” Psalm 86:12-13

But we’re still in this world, and being surrounded by all this sin is like like living in a filthy-dirty, clutter-filled house, and only much worse. This is when you need to understand that God is sovereign over sinners, and uses them for His eternal purposes and glory. Here are some examples:
* God sovereignly used sinners to bring about the death of His own Son. “This man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to the cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death, but God raised Him from the dead” (Acts 2:23-24). Back in eternity past, God planned that certain evil men would kill His Son, and they did, resulting in the salvation of millions, if not billions of sinners, and God being eternally glorified. Acts 4:27-28
* God raised up that wicked Pharoah, using him to terribly oppress the Jews, which led to their freedom, their exodus out of Egypt. “For this purpose, I raised you up, to demonstrate My power in you, and that My name might be proclaimed throughout the whole earth.” Romans 9:17

* God wanted Paul to be persecuted and put in prison for the preaching of the gospel. “… my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel so that my imprisonment in the cause of Christ has become well known throughout the whole praetorian guard.” Phil. 1:12
* In the future, God will sovereignly direct that most devilish man, the beast, the Antichrist, to carry out His plans. “God has put it in their hearts (the ten horns and the beast) to execute His purpose by having a common purpose.” Rev. 17:16-17

* Be encouraged by God’s power over sinners, for it relates to your life, and to all of life. Sinners will only do what God desires, what He allows them to do. Even today, the rulers in our country are fulfilling His purposes. “The king’s heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes” (Prov. 21:1). And yes, there are murderers and mass murderers, liars, rapists, robbers, cheaters, and false teachers, but God is sovereignly and wisely using them for His purposes. And don’t forget that God is just, and that all evildoers who never repent of their sins will be severely and eternally punished in the lake of fire. Matt. 25:46, Rev. 20:11-15

What about your own life? I am sure you are affected by sinners and their sin in a way that’s troubling, tiring, saddening, and yes, maddening. Seeing and hearing about their pride, anger, hate, and sensuality, makes you want to leave earth and go home to heaven. And this sin will only get worse the closer we are to the end of the age. 2 Thess. 2:9-12 says the sinners “took pleasure in wickedness.” Matt. 24:9 informs us, “They will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.” Luke 21:16 warns us, “You will be betrayed even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they will put some of you to death.” Rev. 13:7 soberly says, “It was given to him (Antichrist) to make war with the saints.”

Woe! This doesn’t sound good, but it’s true, and it’s what God wants you to know. When it comes to suffering, Jesus told you: “Remember the word I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than His master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you” (John 15:20). He also said, “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad for your reward in heaven is great” (Matt. 5:10-12). Do look at 1 Peter, a needed epistle for the end-times, one loaded with truth about suffering for Jesus – 1 Pet. 1:7-8, 1 Pet. 2:20-24, 1 Pet. 3:13-18, 1 Pet. 4:1, 1 Pet. 4:12-19, 1 Pet. 5:8-11.

But it’s not just about suffering for Jesus – it’s about serving, soldiering, and sharing the gospel. A great many sinners will be saved and become saints in the last years of this age. Hallelujah! Know too that God is raising up an army of spiritually strong soldiers for the end-times, Joshuas, Deborahs, Davids, and Pauls, ones who will be bravely battling for God. They will stand firm (Eph. 6:10-13), be overcomers (Rom. 8:35-39), and be victorious (Rev. 7:9-12). God will give them and us all the faith, love, hope, courage, wisdom, grace, and peace we need to keep living and fighting for Him. “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before.”

In all this, remember the good news. The good news is Jesus Christ and the gospel message of salvation from sin. The good news is that God deeply loves you all the time. The good news is that God, through the Holy Spirit, is always with you. The good news is that it’s not totally dark in this world, for the true church is a light for Christ, a light to the lost. The good news is that it won’t be long before this evil age comes to an end, and Christ returns to rapture the church, glorify the believers, take us to heaven, and then judge this wicked world. The good news is that Jesus Christ will perfectly and gloriously reign over this world for 1,000 years, and we will reign with Him. “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory.” Isaiah 6:3

P.S. As a Christian, you must understand the nature of sin and sinners in the end-times, or you will get discouraged by what’s happening. Here are two other posts that will also help you understand sin, sinners, and what’s going on in our world today – “Living With Evil in the End-Times”, and “What’s Wrong With this World?”

Baby Formula Shortages, Food Scarcity, Famine, and Thanksgiving

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #247 ~

I never would have thought there would be a baby formula shortage in our country. Indeed, we live in a strange new world. So much has happened in our country and in the food industry in the past year that’s contributing to this specific problem. On a broader scale, we are hearing about increasing food scarcity around the world, and this could lead to famines, which God predicted would increase in the end-times.

