
Category: Jews (Page 3 of 4)

Blog posts about the Jews.

Christ is Coming for Both the Church and the Jews

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #85 ~

I have talked about the Jews in detail in many previous posts, and that’s because they are a central and important subject in prophecy. But many Christians say there’s no future, no God-promised plans for the ethnic Jews. They tell you that hundreds of Old Testament prophesies for the Jews have been cancelled, are null and void. But that’s not true, for God does not change His mind. Yes, His plans for the Jews were suspended, but they sure weren’t cancelled. You read the New Testament, which is about the church, and you can’t miss the many verses about the Jews, ones that prove there’s a future for Israel, but are also relevant to the church. Let’s look at some of these verses, and see why:

Matthew 24:15-27 takes us from the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week to the return of Christ and the rapture of the church. During this short time period, the Antichrist desecrates the temple in Jerusalem (“when you see the abomination of desolation… standing in the holy place”), chases after the Jews, and attempts to persecute them.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-6 further describes this end-times’ Jewish scene, when the Antichrist, “the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” This is a most abominable and blasphemous act of the Antichrist, for he is stopping Jews from sacrificing, and setting himself up as God. It’s written in this letter to the church, for when it occurs, it will be a signal to the Christians that Christ’s return and the rapture will soon be taking place.

Revelation 7:1-8 gives us more information about God’s end-time work with Israel, and that is the sealing of 144,000 Jews. “I heard the number of those who were sealed, 144,000 sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel” (Revelation 7:4). Those sealed are not Gentiles, and are not saved during the church age, but are specially chosen Jews, ones who will be saved to worship and follow Jesus Christ. Revelation 14:1-5

Then there’s Luke 21:20-24, five verses that summarize the history of the Jews from the first century until the end of the still-future 70th week of Daniel. They describe the desolation of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and the death of many Jews. Those who don’t die are “led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” Since the Jews are now back in their land, we know it won’t be long before the coming of Christ, the rapture of the church, and the “times of the Gentiles are fulfilled,” and a remnant of Jews will be saved.

These are just some New Testament verses about the future of the Jews, and here are some more: Matthew 23:37-39; Luke 1:31-33, 54-55; Acts 3:20-21; Romans 11:25-27; Hebrews 8:7-13, 11:10-16, 11:39-40; Revelation 11:1-16, 12:1-16. All the verses I have referenced in this post are about the Jews, for they talk about “Judea”, “temple”, “Jerusalem”, “Sabbath”, “Judah”, “holy city” and “Israel”. You can’t say these verses are no longer relevant, and you can’t spiritualize them, saying they are now for the church. There’s no doubt God wants to instruct and remind the church about His future plans for the Jews, as it also relates to her future, the plans He has for her.

Why is that? Why are these verses important for the church? Matthew 24:15, tucked in a key prophecy passage, says, “Let the reader understand.” What does the church need to understand?
1. That God is faithful, and is still working with the Jews and is, at this time, fulfilling His plans for them.
2. That Christ is not just coming back to carry out His plans for the church, but to also carry out His plans for the Jews.
3.  That God’s work with the Jews in the end-times is in conjunction with His work with the church, and will be taking place in the same time frame. I say this because many New Testament passages about the future of the Jews are sitting right next to passages about the future of the church. Look at this: Matthew 24:9-14 (church) – Matthew 24:15-24 (Jews); Luke 21:12-19 (church) – Luke 21:20-24 (Jews); 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2a, 5-9 (church) – 2 Thessalonians 2:2b-4 (Jews); Revelation 7:1-8 (Jews) – Revelation 7:9-17 (church). These side-by-side passages about Jews and Christians make it clear that God’s end-times’ work with the church coincides with His end-times’ work with the Jews.
4. That the fulfillment of end-time prophesied events for the Jews are signals to the church, alerting her to the fact that Christ is coming soon to rapture her, and take her home to heaven.

Once we get to Daniel’s 70th week, God’s work with the Jews and the church really gets Revved up. Jewish events taking place, the peace treaty with Israel, the temple built in Jerusalem, and the Antichrist desolating the temple, will be siren-sounding signs to the church that Christ is returning soon, and that she will be raptured and heading to heaven. Soon after this, a remnant of Jews will be saved and the glorious kingdom age will begin. Then all believers, both Jews and Gentiles, will reign with Jesus Christ over this world. “Give praise to our God, all you His bond-servants, you who fear Him, the small and the great… Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns.” Revelation 19:5-6

P.S. Hurricane Florence: The Perfect Storm – I say that because our God is sovereign over this major storm that has been hitting the east coast of the United States, and He knows exactly what He is doing. Might we continue to pray for all the people affected, for their physical safety, but also for their spiritual safety in Christ, the salvation of their souls. I wrote a number of posts concerning hurricanes last year at this time, particularly relating them to the end-times and the coming of Christ. I encourage you to read them – “A Hurricane is Coming – Be Ready, Watching and Working”, “The Alarm is Ringing – Wake Up America! The Storm is Coming”, “A Big Storm is Coming and I Don’t Mean Hurricane Irma”, and one more to calm your soul, to give you peace, “When the Storms Come, Don’t Be Afraid.”

