
Category: God and You (Page 2 of 3)

Blog posts about God and you.

God is Faithful

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Special Post ~

Indeed, God is good, faithful, and full of truth. I am very thankful for God helping me these past three years to make this blog site available to you. I am also thankful for the many people who have had the opportunity to view the posts and articles. In fact, just two weeks ago there were English and Spanish readers from 68 countries and territories!

If you have recently started looking at this blog site, I want to encourage you to take the time to read all the blog posts. I suggest starting with the first ones, for they contain a great deal of basic, foundational truths about Christ’s coming and related events. I also recommend reading the Prophecy Terms and studying the charts.

If you are a regular reader, you may have noticed that the subjects don’t always follow the same theme from week to week. One reason I do this is so that you learn where to place specific subjects / posts in the big scheme of things. There are posts about Jesus Christ and His 1st coming. There are posts about the Jews, and about the Christians. There are posts about what occurs before Christ’s 2nd coming, what happens at His 2nd coming, what occurs right after His 2nd coming, and what will be taking place in the kingdom ages to come. In all this, God wants you to know when, in light of the big picture, prophetic events occur, whether it’s in the past, present, near future, or far future.

My plan in the coming year, as God wills, is to continue to write blog posts, with an emphasis on specific prophecy passages. I want to share from Luke 17, Romans 8, Romans 11, Romans 15, Revelation 4-5, Revelation 13, Psalm 2, Psalm 22, Daniel 7 and others. If you have other suggestions, whether it be topics or Bible passages, just email me and let me know.

Do tell your family, friends and fellow church members about the blog site. I do have blog promo cards that I can send you that you can then give to others. If you want any, just email me your address, and I will get them to you as soon as I can.

May the Lord continue to encourage you, use you, and teach you about this important subject. Think about what Jesus told His disciples, which is applicable to us: “He said to them, ‘These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled.’ Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures” (Luke 24:44-45). Might we pray, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wonderful things from Your law.” Psalm 119:18

P.S. As you may know, I am a pastor, and have been regularly teaching from the Bible for over 25 years. If you are interested in listening to any of my Sunday messages, I would direct you to my Sermon Audio home page, where you can listen to the messages, and download my detailed sermon outlines. May God bless you in your learning, believing and applying His word to your life.

God is in Charge of Your Life

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #142 ~

From Iowa to Arizona to Nevada to Iowa to Maryland to Florida – geographically speaking, this sums up my life for the past 66 years. Much has happened through all that time – growing up in a family of 8, my father dying when I was 7, going to Catholic schools for 13 years, becoming a Christian in college, serving in the church, finding an excellent wife, helping raise 4 children, teaching God’s word, and having many good friends. There have been personal struggles, spiritual battles, many victories, untold blessings, and with that, God-given patience, perseverance, grace and mercy. In all this, the foundational factor and force has been my relationship with God, and consistently experiencing His unconditional love. Without God, I wouldn’t have made it, which leads to the main point of this blogpost, God’s sovereignty in my life.

That God is sovereign is an absolute truth, but to see it be true in my own life has been miraculous and encouraging. Since I am older, I have the advantage of being able to look back over all the years, and see a great many examples of His divine working in my life. In many ways, situations and relationships, God has been purposely and strategically sovereign – when I was born, where I lived, what people I was with, being born again, and so much more. Knowing that God has been lovingly, wisely, and faithfully sovereign, has been extremely humbling and comforting. Now more than ever, it’s obvious to me that God is God, and I am but a man, and that all the credit goes to Him for all the good and wonderful things that have happened in my life.   

That God is sovereign has come to mean many things to me:
* God is in charge of my life, and I am glad that I am not. Daniel 4:35
* I am still responsible for my actions, which means my sin is all my fault. Yet, God has been working it all out for my growth, my good, and for His glory. Ephesians 1:9-14
* I can’t do whatever I want, for God is my Lord and He is in charge. James 4:13-15
* There have been no accidents in my life, even when I broke my arm. Lamentations 3:38
* God is working in me and through me so as to fulfill His purposes. Acts 13:22, 36
* That God has work for me to do motivates me to pray and look for His leading, confident that He will show me what He wants me to do. Ephesians 2:10
* I am not going to sit still and watch God do the work. I will make plans every day, knowing that He can change them, and then redirect my steps. Proverbs 16:9
* Sometimes, life is confusing to me, but not to God, for being sovereign means He knows exactly what He is doing, and why He is doing it. Proverbs 20:24
* My life is a puzzle piece. All the people in the world make up the puzzle pieces, and God is purposefully and wisely fitting us together in just the way that He wants. As a puzzle piece, my life is closely connected, interlocking with a few other puzzle pieces, a few other people. This puzzle will be fully put together and finished when Jesus Christ returns to rapture the church. Only then will we be able to see the big picture, what our holy God has been doing throughout HisStory. “The whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord.” Ephesians 2:19-22

