By Steven J. Hogan
~ A Saturday Morning Post #110 ~

You weren’t alive during the life of Noah, the life of Moses, the life of David, the life of Daniel, the life of Jesus, the life of Luther, the life of Edwards, or the life of Spurgeon. You weren’t born 5,000 years ago, 3,000 years ago, 2,000 years ago, 1,000 years ago, or even 100 years ago. What I’m saying is relevant to you, for realizing when you weren’t alive magnifies the fact that this is the time God wants you to be alive. I say this to point out the plain and simple truth that now, in the 21st century, is your time to live on this earth.
It’s not by chance that you are alive at this time in history, for God Himself planned out your life way ahead of time. Psalm 139:13-17 says, “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made… and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me.” Not only did God create you exactly the way He wanted, but He also planned out when you would live, and how long you would live (Acts 17:26). Ephesians 2:10 tells us, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” That God planned out your life long before this world was ever made should raise this question in your mind: “Why does God want me to be living on this earth at this time?” That God determined the details of your life way back in eternity past should not just intrigue you, but motivate you to want to know why you are alive at this time in history. As for myself, I can’t tell you how excited I am, for I know this is my time to be living on this earth so I can do what God wants me to do.
The era we live in is called the “present evil age” (Galatians 1:4), an age that began with the sin of Adam and Eve, and will end with the signs in the heavens and Christ’s 2nd coming. But now we’re living during the last part of this “present evil age,” what is called the church age, the time between Christ’s 1st and 2nd comings. More than that, we are now living during the end-times, the last part of this church age, the last years leading up to Christ’s return. It’s like the final minute of a basketball game or soccer match.
I hope you realize this present age is almost over, and that Christ is coming soon! But how do we know that we are living during the last years of this present age, and that Christ is coming soon? The main reason is because the Jewish people are back in their land. In 1880, there were about 25,000 Jews in Palestine, but since then, year after year, both sporadically and in waves, they have been gathering back to their homeland, returning by the power and will of God. At present, there are 6.6 million Jews living in what’s once again called Israel. God promised over 2,500 years ago that the Jewish people would return to their land, and now it is true, an amazing miracle, the strongest evidence that we are living in the end-times. Ezekiel 36-37, Daniel 12:9, Luke 21:24
Now that we are living in the end-times, God wants us to know what will be taking place. Remember what Jesus said about these years, “Behold, I have told you everything ahead of time” (Mark 13:23). What a blessing that Bible prophecy is no longer sealed and concealed (Daniel 12:4), and that we can understand it. Not only can we understand it, but more and more, we’ll be seeing it come to pass in the years ahead. I must say, I’m really driven to find out what God wants us to know about our future. And it’s all in His word: Matthew 24, Luke 21, 1 Thessalonians 4-5, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, Revelation
Where are we now? We know that Daniel’s 70th week, that prophecy-packed, 7-year time frame, hasn’t started yet (Daniel 9:24-27). Before it does, there will be a further aligning of nations, an increasing desire for globalism, growing antisemitism, a continued push for peace in the Mideast, birth pains (wars, famines, and earthquakes occurring around the world), and the development of super-sophisticated technology enabling the Antichrist to control the world. All these events are part of God’s plans, propelling us to the end of the age, the coming of Christ, the rapture of the church, the salvation of a remnant of Jews, and the establishment of His kingdom over this world.
At this time, March of 2019, you need to step back and see the big picture, that God has chosen you to be alive at this time in history, in the last years of this church age, an age that is soon coming to an end. Knowing this should motivate you to live all out for God, be informed about world events, use your gifts and talents to be working for Christ, and be joined with the church in carrying out God’s plans for planet earth. “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come… Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations… and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 24:14, 28:19-20
P.S. Here are two other past posts I would encourage you to read that will help you have the right perspective for your one life on this earth – God’s Time Frame For Your Life and Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?