Revelation 12: The Jews, The Devil and Our Victorious God

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #84 ~

There is a God-promised, God-glorifying future for the Jews. Revelation 12 is a key passage confirming this, for it summarizes God’s work with the Jews throughout their history. This chapter takes us from the birth of the Jews to the birth of Jesus, skips the church age, and then focuses on the last half of Daniel’s 70th week. In spite of Satan’s continual attacks against the Jews for over 4,000 years, God has consistently enabled them to get the victory. When we see the big picture of God’s working with the Jews, we must conclude that they are not losers, but winners, for God has, and will, fulfill His wonderful plans for them. Psalm 33:10-12

Revelation 12 starts with signs, the first being that of a woman, and she is not Mary, nor the church, but rather, is representing Israel and her twelve tribes (Genesis 37:1-11). The woman’s primary purpose was to give birth to Jesus, to bring Him into the world, but it was hard labor, a long 2000-year battle with the forces of darkness.

These evil forces are described in the next sign, that of a dragon (Revelation 12:3-4), and this is the Jew-hating devil who, with the help of 1/3 of the spirits, does all he can to devour the woman’s child, to thwart the Jews and abort the birth of Jesus. We see that Satan works through eight beast empires, the crowns on 7 heads referring to 7 devilish kingdoms who, in the past, have been opposing and oppressing the Jews: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, and I believe, Hitler’s third Reich. All this is leading to the future and final ten-horned 8th kingdom, one ruled by the Antichrist.

The 6th kingdom, the Roman empire, led by Herod and Satan, was not able to stop Israel from giving birth to Jesus, and also failed in her devilish scheme to kill Him by murdering little baby boys. The first 2000 years of Jewish history were extremely difficult, but by God’s grace, the woman persevered through the labor pains, and finally, Jesus was born. But nothing is said in Revelation 12:5 about Jesus being a Savior, about His sacrificial death and resurrection, and nothing is said about the church, just the fact that He will be the King ruling all the nations, and that, as we know, is at His 2nd coming. The church age is skipped over because the focus is on the Jews and on Jesus, and that He was taken to heaven, and that at the end of His 1st coming.

Revelation 12:6 summarizes God’s dealings with the Jews during the last half of Daniel’s 70th week, with verses 7-16 expanding on verse 6, giving more details about the last 3½ years of that most important week. There will be a great heavenly battle (Revelation 12:7-9), with Michael and his angels soundly defeating the devil and his demons, who will forever be cast out of heaven. This divine drama is far bigger than you can imagine, for the outworking of Christ’s crushing defeat of Satan at the cross is seen in that this deceiver, this accuser, will be thrown down to earth. Heaven will be so happy, for she will finally be done with the devil. But “woe to the earth,” for the devil will literally be on this earth, and he will be mad, full of wrath, his utter hate for God now focused now focused on both Jews and Christians.

But you must know that Satan’s time on earth will be very short. You need not fear, for God’s promise is that you will defeat the devil. By the blood of Jesus, you are saved, and forever safe in the hands of God. By the truth of God, by Jesus’ love for you and your love for Jesus, you will overwhelmingly conquer in all these things. Revelation 12:10-12

Once on earth, the devil empowers his man, and he becomes a beast, a superman, this Antichrist who pursues a remnant of Jews. But again we see God’s victory, for somehow, they miraculously get away from the Antichrist and his forces of evil, and are then nourished, taken care of for 3½ years (Revelation 12:13-16). Then that evil devil, who couldn’t get to the Jews, goes after the church (Revelation 12:17). As we know, Christians will also be victorious, for whether by death or by rapture, they will be taken up to be with Jesus. “Who will separate us from the love of Christ?” Romans 8:35

Over four thousand years ago, God’s plan for the Jews began, and they have been persecuted, murdered, and scattered throughout the earth. By the grace of God, they were successful in phase one, for 2000 years ago, they brought Jesus into the world. God’s plan for the Jews was then suspended, but has now been revived, for the Jews are back in their own land, and phase two is beginning, for now we live in the end-times.

It won’t be long before Daniel’s 70th week begins, and the Antichrist, that weakling, will again put up a fight. But at the end of that 7-year week, God will again get the victory for His people, the spiritual salvation of a Jewish remnant (Romans 11:25-27). That devilish Antichrist will finally be defeated, and cast forever into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20). Then begins the millennial kingdom, when Jesus Christ will gloriously reign over the whole world with all the believing Jews and Gentiles. Hallelujah!!! Revelation 20, Psalm 47, Psalm 67, Psalm 72

P.S. Understanding God’s working with the Jews is critically important when it comes to understanding prophecy. If you haven’t read these already, I would encourage you to read A Jewish Reading Lesson  and Charting God’s Miraculous Work With the Jews .

The Jews: Their Past, Present and Glorious Future

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #83 ~

You can’t understand end-times’ prophecy unless you understand God’s working with the Jews. I believe you know their story, one that started about 4000 years ago with God promising Abraham a nation, land, and great blessing. This Jewish nation (Israel) was born in Egypt, and grew up and remained there for 400 years. Led by Moses, she miraculously escaped out of Egypt, and then was sovereignly stuck in the desert for 40 years. Finally, around 1400 BC, with Joshua leading the way, she entered and settled in the land God had promised her. Genesis 12:1-2, 13:14-17; Exodus; Joshua; Acts 7