Let me share why many people are thinking there could be food scarcity and famines:  
* There’s the Russia / Ukraine war, which directly affects the growing of wheat, one of the most important foods in the world, and Russia is one of the primary exporters of wheat. Not only that, but wheat prices have doubled in the past two years.
* Russia has also been a leading producer and exporter of fertilizer, and because of the war, it’s harder to get, and when people do get it, it’s much more expensive. This is severely impacting farmers and their ability to grow all the food that people need.
* Fossil fuel shortages are resulting in greatly increased fuel prices. And farmers need fuel for tractors, and shippers need it to run their trucks and trains. These growing fuel costs lead to increased transportation costs, which lead to higher food costs.
* Supply chain issues are dramatically affecting the shipping of food ingredients, parts, computer chips, cars, commodities, etc. More than ever before, we live in an interconnected world, and no nation can exist on its own – one country depends on the goods and services of other countries. 
* Inflation is the worst it’s been in forty years, and it’ affecting everyone, especially the poor. There are many reasons for this inflation, but the net result is rapidly increasing prices for food, gas, and most everything else. And this inflation is being seen in most countries around the world.
* Even our own President said there would be food shortages, and this was back in March. And just a few days ago, Bloomberg News said, “the age of scarcity begins…”

We are seeing the perfect storm as it relates to food shortages. The supply of food is going down – there’s food scarcity, and the price of food is going up – there’s food inflation. This is a huge problem. This is when we see empty shelves. This is when we see food protests, which has been happening in Sri Lanka and Chile. This is when we see famine. Now food shortages, food inflation, and famines are a greater problem in poorer countries, for there isn’t as much food to begin with, and a greater percentage of a person’s income is spent on food.

I readily admit that I don’t know for sure what’s going to happen with respect to these food problems. It may not end up being that bad, but it could be catastrophic, particularly in poorer countries – only God knows. What I do know is that there have always been food shortages and famines. What I also know is that God prophesied that there will be more famines in the end-times. And if it weren’t for the fact that we now live in the end-times I wouldn’t even be writing this post.

How do we know we live in the end-times? Because God’s word tells us. That the Jews have been gathering back to Israel, from about 25,000 people in the 1880’s to 6.9 million in 2022, is evidence that we live in the end-times. (Ezek. 36-37, Luke 20:21-24). During these final years leading up to Christ’s coming, there will be “birth pains.” Jesus tells us, “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places, plagues and famines.” (Matt. 24:6-7, Mark 13:7-8, Luke 21:10-11, Rev. 6:1-8). As we look at the world around us, it’s obvious that we are having “birth pains.” We shouldn’t be surprised by the recent plague (Covid), the present war (Russia – Ukraine), the present food scarcity and famines, and by future earthquakes.

There is much more that needs to be said about famines in the end-times:
* These famines won’t occur all over the world, but only in various places. What happens in the United State will probably be different than what happens in other countries. Matt. 24:7
* Birth pains are not always independent of one another. For example, wars, plagues, and earthquakes can contribute to and exacerbate famines.
* Famines often occurs in conjunction with inflation. With regards to famine in the end-times, Rev. 6:6 says, “A quart of wheat for a denarius.” This means wheat, and all foods, will be very expensive, for in the 1st century, a denarius was equivalent to a day’s wages.
* In reference to the birth pains, which includes famines, Jesus says, “All these things are merely the beginning of birth pains” (Matt. 24:8). Many more birth pains and, therefore, many more famines, will be taking place before Christ returns to rapture the church and then judge the world.

* Famines affect the poor more than the rich. That’s because poor people don’t have the money or the means to get the food they need when there’s famine. Rev. 6:6, in the context of famines, says, “do not damage the oil and the wine.” Oil and wine are considered luxury foods, and the idea is that a rich person can buy whatever he wants during a famine, but not a poor person. 
* Many people will die because of these famines. “Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence.” Rev. 6:8
* Both believers and unbelievers will be affected, and will suffer and die because of famines.
* God wants famines to wake up the world, to alert Christians about Christ coming to rapture the church, and to warn unbelievers about Christ judging the sinners who are left behind on earth.

What should Christians do with regards to what’s happening in our world at this time?
* Be awake and alert, for it won’t be long before Christ returns, and in the meantime, you have work to do. 1 Thess. 1:9-10, 1 Thess. 5:4-9
* Be prayerful and very thankful with regards to food, and how your heavenly Father graciously meets your needs. “Give us this day our daily bread.” Matt. 6:11, 1 Thess. 5:18
* Stock up on food, especially canned goods and dried goods. This is a very easy and important thing to do. In fact, the expiration date for most canned goods bought today is 2024. 1 Chron. 12:32 – “The men of Issachar understood the times and knew what they should do.” Prov. 6:6-11 – “Go to the ant…”
* Store up food, not just for yourself, but for others. When times are difficult, you want to be in a position where you can help others, especially those who are poor. Acts 20:35, Gal. 2:10
* Remember what’s most important. What people need more than anything else is spiritual food. Share with people the word of God. “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4). Be satisfied by Jesus, who said, “I am the bread of life.” John 6:48 
* Share the gospel with the lost. “Jesus said, ‘I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst'” (John 6:35). “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end shall come.” Matthew 24:14

P.S. This is the time that God has chosen for you to be alive, and to do the work He has planned out for you. Therefore, it’s important that you know that we are now in the birth-pain stage of the end-times. I want to encourage you to read these two other posts, “The World is Having Birth Pains” and “How Then Should We Live in the End-Times?”