Here’s one way I refresh myself with the truth of God’s sovereignty: about every month, I take 20-30 minutes to mentally and spiritually review my life, going over all the decades from the 1950’s to the present. As I think about some of the big things God has done for me, I get very encouraged and thankful, and am even more fired up to live for Him. I strongly recommend that you do the same, that you regularly take the time to look back over your years, or even your past week or month. “I will meditate on all your work and muse on all your deeds. Your way, O God, is holy” (Psalm 77:11-13). When you see God’s work in your life, then you will see God’s ways (sovereignty and holiness) in your life (Psalm 103:7). The truth of God’s sovereignty needs to be real to you, embedded in your heart. I cannot stress enough how necessary it is for you to know and believe that God is sovereign in your life, especially at this time in history.

That the Jews are back in their land means we’re getting close to the end of this age and the coming of Christ. But Christ can only come back if God continues to be completely sovereign over everyone and everything in this world. And yes, God is faithfully putting every puzzle piece in its proper place. He is personally working in all the people, cities and countries in this world. He will be sovereign over all the wars, famines, diseases, earthquakes, and the coming Antichrist, too. At times, you may think this world is off course, but from God’s point of view and by His providence, it is racing in a straight line to the finish line, to the return of Christ and the rapture of the church. Matthew 24:4-32

I get excited knowing that my time to live is in these end-times, and I hope you feel the same. God has important work for you to do, work that is directly related to what He needs to accomplish in the years leading up to Christ’s coming. I encourage you to read God’s word, be praying, and be doing your part, remembering that God is sovereignly working all things together for your good and for His glory (Romans 8:28-30). I pray that you continue to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:12-13

P.S. I have a new article, and it is about this subject, The Sovereignty of God. There are a great number of verses listed, ones that I believe will be very helpful to you in learning more about this most important topic.

Don’t Worry – God’s in Control

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #141 ~

You look out at the world and, at times, it seems like a big mess. You may wonder what is going on, and what God is up to. But do not wonder or worry or fear, for our God is in complete control. He is sovereign over every person, every activity, every accident, every calamity, every fish, bird, animal and plant, every speck of dust, every drop of water, and every single atom in the entire universe. That’s the way it has been, and that’s the way it will always be. We see God’s sovereignty from Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses to David to Esther to Mary to Jesus to Peter to Paul, during this church age, now at this present hour, and to the end of this age, and in the ages to come. Without question, God is sovereign over everyone, everything, and every event.

Here are some examples from the Bible: God is sovereign over the earth (Psalm 93:1-2), over the nations (Psalm 33:10-11), over rulers (Isaiah 40:23), over childbirth (Genesis 18:14), over animals (Isaiah 34:11-17), over the weather (Psalm 135:6), over prosperity and disaster (Isaiah 45:7), over war (Psalm 46:9-10), over sin (2 Samuel 24:1, 1 Chronicles 21:1), over Israel (Deuteronomy 7:6-7), over Joseph (Genesis 50:19-20), over Cyrus (Isaiah 45:1-13), over Jonah (Jonah 1:4, 4:6-7), over Christ’s birth (Matthew 1:1-25), over Christ’s death (Acts 2:23, 4:27-28), over Paul (Acts 9:15), over angels and people (Daniel 4:34-35), over His word (Isaiah 55:11), over judgment (Isaiah 14:24-27), over evangelism (Acts 18:9-10), over a person’s salvation (Acts 13:48, Ephesians 1:4), over your time and place of birth (Acts 17:26), over the length of your life (Psalm 139:16), over your plans, (Proverbs 16:9, 20:24), over your job (James 4:13-15), over your spiritual growth (Philippians 1:6, 2:12-13), over your spiritual work (Ephesians 2:10), and over physical death (Acts 12:21-23, 13:36). This is amazing, and impossible for the human mind to comprehend how God can be sovereign over all these things, and much more besides.    

The fact that God is sovereign means He is God, and that He reigns, He rules, He plans, He decrees, He chooses, He ordains, He predicts, He predestines, He commands, He leads, He initiates, He decides, He directs, He controls, He governs, He works, He acts, He manages, He guides, He constrains, and He restrains. Amen!

God’s sovereignty is personal for it affects every aspect, every day of our lives. Not only that, it’s one of the most heart-changing, peace-giving, joy-producing, and God-glorifying truths there is. I think I’d go crazy if I knew I had to be in control, that life was completely up to me, but thankfully I am not. “The Lord reigns, let the earth rejoice.” Psalm 97:1

In all this, I’m not saying we are not responsible for our actions, that we are to sit around and watch God do all the work. Philippians 2:12-13 tells us, “Work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who is at work in you to will and to work for your good pleasure.” Yes, we are to work, but God is also working, and how His sovereignty influences our desires and efforts is truly a mystery way beyond us. We cannot figure out how God works in our lives, our families, our churches, in countries, and all over the world, but He does, and He is doing it all the time.

