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Blog posts classified as overviews.

What You Need to Know About Prophecy

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #52 ~

Prophecy is a critical and significant portion of Scripture, especially since we now live in the end times. Listed below are a number of general and instructive truths about prophecy that will give you more clarity and understanding as you study specific prophecy passages.

* The Bible is theological, historical, biographical, poetical and prophetical in nature. When we use the words prophetical or prophecy, we are speaking of that portion of the Bible that predicts what is taking place in the future. 1 Peter 1:10-12, Matthew 24:3-41

* Whatever God has prophesied will come true with 100% accuracy. In eternity past, “God was declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all my good pleasure’” (Isaiah 46:10). Because God is truthful, supreme, holy, omniscient, powerful, wise and sovereign, He will most definitely fulfill all He has prophesied concerning His purposes and plans. Psalm 33:11

* All prophecy was given in a “dark place”, that is, during this present evil age, the time from the sin of Adam until the end of this age. A major portion of prophecy points to that time when “the day dawns”, when Christ returns and sets up His wonderful and glorious kingdom on earth. “You will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns, and the morning star arises in your hearts.” 2 Peter 1:19

* God’s purpose in prophecy is not to tell you everything that’s going to take place in the future, but only those things He wants you to know. This should motivate you to study God’s prophetic word so you can find out exactly what He wants you to know. “But take heed; behold, I have told you everything in advance.” Mark 13:23

* There is fulfilled prophecy and unfulfilled prophecy. At this time in history, many prophecies that were predicted in the past have already been fulfilled. Other prophecies are still unfulfilled, that is, were predicted in the past but will be fulfilled in the future. Some examples of unfulfilled prophecy are Isaiah 60, Zechariah 14:9 and Matthew 24:15-31.

* It is important when you read the Bible to specifically know what is prophecy and, in particular, what is still unfulfilled prophecy. Ask yourself if what you are reading has taken place yet? If not, then you know it is unfulfilled prophecy and will be fulfilled in the future. Psalm 47

* Old Testament prophets who predicted the coming of the Messiah and events related to His coming, thought they would all be fulfilled in the same time frame; but now we know that many prophesies were to take place in two stages, at His first coming and at His second coming. Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 61:1-2, Micah 5:2-5, Zechariah 13

* The fact that we can study the Bible and see that God has fulfilled many prophesies in the past, gives us a confidence that He will fulfill His remaining prophecies in the future. Seeing first-coming prophecies about Jesus already fulfilled gives us assurance that second-coming prophecies will also be fulfilled. Psalm 22, Isaiah 9:6-7, Micah 5:2-5, Luke 1:26-33, Revelation 12:5

* Prophecies about Christ’s second coming are now more relevant than at any time in history, and that’s because we live in the end times, in the last years of this church age. Like never before, we need to pay attention to unfulfilled prophecy, for we will be seeing it coming true, right up to the return of Christ and the rapture of the church. Luke 12:56, 21:5-36

* Most prophecies found in the New Testament will be fulfilled in the near future. There is a great deal of relevant, essential and vital information God wants you to know about the end times and Christ’s 2nd coming. Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 5:1-9; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10, 2 Thessalonians 2 and Revelation are all prominent passages predicting what will be taking place in the end times.

* The most important and most extensive prophecy themes in the Bible are the first and second comings of Christ, that is, “the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow.” Psalm 22, Isaiah 53-54, 1 Peter 1:10-12

* God did not have to give us Bible prophecy. He could have let everything that’s going to take place in the future be a big surprise to us. But He told us the future so we could have confidence in His character, and in His word, and so we could have hope. At this stage of the church age, God wants His children to know what to expect, to be looking forward to the future, to be prepared for what will be taking place, and to be serving Him right up until the coming of Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:50-58

* What a privilege to be alive at this time in history, in the closing years of the church age, when many prophecies will be fulfilled. God’s prophetic words about the end times are no longer sealed (Daniel 12:4, 9). Might we be like the prophets who “made careful searches and inquiries, seeking to know what person or time the Spirit of Christ within them was indicating as He predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you.” 1 Peter 1:10-11

* Prophecy about the future focuses on events taking place during three time periods. There will be events leading up to Christ’s return, events taking place at Christ’s return, and events taking place after Christ’s return. Prophecy about the end times focuses on the Jews, the Christians, the Antichrist and Jesus Christ. Matthew 24:15-21, Revelation 12-13

* There are several reasons why people don’t think much about prophecy, and why it doesn’t affect their lives. They do not read it. They do not believe it. They love the world and don’t love Christ, and therefore aren’t thinking about the fact that He’s coming back soon. They are more interested in what man says about the future than what God says about the future. They are more interested in fiction than in the truth. Or they may think that prophecy is not to be understood, or cannot be understood. May this kind of thinking not be true of you.

* “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.” Revelation 1:3

P.S. An article that goes well with today’s post is: Why Study the Subject of Prophecy?