God Tells Us The Future – Matthew 24-25

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #246 ~

We live in a sinful crazy world, and we often wonder where things are going! But as Christians, we are not to worry or be afraid. God wants us to know that He’s in charge, and everything that’s been happening on this planet is part of His sovereign plan, and it’s all leading to Christ’s return to earth. What’s amazing and so encouraging is that God has told us all you need to know about His Son’s coming and the end-times. He has not given us all the details of a future leading up to the rapture of the church, but a very good outline. “Behold, I have told you everything in advance.” Mark 13:23

The most important prophecy passage in the Bible is Matthew 24:3 – 25:31. It starts in vs. 3 with the disciples asking Jesus, “What is the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”, and He answers them by giving the big picture of the end-times, and how then we should live. He tells them, and us (Matt. 24:15b), God’s plans for the Christians, Jews, and unbelievers. Here is a short summary:

The birth pains – Matt. 24:4-8. There will be “birth pains”, different events and conditions signaling that Christ’s coming is getting closer. God is telling the world to wake up! These “birth pains” are false Christs, wars, earthquakes, famines, and plagues, and for some people, financial problems. All these things are now taking place and will continue, evidence that we are living in the end-times. Now they won’t be happening all over the world but only in various places – some people will experience them, and others will just hear about them. Matt. 24:4-8, Rev. 6:1-8

God’s work with the Christians – Matt. 24:9-14. Whereas the “birth pains” affect both Christians and non-Christians, vss. 9-14 is particularly relevant to Christians. These verses describe a most difficult and dangerous time for believers living on this earth in the coming years. What do we learn? First, Christians all over the world will undergo great tribulation – they will be hated for their faith, for loving Jesus, and many will be martyred. Second, there will be a great apostasy. Many so-called Christians will fall away, will defect, and will turn against Christians and turn them in to the authorities. Third, there will be false prophets, deceivers trying to trick true believers. Fourth, the world will be an exceedingly sinful place – lawlessness will cover the earth. Fifth, many Christians will persevere to the end, and be saved, that is, be raptured. Sixth, Christians are to keep preaching the gospel to all the nations, and then this age will come to an end. Jesus promised us, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matt. 28:19-20

God’s work with the Jews – Matt. 24:15-27. These verses are about the Jews, and what happens to them directly impacts the Christians. Luke 21:20-24 gives a historical overview of the Jews, from being scattered (70 AD), persecuted, and then regathered (1880’s – present). That the Jews have been returning to Israel is the #1 reason we know we live in the end-times. From Matt. 24:15-26, we learn four major things that will affect the Jews. First, there will be the “abomination of desolation”, which is the Antichrist desecrating the temple in Jerusalem (Dan. 9:27). Second, the Antichrist will chase after the Jews but many will miraculously escape (Rev. 12:13-16). Third, there will be great tribulation, a great persecution of Jews starting in Israel and spreading to the world, with that evil Antichrist also making war with the Christians (Rev. 12:17, Matt. 24:9). Fourth, false Christs and prophets will try to deceive the Jews, saying the true Christ is on earth – but we learn that He will come from heaven. “Just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matt. 24:27

Death – Matt. 24:28. “Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.” Because of the birth pains and great tribulation, both Christians and non-Christians will be dying in the years leading up to Christ’s coming. “Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, and pestilence, and by the beasts of the earth… I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of God’s word.” Rev. 6:8-9

The end of the age – Matt. 24:29. This age is coming to an end. In the near future, during Daniel’s 70th week, and after the coming of the Antichrist, the skies will grow dark – “the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light.” This, along with a great earthquake, are God’s signs that this age has come to an end, and that the day of the Lord is at hand. Rev. 6:12-17

Christ’s coming and the rapture of the church – Matt. 24:30-31. Immediately after the end of this age, Jesus Christ will return to earth. His coming will be visible and obvious to all who are still alive, for the whole world will be lit up by His glory. “They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory.” The skies will suddenly go from dark to light, and Christ will be seen coming in the clouds. A split second later, Christians on earth will be raptured and together with believers who previously had died and gone to heaven, be glorified and gathered to Christ. 1 Thess. 4:15-17, 2 Thess. 2:1

The timing of end-time’s events – Matt. 24:32-34, 36. Two timing truths are given in these verses. First, we are to know the general time of Christ’s coming. The events prophesied in Matt. 24:4-29 will occur in the years leading up to the end of the age, making it clear that we are getting closer to Christ’s return to rapture the church. Heb. 10:25 says we will “see the day drawing near.” Second, we do not know the specific time of Christ’s return, for “of that day and hour, no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, not the Son, but the Father alone.”