Once in her land, instead of being a witness of God’s glory to the world, Israel began adopting the sinful customs of neighboring nations. Led by judges, God continued to show His mercy, but did not hesitate in disciplining her for her sin. Israel’s best years were from 1010 BC to 930 BC, when David and Solomon were kings, and the whole world saw how God wonderfully blessed her. But she quickly went downhill, seen in her sinful and shameful idolatry. The nation split into two parts, Israel and Judah, which were led by kings, both good and bad. From around 860 BC to 600 BC, God-appointed prophets preached repentance, judgment and hope to the proud Jewish people, and during this entire period, God was amazingly patient with them. The time came when God had no choice but to punish them, resulting in the death of many Jews, with most of the rest being exiled to godless nations. Judges, 2 Chronicles, Isaiah, Ezekiel

During this time of exile, Daniel the prophet, who had been taken to Babylon, recorded some incredible God-given visions about the far-distant future of Israel, the end-times. Then after 70 years, the Jews began to return to Israel, resettling their land. But God’s promises to the Jews about their future glory were not fulfilled at that time. Daniel, Ezra, Haggai

God’s grand and glorious plans for His people were still unfolding. Most importantly, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. This was His first coming, when He was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, raised up disciples, died on a cross to pay for sins, and then rose from the dead. On earth for only 33 years, Jesus’ work was finished, and He went back to His Father in heaven. This began the church age with large numbers of Jews and Gentiles were being saved. But it wasn’t long before God’s promised judgment of the Christ-rejecting Jews took place. Around 70 AD, Jerusalem was destroyed, and close to a million Jews were either killed or scattered around the world. God’s plans for the Jews were suspended for a long time, but His plans for the church were continually being carried out. Matthew, John, Luke 21:20-24, Ephesians

What happened to the Jews? Many people said the Jews, because they had killed Christ, had forfeited their God-given promises. But God doesn’t lie, and He didn’t change His mind. Over 1800 years later, in the late 1800’s, God began regathering the Jews. With their religion, culture and language still intact, they started returning, coming back from all over the world, and resettling in their land. In the 1940’s, through that mad-man Hitler, came Satan’s slaughter of close to 6 million Jews. But in 1948, God used that massive and senseless killing to move world leaders to allow the Jews to once again be recognized as a nation. Since then, there have been many more wars, increasing anti-Semitism, and treaties too. By God’s grace, the Jews have defended their land and continued to grow. In fact, in 1967, the Jews took control of Jerusalem, a dream come true. In the eyes of the world, Israel was becoming a very prosperous nation. Ezekiel 36-37

Now in 2018, with Jews numbering 6.5 million in Israel, God continues to carry out His end-time plans. Not long from now, at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week, the Jews will sign a treaty, but it will be a bad deal, a deal with the devil. Yes, they will offer sacrifices in their newly-built temple, but these will come to a sudden stop when the Antichrist, showing his devilish colors, is revealed, and desolates the temple. This beast of a man, this enraged Antichrist, will go chasing after the Jews, but many will escape to a safe and God-protected place. The great tribulation affecting the Jews will then be directed at the Christians. Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:9-26, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-5

Soon there will be the second coming of Christ. The first event will be the rapture, the physical redemption of Christians, when they are suddenly taken from earth, gloriously transformed, and immediately brought to Christ. Right after that, the day of the Lord begins, God’s punishment of sinners still living on earth. This first phase of God’s wrath will be finished at the end of Daniel’s 70th week, at which time Christ returns to redeem the surviving remnant of Jews, this being a spiritual redemption, the salvation of their souls. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17, Revelation 7-9, Isaiah 45:17, Romans 11:25-27 

The second phase of God’s devastating and deserved wrath will then be poured out upon the Antichrist’s kingdom, the enemies of the Jews. Then begins the millennial kingdom, a time when the Jews will repopulate the world, and aided by glorified Christians, will help Jesus Christ reign over the world for 1000 years. A most glorious and magnificent period this will be, for God’s promises to the Jews will be fulfilled, Christ will be perfectly, lovingly and powerfully ruling, and there will be peace on earth. Psalm 67:3,4,7“Let the peoples praise You, O God… Let the nations be glad and sing for joy… God blesses us (Jews), that all the ends of the earth may fear Him.” Psalm 47, Psalm 72

P.S. As I have said, understanding God’s working with the Jews is so important for you to be able to clearly understand end-times prophecy and God’s working with the church. I would encourage you to read or review Post 19, A Short Summary of God’s Working with the Jews, as well as Article 8, A Summary of the Prophetic Work of God, from the Time of Abraham to Christ’s Millennial Kingdom.

God’s Plan for the Jews – From Now to the Coming of Christ

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #44 ~

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Many significant and history-defining events will be occurring in the years leading up to the coming of Christ, and we have already talked about some of them – birth pains, the decline of the United States, the coming of the Antichrist, increasing lawlessness, etc. But it’s also important to understand God’s plans for the Jews, for His working with them coincides with His working with the Christians. Seeing what’s happening with the Jews is to alert you and give you confidence that Christ is coming back soon to rapture the church. Let me go over what is now, and what will be, taking place with regard to the Jews:

The Jews have been miraculously gathering back to their land for the past 130 years, from about 25,000 in the 1880’s to over 6.5 million at the present, proving that we are now living in the end times of this church age (Ezekiel 37:21-23). During much of this period, Arabs and Muslims have been persecuting the Jews. But it’s also true that most every nation in the world is opposed to them, seen in the United Nations’ anti-Semitic activities, and their voting record, which consistently denounces and diminishes the rights and freedoms of the Jews. And it’s only going to get much worse. Zechariah 12:1-3