God’s Work in Bringing About Christ’s Return

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #50 ~

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It is good to think about the work of God. He is always committed to His cause and is right on course to accomplish all that He has set out to do. In every person’s life and in every part of this world, God is carrying out His plans. Here at the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018, I want you to think about God’s work in your life and in this world. “Great are the works of the Lord; they are studied by all who delight in them.”  Psalm 111:2-3

First, think about God’s work in the world. Ephesians 1:9 speaks of the “mystery of His will… to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment, to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.” This is a prophetic verse, for everything and everyone is moving towards that time when Christ will return and be ruler of this world. But to see the big picture, you need to go back to Genesis 1-2, and remember that this world used to be a perfect place, with perfect people. Then Adam and Eve sinned, resulting in this evil age, Satan ruling over the earth, and sin and death spreading to all men. But in His mercy, God promised a Savior who would deliver people from their sin (Isaiah 53), and create a new heavens and earth. Isaiah 65:17

God made perfect plans to fulfill these eternal purposes, and over the millennia He has been faithfully fulfilling them. He worked with and through the Jews for about 2000 years, and then “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15). Christ lived a perfect life, died to pay for man’s sins, was raised again and ascended into heaven. He continued His work on earth through the church, saving millions and millions of people from sin, death and hell. Now that the Jews are back in their land, it won’t be long before Christ returns, the church is raptured and believers are glorified. Matthew 24:27-31

Second, think about God’s work in your life. It is important for you to know that in eternity past, God chose to save you, and to glorify you, to be like His Son, Jesus Christ. Then came that wonderful day when God actually saved you and forgave you of all your sins. Since then He’s been working in your life, making you holy and using you to fulfill His purposes (Ephesians 2:1-10). Romans 8:28-29 says it well, “God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God,” with His primary purpose being that all believers be “conformed to the image of His Son.”

Think about this past year. In every situation, job, relationship and trial, God was working in you and through you, for your good and the good of the church, and ultimately, for His glory. God was always kind to you, always teaching you, always patient with you, and always carrying out His will in your life. There’s no doubt He’ll continue with you in this way in 2018, 2019, etc. Then will come the day, whether you’ve already gone to heaven or whether you’re still on earth, when Christ will come back, and you will be glorified, and your salvation will be 100% complete. It’s essential to have this perspective and to be encouraged by God’s perfect work in your life. 1 Thessalonians 5:24

The fulfillment of God’s plans for the Jews, His promises to the church, and His plans for you, are all converging together in these last days of this church age. God is directing every detail in this world, moving all things full speed ahead, bringing us closer and closer to that time when He will send His Son back to earth. And this age will end, believers will be glorified, this wicked world will be judged, a remnant of Jews will be saved, and Christ will begin His rule over this world. Revelation 6-11

It’s necessary for you to think about your life, and your connection to, and purpose in the world. Otherwise you’ll be rudderless and directionless, like a ship adrift out in the open sea. You must see that your life is intricately and intimately intertwined with God’s work in the world. You are like a puzzle piece, and God is fitting you and all the other pieces together. God has His plans for the world, and His plans for you in this world, and you are a vital part of all that He is doing. Everything happening in your life and in every other life in this world is part of God’s plan to bring His Son back to this earth. God will not be stopped, thwarted or delayed, and will not give up until His Son returns and is reigning over this world. Be excited that you can serve God in the way He has planned for you, in the church He has placed you, and with the people He puts in your life. “The whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.” Ephesians 2:21-22

P.S.  As we think about the New Year, here’s an article that specifically instructs us about the time that God gives to each of us: The Time of My Life.

God’s Plan for the Jews – From Now to the Coming of Christ

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #44 ~

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Many significant and history-defining events will be occurring in the years leading up to the coming of Christ, and we have already talked about some of them – birth pains, the decline of the United States, the coming of the Antichrist, increasing lawlessness, etc. But it’s also important to understand God’s plans for the Jews, for His working with them coincides with His working with the Christians. Seeing what’s happening with the Jews is to alert you and give you confidence that Christ is coming back soon to rapture the church. Let me go over what is now, and what will be, taking place with regard to the Jews:

The Jews have been miraculously gathering back to their land for the past 130 years, from about 25,000 in the 1880’s to over 6.5 million at the present, proving that we are now living in the end times of this church age (Ezekiel 37:21-23). During much of this period, Arabs and Muslims have been persecuting the Jews. But it’s also true that most every nation in the world is opposed to them, seen in the United Nations’ anti-Semitic activities, and their voting record, which consistently denounces and diminishes the rights and freedoms of the Jews. And it’s only going to get much worse. Zechariah 12:1-3

The time will soon come when the Jews will be desperate for peace, leading them to sign a deal with the devil, that is, with the future Antichrist. This treaty, predicted over 2500 years ago, will be confirmed at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week (Daniel 9:27). Even now the United States and other world powers are actively pursuing this peace treaty. That the Jews will once again have a temple in Jerusalem is also a key component of God’s end-time plans for the Jews. A likely scenario is that the building of this temple will be part of this Israeli peace package. Revelation 11:1-2