Daniel’s 70th week relates to Matt. 24-25, helping us understand the timing of end-time events – Daniel 9:24-27. These verses talk about 70 weeks, each week consisting of 7 years. The 1st week began with the issuing of a decree to rebuild Jerusalem (444 BC), and the 69th week ended with Jesus being cut off, that is, crucified (30 AD). The 70th week, a most important prophetic period, has not yet started. At the beginning of the 70th week, a covenant (treaty) will be confirmed, allowing the Jews to build their temple in Jerusalem. At the midpoint of this week, this temple is desolated by the Antichrist (Dan. 9:27), at which time He is revealed as the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2:3-4). At the end of this 7-year period, a large remnant of Jews will be saved. It’s during the 2nd half of Daniel’s 70th week, at a time unknown to us, that Christ returns to rapture the church. Matt. 24:30-31

Unbelievers do not believe that Christ is coming back – Matt. 24:37-41. The unbelievers, the unsaved living in the end-times, are unaware of what will soon take place. The days of Noah and Lot illustrate how they are living in the years leading up to Christ’s return – “They were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage” (Matt. 24:38); “They were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building” (Luke 17:28). In fact, many unbelievers will mock Christians with regards to Christ’s return – “Where is the promise of His coming?” (2 Pet. 3:4). But when the earth begins to shake and the skies grow dark, these evil unrepentant unbelievers will be scared to death, for they know that God’s wrath has come (Rev. 6:12-17). And suddenly the Christians will disappear, flying up into the skies. “One will be taken, and one will be left.”

How Christians should live during the end-times – Matt. 24:42 – 25:1-13. Christians must be ready, be expecting, be looking for Christ’s return (Matt. 24:44). We must be sensible and faithful (Matt. 24:45), doing God’s work by serving the saints and witnessing to the lost. We must be prudent and wise (Matt. 25:2). We must be alert, spiritually sensitive to the Spirit, and physically aware of what is happening around them. “The men of Issachar understood the times and knew what they should do.” (1 Chron. 12:32). We must be living lives filled with faith, hope, and love. “Let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation. For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thess. 5:8-9

The certainty of Christ’s coming – Matt. 24:35. “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.” This verse, conspicuously placed in the middle of this prophecy passage, is an exclamation point to all that Jesus said. What He told us is the absolute truth, truth you need to know inside and out, for what He said will dramatically affect all those living on this earth, both saved and lost. And you will literally see Christ’s words come to pass. What an exciting time to be alive! “Behold, I am coming soon!” Revelation 22:20

P.S. I cannot stress enough the importance of understanding Matthew 24-25. Please read it, study it, and learn what it says, for your sake, your family, and your church. I strongly encourage you to read “Matthew 24 – the Most Important Prophecy Chapter in the Bible, and “What is the Main Message of Matthew 24?”

“I Press on Toward the Goal for the Prize”

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #245 ~

It always amazes me when I read about Paul’s life. How did he do all that he did? How did He endure all that suffering? (2 Cor. 12:23-28). There’s no doubt it was by grace (1 Cor. 15:10 – “by the grace of God I am what I am.”). But it was also by hope. One reason we know hope was so important to Paul is the book of Philippians, for it contains nine specific references to the future, which means hope was a key factor in him persevering to the end. In two previous posts, #238 and #243, we looked at the first six references – Phil. 1:6, Phil. 1:9-11, Phil. 1:21-23, Phil. 2:9-11, Phil. 2:14-16, and Phil. 3:10-11. Today, I will look at the last three, found in Phil. 3:12-14, Phil. 3:21-22, and Phil. 4:5.

Philippians 3:12-14“… I press on so that I may lay hold of that which also I was lay hold of by Christ Jesus” This important prophecy passage focuses on how, and how long you should run your race for God. What do we learn from these verses?
First, if you are reading this, then it’s obvious you are still alive. As a Christian, you are to keep pressing ahead until the end of your life, until you die or are raptured. 

Second, you are to press on, which means to run, to follow after, to earnestly and energetically speed on toward the goal. It’s believing (Heb. 11:6), working (2 Tim. 2:6), struggling (Eph. 6:11), suffering (Matt. 6:10-11), and persevering (Matt. 24:13). The Christian life is not easy, for there are many trials, challenges, conflicts, ailments, persecutions, and devilish attacks – and whether you feel like it or not, you must press ahead. Diligently and faithfully, keep doing the work God has given you to do and, soon enough, you will cross the finish line and be in heaven.

Third, Paul says, “I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet” (vs. 13). If you are alive, then you have not yet completed your earthly work. Eph. 2:10 tells us, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared beforehand…” Christ Himself has taken hold of you, and for good and godly reasons. You’re to love God and all the people He puts in your life; you’re to be a witness to the lost; you’re to make disciples; and you’re to use your spiritual gift. Wholeheartedly serve the Lord, doing all He wants you to do. Col. 3:23-24

Fourth, you are “forgetting what lies behind” (vs. 13). Successful Christians forget the past. Everyone makes mistakes and has missed opportunities and regrets. I’m sure you have experienced good and bad things, had achievements and failures, and you need to forget them. A basketball player must quickly forget both the shots he misses and the shots he makes, and keep playing until the end of the game. Older Christians may reminisce, rest on their laurels, and think their race is done. They too must forget what lies behind. If you are in an 8-lap race, and you just finished the 7th lap, then you are not to think about the 7 laps you just ran, but the one lap that remains.

You are “reaching forward to what lies ahead” (vs. 13). What is reaching forward? It conveys the idea of stretching a muscle to it’s limit, of a runner pushing himself, striving to win the race. For the Christian, it’s looking ahead and focusing on the future, it’s running with desire and giving maximum effort. It’s being in a race, and no matter how far you have gone, you are continuing to run, you are going forward, and finally, you will cross the finish line.

