
Category: End-times (Page 9 of 9)

Blog posts about the end times.

How Then Should We Live in the End Times?

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #12 ~

In the past two weeks we’ve looked at Matthew 24 and Revelation 6, and I’ve talked about “what” is going to occur in the years leading up to the coming of Christ and the rapture of the church. But now we need to answer the “how” question. Since all these things are going to take place before Christ’s return, then how should we live, and how should we prepare? I hear people give all kinds of answers to these questions, but what does God say?

In His Word, God instructs us how we are to live. And I want you to see that every single one of the following instructions is given in the context of Christ’s 2nd coming. Yes, we are to always have these godly qualities, but all the more so, as we live in the end times. Those living on the earth right before Christ’s return will need to up their game, for this will be their World Cup, their World Series, their Super Bowl, their Olympics. How then should we live in the end times?

HAVE FAITH“When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Luke 18:8. In the years leading up to the rapture, life will be very difficult, for there will be lawlessness, wars, famines and persecution, and we are to trust God, to believe His promises, to rely on Him.

FIX YOUR HOPE ON CHRIST“Fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Christ.” 1 Peter 1:13. When there is tribulation, you need hope – you need to think about being with Jesus, being in heaven, being with believers, and being in a new body.

LOVE ONE ANOTHER“The end of all things is near… above all keep fervent in your love for one another.” 1 Peter 4:8. Loving one another is one of the main ways you are to live for God in the end times. Be patient, kind, gentle, humble, compassionate, forgiving, forbearing and loyal.

BE HOLY“What sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God.” 2 Peter 3:11. This instruction is simple – don’t be fleshly or worldly. Put sin to death, be living a holy and obedient life, and all the while be looking for Christ.

BE SOBER“Let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober.” 1 Thessalonians 5:6. Don’t be sleeping – be spiritually awake and alert, untainted by fleshly desires and worldly temptations, setting your mind on Christ’s coming, and doing the work He wants you to do.

BE IN FELLOWSHIP“Not forsaking our own assembling together, …encouraging one another… as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25. As we get closer to Christ’s return, and as times get tougher and tougher, you will need other Christians, and others will need you.

BE PRAYING “The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer.” 1 Peter 4:7. The storm will rage before the Son appears in the sky, and you will need to pray, for faith, wisdom, courage, endurance, for one another, and for His Kingdom to come.

SERVE GOD“You turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God.” 1 Thessalonians 1:9. When life gets real hard, don’t go by how you think or feel, but keep serving God, trusting Him, obeying His commands, using your gifts, doing what He wants you to do.

PREACH THE GOSPEL – “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14, 28:19-20. Right up to the end of this age you are to be winning and building, proclaiming the gospel and making disciples.

WAIT FOR CHRIST – “Wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 1:10. As the days get darker, as there is persecution and even death, keep looking for the Light, keep waiting for Christ, “for the blessed hope.” Jesus will come!!!

PERSEVERE“Here is the perseverance and the faith of the saints.” Revelation 13:10. Here is another key: no matter how tough it gets, do not quit. You are to endure, to keep believing, to not grow weary, to stay the course, to keep going to the end of your life or to the end of the age.

DO NOT BE DECEIVED “Let no one in any way deceive you.” 2 Thessalonians 2:3. In the end times the devil will lie to you like never before. It is imperative that you not be deceived, but that you discern what is true and what is false, what is of God and what is of the devil.

DO NOT FEAR “Do not fear what you are about to suffer…Be faithful until death.” Revelation 2:10. Do not be afraid, do not worry, do not be anxious. If you die, then you will be with the Lord; and if you endure to the end of the age, then you will be with the Lord. Either way you win.

BE AN OVERCOMER“To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat of the tree of life.” Revelation 2:7. In the context of the end times, Christ continually instructs us to be overcomers, to be winners, to get victory over sin, fears, doubts, worldliness, our enemies, and yes, the Antichrist.

BE FIGHTING – “Take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day…” Ephesians 6:10-13. The most evil days will be the end times, for the spiritual battle will be most intense. Be strong in the Lord, put on the full armor of God, and be a good soldier for Christ.

Please, do not put these instructions in a drawer and then pull them out when times get tough. Now, not later, is the time for you to be learning them and practicing them, and then you will be ready for whatever comes. If you are a designated survivor, then know that God is training you for the great tribulation days, so that you endure, so that you overcome, so that you are a champion for Christ. Psalm 144:1-2. “In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:37-39


Matthew 24 – A Road Map of the End Times

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #10 ~

I know I am old school, but I love road maps. When I travel, I like to know where I am at and where I am going. I like to know what cities I will pass through before I get to my destination. A map gives me clear directions. It also gives me confidence about my journey, for when I pass through those cities, I can say, “I’m right on target.” With respect to prophecy, God has given us many road maps, but Matthew 24 is one of the best road maps there is for Christians living in the end times. The following is a succinct summary and analysis of this important chapter. (I encourage you to read Matthew 24:3-36 before you read this post.)

Matthew 24:3. The disciples knew Jesus was leaving, and so they ask Him to give them some signs that would let them know when He was coming back. Jesus answers their questions but He goes on to tell them, and now He’s telling us, many more things that will be taking place before His coming, and before the rapture and resurrection of the believers.

Matthew 24:4-8. We learn: 1) There will be “birth pains”, and these are false christs, wars, famines and earthquakes. 2) As times goes on, these “birth pains” will increase in frequency and intensity. 3) They don’t affect all the people in the world, for they occur in various places. 4) They are not God’s wrath but are events leading up to the end of the age. 5) They are only beginning birth pains, and the end of the age, Christ’s return and God’s wrath is still to come.