But during the first half of Daniel’s 70th week global problems will be greatly increasing, at the same time this coming Antichrist is growing in influence, making alliances, and becoming more recognized around the world. At the midpoint of this 70th week, this Antichrist, this devilish beast of a man, will suddenly break his treaty with the Jews. “The man of lawlessness is revealed… who opposes and exalts himself above every so called god… so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as God.” (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). To discerning Jews and Christians, it will be obvious that the person desolating the temple is the Antichrist, and that he is not a man of peace but a man of war, for right away he will begin aggressively persecuting them. Matthew 24:9, 21

Matthew 24:15-25 instructs the Jews living in Israel that they are to run for their lives. And Revelation 12:13-17 tells us that many of these Jews miraculously escape and are protected during the last 3½ years of this 70th week. This frustrated and angry Antichrist then “went off to make war with the rest of her children (Christians), who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.” In addition to the escape of these Jews, there are another 144,000 who are sealed and physically kept safe. At that time or shortly thereafter, these 144,000 Jews are spiritually saved, becoming holy worshipers and faithful followers of Jesus (Revelation 14:1-5). During this same time, God raises up two Jewish witnesses, believed to be Moses and Elijah, and for 3½ years they are performing amazing miracles and proclaiming the truth about Jesus.

Sometime during this last 3½ years of Daniel’s 70th week this great persecution is cut short; and then Christ comes in the clouds for the Christians, glorifying them, and taking them home to heaven. God’s wrath is then righteously poured out on the earth, and a large number of rebellious and unrepentant Jews will be killed, two-thirds of their entire population, as Zechariah 13:8-9 seems to say. But this Jewish remnant that had escaped the Antichrist will continue to be protected up until the end of this 70th week. Then the two witnesses will be killed by this Antichrist, then raised from the dead and taken to heaven. It’s at this time that this chosen remnant of Jews will be redeemed by the Lord – “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11:26). These newly saved Jewish believers will then remain with Christ, reigning with Him during the millennial kingdom. Revelation 11

These are God’s end-time plans for the Jews – gathered back to their land – persecution – peace treaty – temple built – revealing of the Antichrist – great persecution – great escape and protection – sealing 144,000 Jews – two Jewish witnesses – the coming of Christ – the salvation of a remnant of Jews – and they will be carried out. “I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure… I have planned it, surely I will do it.’” Isaiah 46:9-11

The Jewish events listed above are divine sign posts for Christians living in the end times, giving us clear evidence and confidence that God is completing His final plans for this present age, and that Christ is returning soon to rapture the church. As we see these events unfold in the years ahead, might we be encouraged to keep loving our Lord and living for Him, and to keep persevering to the end of this age.

P.S.  I’ve just published an article that contains a long list of very encouraging Bible verses: Encouraging Verses that Express the Love, Grace and Peace of God.

World History and International Studies

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #38 ~

As people living in the 21st century we need to know  how God has been working in the world with regards to the nations, and I’m not talking from a geopolitical perspective. I’m not talking about what the United Nations says, that weak body of leaders that will never bring unity or peace to this world. I’m not talking about what Presidents, prime ministers or politicians say, and surely not what the news media says. I’m talking about a Biblical perspective, a Biblical framing of the nations, past, present and future. What does God’s word say about the nations? Where in the world are things headed?

Genesis 10-11 tells us that the nations of the world are divided into two main groups – the Gentile nations, from Noah’s sons, Ham and Japheth, and the nation of Israel, from Shem, Noah’s other  son. The promise we must never forget is what God said to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3, “I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you… and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.” Do you see this, that all true blessing in this world, both spiritual and physical, comes through Abram and his descendants, through Israel?

The main theme of most of the Old Testament, specifically Genesis 12 – Malachi 4, centers on the nation of Israel. You can only understand the Old Testament as you understand God’s sovereign and special working with Israel and how that affects the rest of the world. God’s dealings with all the other nations relate directly to their relationship with Israel.

Psalms 1-2 says that God works through individual people and nations. Psalm 1 tells us about individuals, the righteous who will be forever blessed (remember that God wants to use your life for His purposes), and the unrighteous who will perish, and be eternally punished. Psalm 2 talks about Gentile nations taking their stand against God. In their defiant pride they fail to see that Christ is King, and that He will inherit the nations and then begin His reign from Zion, from Israel. And if nations, kings and people don’t worship and serve the Lord and King, then they will be utterly destroyed.

Revelation 12:1-3 says that Satan has been strongly opposing the nation of Israel from the beginning. His devilish work has especially been seen in these “beast” nations – Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome I and Rome II. The Bible tells us how God has continually rescued and preserved this nation of Israel and, in the future, will enable them to help fulfill His plans. Psalms 33:10-12, Isaiah 40-66, Esther

God’s judgment of the nations for their sin is a major theme in the Bible, and is described in great detail, particularly in the prophets. Yet, God shows extreme patience with sinful nations, and for over 1500 years we see this with Israel, but His patience has a limit. In Isaiah 1:4, 26, God promises to judge Judah, “Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded with guilt… I will turn my hand against you.” Isaiah goes on to declare God’s wrath against Moab, Babylon, Ethiopia and Egypt. In Hosea 9:7, God says to Israel, “The days of punishment have come”. Obadiah tells us about God’s judgment against Edom.