Fifth, you are to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (vs. 14). You are not just pressing on to do the work God wants you to do (vs. 12), you are pressing on toward the goal. There’s a finish line and a prize to be won when you reach the finish line, and you need to keep running until your race is over. A major aspect of hope is looking forward to receiving a generous prize for how you run the race, for competing “according to the rules” (2 Tim. 2:5), and for finishing the race. This prize, this eternal blessing for your earthly work, is also described as treasures (Matt. 6:20), recompense (Luke 14:15), rewards (Col. 3:24), crowns (2 Tim. 4:8), and inheritance (1 Pet. 1:4).

Here are more important points about this passage:
1. No matter who you are, wherever and whenever you live, how old you are, how long you have been saved, God has a race for you to run. “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.” Hebrews 12:1-2

2. Our culture talks a lot about retirement, and what you can do after you retire. Now maybe you are done working at a “job”, but you are never done with your heavenly work. Don’t let the “eat, drink, and be merry” attitude (Lk. 12:19) of many retirees affect how you live for God. Your work and your pace may change, but you need to complete the work God wants you to do. Acts 13:36

3. That we live in the end-times gives added weight to this passage. Just think, you may be raptured. If that’s true, then finishing your earthly race will coincide with Christ’s return to rapture the church. Here’s a hypothetical: if Christ comes back in 20 years, then you only have 20 years left to live and work for the Lord. If you’re now 25, then you will be 45 when Christ returns, or if you’re now 50, then you will be 70. In these end-times, don’t be so naïve to think that you will live what is thought to be a full life, to 70 or older. Whatever happens, keep pressing, keep doing God’s work until the very end – “be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

4. Ask God to give you the grace to finish strong, to keep racing until you “break the tape”, whether that’s by death or by rapture. Might you then say, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. In the future, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me that day, and… to all who have loved His appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8
5. God Himself will call you home to heaven. Whether you physically die or are raptured, it will happen soon, and be the best day of your life (Eccl. 7:1). Look forward to seeing Jesus, your Savior and Lord, the One who loves you more than anyone else!

Philippians 3:21-22. “We eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory…” Our bodies get old, tired, and weak, and we still sin. But remember, your salvation is not yet complete, but it will be when Christ comes back, for then you will be wonderfully transformed. Your brand-new body will be like Jesus’ body – it will be beautiful, powerful, immortal, glorified, and perfectly fit for an eternity of worshiping God, of serving Him, reigning with Him, fellowshipping with saints, and experiencing His glory and His love. 1 Cor 15:42-44, 53-54; 2 Cor. 5:1-5; 1 John 3:2-3; Rev. 21:3-7

Philippians 4:5. “The Lord is near.” The word “near” can be defined as near in space or near in time. This two-fold truth is most encouraging, for we live in the end-times. Thus, we know two things, that the Lord is always and literally with us in a spiritual sense, and that it won’t be long before we will physically be with Him. “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout… we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

Grace and hope must be an essential part of your daily life. The last two verses in the Bible remind us of this – “‘Yes, I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. Amen.” Revelation 22:20-21

P.S. What a privilege that God has called us to run in the greatest of races, the Christian marathon – a lifetime of serving the Lord. I would encourage you to read these two articles that I believe will help you successfully run for Him and carry out the work He wants you to do – “Your Spiritual Service: A Member of the Special Forces” and “The Excellent End-Times’ Worker.”

The Answer to Death is Christ’s Resurrection

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #244 ~

The second worst problem in life is death, is that people physically die. The old and the young die. The rich and the poor die. The wise and the foolish die. People die because of alcohol, drug overdose, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, influenza, and accidents. They die because of war, famine, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, and pandemics. They die suddenly and they die slowly. And many people are afraid to die because they don’t know what happens after they die. Does death mean they cease to exist? Does death lead to something better, or something worse? What about heaven and hell? Will they see their loved ones again? What about reincarnation – is it true or just a lie from the devil? Is there any way to defeat physical death and keep living?

Doctors and nurses, with their treatments and medicines, can often help people physically live longer. But they can’t help people live forever by keeping them from dying. Recently, we have been hearing about transhumanism, about scientists tapping into a person’s mind and trying to hardwire it onto some microchip, so that when he dies, “he”, now a robot, can continue to “live.” Some call this a new version of eternal life, but is this “person” really living, and can “he live” forever? No! What about a person who is made in God’s image, and who, sooner or later, will die? Can this person really and truly defeat death?