The time will soon come when the Jews will be desperate for peace, leading them to sign a deal with the devil, that is, with the future Antichrist. This treaty, predicted over 2500 years ago, will be confirmed at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week (Daniel 9:27). Even now the United States and other world powers are actively pursuing this peace treaty. That the Jews will once again have a temple in Jerusalem is also a key component of God’s end-time plans for the Jews. A likely scenario is that the building of this temple will be part of this Israeli peace package. Revelation 11:1-2

But during the first half of Daniel’s 70th week global problems will be greatly increasing, at the same time this coming Antichrist is growing in influence, making alliances, and becoming more recognized around the world. At the midpoint of this 70th week, this Antichrist, this devilish beast of a man, will suddenly break his treaty with the Jews. “The man of lawlessness is revealed… who opposes and exalts himself above every so called god… so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). To discerning Jews and Christians, it will be obvious that the person desolating the temple is the Antichrist, and that he is not a man of peace but a man of war, for right away he will begin aggressively persecuting them. Matthew 24:9, 21

Matthew 24:15-25 instructs the Jews living in Israel that they are to run for their lives. And Revelation 12:13-17 tells us that many of these Jews miraculously escape and are protected during the last 3½ years of this 70th week. This frustrated and angry Antichrist then “went off to make war with the rest of her children (Christians), who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.” In addition to the escape of these Jews, there are another 144,000 who are sealed and physically kept safe. At that time or shortly thereafter, these 144,000 Jews are spiritually saved, becoming holy worshipers and faithful followers of Jesus (Revelation 14:1-5). During this same time, God raises up two Jewish witnesses, believed to be Moses and Elijah, and for 3½ years they are performing amazing miracles and proclaiming the truth about Jesus.

Sometime during this last 3½ years of Daniel’s 70th week this great persecution is cut short; and then Christ comes in the clouds for the Christians, glorifying them, and taking them home to heaven. God’s wrath is then righteously poured out on the earth, and a large number of rebellious and unrepentant Jews will be killed, two-thirds of their entire population, as Zechariah 13:8-9 seems to say. But this Jewish remnant that had escaped the Antichrist will continue to be protected up until the end of this 70th week. Then the two witnesses will be killed by this Antichrist, then raised from the dead and taken to heaven. It’s at this time that this chosen remnant of Jews will be redeemed by the Lord – “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26). These newly saved Jewish believers will then remain with Christ, reigning with Him during the millennial kingdom. Revelation 11

These are God’s end-time plans for the Jews – gathered back to their land – persecution – peace treaty – temple built – revealing of the Antichrist – great persecution – great escape and protection – sealing 144,000 Jews – two Jewish witnesses – the coming of Christ – the salvation of a remnant of Jews – and they will be carried out. “I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure… I have planned it, surely I will do it.’” Isaiah 46:9-11

The Jewish events listed above are divine sign posts for Christians living in the end times, giving us clear evidence and confidence that God is completing His final plans for this present age, and that Christ is returning soon to rapture the church. As we see these events unfold in the years ahead, might we be encouraged to keep loving our Lord and living for Him, and to keep persevering to the end of this age.

P.S.  I’ve just published an article that contains a long list of very encouraging Bible verses: Encouraging Verses that Express the Love, Grace and Peace of God.

The Persecution of the Jews: From Pharaoh to the Antichrist

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #40 ~

One condition that must be met before Christ’s 2nd coming is increasing Jewish persecution. This Antisemitism has been taking place since the beginning days of Israel’s existence when they were growing up in Egypt, and 3600 years later it still goes on, and will continue right up until Christ’s return. Revelation 12 best summarizes this hellish opposition against the Jews, this persecution driven and directed by the devil himself. The imagery is given of a seven-headed, ten-horned dragon, depicting eight different devilish empires opposing the Jews. Seven of these are now in the past, but one more, the Antichrist’s 10 nation kingdom, is still to come.

Revelation 12:1-5 takes us from the birth of Israel to the birth of Christ. The pregnant woman with 12 stars is the nation of Israel, and she was in painful labor during this time. That’s because Satan was using six different kingdoms to persecute the Jews and prevent the Savior from being born – they were Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome. These God hating kingdoms wanted to wipe out the Jews and Jesus, but none were successful, for verse 5 tells us about the birth of Jesus Christ, the future Ruler, and that He ascended into heaven. And that’s all it says, for the main point of this verse isn’t about Christ being the Savior, but that Christ will be the King over the world.

Revelation 12 isn’t about the church age, it’s about the “woman”, the Jews, being persecuted by the devil. Looking back we see that there’s about a 2000 year gap between verses 5 and 6, taking us from Christ’s 1st coming to the last half of Daniel’s 70th week and Christ’s 2nd coming. But where were the Jews during this entire time? When Jesus was on earth, He repeatedly predicted that wrath was coming upon the Jews (Luke 19:41-44, 20:16, 21:20-24, 23:28-31), and this tragically took place around 70AD. Historians tell us that close to 1 million Jews were killed by the Romans, and Luke 21:24 says the rest would then “be led captive into all the nations, and will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles.” God’s word has come true, for there’s been great persecution against the Jews over the course of all those years, but by God’s mercy, they were never completely destroyed – a remnant of Jews has always survived.