Every nation has been judged or will be judged by God. The Bible and world history make this very clear. And since we’re now in the end times then it won’t be long before God’s wrath will be poured out on both people and nations. God’s global judgment is most sobering, a divine, devastating wrath that takes place right after the rapture of the church, but right before Christ’s reign over the world. Joel 3:2 tells us, “I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of Jehoshaphat.” Psalm 9:5 informs us, “You have rebuked the nations, You have destroyed the wicked.” Revelation 8-9, 16

In these days before Christ’s return, God must realign the nations of this earth. (Ezekiel 36-38:1-6, Daniel 2:31-45). God has brought the Jews back to Israel, and He’s getting other nations ready as well. Yes, this world is rapidly changing, but you look at countries like Israel, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Russia and the United States, and it’s obvious that we’re not there yet. And Antichrist’s 10 nation kingdom hasn’t even come to power, but it will. Yes, Christ is coming soon, but many more things still need to take place before we see Him return in power and great glory. Matthew 24:27-41

God is holy, but He is also merciful. During the Old Testament days Israel was to be a light to the nations. In Psalm 96:2-3 the Jews were told, “Proclaim good tidings of His salvation… Tell of His glory among the nations.” But in these days the church is to let her light shine, and is to “make disciples of all the nations… even to the end of the age,” and then Christ will return to reign over the entire world. Matthew 28:19-20, Revelation 11:15

After the church age, the great glory of God will be seen in the nations during the millennial kingdom. Psalm 47:8 – “God reigns over the nations.” Psalm 67:2,4,5 – “Your salvation among the nations… let the nations be glad… You will guide the nations on the earth.” Psalm 86:9-10 – “All the nations whom You have made shall come and worship before You, O Lord, and they shall glorify Your name. You are great and do wondrous deeds.”

P.S. Next week I will be sharing about the present and continuing decline of the United States, and how in the near future, she will no longer be the leading world power. She must go down, and then sooner or later, God will raise up the Antichrist’s kingdom.


Daniel’s 70th Week, One of the Keys to Unlocking the End Times

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #24 ~

For the past five months we’ve looked extensively at the end times, but there’s one thing you need to understand, and that’s Daniel’s 70th week, a prophecy-packed, 7-year timetable. Once this 70th week makes sense to you, then you’ll be able to clearly see how, when and where specific events fit in with regard to the end of this age, the return of Christ, and the rapture of the church.

About 2600 years ago, the prophet Daniel wrote about 70 weeks, a 490-year time period. “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city…” (Daniel 9:24). This time frame began in 445BC, but in 30AD, after 69 weeks, after 483 years, Jesus Christ was “cut off”, was crucified, was buried and raised from the dead, and He ascended into heaven. Since that time, Christ has been building His church. But in 70AD, 40 years after the church age began, the Jews were defeated by the Romans and were then scattered all over the world. But since the 1880’s, the Jews have miraculously regathered back to their land, this being the sign that this final and climactic 70th week is soon to begin.

The event taking place at the very start of this 70th week is the Jews signing a peace treaty, and it is the Antichrist to come (probably unknown to us at that time) who will be a key player in making this deal. It’s debatable whether we will even know when this signing is actually taking place. But it is at this point that God’s end time prophetic work will be in full swing for both the Jews and the church, and for the entire world.

The birth pains, that is, wars, earthquakes, famines and plagues, will be growing in intensity. People, desperate for a strong leader, will be desiring peace. Nations will be forging new alliances. Jews will be sacrificing at their temple in Jerusalem. Unbelievers will be increasingly sinful. Jews and Christians will be greatly hated. And the coming Antichrist will be growing in power.

Then the Antichrist is revealed to the world, a huge earth changing event occurring at the midpoint of this 70th week. Unbelievers will love this devilish man, actually worshiping him like he’s God. But Christians and discerning Jews will know he’s really the Beast, the man of lawlessness, the Antichrist. Then persecution will break out against Jews and Christians, but there’s “peace” for the non-Christians. The Antichrist lovers will gladly be taking his mark and worshiping his image. They are so happy, for life is now “normal” – they are eating and drinking, buying and selling, but are totally oblivious that God’s wrath is soon to be poured out on the world.

What about the rapture of the church? 2 Thessalonians 2 and Matthew 24 make it clear that Christ’s coming is after Antichrist’s coming. Since the Antichrist is revealed at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week, then we know that the rapture of the church is after the midpoint, but at a time completely unknown to us, for we don’t know the day or the hour. Then sometime during the 2nd half of this 70th week, Christ will return to rapture the church, redeem us from our bodies, and rescue us from this coming wrath.

The great Day of the Lord, the wrath of God, will take place after the rapture, during the last part of Daniel’s 70th week. Then at the end of this week, at exactly the 7-year mark, a great remnant of Jews will be saved, at which time “the kingdom of the world becomes the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ, and He will reign forever.” (Revelation 11:15). Let me sum it up this way – Christ was cut off at the end of 69 weeks to be our Savior, but will be crowned at the end of the 70th week to be our King.