Yes! Yes! Yes! God, who created man, has the answer to death. But before we can understand His answer, we must know why people die? And the reason people die is because of their sin – “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Sin is defined as not loving God, idolatry, greed, pride, disobedience, immorality, malice, selfishness, lying, etc. And sin always results in death, which is both physical and spiritual in nature. People physically die because of their sin (the exception are Christians alive at the end of the age who are raptured). And people are spiritually dead, are spiritually alienated from God because of their sin and, therefore, do not have the life of God in them. Without question, spiritual death is a person’s worst problem. “The soul who sins will die.” Ezekiel 18:4

You must realize that God can’t ignore sin – He can’t forget about it, He can’t just let it go, He can’t say it’s no big deal. God is holy, perfect, and righteous, and He has to punish sin. And this punishment is painful, eternal, and deserved. Jesus will say to the unsaved, “Depart from me accursed ones into the eternal fire” (Matt. 25:41). “These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life” (Matt. 25:46). “These will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord, and the glory of His power.” 2 Thess. 1:9

What is the answer to sin and death? How can you escape being eternally punished? How can you be saved from God’s judgment, get victory over sin, and live forever? The only answer is Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). It’s only through God’s Son, through Christ, that you can defeat sin and death, and won’t perish, won’t be punished, won’t go to hell, but will receive eternal life, will spiritually and physically live forever. 1 John 5:11-13

And what did Jesus Christ do? He died and rose again. He took your place and died on the cross to pay the penalty for your sins, enabling you to be forgiven – “Christ died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, to bring you to God” (1 Pet. 3:18). And He was raised again, thereby defeating death, enabling you to live forever. “God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power.” Acts 2:24  

Forgiveness of sins and eternal life is only for those who repent of their sins and believe in Jesus, that He died to pay for their sins, and then rose from the dead. Jesus told us, “The kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9). If you have not turned from your sin and turned to Christ, then now is the time to do it. God really wants to show you mercy, and give you eternal life, and it’s only through Jesus Christ. “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

Much more needs to be said about the resurrection, vital truths that relate to your own life.
* The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a central and essential truth, foundational to all of Christianity, to the entirety of your life, now and forever. 1 Cor. 15
* Since death is caused by sin, then Christ rising from the dead proves His resounding victory over both death, and the sin that caused it. Acts 2:22-33
* Christ’s resurrection validates His work, His death on the cross, showing that God is satisfied with Christ’s death, for it is a completed and all-sufficient payment for our sin. 
* A person receives spiritual life when he is saved, when he is born again during his life on earth. But his spiritual life is hindered because he lives in a physical body that’s still tempted and prone to sin.

* A person is given a physical, spiritual, and glorified body at Christ’s coming, at which time believers on earth are raptured, and believers who have died are resurrected. Once a person has a new body, then he can spiritually and physically live a perfect life, just like God planned for him. 1 Cor. 15:42-44
* Christ speaks of the resurrection of life and the resurrection of judgment (John 5:29). The resurrection of life is for believers, occurring at the end of this age, at Christ’s coming. The resurrection of judgment is for unbelievers, and takes place at the end of the millennial kingdom. 1 Cor. 15:23, Rev. 15:11-15
* The resurrection is the cornerstone of Christianity for, without it, your preaching is worthless, your faith is useless, you are still in your sins, you do not have eternal life, you have no hope, you “are of all men most to be pitied”, and worst of all, you will be punished forever. 1 Cor. 15:12-19
* The resurrection is a message of hope, for it means you are victorious, you will be in heaven, you will receive a brand-new body, and you will be given a fantastic future. Rom. 8:18-30

* The truth of the resurrection means your short life on earth is only the beginning of an amazing and incredible life, of an endless and unbelievable eternity. 1 Peter 1:3-4
* Because of the resurrection, you were justified (Rom. 10:9), are being sanctified (Rom. 6), and will be glorified, will possess a perfect and immortal body. 1 Cor. 15:42-44
* Through the power of Christ’s death and resurrection, you have all the power you need to live every minute and every day for Him, now and forever. Eph. 1:19, Phil. 3:10
* Because of the resurrection, you do not need to fear death but, in fact, should look forward to it, knowing that you have already defeated death, and that the best is yet to come. Ps. 23:6, Heb. 2:14-15

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26). That Jesus Christ died and rose again is the best news in the world, the news that will impact and change your life more than anything else! What a God we have who loves us so much that He gave us His Son to die for us so we can live forever with Him!! Thanks be to our great God and heavenly Father!!!

P.S. Here are three encouraging things to read that relate to this subject: something about the resurrection – “The Resurrection and Rapture of the Believers”, something about the present – “Death and Life in the End-Times”, and something about your future – “Being in Heaven with Jesus, and the Believers, and in a New Glorified Body.”

The World is Having Birth Pains

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #242 ~

Wow! Do you see what’s going on? Difficult and distressful things are happening all over the world! There was a pandemic, and now there’s war in Ukraine, higher prices in the U.S., a famine in Afghanistan, and recently, an earthquake in Japan. These are but a few examples that the world is having birth pains. But they aren’t just happening – God is at work! “… God troubled them with every kind of distress” (2 Chron. 15:6). The Bible talks extensively about these birth pains, and it’s vitally important that you know how they relate to the future, to the end-times and the coming of Christ.

1. What are these birth pains? Wars, famines, plagues, earthquakes, and financial problems. Over 2000 years ago, Jesus told us there would be these catastrophic and calamitous events taking place before the end of this age, before His coming. Matt. 24:3-8, Mark 13:7-8, Luke 21:7-11, Rev. 6:1-8

2. Why are these birth pains happening? We live in an evil age, and in a very sinful and evil world (Gal. 1:4). Our holy and mighty God is sovereignly allowing these birth pains, these troubling events, to get our attention, so that we humble ourselves and turn from our sin and trust in Him. They are also signs, designed by God to wake us up to the fact that we live in the end-times, and to let us know that it won’t be long before His Son returns to earth.