The Diaspora, this worldwide Jewish displacement, lasted a long time, a little over 1800 years, but by the promises of God and for the purposes of God, the Jews have miraculously been returning to their land. And the persecution continued, their darkest days occurring when this devilish Hitler led a holocaust resulting in the mass murder of close to 6 million Jews. God was sovereign in that their deaths led to the rebirth of their nation in 1948. The anti-Semitic attacks kept coming – there was the Sinai War of 1956, the Six Day War of 1967, the Yom Kippur War of 1973, the Lebanon War of 1982, and in addition, a great deal of global opposition.

Now it’s 2017, and it’s obvious to those who watch world affairs, that there’s a major effort underway to get a peace treaty between the Jews and Palestinians. What’s amazing is that over 2500 years ago God predicted that a covenant between the Jews and the Antichrist would be confirmed, and it would take place right at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week, that end times’ prophecy packed 7 year time frame (Daniel 9:24-27).

I don’t believe it will be too long before this covenant is signed, and life may then be a bit better for the Jews, but this “peace” will be short lived. That’s because the Antichrist is a liar. We then come to the midpoint of Daniels’ 70th week, and 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 tells us that this “son of destruction… takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God.” All discerning Jews and Christians will know that this is the Antichrist. This most evil man will begin persecuting the Jews, then the Christians. Starting in Jerusalem, this great persecution will spread to the whole world. “There will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now” (Matthew 24:15-21).

The good news is that a sizable Jewish remnant will escape (Matthew 24:16-26, Revelation 12:13-16). But not all will get away from the Antichrist and his forces of evil, and the killing fields will once again be red with the blood of the Jews. Even the United States will abandon the Jews and be against them. In fact, “All nations of the earth will be gathered against it” (Zechariah 12:3). This Jewish persecution will continue “until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (Luke 21:24). Then God will fulfill His promise of salvation for the Jews. “And thus all Israel will be saved… This is my covenant with them, when I take away their sins (Romans 11:25-26).  Then begin the glory years, the millennial kingdom age, and all believers from all time, you and me included, will join the Jews in worshiping and serving the Lord Jesus Christ. “Blessed be His glorious name forever; and may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen, and Amen.” Psalm 72:19

P.S. I’ve just posted another article about your future: Prophecy Psalms for the Jews and for You – Part 2.

The Most Important Country in the World, and It’s Not the United States

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #37 ~

Contrary to what some Christians believe, there are a number of prophesied events that need to take place before the rapture of the church. In the past few weeks we’ve been looking at the birth pains. But today, and in the next two weeks, I want to talk about Israel and the Gentile nations, the realigning and remaking of kingdoms and countries in the end times, and finally, the decline of the United States as a world power.

God works through nations, particularly, and most importantly through the nation of Israel. To have a Biblical and proper view of history, and of end times’ prophecy, it is essential to understand God’s laser-focus on Israel. My purpose is to summarize some foundational and historical truths with regards to Israel and the Gentile nations.

The origin of the nations: Genesis 10 tells us that the nations of the world came forth from Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. This chapter specifically lists nations that were, and to some degree still are, relevant for God’s purposes for the Jews and for the entire world. God’s sovereign scattering of proud and rebellious nations across the face of the earth is described in Genesis 11:1-9. The rest of Genesis 11 tells us that the nation of Israel would come from Shem’s descendants, and specifically through Abram.

The most important country: God chose Israel to be the greatest and most blessed nation (Deuteronomy 4:32-40). Genesis 11:10 to the end of the Old Testament makes it very clear that God loved Israel and had great plans for her, and that she was the most important country in the world. The Gentile nations were usually only spoken of as they related to the history and purposes of Israel. But during this church age, God is focused on the Gentiles, and in fact, for most of this time, Israel did not even exist as a nation. But things are changing, and in the next age, Jesus Christ will reign as King from Israel, and the whole world will see that she is the number one country on earth. Psalm 67

The Old Testament: Israel’s history takes us from her birth in Egypt, to 40 years of testing in the desert, to conquering the Canaanites and occupying the promised land, and to judges delivering them from evil Gentile nations. It continues with the kings, some who were good, but most who were evil; and it was David and Solomon who led Israel during their glory years. After that she went downhill. Then God used prophets to declare to Israel and Judah their sin (the nation was split), to predict judgment and exile, and to promise her hope for the future, a Christ led millennial kingdom, which will begin after this present church age. Psalm 72

During those Old Testament years, God’s people were living in an anti-God world, sometimes being holy, but usually being wicked. But most impressive, was the powerful working of God with this weak and sinful nation, and His continued mercy, kindness, love, patience and justice towards her (Nehemiah 9). And as Ezra tells us, He faithfully brought Judah back from exile to her own land. Against all odds, and by God’s sovereign grace, she continued on through all the years, both defeating and being delivered from Gentile nations, and in particular, the Satanically inspired “beast” nations – Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome (Revelation 12:1-3).

The time of Christ: Then it was time for Jesus, the Son of God, to be born and come to Israel, to His people. He came as a King, but He couldn’t reign in a physical way until there was spiritual revival and He was Lord in their hearts. That would have to wait, for these Jews rejected Jesus Christ – they didn’t see themselves as sinners in need of a Savior. But Jesus continued on, fulfilling His most important purpose, suffering, dying and rising again for billions of people who would put their faith in Him for salvation from sin, death and hell. Then Jesus left this earth and went back to heaven with the promise that He’d return to be King of Israel and King of the world. Matthew 24, Acts 1:4-11

The church age and the present time: In 70AD, the God forsaking nation of Israel was severely punished, being soundly defeated and scattered into all the nations, and as we see, was set aside for close to 1900 years. Now we are in the church age, the time for the salvation of many Gentiles, and for a few Jews too (Romans 11). But in the past 130 years, over 6 million Jews have supernaturally returned to their land, and the nation of Israel has miraculously been resurrected. It is obvious that God is now actively working with both Israel and Gentile nations, for their end times’ configuration and place in the world must be in line with the prophecies of Daniel 2, 7, 9 and 11.