Now that we live in the end-times, we must realize that this world is not sitting still, but that it’s on a God-given course, traveling towards a God-planned destination. Every single day there is God-inspired direction, activity, and movement, all leading to that one point in time when Christ will appear in the clouds above us, take us to heaven, and then take over the world. Every single day is part of God’s predetermined plan to bring about the return of His Son, and not one single second, not one single minute is wasted, for it is all part of His eternal, end-time plans.

Always remember that God is sovereignly working. You need to know that –
* God’s work is global in scope, involving every person in the world, saved and unsaved.
* You are part of God’s work, and your work is a small but important part of His work.
* God’s work is described in the Bible, and specifically, that Jesus Christ is building His church. And in these end times, it directly relates to Christ’s return to rapture the church.
* The devil has a great and evil influence in the world, but God is still sovereign over him.

Don’t get discouraged by the devil’s work, for no devil or demon will ever hinder or thwart God’s work, for what He has planned to do will surely come to pass. Always be encouraged for God is faithfully working out all the details, leading this particular world to that time when it will reach its final destination. Each day brings us one day closer to that divinely-ordained time when Christ will come to take us home to heaven. How glorious that will be, to be perfect, to forever be with Christ, and to be with loved ones, as well as with other believers from all time, and from all over the world.

I pray that you know that God is purposely and wonderfully sovereign, “that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28), and that “He made known to us the mystery of His will… with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth. In Him also we have obtained an inheritance having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will.” Ephesians 1:9-11

P.S. This subject of God’s sovereignty is so important for you to understand, which is why this is not the first time I have written on this subject. To really get this truth in your heart, I would encourage you to read the first one I wrote – God Is In Charge of Everything.

I Can See the Future

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Special Post ~

“But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end time” (Daniel 12:4,9). Seeing that the Jewish people are back in their land is God’s clear signal to us that His end-time plans are being carried out. Therefore, I believe these prophetic words of Daniel, as well as all end-time prophecies, are no longer sealed and concealed. This means Christians are to study them, and can now understand them, and now need to understand them. What a privilege and blessing to be alive at this moment in history!

I am taking a break from writing a post this week, but plan to start again next week with one that is entitled, “God Is In Charge of Everything.” In the meantime, here are a few thoughts I want to pass on to you:

1. I will continue to write weekly posts on prophecy related subjects, but am planning to focus more on specific passages and chapters, such as Daniel 7, Daniel 9:24-27, Daniel 12, Mark 13, Luke 17:22-37, Luke 21:7-36, Acts 3:17-21, Romans 11, Romans 15:4-13, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, 2 Thessalonians 1:3-10, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, Revelation 2-3, Revelation 11, Revelation 13, Revelation 17, Revelation 18.

2. Zion’s Hope has one of the best prophecy websites in the world, with many good articles to read, and instructive videos to watch. I really encourage you to check it out – www.ZionsHope.org

3. Many people put off learning about the end-times and the coming of Christ, thinking that not much is happening now, and so why study the subject. But don’t procrastinate, and think you will learn later, for now is the time, in the calm before the storm, to learn what God wants you to know about the future He has for us and for the entire world.

4. You can download the English posts. I would suggest that you put them in a file so you can easily retrieve them, and then print them out, for yourself and others. You never know when sites like this will be shut down by the authorities.

5. Remember to tell others about Christ’s first coming, His coming as Savior, and about Christ’s second coming, His coming as Judge and King. Here is God’s instruction to you, along with a promise from Him: “Those who have insight among the people will give understanding to the many… Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” Daniel 11:33, 12:3

For our wonderful Lord, loving Savior and glorious King – Steven Hogan. Jude 24-25

Your Entire Christian Life ~ Colossians 3:3-4

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #104 ~

Do you see the entirety of your Christian life? Do you see where you have come from, where you are now, and where you are going? Do you see the big picture perspective of your Christian existence? Two key Bible verses that help answer these questions are Colossians 3:3-4, for they succinctly state God’s plans for your life. What do they tell you?

“For you have died …” (justified).This is the past, for it speaks of that point in time when God saved your soul, when you were justified and forgiven of all your sins. It goes with Colossians 3:1: “You have been raised up with Christ.” Romans 6:3-4 also speaks of this, for it tells us, “All of us have been baptized into His death… so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” Galatians 2:20 says it this way, “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” This is life-changing truth, for your old self was put to death, and you were given the Holy Spirit and a new heart. When you were born again, you died with Christ and were raised with Christ, so you can now live for Him. This leads to the next phrase:

“… and your life is hidden with Christ in God …” (sanctified). This is the present, for it describes your Christian life on this earth. God has graciously given you a holy and divine life, and an inner power that no one can see. You may look the same on the outside, but you are brand new on the inside. You are spiritually and intimately united with Christ, and can experience His unconditional and heart-motivating love. You are able to live for Christ. You can say “no” to sin, and “yes” to righteousness. You can love, serve, rejoice and worship like never before. You are able to carry out God’s special plans for your life, doing what builds and blesses others, and brings Him eternal glory. Then what?