For you to truly make sense of end times prophecy, you need to understand Daniel’s 70th week, inside and out. You have to look at it like a divine time frame, for it will help you to see when key events will occur. My sincere desire for each of you is to be able to read prophecy passages (Matthew 24, Luke 21, 1 Thessalonians 4-5, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, Revelation, etc.), and then using Daniel’s 70th week, be able to figure out where everything fits. And if you happen to be living during Daniel’s 70th week, then you’will be seeing all kinds of prophesied events taking place, but you won’t be surprised – you will know God is carrying out His plans – and by God’s grace, you’ll be enduring, and looking forward to see Christ coming in the clouds to take you home to heaven.

P.S. I’ve just posted my second article on the error of replacement theology: Replacement Theology – It’s Not True – Part 2.

The Divine Timetable, Daniel’s 70 Weeks

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #23 ~

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What really amazes and encourages me is how much God has told us in His Word about the return of Jesus Christ to this earth. I’ve recently written about an enormous number of Old Testament prophecies that are particularly relevant to those of us living in the end times. It’s necessary that we rightly interpret these prophecies so we can have the understanding God wants us to have about His plans for both the Jews and the church.

Today, I want to focus on one prophetic passage. It’s Daniel 9:24-27, and it speaks of a divine schedule, a timeframe that’s absolutely essential to help you see the sequence of events in the end times. This timeframe is the 70 weeks of Daniel, where 1 week equals 7 years, and 70 weeks equals 490 years.

Biblical scholars believe these 70 weeks started in 445BC. Now Daniel 9:26 predicted that the Messiah would be cut off after the first 69 weeks, or 483 years. What’s so amazing is that mathematicians have calculated that God’s timetable was perfect, for these 483 years take us right up to 30BC, the exact time when Christ was crucified. Again we see that God’s prophetic Word is to be taken literally, and is completely, 100% accurate.

But what about the 70th week? Has it started yet? No, it hasn’t. Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:9-26, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, and Revelation 13 all tell us of specific events that need to take place during this 7 year timeframe, but they’ve not yet occurred, meaning the 70th week is still future. It’s obvious that this church age has now been going on for close to 2000 years, meaning there’s a long gap between the 69th and 70th weeks.

Yet, over the past 130 years, the Jews have miraculously regathered back to their land, and this is a clear sign from God that we now live in the end times, and that the start-up of the 70th week is not far away. In fact, Daniel 12:4 first used the phrase, “the end time”, which is the time period when these 70 weeks will come to an end. The fact that God is again actively working with the Jews means He’s wrapping up His work with the church, and it won’t be long before Christ’s return. Of course only God knows when the 70th week will start. But when it does, we’ll see a great deal of prophetic activity, and the glorious fulfillment of many of God’s promises to both the Jews and the church.

Here are some of the major prophesied events that will take place during Daniel’s 70th week:
1. At the very start of Daniel’s 70th week, there’ll be the confirmation of a covenant (or peace treaty) between Israel, the Antichrist and other nations (Daniel 9:27). Obviously, for many years now, the United States and other nations have been trying to get a peace treaty signed. Even this week we have been seeing the pursuit of a peace treaty over in Israel.
2. At the midpoint of the 70th week of Daniel, the 3½ year mark, the Antichrist will be revealed, and he will desolate the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. (Daniel 9:27). True Christians and many Jews will discern that this is the Antichrist, this most wicked man who will then begin greatly persecuting them all over the world. (Revelation 12:13-17)
3. At the very end of Daniel’s 70th week, the 7 year mark, a great many Jews will be saved (Daniel 9:24, Romans 11:25-27). At this time, the kingdom of the world becomes the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ (Revelation 11:15).
4. Christ’s coming and the rapture of the church will take place sometime during the last half of this 70th week, but no one knows exactly when (Matthew 24:31-36). The day of the Lord, God’s judgment of unbelievers still alive on earth, will begin right after the rapture.

Only as you understand this 70th week timeframe will you be able to clearly figure out “what happens when” in the end times. I can’t stress enough the importance of knowing this divine schedule, for then you’ll be able to know how to put the prophecy pieces in their proper place. Otherwise you’ll be blind, and you won’t be able to see what God wants you to see about the future God has for you, your family, and for your church.

After Daniel wrote these prophesies, he was instructed to “seal up the book until the end time.” (Daniel 12:4, 9). Well, about 2450 years later, with the regathering of the Jews back to their land, this book was unsealed. How exciting and encouraging to be living in the end times that Daniel predicted. I’m sure he would’ve loved to be alive now, but God meant it for us. This is our time! It won’t be long now before the start of Daniel’s 70th week, and not many years later, the wonderful rapture of the church, the devastating wrath of God on earth, the promised redemption of the Jews, and then the glorious reign of Jesus Christ on earth. Psalm 72:18-19

P.S. I have just posted an important new article explaining why replacement theology, which believes God’s promises for the Jews are no longer valid, is wrong: Replacement Theology: It’s Not True – Part 1.

Old Testament + New Testament = The Word of God

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #20 ~

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The Old Testament is the truth of God. It is a set of 39 books, that together with 27 books in the New Testament, make up the Bible, the word of God. And just like you need to read all the chapters in a book to get the whole story, so too you need to read the whole Bible, both Old and New Testaments, to get the whole story, to understand God’s past, present and future working with His people, and with this entire earth.

