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The Lord is My Shepherd

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Special Post ~

I love the truth and the reality of the rapture. My latest article is 50 Truths God Wants You To Know About The Rapture, a detailed listing and description of what God has in store for the church at the end of this age. I encourage you to take the time to read it, to work your way through it, and get a better picture of the future and great love that God has for us.

The Espanol tab now features a drop down menu with the first line, “Mensajes Recientes” linking you to the latest and recent posts, and the second line, “Archivos”, linking you to a chronological listing of the posts (just like the “Archives” tab), from the first post, to the last and most recent one.

Our church was so blessed this past Sunday with Marv Rosenthal as our guest speaker. He has been faithfully serving the Lord for close to 60 years, and a friend and mentor to me for over 23 years. To see his love for the Lord and for truth, and to see him persevering has been a great encouragement to my wife and me, and I’m sure to thousands of others. You can listen to his message at our Sermon Audio home page for Hope Bible Church.

Next week, February 2, I’ll be continuing with the blog posts, again focusing on the coming of Christ and the end time events that will be taking place before His return and the rapture of the church.

Thus Far the Lord Has Helped Us ~ 1 Samuel 7:12

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Special Post ~

It’s been exactly one year since I started this blog site, and having the opportunity to share Biblical truth about prophecy has been most encouraging to me, and I trust for you as well. But I’m taking a two-week break, and am planning on publishing posts again starting on February 3rd. There are a few things though, that I want to mention:

* There is a new tab called “Archives.”  This is a consecutive listing of all the posts, starting with the first one written last January, continuing on up to the last one. This format will make it easier for you to find a post you haven’t read yet, or want to go back and read again. I want to say too, that I’ve written these posts in a particular order, and for maximum learning, I’d encourage you to start with number one, and go on from there. In fact, if you’ve not read all the posts, I’d encourage you to go back and start with the first one. Having the Archives set up this way, will make that much easier to do.

* The “Espanol” tab is being reworked for easier access and readability. It should be up and ready to go in the next week or two. Please pass this on to your Hispanic friends.

* I want to remind you that all posts, articles and charts are for you to use as the Lord leads. Download, print and use for your own learning, and then pass them on to your family, church members and friends.

* I have a lot more to share with you about the end times, the coming of Christ, and the millennial kingdom age to follow. I do appreciate your prayers for understanding, wisdom and protection. If you have any thoughts or questions, please write me using the email address listed. The next post will be up and ready to read in two weeks, February 3rd, Lord willing. “To those who have been called, who are loved in God the Father and kept for Jesus Christ: mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.” Jude 1-2

Happy Thanksgiving

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Special Post ~

This is Thanksgiving Day, a wonderful day to enjoy family and friends, and to eat some very good food. (Ecclesiastes 2:24-25). It is also a time to remember the great blessings God has bestowed on our lives, and to then reflect on His great goodness toward us. What a kind and gracious Father we have, who has blessed us so, so much, and will continue to bless us in this life on earth, and forever and ever. “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalm 23:6

As you know this blog is about the end times and Christ’s Kingdom. Indeed, there is much that can be said, and needs to be said about what will be taking place in our future. But to live for the Lord in the way He wants we need to not just know what will be happening, but we need to possess the godly character He speaks about in His word. Over the course of the next year my desire is to write a number of articles about the character of a Christian. The first is given to you here – “Being Thankful – The Character of a Christian.”

Happy Thanksgiving!  “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13:14

A Short Summary of Our Bible Prophecy Conference

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Special Post ~

What a great prophecy conference this past weekend in Tampa, Florida! It was on Friday, the day before it started, that I knew it would be great. I was to pick up Alan Kurschner, one of the speakers, around 3 pm, but Alan had called me earlier and told me that his flight from New Jersey was delayed. To make a long story short, after two different planes, 13 flight time departure delays, and some fervent prayer, Alan flew, not into Tampa, but into Orlando, over 100 miles to the east. I thought, “Wow, the devil sure doesn’t want Alan to speak. That means God wants Alan to speak and it is going to be a great conference.” It was a few minutes after 11 pm that Alan, after a two hour Uber drive, arrived at our home. After some food and fellowship, we headed for bed, quite tired, but excited about the next day.

Attendees for the conference, from Indiana, Texas, Tennessee, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, started registering at 9:15 am, and the first session began just a few minutes after 10 am. Alan was the main speaker for Saturday, primarily expounding on Matthew 24, proving that the rapture of the church is not imminent. The vast majority of Christians in this country believe that the rapture is imminent, that it can happen at any moment, that there are no signs whatsoever that need to take place before Christ returns. But that is just not true – and Alan, in four different sessions, talked about events needing to happen before the coming of Christ. And I thought how interesting, for this is what I’ve been writing about in my past two blog posts.

My turn to speak came early Saturday afternoon. I have to admit that I was revved up, for I was talking on one of my favorite subjects, the big picture of our life and how it fits in with the big picture of all that God is doing throughout human history. It just so happens, as I think you now know, that we live in the end times, at the very end of this age, that time right before Christ’s return. It won’t be long before we will “see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” Luke 21:27

There were plenty of break times, a good lunch, but most of all there was great fellowship. I believe I can speak for everyone when I say that it was very encouraging talking to people we had just met, about the Lord and His soon return. One of my favorite times was the singing. I have to admit that we have an excellent music group, and we must have sung and / or heard close to 15 different songs during our conference, most of them related to prophecy. That was definitely a taste of heaven, being with one another and singing to the Lord!

Our Sunday speaker, Marv Rosenthal, and his wife Marbeth, drove in Saturday afternoon, and Marsha and I had the blessing of having a meal with them that evening. Marv and Marbeth truly love the Lord and His Word, and love our little church. What an encouraging time being with them, talking about family, the church, the state of the world, and prophecy.

It was another short night, and in the morning I took Alan to the airport – and fortunately the plane was on time. “Thank you Lord.” Then back home and Marsha and I head back to church. Again, there is good singing, and then the messages. Marv spoke with clarity and passion from 1 Thessalonians 4-5, two short, powerful chapters about the resurrection, the rapture, and the Day of the Lord, important lessons about what happens to believers and unbelievers at Christ’s coming. Then the final song of the conference – “Revelation 19.” (You have to hear this, and you can if you email me and ask for “Scripture Songs”, a double CD set.) Then the benediction from Jude 24-25, and finally, more fellowship, a lunch and many good byes. I thank God for a Christ exalting and edifying conference!

P.S. Messages will be online in the next week or so at Hope Bible Church at Sermon Audio.  The blog post for this Saturday is “How Then Should We Live in the End Times?” 

Christ’s Kingdom and the End Times

Greetings and God’s blessings to you!

I am grateful you are here and interested in reading about and studying what God says in His Word, the Bible, about the future return of His Son and our Lord, Savior and King Jesus Christ!  My first weekly post is schedule to be available on January 21, 2017 so I hope you come back to read it then.  Until then please enjoy looking at and reading some of the information that is already here.

For our Lord Jesus Christ,

Steven J. Hogan

Pastor of Hope Bible Church of Tampa

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