“… When Christ, who is our life, shall appear …” (glorified). This is the future, for it speaks of when Christ appears in the clouds, and raptures Christians from the earth. Paul encourages you to be “looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus” (Titus 2:13). He says this because he wants you to be excited about that future time when you will literally be with Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior. Then your salvation will be complete, for you will be given a brand new body. There will be no more sin and sadness, fears and worries, and aches and pains, just a perfect, powerful, immortal and glorified body. (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). There is more –

“… then you also will appear with Him in glory.” This too is the future, for it describes what will take place after the appearing of Christ and the rapture of the church. It says you will actually appear with Christ. You will spend time in fellowship with Him. You will no longer be hidden, for you will be seen with Christ, and the whole world will know you are His beautiful bride and beloved servant. In the age to come, you will be reigning with Jesus, and have authority over the nations (Revelation 3:26, 5:10). Can you imagine this? This is extremely encouraging news, and this is your future. Finally, it says, “in glory,” for you will be glorified, but more than that, “the whole earth is full of His glory,” and you will be saying, “Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts.” Isaiah 6:3

This is your life, simply summed up in two verses. As they describe your past, present and future, think about what they mean for your life. Might you know that God is completely in charge, and that He is moving you along, in life and in this world, from this day to the next day, from this age to the next age, and for all eternity. Might this hope you have of the future motivate you to serve the Lord today. Might you see that you are a vital part of God’s eternal plans, a key player in His grand and glorious purposes, and that He is perfectly working with you and all the Christians in the world, “with a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth.” Ephesians 1:10

God gives you Colossians 3:3-4 and similar verses so you have hope. (Psalm 23:6, Romans 8:30, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Philippians 1:6). Without hope, you will be discouraged by difficulties, and get bogged down in the day-to-day details of life. You need to be confident that God is continuing to work in and through your life, for your present and future good, and for His eternal glory. “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27

What does God want you to know from Colossians 3:1-4? He wants you to know that:
* As a Christian, you are with Jesus Christ, now and forever.
* He has planned out your entire Christian life, from being born again through all eternity.
* Jesus Christ is your life, joy, peace, strength, purpose and hope.
* You are to keep seeking Christ and the things above; you are not to be worldly, but are to be holy and heavenly minded.
* Jesus Christ, now seated at the right hand of God, will soon appear above the earth, rapturing the Christians from this earth, and taking them to be with Him and with all the believers.

P.S. This particular subject is one of my favorites, and I believe, a very important one. It’s imperative to have God’s eternal perspective of our lives if we are to live rightly and wholeheartedly for Him. I encourage you to read two other posts that relate directly to this one: God’s Time Frame for Your Life and An Overview of Your Christian Life.

The King in Your Heart, and His Kingdom on Earth

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #92 ~

What’s most important to you, the right king to rule over your country, or the real King to rule in your heart? Both questions are valid, and both are answered in the Bible. But what is first, and foundational, is being right in your heart with God. For many people, their religion is outward, visible, and temporal, and oftentimes, is governmental and political. But real religion, being forgiven of your sins, possessing eternal life, and knowing Jesus as your Savior and King, needs to start in your heart. Romans 10:9-13

Back in the Old Testament days, most Jews knew the prophesies about the coming King and His kingdom. (2 Samuel 7:12-16, Psalm 47, Isaiah 9:6-7, Ezekiel 37:21-22; Micah 5:2-4, etc.). Year after year they went to the synagogue and heard about this Messiah, this coming King. What most Jews really wanted was for this King to rule over their country, defeat their enemies, and bring peace to their land. But they were looking at things outwardly and physically, and not inwardly and spiritually.

Then, in the fullness of time, the angel Gabriel came to Mary and told her that she’d be the mother of this Messiah, this Jesus. She learned that her son “will be called the Son of the Most High… and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end” (Luke 1:32-33). Mary, being a righteous Jew, knew that God, spiritually speaking, was her Savior (Luke 1:46-47). But she also understood Gabriel’s message, that her son would physically reign as the King over Israel and the entire world.