What is the Old Testament about? It is about Jesus Christ, who He is, what He’s like, and what He’s doing – His office, character and purpose. There are many verses, types and illustrations of Christ in the Old Testament, giving us a very good picture of our Lord, Savior and King. Jesus Himself used the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms from the Old Testament to help His disciples understand who He was (Luke 24:25-27, 44-45).

The Old Testament is about the Jews. Their purpose was to write God’s word, to be recipients of God’s Laws and covenants, to carry out the temple service, and to be the “Woman” who’d give birth to the Messiah, to Jesus Christ. We also read stories about the Jews, their lives and service for God, which give us many good examples of faith, hope, love and perseverance. There’s Adam, Abraham, Moses, Deborah, Ruth, David, Isaiah, Esther, Nehemiah and many others. But these are not just saints with godly character that make for nice Sunday School lessons. The Old Testament is more than just a lot of stories with no larger context, but it’s part of the entire Bible, and therefore a necessary part of the whole story. Consider the following:

First, there were the promises, the covenants from God. Abraham knew that from his lineage would come a great multitude of descendants (Genesis 12:1-3). David knew that the Messiah would be one of his descendants, the future King of the entire world (2 Samuel 7:12-16). Jeremiah knew that a great number of Jews would be saved in the future. (Jeremiah 31:31-34). These three promises are extremely important, for they not only speak of God’s plans for the Jews, but they also relate to the church and to our future.

Second, there were the predictions of the prophets. They “predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow.” 1 Peter 1:11. For example, Isaiah, Micah, Zechariah and Daniel all spoke of the coming Christ (Isaiah 9:6-7, 53; Micah 5:2-4; Zechariah 14:9; and Daniel 7:13-14). As we now know, some of their predictions literally came true at Christ’s 1st coming, but others will literally be fulfilled at Christ’s 2nd coming, and in the kingdom age to follow. For example, Jesus was literally born as a Baby on this earth, and  in the near future He will literally appear and be the King over this earth.

Third, there were the parts played by godly Israelites. There was Moses, and if it weren’t for him, the Jews would never have made it to the promised land. There was Ruth, a key player in the big scheme of things, for she was the great grandmother of David. There was Esther, whom God used to preserve the Jewish race, and without her, Jesus would not have been born. And then there was Ezra, and he helped bring the Jews back to Israel, and so Jesus could be born in Bethlehem. These stories, seen on earth, were all part of God’s plans. But behind all this has been the invisible spiritual war between God and Satan. Revelation 12 tells us that Satan has been fighting like the devil to stop the work of God as it relates to both Jews and Christians, but God has defeated him again and again.

You can’t disregard the Old Testament. When you read it, you need to realize that it’s not just isolated events that took place in the past with no connection to the future. You have to see the Old Testament promises and predictions of God, all pointing to and leading to New Testament events, Christ’s 1st coming, His 2nd coming, and His kingdom age. You have to see that God’s people played key roles in the past, but were also necessary for God’s future plans. You need to see God sovereignly directing people and events in accordance with His eternal purposes and plans. “The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation.” Psalm 33:11

At this time in history, we are in the last part of the church age, for the Jews are back in their land. God’s working with both Jews and Christians is now in high gear, and it won’t be long before His end time plans for them will be fulfilled. Then in the next age, we will all be worshiping and serving the Lord together. Hebrews 11:13, 39 is instructive – “All these (Old Testament saints), having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, because God had something better for us (New Testament saints), so that apart from us they would not be made perfect.” 

P.S. I have an important new article for you to read – “Why Do Believers Die?” ~ A Memorial Service Message.   Also, just as a reminder, we have been continuing to post new Español posts every week!

A Short Summary of God’s Working With the Jews

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #19 ~

When we talk about end times prophecy, we can’t just focus on the church. We have to understand the past history of the Jews to understand God’s present working with the Jews, and that His present work with them in these end times is in conjunction with His work with the church. Here is a summary of God’s past working with the Jews.

It was about 2050 BC that God began to carry out His plans for the Jews. He promised Abraham that he would inherit a large area of land, and be given a great number of descendants (Genesis 12:1-3, 13:14-16). Then came Abraham’s son Isaac, and then his grandson Jacob, and then his great grandson Joseph. It was Joseph who was providentially taken to Egypt, and years later was joined by his 11 brothers. From the 12 sons of Jacob came the 12 tribes of Israel, and the birth of the nation of Israel in the nation of Egypt.

It was in 1445 BC that God chose Moses to miraculously help the Jews escape out of Egypt and into the desert. There God gave them the Law, and the means by which they were to worship Him. Moses humbly led the Jews in the desert for 40 long years, but it was Joshua who led them into Canaan where they soundly defeated God’s enemies, finally taking possession of the promised land. But it wasn’t long before the Jews were disobeying the laws God had given them, and were doing what was right in their own eyes. Therefore, God began appointing judges who led Israel for the next 325 years.