Matthew 24:9-14. We learn: 1) These events occur after the beginning birth pains. 2) Whereas the beginning birth pains affect all kinds of people, these events focus primarily on the Christians. 3) The Christians are being hated, persecuted and martyred all over the world. 4) The gospel is being preached to the end of this age, and many Christians endure to the end of the age and then they are saved, are raptured into heaven.

Matthew 24:15-27. We learn: 1) This focuses on the Jews. 2) The Antichrist desolates the Jewish temple in Jerusalem at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week. 3) He begins great tribulation against Jews in Jerusalem which then spreads to Jews and Christians all over the world. This tribulation is cut short by Christ at the end of this age. 4) These events take place in the same time frame as verses 9-14, which means God’s work with the Jews in the end times is in conjunction with and coinciding with His work with the church. 5) The final event listed is Christ’s coming, which corresponds with the end of the age that is spoken of in verses 3, 13 and 14.

Matthew 24:28. Many people are dying all over the world because of these events.

Matthew 24:29-31. We learn: 1) The sign of the end of the age is cosmic disturbances which occur after the tribulation, the persecution of the Christians. 2) The sign of Christ’s coming is the heavens being lit up by the Shekinah glory of Christ. 3) Verse 31 is a resurrection and rapture verse, for believers will be gathered together from the heavens (those who have died in the past), and from the earth (those who survive the tribulation). 4) God’s wrath will occur after these two signs and the rapture of the church on earth. Isaiah 13:9-10, Joel 2:31

Matthew 24:32-34, 36. No one knows the day and hour of Christ’s return, that is, the specific time of Christ’s coming. But Christians can know the general time, for the events given in this chapter are to inform and encourage us that Christ’s coming is getting closer and closer.

Matthew 24:35. This chapter is God’s Word, and the events discussed here will absolutely, unquestionably, undoubtedly and undeniably take place, and maybe in our lifetime.

In conclusion let me say: 1) It is 2017, and we are now in verses 4-8, in the beginning birth pains. 2) People will say all kinds of things about the end times in the years to come, and so don’t be naïve or deceived, but rather examine Matthew 24 so you can be discerning, so you can not only know what events are going to occur, but the order of these events. 3) Twenty different events listed in Matthew 24 need to happen before Christ’s coming and the rapture of the church. 4) As Christ’s coming gets closer, the believers living on earth will be seeing these events taking place. Therefore, encourage one another as you see the day of Christ drawing near. Hebrews 10:25

P.S. I’ve just added an important new article on trials, which I hope and trust will encourage you!

Christ is Coming Again and He’s Coming Soon

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #1 ~

“They will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory” (Luke 21:27). Jesus Christ is coming again! We know this is true because God has told us in the Bible, and He has told us over and over again. And God doesn’t lie. I am telling you, this is the truth, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Creator of the world, the Lord of all, the Savior of souls, the Judge of sinners, and the King of the world, will soon be returning to this planet.

About 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ came to this earth for the first time. He lived a perfect life and died a perfect death, to pay for all the sins of all the people who would ever repent of their sins and believe in Him. Not believing in Christ for salvation means you will forever be apart from God and His glory, and be rightly punished for your sins. But by believing in Christ, you are immediately forgiven of all your sins and immediately receive eternal life – this is very good news and, without a doubt, the best news in all of life, and in all the world. John 5:24, Revelation 20:11-15

At this time in history, we are nearing the end of this present church age, which means Jesus Christ will be returning soon. When He comes back, He will first take the Christians who are on earth up to heaven. Second, He will judge the unbelieving world. Third, He will save a great number of Jewish people. Fourth, He will begin His reign on earth. This is, without question, definitely going to happen. And everything, and I mean everything, is going to change – in your life, in your family, in your church, in this country, and in this world. Jesus Christ will be completely in charge and, ruling perfectly, He will finally bring true justice and peace to this world. Psalm 67, Habakkuk 2:14

You might wonder how we know Christ is coming back soon? Because we live in what the Bible calls the end-times (Daniel 12:4, 9). The Jews have been gathering back to Palestine, to Israel, since the late 1800’s, and this is God’s sign to us that we are in the end-times. God’s plans for the end of this age are now being carried out, and He Himself is directing the people and events of the world, leading up to that time when His Son will return to this earth to fulfill His glorious purposes. Ephesians 1:9-11

But I need to tell you something else – life on earth is going to get extremely difficult before Christ returns, for we will be experiencing “birth pains” – wars, famines, plagues and earthquakes (Matthew 24:3-8). These things are taking place now, but like the labor pains of an expectant mother, they will get harder and harder. God wants you to know ahead of time what will be taking place so you can be ready, so you can know how to live during the last years of this age, and so you can tell others. “Be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.” Mark 13:23

For close to 27 years now I have been studying the subject of Christ’s return. I cannot tell you how thankful I am that God has been teaching me these important and timely truths, and I pray that He will touch your heart and teach you these things. The Lord has a lot to say on this subject and, Lord willing, week by week, I will be sharing His prophetic truth, connecting the truth of His Word with events taking place in the world. My prayer is that you will be learning from the Lord, loving the Lord, living for Him, and be looking for His soon return. Never forget Jesus’ last words to us: “Behold, I am coming soon.” Revelation 22:7, 12, 22

P.S. Check out the tabs – the glossary with all its terms, the articles that expand on this subject, and the many charts that will help you see the big picture, how it all fits together, and where it’s all going.

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