Thirty years later, John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah, was proclaiming, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Not long after that, Jesus, the Messiah, came preaching, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15). The kingdom was at hand, for the King was at hand. Right away, Jesus showed that He was more than just a man, for He was healing people, casting out demons, raising the dead, and feeding the multitudes. Not only that, but He was the best teacher they had ever heard. But many Jews weren’t satisfied with Jesus, for they really wanted Him to conquer the Romans, and establish Himself as their King. They rightly believed that God would keep His promise about the Messiah being the King, but they were missing a foundational and prerequisite truth.

The Jews didn’t see their sin and their need for a Savior. They didn’t understand and believe in the gospel. They didn’t understand Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53, which vividly describes Jesus’ death, physically and spiritually speaking. They didn’t realize that the only way to be forgiven and be made right with God, was for Jesus to die on the cross to pay for their sins. They didn’t realize the need to be saved, of Jesus, the Savior, dying for them, and Jesus, the Lord, living in their hearts.  They wanted a King to rule over them, not a King to rule in them.

For three years, Jesus perfectly carried out the work of His Father, people were being forgiven, and lives were being changed. But in spite of all that Jesus was doing, most Jews still rejected Him as their Savior, and therefore rejected Him as their King. John 1:8 sums up this sad reality, “Jesus came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.” But God was sovereign, for the Jews’ rejection of Jesus resulted in Christ’s death and resurrection, in His payment for peoples’ sins, and in a person’s salvation, that is, for all those who would repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ as their Savior.

When the Jews rejected Christ, God had to reject them, at least for a while. He repeatedly warned them that they’d be judged. (Luke 19:41-44, Luke 21:20-24, Luke 23:27-31). He told them that the Jews would “fall by the edge of the sword, and… be led captive into all the nations” which took place in the 1st century (Luke 21:24). Yet God would keep His Word, His Old Testament promises to the Jews; and in fact, Jesus went on to say that the Jews would “be led captive into all the nations… until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” Many other times, Jesus reminded the Jews that God’s promise about a future and physical kingdom would be fulfilled. (Luke 13:34-35, Luke 22:28-30, Acts 1:6-7). Then in Luke 21:28, Jesus tells us, “your redemption is drawing near,” a promise to the church about being raptured at His return. In Luke 21:31, Jesus goes on to say, “the kingdom of God is near,” which is His promise to both the Jews and the church about His coming visible kingdom, which would begin shortly after the rapture. This will be Christ’s 1000-year kingdom, that time when believing Jews and Gentiles will together reign with Him over this world. Luke 22:28-30

Now we are living in the last years of this church age, and these promises from Jesus will soon be fulfilled. I hope you see that the King is coming, and that “the kingdom of God is near.” What should you do? How are you to live? 1) You are to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness” (Matthew 6:33). 2) You are to proclaim the “gospel of the kingdom… and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). 3) You are to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10

P.S. If you have regularly been reading these posts, you can see that we are on a “kingdom” theme. It is important for you to see the big picture, that you are a member of God’s kingdom, that you are royalty, and that God will continue to build His kingdom, this age, and then in the next age. For the next two weeks, we will continue on this relevant subject.

Journeying to the End to Be With Jesus

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #71 ~

As a Christian, you are journeying to the end of your physical life, when you will leave this earth and take off for heaven, or to the end of this age, when you will be raptured, and escorted to heaven by Jesus Christ. That the Jews are once again established in their land, tells us that we live in the end-times which means, that whether you die or are raptured, it won’t be long before you are glorified, and in heaven with Jesus.

I am motivated to write these posts because we live in the end-times, and because God has told us many things about these prophecy-filled years. If I lived 500 years ago, or even 150 years ago, I wouldn’t be that interested in studying prophecy and writing about it, like I do now. Why try to educate and encourage Christians, if Jews are still scattered all over the world? But 6.5 million Jews are presently living in Israel. Not only that, but over a thousand verses have been written about what will be taking place in the years leading up the rapture of the church, the wrath of God, the salvation of the Jews, and Christ’s reign on earth. And since these prophecy passages are no longer sealed and concealed, we can study and understand what God wants us to know. Daniel 12:4

Here you are, at this time in history, a follower of Jesus, a child of God, and a key part of His present and future plans; you should be excited and encouraged, working and waiting, loving God and looking for His Son’s soon return. But notice Proverbs 16:9, “Man plans his way, and the Lord directs his steps.” God wants you to plan your way, and work, carrying out your role in this end-times’ drama. But in a way that is mysterious to us, He is personally and purposely directing all the steps and details of your life. He loves you, and is wisely and strategically using you and every Christian in this world. Your life is not standing still. You are on a journey, and each day is important. You and everyone else are divinely destined, a part of God’s precise and perfect plans to help finish His work in this age, leading to that time when all believers will be in heaven with Jesus.