The fall of the United States and the rise of Antichrist’s kingdom. All can see that the United States is going down, her pride, greed and immorality being the principle reasons for the decline of this most powerful nation. Then sometime after she is sufficiently weakened, we will see the realigning of more nations, and the eventual rise of that evil Antichrist and his kingdom. After his short devilish rule, the Antichrist will be crushed by Christ. And from Jerusalem in Israel, Jesus Christ will gloriously reign over a Gentile world for 1000 peaceful and wonderful years. Psalm 47, Revelation 20:1-11

P.S.  For further understanding of this important subject, please check out my article: A Summary of the Work of God, from the Time of Abraham to Christ’s Millennial Kingdom.

How Do We Know We are Living in the End Times?

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #27 ~

Image result for Israel people

Everything I’ve talked about so far isn’t that relevant if we can’t clearly and convincingly answer this one question: “How do we know we’re living in the end times?” God’s Word tells us that the Jews would return to Israel, and that’s exactly what has taken place in the past 130 years. The fact that the Jews are back in their own land is the main reason we know we’re in the end times, that time period leading up to the 2nd coming of Christ, the rapture of the church and the redemption of the Jews. Let me explain more fully:

From 750BC-490 BC, many Old Testament prophets predicted that the Jews would be gathered back to their land. Isaiah 11:11 – “In that day the Lord will reach out His hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of His people…” (Note this is the second time – the first gathering took place between 530BC-440BC). Jeremiah 32:37-38 – “I will surely gather them from all the lands where I banish them in My furious anger and great wrath. I will bring them back to this place and let them live in safety. They will be My people and I will be their God.” Zechariah 8:7-8 – “I will save My people from the countries of the east and the west and bring them back to Jerusalem, and I will be faithful and righteous to them as their God.” Ezekiel 36:26 – “I will gather you from all the countries, and bring you into your own land… I will give you a new heart and spirit.” Hosea 1:11, Amos 9:14-15, Micah 4:6-7 and Zephaniah 3:14-20 also speak of this great gathering.

It was around 1880 that all these predictions started coming true, for that was the beginning of this gathering of Jews back to Israel. First there were thousands, then tens of thousands, then hundreds of thousands, then millions, and finally 6.5 million strong in May 2017 (Jewish Virtual Library). This is an amazing miracle of God! For a people group to be gone from their land for so long, and then to return with their same identity, same language, same culture, and same religion is absolutely phenomenal. Nothing like this has ever happened before! God’s promise about the Jews has been coming true, just like He said, and no one can deny it. Indeed, we are seeing a miraculous and glorious work of God!

But you say, “This is about the Jews, but what about the church?” Let me make the connection. Matthew 24:9-26, Mark 13:9-23, Luke 21:12-24, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10 and Revelation 7:1-17 are all prophecy passages, and in each of them there’s a section about the Jews adjacent to a section about the church. By examining these passages, it’s obvious that God’s work with the Jews in the end times is coinciding with, and in conjunction with, His work with the church. Therefore, we know that God will not do His prophetic work with the Jews apart from His prophetic work with the church. And since the Jews are back in their land, then we know this age is coming to an end – it won’t be long before Christ returns to carry out this work, fulfilling God’s promises for the church and the Jews.

Do you see this? Over 2500 years ago, God predicted that the Jews would come back to their land. The fact that God has gathered them back to Israel is a clear and obvious sign that we are now living in the end times. (Daniel 12:4 – “Seal up the book until the end time.” The book has now been unsealed, for the Jews are back in their land). “Behold, I will take the sons of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land; and I will make them one nation in the land… and one King will be king for all of them… and they will be My people and I will be their God.” Ezekiel 37:21-22 (Emphasis mine). The first part of this verse has come true for the Jews, and now the last part about God’s three promises for them, will also come true. They will be saved from their sins, will have Jesus as their King, and will then be blessed in their land.

But now that we’re in the end times, all the other prophecies with regards to Christ’s 2nd coming will soon be taking place – there will be birth pains, a peace treaty, a new Jewish temple, the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, the great persecution, the rapture of the church, the Day of the Lord, the salvation of the Jews, and then Christ will begin His reign over the earth. Hallelujah!!!

It was only 150 years ago that the Jews weren’t in their land, but now they are. The prophetic alarm clock is now ringing, and God is telling us to wake up, for Christ’s coming is right around the corner. Be encouraged, be excited, learn what you need to learn, do what you need to do, and look forward to seeing your Lord, Savior and King!

P.S.  I have just published a new article: Replacement Theology: It’s Not True – Part 4.  This is a very helpful supplement to today’s post.  Please check it out and especially note point #3 which talks about the gathering of the Jews to Israel.



Clear New Testament Confirmation of God’s Plans for the Jews

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #26 ~

Does God say anything in the New Testament about the future of the Jews? Of course He does, and that’s because He wants us to know for certain that His promises to the Jews are still true. Here are some key verses:

Luke 24:45 – “All things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.” Jesus needed to remind His disciples, and us, that all the things written in the Old Testament about Him would come true, which would include reigning as King over the world, and carrying out His promises to the Jews.