3. These birth pains won’t be experienced by every person on the planet. “You will be hearing of wars… in various places there will be famines and earthquakes” (Matt. 24:6, 7). Many people will be hearing about these birth pains but won’t be affected by them. And they won’t be happening in every country but only in various places. Mark 13:7-8, Luke 21:9-11, Rev. 6:8

4. These birth pains affect Christians and non-Christians. These birth pains are not part of the day of the Lord wrath that will be experienced by unbelievers. We know this because Rev. 6-9 tells us that the birth pains come before the day of the Lord. The birth pains, affecting both saved and lost, are discussed in Rev. 6:1-8; the rapture, which is for Christians, is referenced in Rev. 7:9-14; and the day of the Lord, which afflicts only non-Christians, is described in Rev. 8-9. Thus, we can conclude that Christians will be here for the birth pains, but not for the day of the Lord.

5. A great number of people will die because of these birth pains. Rev. 6:8 informs us that these birth pains will impact one fourth of the earth, but it’s not clear whether one fourth is numerical or geographical. Either way, millions and millions of people will die. Matt. 24:28

6. These are beginning birth pains. “All these things are merely the beginning of birth pains” (Matt. 24:8). That these birth pains are happening doesn’t mean this age is coming to an end right away. “When you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified, for these things must take place first, but the end does not follow immediately” (Luke 21:9). Many more things need to occur before Christ comes back (Matt. 24:9-25). As bad as these beginning birth pains are, they will only increase in frequency and intensity – it’s going to get worse before it gets better, before Christ returns to rescue us from this wicked world and the wrath to come. 1 Thess. 1:9-10

7. What are these other events that must happen, and conditions that must be met, before this age comes to an end? There will be a great apostasy, the confirming of a treaty between the Jews and other nations, the Jews building their temple, many false teachers, increasing sin and lawlessness, a great persecution of Christians and Jews, the desolation of the temple, the evil rule of the Antichrist, false wonders, most people taking the mark of the Antichrist, cosmic signs in the heavens, and a great earthquake. Matt. 24:9-26, 2 Thess. 2:1-12, Rev. 6:9-17, Rev. 13

8. It’s 2022, and the world is now in the birth pain stage. As we think of the timeline of earth’s history from the creation of the world to Christ’s coming, we must realize that we are now in the birth pain stage. God has given us these birth pains so we can know where we are at in the big scheme of things and, specifically, where we are at in God’s end-time’s plan for the world. Why else would God give us so much information about the end-times (Matt. 24, Luke 21, Mark 13, 1 Thess. 4-5, 2 Thess. 1-2, Revelation)? As a good watchman, you need to understand God’s prophetic word and see how it is presently being fulfilled in the world. Then you are to tell others what is happening, and what is yet to come, “… encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25

9. Our world is changing, leading to the coming of the Antichrist and his devilish control of the world. “Wisdom and power belong to God. It is He who changes the times and the epochs. He removes kings and establishes kings (Dan. 2:20-21). There’s Xi Jinping, Putin, Zelenskyy, Macron, Biden, etc. There’s the rapid and visible decline of the United States. There’s the realigning and reshaping of nations. There are global energy problems. There are rulers forcing their policies upon the people. There’s the growth of artificial intelligence. There’s talk of a great reset, a one world order. There’s global control and conformity. There’s increasing evil and wickedness. There’s all this plus all the birth pains! It’s obvious that this world is changing right before our eyes. And only God knows exactly how all this relates to His Son’s returns to rapture the church, judge the world, and then set up His kingdom on this earth. Revelation 6-20

10. Without question, this is a very tough time to be alive. It is easy to wonder and worry about this confusing and crazy world we live in. But God’s prophetic word has told what we need to know about the condition of the world in the years leading up to coming of Christ. God has given us the big picture, the general outline of what He is doing in the last years of this age, and how things will end. How then should we think, and how then should we live at this time in history?

* Learn what God says about the end-times, Christ’s coming, the rapture, and the age to come. 
* Do not be afraid. Be at peace. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth should change, and the mountains slip into the heart of the sea… the Lord of hosts is with us… He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth… Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted above the nations.” (Psalm 46). “Peace I leave with you… do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” John 14:27
* Know that God is sovereign, He is completely in charge. He is working out every detail, every event, working through every person, carrying out His grand plan to bring about the return of His Son “… with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ… we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will.” Ephesians 1:9-11
* Do your job, do the work God wants you to do. “Do business with this until I come back” (Luke 19:13). “Do not be worried about your life… seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:25, 33

P.S. God gives us a lot of information about the start of the church in Acts and the Epistles, and a lot of information in the Epistles and Revelation about how this church age will come to an end. Learn what God wants you to know. Do read the posts on Ukraine, “Russia at War Against Ukraine – Matthew 24”, “God, You, and the War in Ukraine”. I also encourage you to read the article, “Matthew 24 – the Most Important Prophecy Chapter in the Bible”.