Do you see where you are, and where you are going? Do you see your life in light of the big picture? Do you see the birth pains taking place, that the U.S. is in decline, nations are being realigned, and that we are moving towards globalism? Can you see the anti-Semitism, the escalating sin, and that Christians are increasingly being hated? Can you see the incredible changes in technology, which make it easier to proclaim the gospel to people all over this planet, but will also make it possible for the Antichrist to force people to take his mark and worship him, and thereby, rule the world?

It’s 2018, and we are in the stage called the “beginning of birth pains” (Matthew 24:8), and therefore, still many years away from the rapture. But as we journey on for Jesus, we will run right into Daniel’s 70th week, which is the most important and intense seven-year period in all of human history. At the beginning of this time, the desperate and deceived Jews will sign a peace treaty with the soon-to-be Antichrist, but this will be a deal with the devil. It will soon, and soberly so, be obvious that the 70th week has begun. That’s because, along with this treaty, a Jewish temple will be built, there will be more wars, earthquakes and famines, as well as a need and a growing desire for a strong leader to rise up and solve the world’s increasingly complex problems. Revelation 13

Then comes one of the main events, when this Jewish temple is desolated, disgustingly laid waste by the Antichrist, and this devilish man will be revealed for who he really is. He will force people to worship his image, or else he will have them hunted down and killed. Believers will be betrayed, persecuted, and many will bravely die for Christ. “They will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name” (Matthew 24:9). But the Christians who aren’t martyred will know this is their time to serve the Lord Jesus. They will also have hope, for they know Christ’s return and the rapture is but one, two, or at the most, three years away. They will be looking and waiting for Him to appear in the sky, and rescue them from a most wicked world.

But back to the present, to 2018. God is laying the groundwork, setting the stage for Christ’s coming, and you and I need to get ready. I think of soldiers training for war, preparing for that time when they will be deployed, when they will be sent out to face the enemy. Yes, we are fighting the enemy now, but this end-times’ conflict with the devil’s forces will be the biggest battle we will ever encounter. “Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.” (Ephesians 6:13). We need to know what’s coming. “Let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:6). We are to be watchmen, and we must instruct and warn others as we see God’s plan unfold before our eyes (Ezekiel 3:17, Daniel 11:33, Matthew 24:33). But for now, we journey on, knowing that our earthly pilgrimage will soon and gloriously come to an end, when we will finally and forever be with Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Hallelujah!

P.S. As you know, I am a pastor who teaches every Sunday morning. But this year, unlike the past 18, I am not teaching through a book of the Bible. I have been led by the Lord to teach on what I believe are single topics that are critically important and strategic for Christians. If you have time, I would encourage you to go to our Sermon Audio page, and ask the Lord to lead you as to what might be most needful and helpful for your life. Some of my recent messages have been on perseverance, fear, discouragement, walking with God, and good communication.

Your Journey to the End – A Straight Road to Glory

By Steven  J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #54 ~

Do you ever feel like you’re stuck, like there’s no forward progress, no success, like you’re just going along, but not really getting any place? Well, if you’re a Christian, that is just not true. God is always working and carrying out His purpose in you, moving you along to that time when you will be gone from this earth, and in heaven, with Jesus and all the saints. I am so thankful for God’s wonderful work in our lives, and that He’s using us for His purposes in the world. Remember what Jesus said, “My Father is always at His work to this very day, and I too am working.” John 5:17

The Lord God Almighty is purposely and sovereignly working, overseeing, directing, leading, guiding, intervening, and having His way in our lives, and in the world around us. We are on a journey, individually and collectively. But it’s not like we’re physically going someplace, for this is a journey of time, with every day bringing us one day closer to Christ’s return. It’s a journey where Christ is building the church, and taking her to the end of this age. It’s a journey where God is working in kings and countries, and bringing us to that time when we will see the return of the King. It’s a journey where God is working with us until our time on earth is up, and then He’ll take us home to heaven. It’s a journey where God-prophesied events are coming to pass, and soon there will be the rapture of the church. It’s also a journey where evil is getting worse and worse in this world, leading to that dreadful Day of the Lord. “I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, you may also be.” John 14:3

We are not sitting still, and this world is not sitting still. We are not going backwards, we are not zigzagging along, and we are not going in circles. From God’s perspective, we are all moving ahead in a straight line, and there’s no wasted effort, no wasted day, no deviation from His preordained plans. Since God is completely in charge, then all His plans for you, the church and the world, are being perfectly carried out. God knows His “end game”, and knows exactly what He’s doing, what people need to do, and how and when to make things happen. There are only so many days left between now and the day of Christ, but be assured that God will get all His work done, and will bring this church age to a glorious end. “I am God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, ‘My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good pleasure… Truly I have spoken; truly I will bring it to pass.’” Isaiah 46:9-10

But where are we in our journey to the end of this age? Since the Jews are back in Israel, we know we’re in the end times, that last set of years leading up to the return of Christ, the rapture of the church and the Day of the Lord. To be specific, we are now living in a time characterized by “the beginning of birth pains” (Matthew 24:8), when wars, earthquakes, famines, and plagues are increasing in both frequency and intensity. But there’s more than just “birth pains.” There will also be false teachers, the aligning of nations, the downfall of the US, the Jewish peace treaty, increasing globalism, the preaching of the gospel, world-wide apostasy, that wicked Antichrist, an unloving world, and growing lawlessness. And there’s one more thing, great tribulation, which we will be looking at in the upcoming weeks.