In 1110 BC God first revealed Himself to Samuel, and He raised him up to be a prophet and a priest. Now the Jews desired a king, and so Samuel anointed Saul, but he was not a very good king. Then there was David, a man after God’s heart, and he was the best of the earthly kings. God then made an amazing promise to David, that one of His descendants would be the Messiah, the future King of the entire world (2 Samuel 7:12-16).

Then came Solomon (970 BC), a world-famous king who was responsible for building a temple for the Jews. After him came many more kings, some good and some bad. And sadly, instead of worshiping God, many of the Jews started worshiping idols. This terrible and grievous sin went on for over 350 years, stirring up God’s righteous anger, resulting in His wrath often being poured out upon His people. He also sent them prophets, like Isaiah, Joel and Jeremiah, to proclaim God’s truth, and help them see their need to repent of their sins. In all this God was very patient and very forgiving. It was during this time that God made a most gracious promise to Jeremiah, that in the future, He would save a great number of Jews (Jeremiah 31:33-34).

But finally, God had enough of the Jews’ sin, and so He punished His people by sending them out of Israel (722 BC) to Assyria, and out of Judah to Babylon (606 BC). Then after 70 years, God, through Haggai, Ezra and Nehemiah, began mercifully bringing these Jewish exiles back to their land. They rebuilt the temple and the city wall, and again began to worship the one true God. And as time went on, the Jews were sinning more and more, but it wasn’t idol worship as much as it was a proud and self-righteous rebellion against God.

Then, in the fullness of time, around 4 BC, JESUS, a Jew, a descendant of Abraham and David, the Messiah, the Son of God, was born. When He was 30, He began His ministry, teaching, healing and making disciples. Then He humbly and lovingly went to the cross, suffering and dying for our sins – but God raised him from the dead, and after 40 days He ascended into heaven. Amen!

Sadly, most Jews were hard-hearted, and didn’t turn from their sin and trust in Christ for salvation. And so in 70 AD, God severely punished the Jews – close to one million of them died, and the rest were led captive into all the nations. But God’s promises and plans for the Jews were not then nullified or changed, as some believe, but were only suspended. The church age had begun: from heaven, Christ was building His church on earth – it was the time for people to call on the Lord to be saved from their sin.

It is 2019, close to 2000 years later, and it’s still the church age. But now we live in the end times, the last part of the church age, for the Jews, after being scattered for over 1800 years, have miraculously returned to their land. The prophetic pieces of the puzzle are being put into place; God’s work with both the church and the Jews is clearly evident; and it won’t be long before Christ returns to rapture the Christians, then pour out His wrath on this world. God will be true to His Word, and fulfill His promises to the Jews – the promise of salvation, the promise of land, and the promise of a King. Finally, world peace.  Shalom.

P.S.   My new article will further help you to  understand this subject of God’s working with the Jews:  Charting God’s Miraculous Working With the Jews.

Matthew 24 – A Road Map of the End Times

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #10 ~

I know I am old school, but I love road maps. When I travel, I like to know where I am at and where I am going. I like to know what cities I will pass through before I get to my destination. A map gives me clear directions. It also gives me confidence about my journey, for when I pass through those cities, I can say, “I’m right on target.” With respect to prophecy, God has given us many road maps, but Matthew 24 is one of the best road maps there is for Christians living in the end times. The following is a succinct summary and analysis of this important chapter. (I encourage you to read Matthew 24:3-36 before you read this post.)

Matthew 24:3. The disciples knew Jesus was leaving, and so they ask Him to give them some signs that would let them know when He was coming back. Jesus answers their questions but He goes on to tell them, and now He’s telling us, many more things that will be taking place before His coming, and before the rapture and resurrection of the believers.

Matthew 24:4-8. We learn: 1) There will be “birth pains”, and these are false christs, wars, famines and earthquakes. 2) As times goes on, these “birth pains” will increase in frequency and intensity. 3) They don’t affect all the people in the world, for they occur in various places. 4) They are not God’s wrath but are events leading up to the end of the age. 5) They are only beginning birth pains, and the end of the age, Christ’s return and God’s wrath is still to come.

Matthew 24:9-14. We learn: 1) These events occur after the beginning birth pains. 2) Whereas the beginning birth pains affect all kinds of people, these events focus primarily on the Christians. 3) The Christians are being hated, persecuted and martyred all over the world. 4) The gospel is being preached to the end of this age, and many Christians endure to the end of the age and then they are saved, are raptured into heaven.

Matthew 24:15-27. We learn: 1) This focuses on the Jews. 2) The Antichrist desolates the Jewish temple in Jerusalem at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week. 3) He begins great tribulation against Jews in Jerusalem which then spreads to Jews and Christians all over the world. This tribulation is cut short by Christ at the end of this age. 4) These events take place in the same time frame as verses 9-14, which means God’s work with the Jews in the end times is in conjunction with and coinciding with His work with the church. 5) The final event listed is Christ’s coming, which corresponds with the end of the age that is spoken of in verses 3, 13 and 14.

Matthew 24:28. Many people are dying all over the world because of these events.