Romans 11:25-26 – “A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and so all Israel will be saved.” These are the most crystal clear verses in the entire New Testament about the salvation of the Jews in the end times. It’s going to happen, and it’s after this church age is over, after the salvation of a great number of Gentiles.

Hebrews 11:10,13,16“He (Abraham) was looking for the city which has foundations… All these died in faith without receiving the promises.” These verses once again prove that God’s promise to the Jews about their land will be fulfilled, and this will take place after the end of this church age.

Luke 1:54-55“He (God) has given help to Israel His servant, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and His descendants forever.” All the Jews knew about God’s promise to Abraham, and now through Mary, God lets us know that He’s not going back on His word – He will most definitely keep His promise!

Acts 3:20-21“that He (God) may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets.” Here’s another verse validating the truth of God’s Old Testament promises to the Jews, that they would be blessed with land, and with a Kingdom that would be ruled by Christ Himself.

Revelation 11:15“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.” God made this promise to David that one of His descendants would be King over Israel, and over the entire world, and it will finally be realized at the 7th trumpet, at the very end of Daniel’s 70th week.

Luke 1:31-33“You will conceive and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High… He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.” This is another confirmation of God’s promise about His Son being the eternal King over this earth. And it was Mary’s first-born son, Jesus, who would be the Son of God, in fulfillment of His promise to His people.

These verses were placed in the New Testament because God wants Christians living during this church age to know and be convinced of His future plans for the Jews. All these verses are clear confirmation that God has not nullified His plans for the Jews, but will faithfully carry them out. And there is nothing in the New Testament that negates God’s promises to the Jews. Those who say there’s no future for national, ethnic Israel are in error, for God never says that the church replaces Israel when it comes to the Old Testament promises. And in fact, here are some other New Testament verses that specifically relate to this subject of the Jews and their future: Matthew 23:37-39. Matthew 24:15-27. Mark 13:14-23. Luke 21:20-24. Luke 22:29-30. Luke 24:25. Acts 1:6-11. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-9. Revelation 7:1-8. Revelation 11:1-13. Revelation 12:5-17. As we look at the world around us, and as we closely examine the above passages, it’s obvious that God’s end time work with the Jews will soon be moving full speed ahead.

At this time, Christians should focus on the church. We are to also have our eyes open to what God is doing around us, and to know that the future of the church relates directly to the future of the Jews. God will not do His prophetic work with the Jews apart from His prophetic work with the church. Old Testament believers had promises for their land, their King, and their salvation, but they wouldn’t see them realized apart from the New Testament saints. Hebrews 11:39-40 says it well, “All these (Old Testament believers), having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, because God had provided something better for us (New Testament believers), so that apart from us (New Testament believers) they (Old Testament believers) would not be made perfect.”

Let me conclude by giving you the big picture perspective: Christ’s 1st coming was transitioning God’s work from the Jews to the church, and Christ’s 2nd coming will be transitioning God’s work from the church to both Old Testament believers and New Testament saints. That takes us into the next age, the millennial kingdom age.

P.S.  I’ve just published a short article about the importance of the Word of God with a long list of some of my favorite verses:  The Instructive, Commanding, Comforting and Encouraging Word of God!!!

Why the Jews are Important for You and the Church

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #25 ~

Why? Why is this the 7th week in a row that I’m doing a blog post related to the Jews? Because all that you read in the Bible about the Jews is God’s Word and is true. Because the Bible talks about their past but it also talks about their future. Because hundreds of promises for the Jews are still unfulfilled – they haven’t been cancelled, only suspended. Because you can’t understand God’s future plans for the church if you can’t understand God’s future plans for the Jews. Because error is being taught about the Jews that needs to be corrected. Why? Because it relates to the purposes of God, the work of God, and the glory of God. The truth about the Jews is very important!!

Many Christians haven’t learned everything they need to know about the Jews, and are therefore confused, in error, or uncertain of God’s overall purposes for the world. Because they don’t understand God’s past, present and future working with the Jews, then their knowledge of His plans for the Jews and the church is incomplete and incorrect.

Since we live in the church age, it’s necessary that we focus on the church, but it’s also important, especially at this time in history, to back up and see the big picture. We need to go back to the past, and then come back to the future, so that we can see where we’ve come from, and where we’re going. A big picture Biblical perspective of God’s work with the Jews is essential for the spiritual growth and health of the church.

Let me share my experience. About five years ago I was teaching the book of Revelation at our Wednesday Bible study. We came to Revelation 20 which is about the kingdom age, but there weren’t many details given, and so I felt stuck. I couldn’t just zoom past 1000 years of our lives, a glorious time when we’ll be reigning with Christ on earth. I had to figure out what this millennial kingdom age was all about. Then I realized God didn’t say anything about it in Revelation 20 because all He needed to say had already been said in the Old Testament, and He expected me to read what He had already written. Why should He repeat Himself? I knew I needed to go back to the Old Testament and learn some things about the Jews that I should’ve learned a long time ago.

For the whole next year, our Bible study examined the Old Testament to see what it said about the Jews’ future (and the church’s future). I have to tell you, that was one of the most enlightening and encouraging studies I’ve ever done – WOW! It was revolutionary – it changed my view of my life, my view of the church, my view of prophecy, and my view of the future! I have to admit, the Bible made a lot more sense. Like never before God gave me a glimpse of the plans He had for the Jews and for the church. But more than that, my enlarged view of God and of Christ, of their purposes and character, and of their greatness and glory, transformed my heart like never before. I was really humbled.