Death and Life in the End-Times

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #241 ~

It’s heartbreaking to see the horrific results of this war in Ukraine. Through the media, the reality and brutality of it is being brought into our homes – and into our hearts. There’s unbelievable damage and destruction, and the horrendous human toll, the shattered lives and refugees. “Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them, for they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matt. 9:36). Might we too feel compassion for them and be praying for them. “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations.” Mark 11:17

Then there are the deaths, the deaths of men and women, of adults and children, of soldiers and civilians. And yes, people have been dying since the creation of the world – that people die is a fact of life. We see it with family members, friends, and in our churches, and we see it in the Bible and history books. Do you remember reading about the flood, when everyone in the world drowned, except eight people? Did you know that nearly 15 million Ukrainians died during World War II? But this present war is in our time, and it’s hard because the horrors of it are fresh in our minds, and because “innocent” people are dying – suddenly, senselessly, tragically, and mercilessly.

Did you know Jesus predicted there would be wars like this in the end-times, in the years leading up to His return to earth? And now we actually live in the end-times. Jesus also warned us that there would be earthquakes, plagues (pandemics), famines, and financial problems (Matt 24:4-8, Mark 13:5-8, Luke 21:8-11, Rev. 6:1-8). Then He tells us that large numbers of people will die because of these catastrophic events – “Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather” (Matt. 24:28). What a shocking, sobering verse, one that’s right in the middle of Matt. 24, a key prophetic chapter. Just think, there will be all these corpses, these dead and unburied bodies, which leads us to conclude that vast numbers of people will die in the last years of this age.

Revelation 6:8 tells us the same thing, that massive numbers of people will die during this time. “Behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them (four living creatures) over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.” There’s death, and Hades, which is where unsaved people go after they die. A fourth part of the earth is affected, which is either numerical, the actual number of people who die, or geographical, that one fourth of the earth’s land mass is severely impacted by these events. Regardless, millions if not billions of people will die and meet their Maker during the final years of this age.

We are talking about the physical deaths of people in the end-times. But God wants us to know that a person’s physical death is not his primary problem – it’s not dying because of war, disease, starvation, an earthquake, sickness, or old age. A person’s #1 problem is spiritual death which is a result of his sin. “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6:23). Every person is spiritually dead, is separated from God, and therefore, is not worshiping God and not experiencing His love, joy, and peace. Sin and spiritual death is by far a person’s single greatest problem.

Spiritual death is infinitely worse than physical death, for if you are spiritually dead when you physically die then you will be eternally dead – spiritually dead and forever in hell. Jesus said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do. I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him” (Luke 12:4-5; Matt. 25:41, 46). Don’t worry about whether someone can kill you, but be dreadfully alarmed if you are not right with God before you die and are then cast into hell! “It’s a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Hebrews 10:31

Now if you are spiritually alive when you physically die, then you will be eternally alive, you will be spiritually and forever alive with Jesus in heaven. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will (spiritually) live even if he (physically) dies. And everyone who (physically) lives and believes in Me will never (spiritually) die” (John 11:25-26). But how can Jesus save us from sin, death, and an eternity in hell? What did He do to enable us to live forever? Let me explain.

Jesus Christ came to earth, became a Man, and was God in the flesh. He lived a perfect life and then died to pay for the sins of people. “Christ died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God” (1 Pet. 3:18, Rom. 5:8, 2 Cor. 5:21). “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). God grants complete forgiveness and an eternal, super-abundant life to all who repent of their sins and believe that Christ died to make the full and final payment for their sins.

All who turn from their sin and turn to Christ for mercy become children of God, are righteous in His sight, and will soon be with God and Christ in heaven. This is the absolute best news in the world! Indeed, Jesus is the only answer to this problem of spiritual death, and therefore, physical death. Jesus told us, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me” (John 14:6). If Christ isn’t your Savior, if you have not been forgiven of your sins, go to God now and ask Him to save you from sin and death and give you eternal life, and He will. “He who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life.” John 5:24

Here is more good news! Salvation is not just being saved from sin, death, and hell, but it’s also receiving a brand-new body. Our bodies are sinful, imperfect, and perishable, but when Christ returns, He will give every true believer a glorified, perfect, and immortal body. “Our citizenship is in heaven, from which we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory” Philippians 3:20-21

The last years of this age are extremely important! Be thankful that you are alive at this time in history, and that you are on earth for a reason, “for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14). People are dying and will continue to die in the end-times, and in much greater numbers. As a Christian, you have the only answer to a person’s spiritual and physical problem of death, and it’s Jesus Christ. Love and pray for the lost, and be in a church which is committed to telling people the good news about Jesus. And remember Jesus’ promise, that He’s with you to the very end of the age (Matt. 28:19-20). “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

P.S. As a Christian, you must not be sullied and dulled by the world, but you are to stay close to God, be holy, and remember that your purpose is to love and serve Him with all your heart. Here is an article that summarizes how God wants you to live, now and to the end of this age – “What Does God Want Me to Do in the End-Times?”

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