Matthew 24:29-31. We learn: 1) The sign of the end of the age is cosmic disturbances which occur after the tribulation, the persecution of the Christians. 2) The sign of Christ’s coming is the heavens being lit up by the Shekinah glory of Christ. 3) Verse 31 is a resurrection and rapture verse, for believers will be gathered together from the heavens (those who have died in the past), and from the earth (those who survive the tribulation). 4) God’s wrath will occur after these two signs and the rapture of the church on earth. Isaiah 13:9-10, Joel 2:31

Matthew 24:32-34, 36. No one knows the day and hour of Christ’s return, that is, the specific time of Christ’s coming. But Christians can know the general time, for the events given in this chapter are to inform and encourage us that Christ’s coming is getting closer and closer.

Matthew 24:35. This chapter is God’s Word, and the events discussed here will absolutely, unquestionably, undoubtedly and undeniably take place, and maybe in our lifetime.

In conclusion let me say: 1) It is 2017, and we are now in verses 4-8, in the beginning birth pains. 2) People will say all kinds of things about the end times in the years to come, and so don’t be naïve or deceived, but rather examine Matthew 24 so you can be discerning, so you can not only know what events are going to occur, but the order of these events. 3) Twenty different events listed in Matthew 24 need to happen before Christ’s coming and the rapture of the church. 4) As Christ’s coming gets closer, the believers living on earth will be seeing these events taking place. Therefore, encourage one another as you see the day of Christ drawing near. Hebrews 10:25

P.S. I’ve just added an important new article on trials, which I hope and trust will encourage you!

God’s Time Frame for Your Life

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #8  ~


It was Carroll, Iowa in the late 60’s and early 70’s and I was in high school, and jogging was just becoming popular. A huge city cemetery was right behind my back yard, and 3-4 times a week I would hop over the fence and take a run. Many times I’d stop and look at grave stones, noting a person’s name and his birth year and death year. I thought about how people define life in a physical way, by when they are born and by when they die. A person celebrates his birthdays and sooner, or later, he dies. Then he has a memorial service, and gets one of those grave stones with his name and two dates on it. I thought about how a person has only so many years on this earth, and then he is gone, and in the ground.

It was Ames, Iowa in August of 1971, and I was attending Iowa State University. It was my first day of classes and I can still remember waking up to my roommate’s clock radio playing “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” It was later that year that I thought of that title in a new way, for by God’s grace I realized my problem was sin and that Jesus Christ was the only answer – and I believed that He died for me and paid for all my sins. God was merciful to me, for I was born again, and was forgiven of all my sins. I was a child of God in the kingdom of God. I didn’t fear death anymore, for death was a good thing, a door from this life to the next, from earth to heaven. This was the gospel message – the best news I had ever heard! Now I had a heavenly Father (my earthly father had passed away 10 years earlier). Life was no longer just a physical life, but more importantly, a spiritual life, a relationship with God Himself. I had eternal life, and I was going to live forever! John 11:25-26

God’s Word became my favorite “school” book, and God was my teacher. He taught me that my relationship with Him was in three parts. In the past, I was justified, I was born again and had a spiritual birthday. In the present, I am being sanctified, and I am spiritually growing up. In the future, I will be glorified, I will be perfect – body, soul and spirit. These words summed up my life – justified, sanctified and glorified. But I learned that being glorified wouldn’t happen when I physically die. Christians who die shed their old body, and go to heaven in a spiritual form, but are not at that time glorified. That doesn’t happen until Christ comes back at the end of this age, and then all believers will be given perfect, powerful, spiritual and eternal bodies. A person’s salvation is only completed when he is glorified.

This perspective of our life is seen and summed up in many verses. Philippians 1:6 says, “I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will complete it on the day of Christ Jesus.” 2 Corinthians 1:20 says, “By His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness, sanctification and redemption.” My favorite verses are Colossians 3:3-4 – “For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.”

Shortly after becoming a Christian, I started learning about prophecy, what the Bible said about Christ coming back to this earth, our future, and the future of the world. I realized that my life on earth was converging and coinciding with Christ’s return. I saw that I may be here when Christ comes back, and then, at that time, I and all the other believers from all of history will be glorified. It became clear to me that there are two possibilities for my future – either I’ll make it to the end of my life and die and go to heaven, or I’ll make it to the end of this age, and Christ will come back, and I will be raptured and then go to heaven.

Do you ever think about this? Do you realize that you may not live to be 70, 80 or 90 years old? You may not become a grandparent. You may not have children. You may not even get married. The fact that you live in the end-times means you need to look at life differently, for your “glory” days are not that far away. You may be living on earth when Christ returns and raptures all the saints. Thinking about life in this way changes things, and helps you to not be fleshly and worldly, but to be living for God. It affects how you live, the things you do, the places you go, the people you see, and how you use your time and money. Might you see that the time frame of your life is now fitting in with God’s time frame for the end times. Knowing this gives you the right perspective on your life! Now, in these days, is our time to live for God!

P.S. I just finished an article on Matthew 24 which I believe is the single most important, most instructive prophecy chapter for Christians in the entire Bible. Take your time in reading it for there is a lot to digest. Please feel free to make copies of it for your own personal use.

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