My desire is to pass on to you what I’ve learned, to keep sharing with you what I know; but I want to encourage you to read the Old Testament yourself. By God’s grace, might you begin to more clearly see God’s promises and plans for the Jews, and how that fits in with your future, the future of the church, and the future of our world.

And since the Jews are back in their land, we know that God is moving full steam ahead in carrying out His prophetic plans. Now is the time to understand how His end time work with the Jews fits in with His end time work with the church. In this last part of this church age it’s all coming together for God’s elect, and you need to see this, and know that Christ is coming soon for the church, and for the Jews.

Well, I have 2-3 more blog posts about the Jews and then I’ll again be focusing on the end of this age. I have a lot more I want to tell you. We need to learn from Daniel, Luke 21,1-2 Thessalonians and Revelation. We need to learn about all the things the Bible says will be taking place before Christ’s coming. We need to learn about Israel, realigning nations, the United States’ decline, the Antichrist, great tribulation, the gospel, hope, suffering, perseverance, the rapture, the Day of the Lord, the salvation of the Jews, and the millennial kingdom. And we also need to learn how to live in these days leading up to Christ’s return. Most importantly we need to learn more about Jesus Christ.

P.S.  I have just posted another important article which I believe will be very helpful to deepen your understanding of this subject:  Replacement Theology: It’s Not True – Part 3.

Daniel’s 70th Week, One of the Keys to Unlocking the End Times

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #24 ~

For the past five months we’ve looked extensively at the end times, but there’s one thing you need to understand, and that’s Daniel’s 70th week, a prophecy-packed, 7-year timetable. Once this 70th week makes sense to you, then you’ll be able to clearly see how, when and where specific events fit in with regard to the end of this age, the return of Christ, and the rapture of the church.

About 2600 years ago, the prophet Daniel wrote about 70 weeks, a 490-year time period. “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city…” (Daniel 9:24). This time frame began in 445BC, but in 30AD, after 69 weeks, after 483 years, Jesus Christ was “cut off”, was crucified, was buried and raised from the dead, and He ascended into heaven. Since that time, Christ has been building His church. But in 70AD, 40 years after the church age began, the Jews were defeated by the Romans and were then scattered all over the world. But since the 1880’s, the Jews have miraculously regathered back to their land, this being the sign that this final and climactic 70th week is soon to begin.

The event taking place at the very start of this 70th week is the Jews signing a peace treaty, and it is the Antichrist to come (probably unknown to us at that time) who will be a key player in making this deal. It’s debatable whether we will even know when this signing is actually taking place. But it is at this point that God’s end time prophetic work will be in full swing for both the Jews and the church, and for the entire world.

The birth pains, that is, wars, earthquakes, famines and plagues, will be growing in intensity. People, desperate for a strong leader, will be desiring peace. Nations will be forging new alliances. Jews will be sacrificing at their temple in Jerusalem. Unbelievers will be increasingly sinful. Jews and Christians will be greatly hated. And the coming Antichrist will be growing in power.

Then the Antichrist is revealed to the world, a huge earth changing event occurring at the midpoint of this 70th week. Unbelievers will love this devilish man, actually worshiping him like he’s God. But Christians and discerning Jews will know he’s really the Beast, the man of lawlessness, the Antichrist. Then persecution will break out against Jews and Christians, but there’s “peace” for the non-Christians. The Antichrist lovers will gladly be taking his mark and worshiping his image. They are so happy, for life is now “normal” – they are eating and drinking, buying and selling, but are totally oblivious that God’s wrath is soon to be poured out on the world.

What about the rapture of the church? 2 Thessalonians 2 and Matthew 24 make it clear that Christ’s coming is after Antichrist’s coming. Since the Antichrist is revealed at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, then we know that the rapture of the church is after the midpoint, but at a time completely unknown to us, for we don’t know the day or the hour. Then sometime during the 2nd half of this 70th week, Christ will return to rapture the church, redeem us from our bodies, and rescue us from this coming wrath.

The great Day of the Lord, the wrath of God, will take place after the rapture, during the last part of Daniel’s 70th week. Then at the end of this week, at exactly the 7-year mark, a great remnant of Jews will be saved, at which time “the kingdom of the world becomes the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ, and He will reign forever.” (Revelation 11:15). Let me sum it up this way – Christ was cut off at the end of 69 weeks to be our Savior, but will be crowned at the end of the 70th week to be our King.

For you to truly make sense of end times prophecy, you need to understand Daniel’s 70th week, inside and out. You have to look at it like a divine time frame, for it will help you to see when key events will occur. My sincere desire for each of you is to be able to read prophecy passages (Matthew 24, Luke 21, 1 Thessalonians 4-5, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, Revelation, etc.), and then using Daniel’s 70th week, be able to figure out where everything fits. And if you happen to be living during Daniel’s 70th week, then you’will be seeing all kinds of prophesied events taking place, but you won’t be surprised – you will know God is carrying out His plans – and by God’s grace, you’ll be enduring, and looking forward to see Christ coming in the clouds to take you home to heaven.

P.S. I’ve just posted my second article on the error of replacement theology: Replacement Theology – It’s Not True – Part 2.

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