Here’s a big picture verse that shows you how God is working and where things are headed: “With a view to an administration suitable to the fullness of the times, that is, the summing up of all things in Christ, things in the heavens and things on the earth. In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will” (Ephesians 1:10-11). What is this saying to us?
– God has predestined future events, which will definitely come to pass.
– God has an incredible, unbelievable and wonderful inheritance for you and me.
– God is working all things in accordance with His will, His purposes. “All things” means every person, family, town, city, country, leader, government, church, pastor, school, job, business, angel and demon in this world. God has specific plans to bring about His purposes, and these plans will be perfectly and precisely carried out, and no act of man or of the devil, will slow down or stop this great work of God. “God does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back His hand.” Daniel 4:34-35
– Jesus Christ will soon be the King, reigning over us and the entire world. “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise.” Revelation 5:12

P.S.  As you know, there have been lots of charts connected to the blog posts, and today I want you to know there are five new ones – “in kings”, “home to heaven”, “zigzagging”, “end times”, and “big picture”. I encourage you to check out the charts, for they complement the posts, and help you to more effectively understand what is written. I would also suggest that you read the articles: “Charting the Future with Prophecy Charts” and “Charting God’s Miraculous Working with the Jews”.

God Will Keep You Strong to the End

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #47 ~

Have you ever wondered if you are going to make it to the end? And when I say “make it”, I mean, continuing on, staying the course, persevering, serving the Lord to the very end, whether that means to the end of your life, or to the end of this age. I will admit that sometimes I wonder. As you know, the Christian life can be extremely difficult, for there are spiritual battles and Satanic attacks, and times when you are discouraged, overwhelmed, physically exhausted, or just weary of the fight.

In the past two months we have been looking at what will be taking place before the coming of Christ – the birth pains, increasing lawlessness, the downfall of the United States, apostasy and betrayal, that evil Antichrist, etc. Then you add this to the above mentioned everyday struggles, and you realize it’s a rough road leading up to the rapture of the church. But isn’t this what God has planned for the church, and for you, too? And if this is what God wants, then surely He will give you all the grace you need. Never forget that God is your heavenly Father, you are His cherished child, and He loves you much, much more than you can ever imagine. Surely He will keep you, strengthening and sustaining you, helping and holding you, and if need be, carrying you across the finish line. Your heavenly Father will never leave you, but will be with you always, and make sure you are safe and sound, all the way from earth to heaven.

Let me share some promises to assure you of your great and glorious victory:
– Philippians 1:6 – “I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you, will perfect it until the day of Christ.” Do you see this, and do you believe this, that God began His good work in you, and will make sure He completes it on the day of Christ, at the return of Christ and the rapture of the church?
– 1 Corinthians 1:8 – “He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Never forget that God will keep you strong, keeping you going to the end of your life or to the end of this age, whatever He has planned for you.
– 2 Timothy 4:18 – “The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly Kingdom.” Here’s this great promise of protection, that God will rescue you from all the human and devilish evils of life, and then bring you safely to heaven.
– Jude 24-25 – “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority…” Here is a heart-assuring promise, that God will keep you from stumbling, and will literally and supernaturally bring you from earth to heaven and into the very presence of God.
– Romans 8:30 – “And those whom He predestined, He also called; and those whom He called, He also justified; and those whom He justified, He also glorified.” This “Golden Chain”, as some call it, from predestined, to called, to justified, to glorified, cannot be broken. What God planned for your life in eternity past, that you be glorified, will finally be fulfilled at the coming of Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 5:24

How does this happen? What are the means by which God will make sure you keep persevering as a Christian, then are taken off this evil earth, and into the wonderful presence of Jesus? Yes, it is by these promises. But it is also by God’s grace, by the teaching of God’s Word, by Christ interceding for you, by the Spirit working in you, by the church helping you, by Christians encouraging you, and by angels ministering to you. Matthew 24:13

But you also need to look to Jesus. “Consider Him who endured such hostility by sinners against Himself so you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:3). Remember Jesus and all that He went through just for you, which shows you how much He loves you. Remember that He died for you, was raised again for you, now lives for you, and prays for you – He loves you so, so much. I think of Moses and how “He endured as seeing Him who is unseen” (Hebrews 11:27). There’s no doubt that God will enable you to endure all the way to the end, and then, “We shall always be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:17

As you can tell, I am not going to sugarcoat your future on earth. Yes, it is going to get very hard. As Paul said, “Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of heaven” (Acts 14:22).  At this time there is tribulation, and in the coming years, there will be great tribulation (Matthew 24:21-22). But isn’t this our time to live for the Lord, and do the work He has called us to do? What an honor and privilege to be picked by Him to be part of the end times’ team that’s ushering in the return of Christ. Remember these promises, and fix your eyes on Jesus, being convinced of His love for you and that He is with you all the way to heaven. “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation or distress, or persecution, or nakedness, or peril, or sword… But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:35-37

P.S.  An encouraging article that you will want to read, which is related to today’s post, is You Have to Have Hope!

The Alarm is Ringing! Wake Up America! The Storm is Coming!

By Steven J. Hogan

~ A Saturday Morning Post #33 ~

My son lives in Houston, and so for the past week, I was closely following Harvey, this slow motion tragedy, this epic catastrophe, this 1000 year flood event. Watching what’s been taking place has been surreal, unbelievable, the continued rain resulting in massive flooding, untold heartache, uprooted lives, unspeakable and unimaginable devastation, and also death. What are we to think? What are we to do? This is a time to be like the good Samaritan and love your neighbor. This is a time for compassion and kindness, a time to serve if you are able, a time to give financially to reputable charity organizations. But most importantly, this is a time to pray and ask God to pour out His grace and mercy upon the millions who are so needy.

This is also a time to consider what God has been doing. Do you see that every drop of water from the heavens above is from the hand of God? “God says to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’ So that everyone He has made may know His work, He stops all people from their work” (Job 37:6-7). Do you realize this storm is to get your attention, to get you to stop what you’re doing so you look to Him, and to put the fear of God in you? Do you see that God is sounding the alarm, trying to wake you up from your sleep, to jolt you out of your slumber? God is calling on all Americans to wake up!

“The clouds change direction, turning around by His guidance, that they may do whatever He commands them on the face of the earth. Whether for correction, or for His world, or for lovingkindness, He causes it to happen… stop and consider God’s wonders” (Job 37:12-14). “The voice of the Lord is over the waters… The Lord sits enthroned over the flood. The Lord is King forever” (Psalm 29:3, 10). We get so occupied and distracted by school, work, sports, games, TV, texts and tweets, but might we hear the voice of the Lord. Listen up! God is telling us that He is God and we are but men, and that He is holy, supreme and powerful, and that He can do whatever He wants. Daniel 4:35

But what is God saying to those who don’t know Him? He wants them to know about His mercy, but it’s not just a temporal mercy by helping them through a physical problem, like a flood, but an eternal mercy by offering salvation from their sins, from their greatest spiritual problem. Yes, God wants to physically save people out of the rain and the flood and all the destruction that goes with it, but He’s more concerned about showing mercy to people by saving them from an eternal hell. 1 Timothy 2:3-6

How can a person be saved from his sins and from hell? He needs to know he’s a sinner in need of a Savior. He needs to know he has not loved God, but has loved himself and pleasure and money, or that he’s been proud, or that he has ignored and disobeyed God, or that he’s been angry, covetous or immoral. A person then needs to genuinely repent of his sins, and truly believe that Christ actually died for him, and was punished by God for all his sins. Those who repent and believe, who call out to God for mercy, will be forgiven, and be given eternal life, and become children of God. Christ can save you from your sins, from the spiritual cancer that’s killing you, and this is the best and most important news in the world. “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, to bring you to God” (1 Peter 3:18). “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). Ephesians 2:8-9, John 5:24

What is God saying to the person who’s already a true Christian? That if he is spiritually sleeping, then by God’s grace, he needs to wake up. If he is sinning, then he needs to repent and be holy. If he is loving the world, then he needs to love God. If he is proud, then he needs to be humble. If he is worried, then he needs to see that God is sovereign. If he is disobedient, then he needs to obey God. If he is churchless, then he needs to get in a good Bible church, faithfully loving and serving the saints. Finally, he is to tell others the good news about how Christ can save them from sin, death and hell. I must say that there’s no greater joy than knowing the Lord, worshiping Him, working for Him, and waiting for His glorious return and the rapture of the church.

Let me ask again, do you see what God is doing? He ordains little trials as well as these massive storms, these super-natural disasters. And He wants you to know Him as the One who meets both your physical and spiritual needs “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me besides quiet waters.” Psalm 23:1-2

P.S. – All kinds of calamities will continue on up to the return of Christ. Next week, I am planning on looking at the birth pains – the wars, famines, plagues and earthquakes that are and will be taking place in the end times.

P.P.S. – I have just posted a very informative and important article about the coming of Jesus Christ. (By the way, my son is safe and encouraged).

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